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Grab Anybody!” St. Louis PD Indiscriminately Taser and Arrest People Walking Down Sidewalk

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posted on Jun, 2 2015 @ 09:42 AM

originally posted by: Bone75

originally posted by: alienjuggalo

I think the brain dead idiots are the people wondering what else is the cop suppose to do. wow

Well please explain to this idiot what he was supposed to do then. Just let him go because he didn't feel like getting arrested? Try again when he's feeling more cooperative?

Yes you just let him go like you were going to do 3 minutes before he did not follow your order . So he is being tased for not doing exactly what the cop says at the exact moment he says to do it.

But Im sure that ok with u huh?

Eta- God forbid someone get way with impeding the flow of traffic.
edit on 2-6-2015 by alienjuggalo because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 2 2015 @ 09:53 AM
I've seen a lot of facebook posts recently about people disrespecting the flag. It always makes me wonder why people hold a piece of fabric so high. To me it's all about why they're doing whatever they're doing to the flag. If they're stomping on/burning a flag just because, well they're just being a dick. If they're doing it as a legitimate way to bring attention to some of the crazy stuff the government is doing, then it's a completely valid form of protest.

Any veteran or any American should be all for valid protest. I also find it ironic that one of the things you hear why vets fight is to protect our rights, one of which being the first amendment, yet when people exercise that right the vets want to kick their butts.

I've come to the conclusion that people love the flag so much because they've been subject to propaganda from kindergarten on up - I pledge allegiance to the flag...

You shouldn't be worrying about anyone doing anything to the flag, it's just a piece of fabric and a symbol. What you should be worrying about is what the bureaucrats are doing to the constitution - which is orders of magnitude more important than a flag. I'll gladly light 1,000 flags on fire if it will keep them from pissing on the constitution.

Just to be clear, I have never desecrated any flag of any nation, but I fully support anyone doing so as a legitimate protest.

ETA: As far as what we can see in the video, it seemed unnecessary, but so does so much stuff these cops do. Pretty soon we'll start hearing "Well at least they didn't kill anybody." At that point it will seem like getting beat/tazed is an improvement.
edit on 2-6-2015 by Pimpish because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 2 2015 @ 09:54 AM
a reply to: alienjuggalo

lol. i agree, but your gonna get flamed. i'm starting to lean toward only violent/corruption/theft/sex crimes being against the law.

posted on Jun, 2 2015 @ 09:56 AM

originally posted by: fixitwcw
a reply to: alienjuggalo

lol. i agree, but your gonna get flamed. i'm starting to lean toward only violent/corruption/theft/sex crimes being against the law.

They can flame away..

posted on Jun, 2 2015 @ 10:06 AM
a reply to: alienjuggalo

Yes that is okay with me. He had an opportunity to avoid being arrested when the cop told him to get out of the street, but he decided not to take that opportunity.

Then he had a chance to avoid being tazed when the cop with the taser pointed at him told him to stop, but did he stop? Nope, instead he decided he was gonna Reggie Bush his way out of there and that didn't go too well for him.

posted on Jun, 2 2015 @ 10:07 AM
a reply to: 200Plus

They followed the order to get out of the street and were on the sidewalk. So, why did the cop taze them if they did exactly what they were told to do?

posted on Jun, 2 2015 @ 10:37 AM
a reply to: Bone75

He had an opportunity to avoid being arrested when the cop told him to get out of the street, but he decided not to take that opportunity.

Well apparently he did get out of the street , since he was on the sidewalk..

Then he had a chance to avoid being tazed when the cop with the taser pointed at him told him to stop

There was about a second between the cop telling him to stop and firing his taser. And what about the woman who gets tazed multiple times?

All for impeding the flow of traffic in the middle of the night..

posted on Jun, 2 2015 @ 11:52 AM

originally posted by: Domo1
a reply to: Greathouse

Getting violent over someone disrespecting the flag is more disrespectful to what it represents than burning.

That's your opinion .

The really sad thing is for someone to have so little care about anything or anyone they are unwilling to fight for it . I know you think there's a utopia with cotton candy clouds rainbows and unicorns. There always been people like you, but I'll tell you there's no such place as the Utopia you dream up with no violence on this planet earth .

edit on 2-6-2015 by Greathouse because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 2 2015 @ 11:55 AM
a reply to: diggindirt

Burr Hamilton duel happened in 1804 .

posted on Jun, 2 2015 @ 12:18 PM

originally posted by: Domo1
a reply to: Greathouse

Getting violent over someone disrespecting the flag is more disrespectful to what it represents than burning.

AMEN, brother! Sing it from the roof tops!

Free speech doesn't just mean YOU get to say what ever you want, it means someone else gets to say something that makes your blood boil and you respect his opinion.

posted on Jun, 2 2015 @ 12:30 PM
a reply to: Greathouse

If I see someone disrespecting the flag. Things would not go very well for either of us .

