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Pope calls for end to fossil fuels

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posted on Jun, 19 2015 @ 11:11 AM
a reply to: AugustusMasonicus

Does he or does he not live in the Apostolic Palace?

I do not care if he thinks he is Popey Potter and lives under the stairs, he still lives there. The place is sprawling and in case you missed it they spent $700,000+ PER PERSON to make the Vatican 'green'.

What - folks with money can't speak green? Rich people should not have philosophical or humanitarian points of view?

What do you care where he lives - you some kind of communist?


Revolution in the air...

posted on Jun, 19 2015 @ 11:19 AM

originally posted by: Spiramirabilis
What - folks with money can't speak green? Rich people should not have philosophical or humanitarian points of view?

Huh? Since when are we discussing 'folks with money'? This is the goddamn Roman Catholic Church which is one of the most corrupt organizations in the history of mankind and where they dwell in spectacular opulence.

Ever see the gold-plated Popes that line the inside of St. Peter's?

What do you care where he lives - you some kind of communist?

When a man who lives in a palace tells me what to do I take pause.

posted on Jun, 19 2015 @ 11:31 AM
Aa reply to: TrueBrit

G,day mate
well thought out
well presented
accurate and worth reading
but the silly galah still wears great grandma,s fire bellows on his heat and gets around dressed in drag
so i really cant take him too seriously

posted on Jun, 19 2015 @ 11:39 AM
a reply to: pronto


I know what you mean. Ceremonial nonsense and ritualism have never been particularly endearing to me, especially when they venerate the person, and not the Godhood, but that's semantics really.

The point is, for all that he dresses like a tit, his points are not without some significant merit. I have to point out also, mostly for my own sake, that dressing, and looking like a complete tit is not necessarily an indicator of how worthy ones comments might be on a given topic!

posted on Jun, 19 2015 @ 11:43 AM
a reply to: AugustusMasonicus

When a man who lives in a palace tells me what to do I take pause.

Even if he lives there only after he's elected?

Maybe from now on our presidents should just rent a nice little walk up somewhere on a bus route in D.C., nothing too fussy...

Should they be allowed AC?


Yes, we know - you hate the pope and the Vatican was built with blood money. They live like kings while the workers drop dead in the fields...

No argument from me - that money could have been better spent in the past - and should maybe be redistributed now. We'll see - this might just be that kind of pope

You still think he talks nonsense about the climate?

posted on Jun, 19 2015 @ 11:45 AM
Beautiful how the anti-Catholic bigotry is tolerated / celebrated here at ATS!

posted on Jun, 19 2015 @ 11:57 AM

originally posted by: Spiramirabilis
Even if he lives there only after he's elected?

Elected by who? The other guys that live in the palace?

You still think he talks nonsense about the climate?

I thought I answered this several times in the thread.

posted on Jun, 19 2015 @ 12:19 PM

originally posted by: TrueBrit
a reply to: pronto


I know what you mean. Ceremonial nonsense and ritualism have never been particularly endearing to me, especially when they venerate the person, and not the Godhood, but that's semantics really.

The point is, for all that he dresses like a tit, his points are not without some significant merit. I have to point out also, mostly for my own sake, that dressing, and looking like a complete tit is not necessarily an indicator of how worthy ones comments might be on a given topic!

G,day again
yes your right
i spend most on my time getting around in cut down blue jeans with boots and sox
and number one son says i look like fred bloody dag.
but hey i feel comfortable and i keep telling him when he puts shorts on
hey you with the lilly whites i need sun glasses on to look at those legs
and what do you call those things your pins are poking out of long shorts or short longs
but i digress i cant see the world running out of oil anytime soon and one of the main probs with unleaded fuel is its supposed to be cancer causing so its worse than leaded was but i promise i will give up my big aussie six when they whom ever they are give me the enterprise
your other comment about the bloke being a man of the people i also agree with
bugga its 0248 hrs im orf to the fart sack
have a good one bloke

posted on Jun, 19 2015 @ 12:49 PM
a reply to: AugustusMasonicus

OK - so you're being trolled :-)

Let me ask you a real question - who would you take seriously?

posted on Jun, 19 2015 @ 01:05 PM
a reply to: Rezlooper

He should do it because he believes it. Just like a christian should follow the constructs laid by christ regardless of others adherence to them. You should live what you believe. If the pope believes fossil fuels are destroying the planet then he should stop using fossil fuels directly (no one can stop using them indirectly).
edit on 19-6-2015 by Dfairlite because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 19 2015 @ 01:20 PM

originally posted by: beezzer
a reply to: amazing

So China is on board with this?

Is Putin's Russia?

Why do we care what they do? Let's do what's right for us because fighting global warming or whatever you call it, really starts with renewable (cheaper or free) energy, less pollution and more recycling. There's no downside.

posted on Jun, 19 2015 @ 01:22 PM

originally posted by: NavyDoc

originally posted by: amazing

originally posted by: beezzer
This whole argument is funny.

people act as if America (USA) is the only country not doing anything for the climate.

I'm sure the entire African continent, all of Europe and all of Asia all do everything they can for man-made climate change.

Only the USA is against it and everyone who is fighting this is actually ruining the planet.


It's just that we're one of the few countries not listening to scientists. We'd rather listen to a pundit with no clue to what science actually is in the USA.

