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Which of these entrances scares you the most?

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posted on Jun, 9 2015 @ 03:20 PM
“The cave you fear to enter holds the treasure you seek.”
~Joseph Campbell, American mythologist and writer~

So let’s do a little psychological test: by facing the door you fear the most, you may discover what your soul really yearns for…. Hope you all have fun just like you did with my original test last year, but this is less controversial! Lol


Which of these entrances scares you the most?
Pick a number and find out more….

posted on Jun, 9 2015 @ 03:21 PM

If you fear entering the ice cave, it may be because you are looking for emotional warmth. You are most likely terrified of feelings of loneliness, unhappiness, or frustration. Yet, fearing this entrance is actually a positive thing. Most likely you’re in a good place in your life; you accept and know exactly who you are and don’t feel like there’s anything “wrong” with you.

The treasure you seek if you enter this cave is love. If you are single, the sense of self-harmony you have makes you ripe for a romantic relationship. Being that you’re in a good place confidence-wise, you will easily attract someone likeminded. You probably feel like you don’t need a relationship to feel happy, you want one to make you even happier. If you are already a loving relationship, you are seeking love elsewhere, perhaps from a family member, friend, or, maybe, it’s time for you to visit a local shelter and find yourself a new furry friend.

If this creepy tunnel gives you goose bumps, it indicates that you need to go on an emotional journey. Murky or dirty water, like the kind seen trickling into this entrance, typically symbolizes that your thought process is clouded and needs some sort of cleansing. Muddy water is not a good symbol. It suggests that you need to remove all the heaviness in your life in order to see clearly.

If you chose this entrance, the treasure you seek is self-confidence in order to examine how you are truly feeling. You need to express your feelings verbally in order to resolve your problems and depending on the situation, this may be a difficult thing to do. But it will be worth it because going through this process will ultimately result in a positive outcome. Keep in mind that there is always a light at the end of a tunnel.

If you’re afraid to enter this eerie abandoned building, most likely you’re a very strong, intelligent, and analytical person. You see life for what it is and live by a high set of values and expect the same from those around you. Bricks, like the ones seen the above picture, symbolize putting up walls emotionally and spiritually, however. Perhaps your high standards make others feel like they can’t open up to you and be vulnerable — and vice versa. Upon deeper inspection, though, the bricks surrounding this particular entrance are crumbling and falling off, revealing that you do long to break down these barriers and open yourself up.

The treasure you seek is emotional or spiritual fulfilment. You yearn to connect with someone, or something, on a level so deep that it can’t be intellectually articulated, rather it’s something that is simply felt. Like the grass growing up through the cracks in the rubble above, if you reach for a higher level of emotional and spiritual understanding, you will finally feel whole.

Does this spooky abandoned house look like the beginning of a really bad dream to you? If so, that’s because this image is quite literally your worst nightmare. Home is where the heart is and most likely, you’ve got a whole lot of love to give. You are generous, bold, and very devoted. You want to protect the ones you adore and give them everything they will ever need. A crumbling house is a failure to do just that. One step inside and you’ll see things that will break your heart you like decaying furniture, peeling walls, and discarded memories. Yet, if you dig deeper, you may find a buried treasure hidden among the debris like a valuable heirloom, rare coins, or something that can be exchanged for material gain and provide you, and those you love, with security.

What you seek is wealth. Yet in order to obtain wealth you need to work hard for, invest, and save you pennies, and you need to start doing that now. You may want to give the people around you everything that you have materially, but back off a bit. Instead give them all you have emotionally and save your money. They’ll thank you in the long run.

posted on Jun, 9 2015 @ 03:21 PM


posted on Jun, 9 2015 @ 03:22 PM

Peering down into a well is terrifying. It’s hard to tell what’s down there, how you’ll get out, or what you’ll do. Not only is being stuck in a well scary, but it’s a terribly boring situation. You’re stuck there, waiting around, until you hear someone and can call for help. Some people would love this situation, as it gives them time to sit with their thoughts and become better acquainted with their selves, but you’re not that kind of person. You know yourself. You’re confident and you enjoy being gregarious.

