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Bush vs Clinton in 2016, well maybe not

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posted on Jun, 26 2015 @ 12:30 AM

originally posted by: LDragonFire
I think 21% are undecided.

Rubio voted for the tpp and Cruz, Paul and Sanders didn't.
You hit it on the head, money talks.

I knew Sanders and Paul voted no. Didn't realize that Cruz voted no too. That surprises me actually.

What about Clinton???

posted on Jun, 26 2015 @ 12:41 AM
Clinton is no longer a senator

Grouped by Home State Alabama: Sessions (R-AL), Nay Shelby (R-AL), Nay Alaska: Murkowski (R-AK), Yea Sullivan (R-AK), Yea Arizona: Flake (R-AZ), Yea McCain (R-AZ), Yea Arkansas: Boozman (R-AR), Yea Cotton (R-AR), Yea California: Boxer (D-CA), Nay Feinstein (D-CA), Yea Colorado: Bennet (D-CO), Yea Gardner (R-CO), Yea Connecticut: Blumenthal (D-CT), Nay Murphy (D-CT), Nay Delaware: Carper (D-DE), Yea Coons (D-DE), Yea Florida: Nelson (D-FL), Yea Rubio (R-FL), Yea Georgia: Isakson (R-GA), Yea Perdue (R-GA), Yea Hawaii: Hirono (D-HI), Nay Schatz (D-HI), Nay Idaho: Crapo (R-ID), Yea Risch (R-ID), Yea Illinois: Durbin (D-IL), Nay Kirk (R-IL), Yea Indiana: Coats (R-IN), Yea Donnelly (D-IN), Nay Iowa: Ernst (R-IA), Yea Grassley (R-IA), Yea Kansas: Moran (R-KS), Yea Roberts (R-KS), Yea Kentucky: McConnell (R-KY), Yea Paul (R-KY), Nay Louisiana: Cassidy (R-LA), Yea Vitter (R-LA), Yea Maine: Collins (R-ME), Nay King (I-ME), Nay Maryland: Cardin (D-MD), Nay Mikulski (D-MD), Nay Massachusetts: Markey (D-MA), Nay Warren (D-MA), Nay Michigan: Peters (D-MI), Nay Stabenow (D-MI), Nay Minnesota: Franken (D-MN), Nay Klobuchar (D-MN), Nay Mississippi: Cochran (R-MS), Yea Wicker (R-MS), Yea Missouri: Blunt (R-MO), Yea McCaskill (D-MO), Yea Montana: Daines (R-MT), Yea Tester (D-MT), Nay Nebraska: Fischer (R-NE), Yea Sasse (R-NE), Yea Nevada: Heller (R-NV), Yea Reid (D-NV), Nay New Hampshire: Ayotte (R-NH), Yea Shaheen (D-NH), Yea New Jersey: Booker (D-NJ), Nay Menendez (D-NJ), Not Voting New Mexico: Heinrich (D-NM), Nay Udall (D-NM), Nay New York: Gillibrand (D-NY), Nay Schumer (D-NY), Nay North Carolina: Burr (R-NC), Yea Tillis (R-NC), Yea North Dakota: Heitkamp (D-ND), Yea Hoeven (R-ND), Yea Ohio: Brown (D-OH), Nay Portman (R-OH), Yea Oklahoma: Inhofe (R-OK), Yea Lankford (R-OK), Yea Oregon: Merkley (D-OR), Nay Wyden (D-OR), Yea Pennsylvania: Casey (D-PA), Nay Toomey (R-PA), Yea Rhode Island: Reed (D-RI), Nay Whitehouse (D-RI), Nay South Carolina: Graham (R-SC), Yea Scott (R-SC), Yea South Dakota: Rounds (R-SD), Yea Thune (R-SD), Yea Tennessee: Alexander (R-TN), Yea Corker (R-TN), Not Voting Texas: Cornyn (R-TX), Yea Cruz (R-TX), Nay Utah: Hatch (R-UT), Yea Lee (R-UT), Not Voting Vermont: Leahy (D-VT), Nay Sanders (I-VT), Nay Virginia: Kaine (D-VA), Yea Warner (D-VA), Yea Washington: Cantwell (D-WA), Yea Murray (D-WA), Yea West Virginia: Capito (R-WV), Yea Manchin (D-WV), Nay Wisconsin: Baldwin (D-WI), Nay Johnson (R-WI), Yea Wyoming: Barrasso (R-WY), Yea Enzi (R-WY), Yea