Would like to note that the vatican now, is more inclined to honor science and scientific research...Vatican Observatory is one of the oldest astronomical institutes in the world as just one example.

The pope and vatican is more likely to align with real science than American politicians.

except of the science of diddling little boys?

C'mon. We are told over and over again how religion keeps science down and now all of sudden it doesn't? we got some cognitive dissonance here?

I'm no fan of Catholics, but if this get's a billion people on board, then I'm all for it.

The past century, the Vatican has been on board with Science, in many ways. They're way more on board with evolution then most other Christian churches and the vatican Observatory is one of the oldest astronomical observatories on earth. There's no cognitive dissonance with the vatican and science. Not lately.

posted on Jun, 19 2015 @ 01:24 PM
Obama praised the plan of pope Francis, Did anyone post it? Sorry can't follow everything.

Obama calls for world leaders to heed Pope Francis’s message

posted on Jun, 19 2015 @ 01:28 PM
I will backtrack from previous long posts, as being just possibilities and suggestions.

Her eis another possibility: we have extended time of peace, let say 3 - 30 years, in which we are gradually healed, and introduced to the new world, to the larger picture of the Universe. If someone searches for antichrist, he could appear after that temporal peace, at the time when the people would have had enough time, satisfied of the minimum necessities, and thus to exercise their free will, understanding consciously what is going on. If that time happens now, 95% of the people wouldn't understand what is going on, or would be put under threats to decide. Therefore, more logical for the omnipotent God is to allow such temporal peace to occur first. That corresponds also to the Fatima promises of era of peace.

posted on Jun, 19 2015 @ 01:36 PM

originally posted by: Spiramirabilis
OK - so you're being trolled :-)

Only from the one obvious clown who seems to have left.

Let me ask you a real question - who would you take seriously?

That is a good question. I would say that anyone who walks the walk and demonstrates an actual ability to personally enact in a reasonable fashion what they are advocating others to do who can also enact this lifestyle reasonably.

posted on Jun, 19 2015 @ 01:38 PM

originally posted by: AugustusMasonicus

originally posted by: Spiramirabilis
OK - so you're being trolled :-)

Only from the one obvious clown who seems to have left.

Let me ask you a real question - who would you take seriously?

That is a good question. I would say that anyone who walks the walk and demonstrates an actual ability to personally enact in a reasonable fashion what they are advocating others to do who can also enact this lifestyle reasonably.

And I can tell you that this pope is from a poor community and that he does not have a consumerist lifestyle. Just saying that this pope does walk the walk.

posted on Jun, 19 2015 @ 01:42 PM

originally posted by: amazing

Just saying that this pope does walk the walk.

Yup, he walks right into the Apostolic Palace in the middle of one of the largest accumulations of wealth, art and artefacts on the planet while simultaneoudly being the head of one of the largest property owners and business portfolios in the history of society.

How many villages could go green if they sold off all the superfluity?

posted on Jun, 19 2015 @ 01:45 PM

originally posted by: AugustusMasonicus

originally posted by: amazing

Just saying that this pope does walk the walk.

Yup, he walks right into the Apostolic Palace in the middle of one of the largest accumulations of wealth, art and artefacts on the planet while simultaneoudly being the head of one of the largest property owners and business portfolios in the history of society.

How many villages could go green if they sold off all the superfluity?

You have a point. But there are two ways to enact change. From the outside and from the inside. He's making waves from the inside right now, let's give him time and see what he does. It's sort of like Bill Gates.. way too rich and you might not like his charities but...his wealth allows him to donate billions to these charities...just like the Catholic churche's billions in assets allow it to donate billions to their charities.

I see what you're saying and not trying to defend the catholic church, it's horrible history and it's amazing wealth but...

posted on Jun, 19 2015 @ 02:11 PM

originally posted by: amazing

He's making waves from the inside right now, let's give him time and see what he does.

Fair enough.

It's sort of like Bill Gates.. way too rich and you might not like his charities but...

It is not like Bill Gates at all. Bill Gates accumulated that via business enterprises and gives it away of his own volition. the Vatican collects billions via its constituency.

...just like the Catholic churche's billions in assets allow it to donate billions to their charities.

I see what you're saying and not trying to defend the catholic church, it's horrible history and it's amazing wealth but...

I will give you a task, tell me how much the Vatican gives away to various charities and which ones they are. I guarantee you will not have an easy time tracking this down.

posted on Jun, 19 2015 @ 02:36 PM

originally posted by: AugustusMasonicus

originally posted by: amazing

He's making waves from the inside right now, let's give him time and see what he does.

Fair enough.

It's sort of like Bill Gates.. way too rich and you might not like his charities but...

It is not like Bill Gates at all. Bill Gates accumulated that via business enterprises and gives it away of his own volition. the Vatican collects billions via its constituency.

...just like the Catholic churche's billions in assets allow it to donate billions to their charities.

I see what you're saying and not trying to defend the catholic church, it's horrible history and it's amazing wealth but...

I will give you a task, tell me how much the Vatican gives away to various charities and which ones they are. I guarantee you will not have an easy time tracking this down.

The economist estimates that the Catholic church spends 4.7 Billion per year on charities such as homeless shelters, for one example. And they've been spending at least this much for decades. Again, not defending the Catholic church and this is just one source but...It's probably pretty close to the mark.

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