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Lauren Southern clashes with feminists at SlutWalk

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posted on Jul, 1 2015 @ 02:01 PM

originally posted by: Bluesma
The God is money. The Church of Consumerism.
Which got its big boost from Saint Bernays, Our Father of Public Relations, who brought to us the sacred secrets of manipulating public opinion and the engineering of consent.
Grace be upon our Corporate Masters
And media puppeteers.

Just eat your bread, watch your circus, and cheer and hiss on cue.

Saint Bernays?? Do you mean Edward Bernays...the advertising fellow?? Psychology??

I was just reading some of his bio..where he did some of his manipulation studies on his son. And his son committed suicide later In life.

I'm afraid I don't watch sports..or who is dancing with who..or that Idol nonsense. I need to be mused...not amused.

Most of bread and circuses does not appeal to me.

I particularly do not like that Kardashian program...or whatever it is called. Mindless drivel to me.

The fellow who wrote this psychology book I have been reading...who introduced me to gaslighting....spoke of Edward Bernays and also Charles Fort ...and others in the psychology religion.

Psychology..from the Greek word Psyche..meaning

Sometimes it is interesting when you etymologically break a word down into it's component parts..what you learn about it's meaning...and derivation...history.

One also learns that our forefathers who were literate..were no dummies.

Thanks for your post Bluesma.

posted on Jul, 1 2015 @ 02:20 PM
a reply to: orangetom1999

I didn't mean to critisize YOU in anyway, it was a point about our current society,
meant to be slightly tongue-in-cheek.

Oh yeah... Bernays was Freuds nephew, worked for the US government and big corporations, revolutionizing public relations and propaganda using techniques of sociology and psychology.

He wrote,
The conscious and intelligent manipulation of the organized habits and opinions of the masses is an important element in democratic society. Those who manipulate this unseen mechanism of society constitute an invisible government which is the true ruling power of our country. ...We are governed, our minds are molded, our tastes formed, our ideas suggested, largely by men we have never heard of. This is a logical result of the way in which our democratic society is organized. Vast numbers of human beings must cooperate in this manner if they are to live together as a smoothly functioning society. ...In almost every act of our daily lives, whether in the sphere of politics or business, in our social conduct or our ethical thinking, we are dominated by the relatively small number of persons...who understand the mental processes and social patterns of the masses. It is they who pull the wires which control the public mind.

One of his first most famous campaigns was for the rights of women to smoke. (His wife died of lung cancer later.)

He used Freud's work to figure how to control and manipulate the masses,
without them knowing it, confident that they are exercising their freewill.

posted on Jul, 1 2015 @ 02:45 PM
Hollywood producer, filmmaker, activist and truth seeker Aaron Russo reveals some of the REAL reasons for feminism which was funded and pushed by the Rockefellers and the CIA

posted on Jul, 2 2015 @ 02:54 AM
a reply to: Bluesma

I didn't mean to critisize YOU in anyway, it was a point about our current society,
meant to be slightly tongue-in-cheek. In no way did I take it as criticism.

I merely added to it in that I recognize that many things are amusements..designed to keep us from thinking. Hence I don't like to watch programs such as those I listed. I am also careful when watching the History and Discovery Channel.
We here call the History Channel ..the Hitler Channel and for obvious reasons.

I don't remember if it was this thread or another where I mentioned that leadership often uses the word "Hitler" as currency to purchase leverage over us prevent thinking and get everyone on the Herd..or bandwagon. After all..they used the word "Hitler." What more can anyone say..they used the word Hitler. All thinking is automatically supposed to stop...after all...they used "Hitler."

When I detect that kind of thing I get a bit peeved. Again like watching the same movie over 50 times.

I also don't watch sports on television ..or care for it in movies. Again Bread and circuses. I have no objection to people going into professional sports..if they can get paid for it..for that is free market. They are just not going to get any of my monies. a moment of weakness...I watched a video of some tailgaters...and those Brats they were cooking and dripping with onions and peppers ...was mighty tempting. It looks like they have as good a time in the parking lots as in the stadium. I just in general ..don't like heavily trafficked events like such.