'A Great Day for Corporate America': US Senate Passes Fast Track

a reply to: mOjOm

edit on 26-6-2015 by LDragonFire because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 26 2015 @ 12:46 AM
a reply to: LDragonFire

I didn't realize that she didn't have a vote on this....Isn't that convenient for her not to have to be on record voting to sell out her country.

Any info on what her position toward it is??? Both official and The Truth??

posted on Jun, 26 2015 @ 12:56 AM
a reply to: mOjOm
Hilary is a former senator she doesn't hold any public office currently. She is running for president, she might be unemployed.

I assume her position is whatever her handlers what it to be?? Sanders was calling her out on it but I don't know what her response was.

edit on 26-6-2015 by LDragonFire because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 26 2015 @ 01:03 AM
a reply to: LDragonFire


I seem to have found the answer right here

Hillary Clinton on Free Trade

Chief advocate for Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) Within the populist Democratic movement, there is a rising tide against once-popular trade deals. Clinton has been involved with many of the pacts from her time as first lady, in the Senate and finally, as part of the Obama administration. Clinton saw herself in the middle of the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) during her husband's presidency. She supported deals with Oman, Chile and Singapore during her tenure in the Senate. As secretary of State, she was a chief advocate as talks commenced surrounding the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP), one of the largest worldwide deals in recent history. Many proponents of the agreements argue that negotiations need to take place in secret in order to protect the fragile interests of participating countries. This has not sat well with public interest groups and more liberal members of the Democratic Party. Source: Megan R. Wilson in weblog, "Clinton vs. Warren" , Aug 24, 2014

posted on Jun, 26 2015 @ 01:10 AM
Apparently Trump isn't a big fan of the TPP either. Gee, I wonder if we'll see him start to drop rank in the race as well leaving ol' Jeb "The Yes Man" Bush walk his way to the Primary winner???

Followed up by Hillary "The Crone" Clinton???

After all, with both Candidates in your pocket you can't lose.

I suppose I should start starving myself now while sitting in the sun for 20 hours a day straight to prepare myself for my new Corporate Masters and eventual position in Sweatshop USA.

posted on Jun, 26 2015 @ 04:31 AM
a reply to: LDragonFire

It is so early on in the game that this stuff just doesn't matter really. At least not to me or most Americans who actually vote. I hope Bernie Sanders smokes Clinton at the polls and gets the Popular and Electoral once winning the primary but hoping in one hand and crapping in the other usually displays which one carries more weight in reality.

I guess we will just have to wait and see.

posted on Jun, 26 2015 @ 12:42 PM

originally posted by: LDragonFire
a reply to: amazing

I know Ann Coulter thinks of the declared candidates that Trump will win, of all Republicans she favors a Romney/Walker ticket. She thinks Romney would crush Clinton but she also thinks Sanders would win against Romney.

I never thought Ann was that smart. I don't think Romney could beat anyone. Romney/Walker is not better than Romney/Ryan. I think Hillary would crush that ticket.

posted on Jun, 26 2015 @ 01:17 PM

originally posted by: stosh64
a reply to: BlackboxInquiry

New blood worked out so well this last time didn't it?

Haha - not new blood really.

Not just in names, but in a person who has actual Honor, Integrity and the willingness to do the job....and not just there for a paycheck, power and lining their friends pockets with our cash.

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