Utter hypocrisy.

I'd just like to remind you of something you said just five days ago about speech you did support (armed bikers converging outside a Phoenix mosque to disrespect the worshipers' religion):

That wouldn't be the very amendment you exercised when you made that remark would it? Or do you just not like the First Amendment when someone protest's something you don't agree with ?

Freedom of speech, protest and assembly is a tricky thing for some neophytes. They don't realize it applies to both sides not just the side they believe in.

You're ready to attack over a flag but according to you, the Muslims who attend that mosque had an obligation to "greet [the bikers] with open arms" to prove that there's a difference between radical and moderate Islam.

posted on Jun, 2 2015 @ 12:34 PM
a reply to: Greathouse

I'm sorry but are you advocating violence as a way to stop someone from expressing something you don't agree with?

Yes it's leading and you know to where.

posted on Jun, 2 2015 @ 12:49 PM
a reply to: Sremmos80

This is really getting boring. Everyone's going to take the idealistic stand that violence is bad. When every damn one of you have committed violent acts. ( look Greathouse has created a star farm let's all go off topic and pile on him ) lol

Then as usual you come along as usual and try to put words in my mouth. Your choice of the word abdicating was very telling . While it stands for supporting it could also stand for recommending .

All I have done is tell you what I would do . I recommend that course of action for no one because it will have consequences . But I am willing to except those consequences . I couldn't possibly expect most of you people to understand . Because many of you stand for nothing, you do all your protesting and complaints under the veil of anonymity on the Internet .

posted on Jun, 2 2015 @ 01:17 PM
a reply to: Greathouse

All I have done is tell you what I would do . I recommend that course of action for no one because it will have consequences . But I am willing to except those consequences . I couldn't possibly expect most of you people to understand . Because many of you stand for nothing, you do all your protesting and complaints under the veil of anonymity on the Internet .

Quit while you're behind? It's a practical impossibility to prove that you're not just another Internet tough guy by talking smack on the Internet, tough guy.

posted on Jun, 2 2015 @ 01:33 PM

According to Missouri state law, impeding the flow of traffic is punishable by “a fine of not less than ten dollars nor more than fifty dollars.

When even the most minor of infractions is met with force, there is systematic failure.

posted on Jun, 2 2015 @ 01:40 PM

originally posted by: theantediluvian
a reply to: Greathouse

All I have done is tell you what I would do . I recommend that course of action for no one because it will have consequences . But I am willing to except those consequences . I couldn't possibly expect most of you people to understand . Because many of you stand for nothing, you do all your protesting and complaints under the veil of anonymity on the Internet .

Quit while you're behind? It's a practical impossibility to prove that you're not just another Internet tough guy by talking smack on the Internet, tough guy.

Never claimed to be a tough guy . But I understand why my position would be hard for you to understand .

posted on Jun, 2 2015 @ 01:58 PM
a reply to: Greathouse

Hey you are the one that said how you would react to some one desecrating the flag.

I just wanted to clarify it.
Not sure what words I put in your mouth.

posted on Jun, 2 2015 @ 02:29 PM

originally posted by: Greathouse
a reply to: Sremmos80

This is really getting boring. Everyone's going to take the idealistic stand that violence is bad. When every damn one of you have committed violent acts.

I haven't. Not once in my life have I ever raised a fist or a weapon to anyone or anything (except for a few ants, numerous flies and the odd spider here and there).

I dare say there are many people out there like myself. Violence is bad, despite your protests otherwise - and in this case violence for the sake of a piece of material is beyond ridiculous.

Then as usual you come along as usual and try to put words in my mouth.

Which is exactly what you have attempted to do, hypocrisy much?

edit on 2/6/2015 by Kryties because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 2 2015 @ 02:34 PM
a reply to: Kryties

There's times I think it's appropriate for violence. If my friends or family are attacked, if someone weaker is attacked , if someone tries to harm any child and if someone attacks my country under which I view desecrating the flag a attack.

With your stance I would certainly hate to be. Either one of your friends or family, I'd hate to be in a situation where I needed help if you were around, and I would hate to be a child being victimized. Because according to your statement you would just stand there and scold the perpetrators .

posted on Jun, 2 2015 @ 02:38 PM

originally posted by: Greathouse

With your stance I would certainly hate to be. Either one of your friends or family, I'd hate to be in a situation where I needed help if you were around, and I would hate to be a child being victimized. Because according to your statement you would just stand there and scold the perpetrators .

There you go putting words into others mouths again! You're not very good at this are you?

I never said anything of the sort regarding whether or not I would stand up and defend my family and friends, if needed I most certainly would. I simply said that I haven't had to be violent to date and, hopefully, never will have to be. I also made the point of saying that I would most certainly never be violent towards somebody who was "desecrating a flag" - ie: a piece of material.

Seems to me you just like finding excuses to hurt people.

edit on 2/6/2015 by Kryties because: (no reason given)

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