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How food stamps/Medicaid/child care subsidies work

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posted on Jul, 21 2015 @ 08:33 PM
Do those states that pay top dollar welfare also pay
top dollar for disabled people? & Vets?


posted on Jul, 21 2015 @ 08:34 PM
Thanks for the replies.

Another thing I neglected to mention earlier is that most economic support workers are very much overloaded with cases. Average caseload in my county is 1300. Yes, over one thousand clients per worker. These workers are way overworked, and it's all they can do to stay somewhat caught up. But they work their buns off and are very passionate about what they do. Not for the faint of heart. They spend hours in a call center getting yelled and screamed at. It's an insane workload, and the burnout rate is high. There is a lot of stress and health problems.

I believe it is like this for economic support workers throughout the country. I am in awe of what they do. I am a clerk/receptionist, and I would do anything for them.

posted on Jul, 21 2015 @ 08:58 PM

originally posted by: Ultralight
a reply to: ChiefD

I have an employee being paid $2113.00 every 2 weeks. She rejected our group helth benefits because she has medicaid for her and her 14 year old daughter. She receives food stamp assistance as well. She takes home $4300 a month. How does she qualify for my tax dollars toward Medicaid and food stamps? She just bought a 2015 Honda something brand new.

What would I need to pay her for her not to qualify for taxpaid assistance?

Throughput the year she also makes another minimum $1500 on top of her salary for bonuses and profit share.

She is poor.?

She prolly lied on her application,and you need to file a complaint and have her reviewed. I get food stamps too but im un-employed and applying for disability. People need to report abuse more often.

posted on Jul, 21 2015 @ 10:23 PM

originally posted by: ChiefD
Thanks for all the responses. Great conversation so far.

Ketsuko, yes, if someone is undocumented and their children are born in the U.S., then the children can get benefits. They are usually the poorest of the poor. They do count the parents income. Many are working more than one job. They are mistreated by their employers and take the dirty work most of us would look down on. So I hardly think they have it made in the shade. They are also some of the nicest people I see. They are polite, and despite their bleak lot in life are almost always smiling.

I refuse to look down on someone who is trying to make a better life for their family. Don't judge lest you be judged.

I have worked with illegals for years. Some of the women would claim a one income household when in reality, they had husbands working under the table tax free, the women had jobs that paid above minimum wage and having an anchor baby or two or three, they got free food, cheap housing, medical. They were way above the poverty limit. None of the ones that I knew were treated any different than anyone else. So no, they are not always the poorest of the poor.

posted on Jul, 21 2015 @ 10:51 PM
In KS they do not pay any sales tax on food like every other person who is not getting a EBT card.

originally posted by: Ultralight
a reply to: ChiefD

I have an employee being paid $2113.00 every 2 weeks. She rejected our group helth benefits because she has medicaid for her and her 14 year old daughter. She receives food stamp assistance as well. She takes home $4300 a month. How does she qualify for my tax dollars toward Medicaid and food stamps? She just bought a 2015 Honda something brand new.

What would I need to pay her for her not to qualify for taxpaid assistance?

Throughput the year she also makes another minimum $1500 on top of her salary for bonuses and profit share.

She is poor.?

posted on Jul, 21 2015 @ 11:34 PM
a reply to: reldra

Yes, I own it.
She made it my business when one of her creditors had her wage garnishments served to me at my home by the sheriff dept.

You don't know me at all, missy. So back off.

I am the lowest paid employee in MY company. My employees own shares, get bonuses, high perks, and it bothers me that she qualifies for aid and could be taking from others who need it more. So I am asking what is the definition of poor these days?