If you are petrified of the well, then the treasure you seek is adventure. You want to be out, exploring the world, and enjoying life. If you ever find yourself in a stifling situation, in which you feel like you can’t breathe, break free. Get out, travel, and act on a whim every now again. The sooner you allow your true nature to break free, the happier you’ll be. Plus, you’ll have tons of interesting stories to share with all the people you love to be around.

Does this rabbit hole startle you? That’s because you are afraid of what you may find.
You may be the kind of person who feels great comfort in the familiar, yet you may be unsure of what you want out of life. The underground symbolizes the parts of ourselves that is longing to be unearthed. It’s time for you to get rooted to the idea of exploring what it is you truly long for and seeing what sprouts.

The treasure you seek is life meaning. You need to take a page from the title character of Alice in Wonderland and engage your curiosity. You may encounter things you find strange or bothersome once you allow yourself to tumble down the rabbit hole, but knowing how you feel about these things is allowing yourself to get one step closer to the thing that will truly make you happy.
If you need a little help getting started, try this exercise that’s just as zany as Wonderland: Take a piece of paper and write “What is my true purpose in life?” and then write down the first thing that pops into your mind, even if it doesn’t make sense. Do this again and again until you find one that feels right.

If these descending stairs make you shudder, it’s because you have a very potent fear.
If you fear this entrance, you have a hunger for life and indulge in its many fruits. But you may have a tendency to occasionally go overboard. Going down, like these descending stairs, into an unknown place is very symbolic of being buried. Plus the steps are littered with fallen leaves that signify a new season, or phase. If this entrance scares you, you are, quite literally, afraid of death and what happens afterwards.

The treasure lurking beyond this entrance is good health. You need to take care of yourself, inward and outward, in order to stay alive as long as possible. In order to do this, you don’t have to drastically change your lifestyle either, but incorporating a few more veggies into your meals, cutting out a bad habit, or going on a 10-minute walk every day can do wonders for your physical and mental health. It will also help you better appreciate life, which you so obviously cherish.

If you fear this heavy, blue door surrounded by stones, it’s for good reason. The door is a very vibrant blue, a colour that symbolizes the colour of the sky and sea, which you leave behind once you enter this dark space. It is also a colour that is often associated with stability, two personality traits you have in spades. Due to your consistencies, you are very productive and you get a lot accomplished, which gifts you with a great feeling of pride. Yet, the moss on the stones signifies a long length of time in a cold place, and this door just happens to lead to an abandoned prison, somewhere you never, ever want to end up, especially since you consider yourself to be a good and hardworking person who rarely takes short cuts. Yet, the strict values that you upkeep in order can sometimes be difficult to attain. Wouldn’t it be nice to just take a break?

The treasure you seek inside this prison of regimen is comfort. Comfort makes us feel safe and secure. It also allows us to calm down and unwind, that way we don’t randomly snap, do something we regret, and end up somewhere where we don’t want to be. So kick off your shoes and indulge in little r&r. It may seem like a waste of time at first, but after a while, like all the tasks you are dedicated to, it will pay off.

edit on 9-6-2015 by Agartha because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 9 2015 @ 03:24 PM
none of the above - i have visited places that fall into all those categoeries - and explored every one - its amazing what you can find when you go beyond the portal

posted on Jun, 9 2015 @ 03:28 PM
a reply to: Agartha

5 scares me .... don`t even like looking at it! LOL!

Probably will have nightmares tonight

I`m sure this will be interesting!

posted on Jun, 9 2015 @ 03:33 PM

originally posted by: ignorant_ape
none of the above - i have visited places that fall into all those categoeries - and explored every one - its amazing what you can find when you go beyond the portal

I know, but this is just for fun!

posted on Jun, 9 2015 @ 03:34 PM
I first chose 5 - but then realized it was a well, and it didn't scare me so much.

Then, I chose 8. Not because of the blue - but because of the door itself - a prisoner's cell type door.