I recognize that sports can teach one to develop their skill set...hand eye coordination and the thinking to match it to achieve goals. ..or in the process to work as a team to reach a goal..nothing wrong with that at all. I just don't care for the bread and circuses type thing. Nor the constant merchandizing. Not for me thanks...nor the worship of the gods of sports.

I had forgotten about Edward Bernays being Freud's Nephew. Thanks for reminding me.

That business you quoted by Bernays, the author of the book on psychopaths I was reading indicates the same thing ...that a nation ...all nations are being lead in this people who are controlling the masses in an almost psychopathic power grab..and playing the masses often against each other on various causes. Even fomenting chaos when needed. That they are psychopaths...they are authorized psychopaths and often running government stooges...or front men.

I believe it is they who have invested so heavily in the public falling for that thing I call "The Victim Dictum" Victimhood in perpetuity as a change get the people to go along by default. They like to stroke the public's emotions regularly and often to prevent thinking from occurring. Emoting not thinking.


posted on Jul, 4 2015 @ 12:40 AM
Orangetom and Bluesma, thanks for the replies and questions. I'm enjoying it. Unfortunately for me, i'm not educated enough to provide a decent response/ answer. Just one word comes to mind, 'money'.

posted on Jul, 4 2015 @ 01:40 AM

originally posted by: orangetom1999

I believe it is they who have invested so heavily in the public falling for that thing I call "The Victim Dictum" Victimhood in perpetuity as a change get the people to go along by default. They like to stroke the public's emotions regularly and often to prevent thinking from occurring. Emoting not thinking.

It kinda seems to me like there is this glorification of victimization value in our american culture that makes me uncomfortable now. I always thought I reject the whole paradigm of victimization - at least consciously, I do.

Until I started to notice that it is only with americans that i have the kind of exchanges where we both relate the horrors of our childhood, the hardships and injustices we've suffered, and at some point I start to get the uncomfortable sensation it is a subtle competition - who has been the biggest victim in life. As if it is some sort of gauge of our strength, wisdom, or moral rightiousness?

I question myself on this, and have begun to get very turned off by it. It seems we americans have all had terrible childhoods and been victims of others and the society in general in a way people in other countries haven't - if you listen to us talk. I analyze my view of my personal history and I don't lie about any of it.... but I wonder if I didn't magnify the victimization events, and forget about the positive events?

My husband claims he had a totally happy childhood..... except over the years I have gleened more and facts and it seems to me that there is just as much suffering and injustice and warped stuff that happened to him as to me.

HIs culture doesn't glorify victimization, their celebrities aren't all writing biographies about the horrors they were subjected to in their lives. I watched Cinderella the other day (horrible film), it was my favorite as a child. We are so into the idea that if you let yourself be a victim enough, you will be a morally superior being, and God will reward you with the keys of heaven and earth eventually.

So now, as I watch women and men clamoring loudly that they are victims, I can't help but be sceptical of the claims. Not that it doesn't happen - it does. Rape happens, and is wrong and there are victims of it. But the "rape culture" claim is just irrational and blown out of proportion! The feminist focus on the injustices done to women, and the reassurance offered to young women that they are victims, from the time they are born, and whether they were even aware of it or not, suffering or not, is a pleasant reassurance of their moral goodness as a human.

We all want to feel that we are "good", but when we have beliefs that one can only be good if they are victimized, well, that is prone to create a lot MORE victimization, even where it wasn't.

I find it a bit troubling that amongst MRA's, the assertion that "men are good" only has come about with assertion that "men are victims".
I found that the more I identified myself as victim in past, the more I made myself victim in present.
edit on 4-7-2015 by Bluesma because: (no reason given)

edit on 4-7-2015 by Bluesma because: (no reason given)

edit on 4-7-2015 by Bluesma because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 4 2015 @ 02:29 AM
a reply to: greencmp

They've got it all wrong.