Now, jump off your high horse and answer my question!

posted on Jul, 21 2015 @ 11:37 PM
a reply to: alienjuggalo

I am hiring, actually!

posted on Jul, 21 2015 @ 11:39 PM
a reply to: yuppa

Thanks for the advice. I won't do this but it does bother me that someone I know could be taking resources from other who are in need of it more than she.

posted on Jul, 21 2015 @ 11:41 PM
a reply to: guitarplayer

Does Kansas have CRV fee? And if so, do those on aid have to pay it?

posted on Jul, 22 2015 @ 12:26 AM
a reply to: ChiefD
Bless your heart and all the folks who work in this field. You have my deepest respect.

A young relative of mine is a social worker in a large urban area of Tennessee. She's only been doing it for about 4 years and she's already near burn-out because of the caseload. She is presently on maternity leave and is seriously considering resigning when her leave is up. For them, this is a period of seeing if they can live on his salary. Since they aren't in debt and got a fabulous deal on a house, she is looking at becoming a stay-at-home Mom for a few years so she can go back with a fresh outlook.

On the other hand I have relatives her age who are sitting on their behinds collecting benefits that they should be out there working to earn. And yes, they boast about having more babies and getting more benefits. They brag openly about milking the system, jeering at their peers who are acting like responsible adults.

So I see both sides of this issue and try to keep that "There but for the grace of God, go I." saying in mind. It was one of my father's stand-by quips. But I'll admit to resenting them forcing the rest of the working public to support them while their same-aged relatives struggle to work, pay their bills and wait until they can afford a home and children of their own. It just seems that we tend to reward sloth rather than initiative in today's government structure.

posted on Jul, 22 2015 @ 04:46 AM
I have been in the retail business for many years and i have seen the corruption with the system . The rich take advantage ,the young ,the undocumented ,and drug addicts . I dont claim to have an answer but things need to change from the polocy makers to our values in order to see a change .

posted on Jul, 22 2015 @ 05:50 AM
I sounded off on another thread and I'll do it again here:
After a BA and 16 years straight of being 100% independent I found myself suddenly disabled. It took 2 years to get disability benefits. While I was waiting I lost my apartment, my car was repossessed, my credit ruined and myself and my 2 year old daughter ended up in a homeless shelter for a month before we finally moved into and old house on my parent's property. (and you say, "Oh a free house" let me tell you it should have been condemned, it's been 2 years and I'm still working on it)

We only survived because of food stamps, Medicaid, and TANF (cash help). TANF only gave me $230 per month, that was the maximum for one adult and one dependent...$230 doesn't go very far. I had to jump through many hoops and I didn't even get all the help applied no help from the county with my bills- hence losing my apartment, housing assistance takes YEARS of being on a waiting list. I am a relatively intelligent person and navigating the system was the most convoluted, stressful thing I've ever dealt with.

Yes there are a small percentage of 'leeches' as the other thread labelled them....people lying about income to receive benefits, women 'pushing out babies' to stay on benefits, illegal aliens, able bodied folks trying to get disability. BUT if we're talking about wasted money these folks are but a drop in the bucket. The real problem is waste, fraud and mismanagement WITHIN the welfare system. The majority of Medicaid/Medicare fraud is perpetrated by doctors- not 'leech' patients. I read a stat the other day that Medicaid spent $3 billion to collect $1.5 billion of a $1.5 billion loss for nothing. I can't tell you how many times they sent me redundant paperwork, or required me to fill out new paperwork for info they should have already had on file....if they cut that crap out they would save MILLIONS on all the paper, ink and staff time. If you go to a local office for help, they direct you to a computer in the corner! WhyTF even have a local office???? What are those ladies being paid for?

I could write a book of ways to make the system more efficient, but it's such a cluster f**k of a monstrosity at this point that the needed improvements will never be made. *shrug* When bashing the welfare system, just be sure you put the blame where it belongs, and that's not on the tiny fraction of 'leeches'.

posted on Jul, 22 2015 @ 05:58 AM

originally posted by: threestepsmr
a reply to: ChiefD

You can also buy things like fruit and vegetable seeds onion sets and plants. I believe this aspect of the program is under utilized. Perhaps some basic gardening instructions could be added to maximize the potential help.

