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Planned Parenthood Sells Dead Baby Parts

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posted on Jul, 14 2015 @ 06:21 PM
a reply to: reldra
So what are you trying to say that there having a conversation in that vid and talking about selling parts and even the "lower extremities" it seems are on the market, and about selling them to people and groups for what? monopoly money? Or you saying they are just giving parts away?

Now that would just be bad business. Or is this about the whole public funded company and institution trying to cover there costs? I mean what are you getting at? Do you have a point? Besides its a proven thing time and time again. That were there is money to be made somebody will be there to make it. Were there is a profit there is a way, has been the moto of humankind for oh ages now.

posted on Jul, 14 2015 @ 06:21 PM

originally posted by: MystikMushroom

One would think pro-life people would be strong advocates of sex education and free OTC birth control to prevent unwanted pregnancies. Having sex is a natural human instinct, and abstinence-only education doesn't seem to be working:

I think showing a bunch of 10 year olds the abortion video that was removed from this thread would be much more effective than teaching them how to use condoms.

posted on Jul, 14 2015 @ 06:24 PM

originally posted by: stosh64
a reply to: MystikMushroom
I posted a video earlier in the thread of a baby that was in distress and had to be delivered at 22 weeks.

Does that baby in the video fighting for his life have any rights?

Not for me to decide, I'm not anyone's moral authority. I simply go off what information other people (doctors and scientists) more knowledgeable about these things tell me.

Coma patients are considered legally dead when there is no longer any brainwave activity. Dead means an absence of life. The same people that would keep the respiratory and circulatory systems in these coma patients going via artificial means are also the same people apparently who are pro-life.

In these people their "ghost" is gone IMO. No electrical impulses in brain means no one is home upstairs. At this point to me, they're just a meat suit without a consciousness (which you might call a soul if you are religiously inclined).

I would have no problems with someone unplugging me and using my body for science if I was brain dead. Not one bit.

posted on Jul, 14 2015 @ 06:26 PM
a reply to: MystikMushroom

I've had to make that decision twice during my life and I believe sometimes it's the only moral thing to do. A life of suffering or a life in which the body is alive, but brain is not is no life at all.
edit on 14-7-2015 by introvert because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 14 2015 @ 06:30 PM

originally posted by: galadofwarthethird
a reply to: reldra
So what are you trying to say that there having a conversation in that vid and talking about selling parts and even the "lower extremities" it seems are on the market, and about selling them to people and groups for what? monopoly money? Or you saying they are just giving parts away?

Now that would just be bad business. Or is this about the whole public funded company and institution trying to cover there costs? I mean what are you getting at? Do you have a point? Besides its a proven thing time and time again. That were there is money to be made somebody will be there to make it. Were there is a profit there is a way, has been the moto of humankind for oh ages now.

There is no money to be made here. They are covering their costs in preparing and preserving the donations. She believed she was speaking to an above board research facility. Nothing that she said is illegal. It is common medical practice. Every time a hospital or a medical provider forms a new relationship with a research facility, this is the type of conversation that will be had. If neither knew how the other operated, no donations from anywhere would ever happen.

If the case was that a research facility knocked on their back door and said "Hey, you got any eyes to donate?" and the person who answered the door said "Ya. Here's one on the counter. Let me put it in a sandwich bag for you." That probably wouldn't cost anything. But that is not how it is done. The place that keeps the eye viable and removed it receives a standard fee for having done that, not for the eye itself and they have a contract.
edit on 14-7-2015 by reldra because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 14 2015 @ 06:42 PM

originally posted by: Dfairlite

originally posted by: grey580
a reply to: ManBehindTheMask


I said that I couldn't find this news on anything other than conservative news sites.

I'm trying to find a mainstream news source for this and I don't see one.

If you can find me one that would be great.

I love this. Are you seriously that upset that someone who thinks different from you reported on this while like minded organizations did not? So upset as to disregard it completely based on that alone? Ad hominem at it's finest.

No sir.

I don't care about like mindedness. I care about this story being true un biased and 100% factual.

When I see something only being reported on conservative websites my tin foil gets itchy.

I'm not disregarding the story. I'm only asking for everyone to vet the information.

If it's 100% true then we have a problem.

posted on Jul, 14 2015 @ 06:42 PM

originally posted by: reldra
It's not in violation of federal law. That is a figure in regard to legal fees collected for preservation, transportation, etc and is noted as legal for donation of fetal parts in the statute. The law and the wording has been posted and sourced multiple times in this thread.

Well it sounds like their lawyers found a way to sell body parts without actually selling body parts. Sort of like how an escort isn't officially paid to bed down with a client.

posted on Jul, 14 2015 @ 06:43 PM

originally posted by: beezzer
I'll share something with you pro-abortion folks.

My son was born with a birth defect that has caused blindness.

I know some of you proponents would have felt no qualms at "red-binning" my beautiful son.

I'll always be against abortion.

You just touched on something that really chaps my a$$ about these debates. Pro-Choice folks seem to think they're fortune tellers now, like they can somehow determine what a child's life is going to be like before they are even born and using that prediction to justify killing it.