It's "Kill All Humans!"

edit on 4-7-2015 by Lysergic because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 4 2015 @ 07:46 PM

originally posted by: southernplayalistic
Orangetom and Bluesma, thanks for the replies and questions. I'm enjoying it. Unfortunately for me, i'm not educated enough to provide a decent response/ answer. Just one word comes to mind, 'money'.


NO problem on the question..nor the being educated or not.

I have found that up to a point ...todays educated person..educated in the system...many of them are not even capable of understanding the question..much less the answer. And when you tell them the answer..they tend to go into orbit or ricochet off walls.

Here is the question...

If this devout and zealous religious system of which I am speaking ..."Gaslighting" ...a phony system...a counterfeit..a lie and deception...if this is a devout religion of lies and deceit..played on an unsuspecting..people...IF it is belief system quietly sponsored and approved of by government and leadership in this country...approved of by public education ...and other leadership groups...

Give me the name of the diety or god of this phony counterfeit system/religion in play????

When did government turn to this religion and god ..and not tell anyone they had done this???

What is the name of the god of rampant, rabid, runaway sex and sexuality???

What we have going on out here among SJWs/Social Justice Warriors and others with this advanced "Victim Dictum Template" is also called Confusion. The spreading deliberately of confusion among people by taking advantage of their undisciplined unawares emotions to put the on an emotional roller coaster and thus by default control them for their purposes. Event to control them in to a voting booth to have them think they are voting independently but are actually controlled by someone else pulling their strings ...emotionally. They are on a treadmill...for one cause celeb after another after another. And most of them do not know they are being controlled.

This is much of what Bluesma indicated by her explaination of what Edward Bernays and other were doing and studying in order to sell the public certain merchandize.

This is organized confusion..a lie and deception...a counterfeit.

The name of the god of liess...of deception..the counterfeiter Lucifer.

As the US Government is in on a lot of this deception..this confusion..this counterfeiting and is obviously financing a lot of it in the public school system today...when did they switch gods and not tell anyone they had done this???

Do you think for one minute that social engineers, paid for by government in colleges and universities, did not watch many years ago the PHil Donahue program and all the spin offs which came out of it and figure out that if they properly applied it to the Untutored...uneducated American Public...that they could get them to all buy into the "Victim Dictum " as a career for a voter?? A custom made, taylor made...guaranteed, predictable, malleable, controllable voter???

You can tell they are putting people on the puppet string emotionally because it is becoming one roller coaster emotional ride after another after another after another...all grabbing people by their unguarded emotions. And the media is in on it.

As one poster aptly stated "Emotions" are the currency/monies of certain political parties and certain social political movements which are carefully cultivated by those certain political parties.
This currency/money...emotions is how they buy votes.

Whenever I detect in the news another emotional drama going on warning radar goes up several levels...screaming to very careful. The puppet strings are going out ensnare people by their unguarded emotions.

When you see enough of this can see it in posts here on ATS by the same olde "Usual Suspects" grabbing unawares people by their emotions...betting that they don't know the difference...or that it is even happening to them.

Be very careful of your unguarded and unthinking emotions such that someone does not set the hook in you and reel you in. Understand???

I have taught the "Victim Dictum" to several people.

One of them is an Apartment manager who applied this new knowledge to several of the women working for her..and cut them off. Straighten up or get packing. They were using/misusing it to get out of doing certain work.
She now hates a professional victim..or someone who obviously uses/misuses the "Victim Dictum."

YOu don't need to be educated to see this happening. Chances are they will never teach this to people in public schools through colleges. After all ..they never want people to realize and think for themselves. They might come to know enough to think for themselves and cut the puppet strings. God forbid!!!

The victim particular is heavily used and misused by the womens movements...
And they use/misuse it to get over on others..not to implement changes or growing up on their part but to control get others to make up the difference and others to change for default.

Hope this helps southernplayalistic

posted on Jul, 4 2015 @ 08:19 PM

It kinda seems to me like there is this glorification of victimization value in our american culture that makes me uncomfortable now. I always thought I reject the whole paradigm of victimization - at least consciously, I do.