I guess that would also be indirectly related to sky and sea - and the fear of being locked inside and not getting out.
If the latch was clearly broken and ineffective, I might consider it anyway.

None of them gave me a gutteral sense of forboding, though. I'm a curious person.
S/F - interesting little quizlet!

I think a cave entrance would be scariest - especially a narrow one. Ever been on a spelunking outing? Terrifying. When my kids were little I took them on a tour in Hannibal, MO through Tom Sawyer's cave (the real one that Mark Twain wrote about) - and it was incredibly disturbing. No thanks.

edit on 6/9/2015 by BuzzyWigs because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 9 2015 @ 03:34 PM

originally posted by: dragonlover12
a reply to: Agartha

5 scares me .... don`t even like looking at it! LOL!

Probably will have nightmares tonight

I`m sure this will be interesting!

A few people fear this one actually, not sure why.....

posted on Jun, 9 2015 @ 03:35 PM
a reply to: BuzzyWigs

Buzzy I chose number 8 for the exact same reasons... great minds think alike, eh?

posted on Jun, 9 2015 @ 03:42 PM
I'm not trying to be funny, but I honestly wouldn't fear ANY.
I love to explore. The more mysterious or forgotten, the better.

posted on Jun, 9 2015 @ 03:52 PM
3 & 4 scare me.
Only because I fear the spiders that lurk inside..

posted on Jun, 9 2015 @ 03:55 PM
Number 6 did it for me.

I suppose there was some truth in the explanation.


My daughter (17) chose #7...she says it was very accurate.
She is not afraid of death just how she will die, she does not want to be in a vulnerable "state" when it happens.
edit on 9-6-2015 by TNMockingbird because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 9 2015 @ 04:06 PM

originally posted by: ignorant_ape
none of the above - i have visited places that fall into all those categoeries - and explored every one - its amazing what you can find when you go beyond the portal

You explored a well?

Please tell me more!

Not that these scare me, but I would be most hesitant to venture #2. I feel like ebola is waiting for me or something in that gross water.

But I do need some time away to rest and supreme my cloudy mind. We all think to much, my self, maybe much more then an average human, at times.

Cool thread

posted on Jun, 9 2015 @ 04:08 PM
a reply to: Agartha

Por supuesto, mija!!!!

EDIT: And just now I went back and read the whole description (previous I had answered just after reading 'because it's blue')...

The treasure you seek inside this prison of regimen is comfort. Comfort makes us feel safe and secure. It also allows us to calm down and unwind, that way we don’t randomly snap, do something we regret, and end up somewhere where we don’t want to be. So kick off your shoes and indulge in little r&r. It may seem like a waste of time at first, but after a while, like all the tasks you are dedicated to, it will pay off.

PRECISAMENTE! This is exactly what I seek!!!
high five for the fun, Agartha!

edit on 6/9/2015 by BuzzyWigs because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 9 2015 @ 04:11 PM
Thank you all for your replies!

I like these kind of silly tests just to see how differently we all think, feel and react.
I find the diversity of answers really fascinating.

posted on Jun, 9 2015 @ 04:11 PM
I find none particularly disturbing. But 6 would be the one probably.

posted on Jun, 9 2015 @ 04:12 PM
Number 4 might have a hobo with a knife inside.
Number 6 may harbor a poisonous snake.
Number 8 looks like a prison.
The others look like they would make good shelters if bombs were dropping.

posted on Jun, 9 2015 @ 04:13 PM
i like all of them and want to explore them.

now, the door to a police station is a different story

posted on Jun, 9 2015 @ 04:17 PM
Funny how the blue door creeps so many out -

right??? I don't think the 'blue' has that much to do with it. They could be color-spectrum air-brushed, and I'd still dig in my heels!
A not subtle indicator of how we all seem to be feeling - needing comfort and security. This world is pretty damn scary right now!

So, yeah, beers on me for everyone who won't go in #8

edit on 6/9/2015 by BuzzyWigs because: (no reason given)

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