Most people who are poor do not have the luxury of owning gardens. Not only does my landlord forbid me from planting one, but if I were to do so the plants would either be destroyed or have all their food stolen in the middle of the night, by the same people who rummage through the trash, steal the lawn chairs, and give you an incentive to make sure your car doors are locked at night.

posted on Jul, 22 2015 @ 07:04 AM
Is, "I am ashamed to be here" anything like when the girl that says, "I have never done this before"?

It's kind of like, how is MTV paying the illegal immigrant producer? Are they not paying him or is he not illegal?

posted on Jul, 22 2015 @ 07:22 AM
a reply to: ketsuko

I am in kansas and that is exactly what i was going to say. around here we will get situations where 6-7 illegals and their children will live in one house and yet claim benefits for all their "legal" children. and somehow they never get caught. there must be a loophole somewhere.

posted on Jul, 22 2015 @ 09:49 AM
a reply to: ChiefD

Thanks for clearing up those misconceptions. I have seen others on here as well, for example you cannot withdraw cash from your EBT card.

posted on Jul, 22 2015 @ 10:01 AM
I cant a reply to: Aazadan

I can't speak to all the nations poor but I live in West Virginia and am very poor myself. In my county we have few low income apartment complexes or for that matter apartment complexes at all. Most of my neighbors who would be eligible for snap benefits / food stamps do have access to a small piece of dirt that could be be used to provide their families with cheap nutritious organic vegetables. A two dollar pack of garden beans and a eight foot X two foot piece of dirt can yield a novice gardener 40 or 50 lbs of beans two or three times in a growing season. I don't believe this is a luxury outside the capability of many of the families in the snap program in my county.

posted on Jul, 22 2015 @ 10:03 AM

originally posted by: eisegesis
a reply to: reldra

Cato Institute: Welfare Pays More Than Twice Minimum Wage In A Dozen States

"Many welfare recipients, even those receiving the highest level of benefits, are doing everything they can to find employment and leave the welfare system," the study's authors concludes. "Still, it is undeniable that for many recipients —especially long-term dependents — welfare pays more than the type of entry level job that a typical welfare recipient can expect to find."

Only 42% are following the guidelines while the rest slip through the cracks. We spend over half a trillion per year on low income families. You finally get a job and make less, increasing your struggle. Where's the incentive?

In my opinion, it was designed to keep certain "undesirables" down because they don't want to work hard and will never be coerced to change their minds.

The government would rather pay to keep them poor and unproductive, a method of control, than reform their own self serving system to create a path towards self sustainability.

Too many educated, self sufficient, non-corrupt individuals create a "too many fish in our pond" scenario for the big boys.

I'm calling BS on this map. I'm disabled and I live in one of the red states (Michigan). My income in $9000 a year I don't even qualify for food stamp because I make too much money. No way is someone just on welfare making above minimum wage off of the system.

posted on Jul, 22 2015 @ 10:17 AM

originally posted by: Ultralight
a reply to: ChiefD

I have an employee being paid $2113.00 every 2 weeks. She rejected our group helth benefits because she has medicaid for her and her 14 year old daughter. She receives food stamp assistance as well. She takes home $4300 a month. How does she qualify for my tax dollars toward Medicaid and food stamps? She just bought a 2015 Honda something brand new.

What would I need to pay her for her not to qualify for taxpaid assistance?

Throughput the year she also makes another minimum $1500 on top of her salary for bonuses and profit share.

She is poor.?

I think you got your facts wrong. For her household size, if it was 3, she could only earn up to $2,144 per month to receive food stamps, and that would put her on the lower end of the benefits.

Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program

I don't know what her situation is regarding medicaid.

posted on Jul, 22 2015 @ 10:28 AM

originally posted by: darkbake
a reply to: ChiefD

Thanks for clearing up those misconceptions. I have seen others on here as well, for example you cannot withdraw cash from your EBT card.

Not legally, but it happens all the time all over the country anyway.


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