Exactly correct Bluesma. Victimization has become a staple of certain political parties and as such has begun to penetrate the public school system...along with the accompanying blame game...or guilt programming...guilt shaming.
I don't buy into the technique. It is a scam...a con job by professional educators...and leadership in this country today. It is turning everything upside down into confusion..and thinking people can see it.

Emoting people cannot see it and need it like a drug fix..regularly.

I question myself on this, and have begun to get very turned off by it.

Good for you Bluesma. I say this in all seriousness.

Because I am aware off one thing..about human beings. A grown up human being is mature in their emotions. Not a child with undiciplined emotions and fears. But someone out here wants grown people to be as children such that they can control them by their emotions.

What is worse to me is that children are being attempted to be made into grown ups ...before their feeding them a constrant stream of sex and sexuality. People can be emotionally deceived into thinking they are more grown up than they really are ..because they are sexual.
What I detect, by the help of an older woman years ago, is that someone out here is stealing our childhood from our children.

They want grown ups to be emotionally fearful and childlike...and children to be more grown up than they really are.

This is confusion again. And I know the name of the god of confusion name.
It is also...insanity. A type of psychopathy. And our government is in on it.

I do not approve, in particular, of government and other social institutions stealing our children's childhood from them.

So now, as I watch women and men clamoring loudly that they are victims, I can't help but be sceptical of the claims. Not that it doesn't happen - it does. Rape happens, and is wrong and there are victims of it. But the "rape culture" claim is just irrational and blown out of proportion! The feminist focus on the injustices done to women, and the reassurance offered to young women that they are victims, from the time they are born, and whether they were even aware of it or not, suffering or not, is a pleasant reassurance of their moral goodness as a human.

I too am highly skeptical..because of the constant victimization. Once I began to catch on to this ..I learned to spot in in the afternoon television circuit..and it is full of such victimization and sex/sexualty.

That woman out west who lost her spot on the NAACP chapter because she was white....I found that interesting because it is obvious to me that she found being a "Victim " more socially and economically advantageous than not being a victim and it entailed becoming black. I just found it interesting how far some will go to work the system.

I don't care about the racial issue...but the working the system I found interesting...very interesting. She put her own puppet strings out there until she got caught.

We all want to feel that we are "good", but when we have beliefs that one can only be good if they are victimized, well, that is prone to create a lot MORE victimization, even where it wasn't.

Agree..well said Bluesma. Hence I get tired and disgusted with the constant barrage and drum beat of more and more victimization and emotional drama...the creating of bad guys in the news and body politic...among the SJWs.

I find it a bit troubling that amongst MRA's, the assertion that "men are good" only has come about with assertion that "men are victims".
I found that the more I identified myself as victim in past, the more I made myself victim in present.

I'm going to tell you something here Bluesma and it goes against all human reasoning today...all logic...all rationale..of educated modern thinking man trying to justify himself by any means.

I do not believe in the natural goodness of men. I do not believe that natural men are good. I believe that men are naturally their very nature.

How do I know this....??

The very charter of this government The Constitution of the United States was to be one of "Limited Government" or put another way bind down the government with the chains of the Constitution.

This is because the founders here had studied many forms of government....throughout history. They found that it is very very difficult to get good people into government offices..for they soon enough become corrupted.

SO they wrote a charter which was based on getting bad men into office and they would limit their badness by a charter so written ...a "limited Government."

And men have been trying by one means or another to get around "Limited Government" and back to absolute power...or put another way..."Divine Right of Kings" Unlimited Governmet.

Because men are naturally bad ..not good.

That how I know what I know.

Back in the 1600s an Englishman named Oliver Cromwell...tried to form a government of good men after dismissing one parliament after another. He tried all preachers and they did worse then the ordinary bad men he had replaced...he had to replace the preachers as well. He never could quite figure out that he would always get bad men into office..not good men.

The founders here figured it out...and men have been trying to get around these limits since..including by a constant stream of never ending Victims for political lucre and control over dumb herd animals...dumbing them down further and further by not allowing them to think taking advantage of their unguarded undisciplined emotions.

Hope this helps,
edit on 4-7-2015 by orangetom1999 because: (no reason given)

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