posted on May, 19 2015 @ 09:14 AM
unforunately, i know what your friend is going through. I myself have empathic tendancies and have had experience with demonic entities taking
advantage of that ability for their own selfish gain and to my loss.
firstly, being empathic is a blessing and a curse. negative entities view your friend as a beacon. they can spot her from a mile away and are drawn to
her. it sounds like the panic attacks, anxiety, heavy feelings your friend is coming under are being imposed upon her. whether deliberately or not. if
the spirit is benign then she is just feeling what the spirit was/is feeling and it's probably looking for someone who can hear/see/help it out,
acknowledge them and their trauma, maybe help with unfinished business.
if the spirit is purely negative it is inducing those feelings in your friend so that it can feed off of her. creating something like a feedback loop,
induction of anxiety and fear so the entity can feed, making her more drained, more susceptible and even more afraid for more feedings. if that's the
case than the cycle needs to be stopped in its tracks.
the path she chooses for help will have to depend on her individual faith. but, it will take some type of faith to help her. simple things she can
start with are sage cleansing herself and home, using lavender oil and saying prayers. forcefully commanding the entity to leave her alone, to leave
her home. she might need to reclaim her space and her body. depending on how strongly attached this thing is it might be a lot of work or it might be
but, she has to want it to leave. she also can't have any doors open so to speak. for example, has she any tendencies toward occult practices, ouija
boards, tarot cards, anything like that? if so shes got to drop all of that kind of stuff immediately, occult related objects and practices are like
an invitation. but, invitations can come in other forms too. essentially she needs to revoke any invitations she may have made unknowingly or
knowingly. or else the cleansing aspect won't work. and if the above is the case it may help to vocalize the revocation of such invitations.
lastly, there is going to a professional who will do the cleansing for you. and in my opinion that person should be chosen along the lines of ones
spiritual belief system.
there's a lot out there and on ATS about this sort of thing. your friend isn't the first person to have these types of problems so she's not alone.
she needs to stay strong, spiritually, mentally and physically. and actively battle this entity if it's truly something trying to take hold of her.
one's own willpower and mindset can be very powerful allies in spiritual battles such as this.