If your wife had aborted your son because of his defect, these folks would be patting her on the back for commiting such a "selfless" act and "sparing" him such a "horrible" existence.

Its disgusting really.

posted on Jul, 14 2015 @ 06:43 PM
Where do you apply for the job of sectioning little human bodies up into their various parts?
I am too late to become a doctor. They have the real sweet job of crushing and snipping at the climax of the procedure.

^^ Did anyone find this comment to be a bit twisted? Sick?^^
Me too.
But there are people doing this stuff every day.
Ever wonder what kind of person one has to be to do that?

posted on Jul, 14 2015 @ 06:44 PM
a reply to: reldra

That is why this federal law exists. It stops organ trafficking yet allows for organ donation.

Its NOT a donation, if they are PAYING for it........for christ sake

posted on Jul, 14 2015 @ 06:44 PM
Justifications and apologetics aside - PP is still both counseling and assisting vulnerable women considering abortion while also brokering an after-market in aborted fetuses. There's an inherent conflict there.
edit on 7/14/2015 by kosmicjack because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 14 2015 @ 06:46 PM

originally posted by: reldra
There is no money to be made here. They are covering their costs in preparing and preserving the donations. She believed she was speaking to an above board research facility. Nothing that she said is illegal. It is common medical practice. Every time a hospital or a medical provider forms a new relationship with a research facility, this is the type of conversation that will be had. If neither knew how the other operated, no donations from anywhere would ever happen.

I could make the same argument if I simply harvested organs from cadavers and sold them on the market as a "non profit" business. Of course, all "non profit" is from a tax perspective is a company that has no money carried over to the next fiscal year. You can still run a highly lucrative "non profit" business (just look at "non profit" marijuana dispensaries).

posted on Jul, 14 2015 @ 06:47 PM

originally posted by: Bone75

originally posted by: beezzer
I'll share something with you pro-abortion folks.

My son was born with a birth defect that has caused blindness.

I know some of you proponents would have felt no qualms at "red-binning" my beautiful son.

I'll always be against abortion.

You just touched on something that really chaps my a$$ about these debates. Pro-Choice folks seem to think they're fortune tellers now, like they can somehow determine what a child's life is going to be like before they are even born and using that prediction to justify killing it.

If your wife had aborted your son because of his defect, these folks would be patting her on the back for commiting such a "selfless" act and "sparing" him such a "horrible" existence.

Its disgusting really.

Thank you for your post.

It's seems off somehow, where so many will fight so hard for rights and will fight so hard to deny rights at the same time.

posted on Jul, 14 2015 @ 06:47 PM

originally posted by: kosmicjack
Justificatios and apologetics aside - PP is still both counseling and assisting vulnerable women considering abortion while also brokering an after-market in aborted fetuses. There's an inherent conflict there.

Uhhh yeah, just a bit. But hey, it's just body parts to them. Really no different than parting out totalled cars. Sigh.

posted on Jul, 14 2015 @ 06:48 PM

originally posted by: Guidance.Is.Internal

originally posted by: reldra
It's not in violation of federal law. That is a figure in regard to legal fees collected for preservation, transportation, etc and is noted as legal for donation of fetal parts in the statute. The law and the wording has been posted and sourced multiple times in this thread.

Well it sounds like their lawyers found a way to sell body parts without actually selling body parts. Sort of like how an escort isn't officially paid to bed down with a client.

'legal fees' was a mistype. It is just fees. They are operating within the bounds of federal law, the same as every medical facility does in regard to donations. The fees are for the removal , storage, preparation of 'part' not for the part itself. Every hospital that accepts donations of organs collects the same fees from research facilities.

posted on Jul, 14 2015 @ 06:50 PM
a reply to: Guidance.Is.Internal

You aren't going to make much profit if it costs you $30 to properly preserve the specimen, and you charge $30 per specimen.

posted on Jul, 14 2015 @ 06:50 PM

posted on Jul, 14 2015 @ 06:50 PM

originally posted by: introvert
a reply to: ManBehindTheMask

Did you happen to read the link she provided? Come to find out the man behind this video is the same man that brought us the "pimp man" acorn video.

Funny, as a result of that 'video' acorn lost Federal funding and ended up disbanding because of it.

We will see if this results in further investigation.

posted on Jul, 14 2015 @ 06:51 PM

originally posted by: butcherguy
Where do you apply for the job of sectioning little human bodies up into their various parts?
I am too late to become a doctor. They have the real sweet job of crushing and snipping at the climax of the procedure.

^^ Did anyone find this comment to be a bit twisted? Sick?^^
Me too.
But there are people doing this stuff every day.
Ever wonder what kind of person one has to be to do that?

Yes, there are people who believe donations of this type to research leads to great strides in medicine. And it does. Shall we just stop donating and throw it all out? Should we take the option designate yourself as an organ donor from your driver's license?

posted on Jul, 14 2015 @ 06:51 PM
a reply to: kosmicjack

Semantics? No. Facts. Yes. They do not profit from this. It's done for research. The money is to recoup costs. Otherwise, the law would be all over them all the time.

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