I'm actually glad to see activity on this thread, because no matter what a person thinks about the reality around them, talking out of the box about
it is a step forward in freedom and growth.
An example of this universe and what's going on, this morning driving back from dropping my son off at school, was really in depth contemplating
possibilities and probabilities and what we're in. It was on the theme that evil dominates. That a group like Isil could move in on a city of 2
million say, and overtake them, butchering children and selling off infants, just horrendous stuff occurring. Because good can't do what evil is
willing to do. So began to think, on the nature of the universe. And belief.
If a person is in a system, a multiverse where you are trying to reach the next level, where the universe is a kind of simulation school, Or
conversely, inanimate energies are utilized by Intelligent Animate Energy, to form a school, either way works, and either can still be a hologram and
simulation and school, depending on how its constructed.
But if we're trying to reach the next grade, then Power becomes an ultimate test. So like in the Smallville show, which I love, and that superman, I
love, who always, when in sound mind and body and not taken over by red krypto, does the right thing, and instead of harming the bad guy, brings out
the good in him if possible, and only in actual defense of others or self defense would he use lethal force. He is the ultimate hero, they made the
very best superman I ever saw. And superman is my hero. The experiences I have, when I was shown the station by the son, and then my son and I
witnessed yet another craft that had a greeting for me, and that was the last experience where I doubted the various ways contact happened. For when
pulled into an experience that I thought I could write off, they invariably poked me with quite a stick by showing up, in a way that could be
witnessed, or chased by a chopper on several occasions. Now I trust within always. Well that guy, who was one of my regular tactics, looked alot
like smallville's superman, only taller, big chested. I called them Rangers, like rescue rangers, and then reversed speech analyzed an account I gave
into a microphone on my experiences, and the word Hero kept coming out, thats why I called them hero's because in reverse speech I do. In reverse
speech the group that harmed me, was mentioned and the Hero's.
If we are to be good, then we don't choose power, and risk losing but we don't change ourselves and become monsters, and due to this being a
simulation, we win something so wonderful that it is only illusion that good loses here.
Then the game becomes, shining light, and goodness and gradually through time, eons, lifetimes, good slowly brings back to life bad guys, through many
I see that, thats why outcome doesnt matter, winning or losing a game doesn't matter, but its how you play it or who you are that does.
If however, that's just a big joke, and we're trapped by Saturn and John Lear's moon soul trap that wipes our memories clean and puts us back as
slaves to feed them our energy perpetually, then how does that work? Infinity just became finite, trapped in this lower concrete rock like level, and
thats all there is, and if there is a Higher Good, it lacks ability to reach in here due to frequency mismatch, and its not able to work an infinitely
higher technology to do so?
That brings me back to the ultimate question this morning, what is the most important thing in the unviverse, or existence.
Why would do they do perpetual soul wipes, if the dark side could? Are they really just needing energy and slaves or are they taking our knowledge,
all that we learn in these harsh lessons, that should not exist, and wiping us clean, in the second death over and over again, mind wiped.
Karma is a lie, its a joke. Ie. David Rockerfeller is doing very well thank you, though karma would dictate otherwise. its a ball and chain they put
on our minds. Makes sense too since Good is very much like Smallville's superman who always sees the good even in the ultimate bad guy and the only
goal is redemption not retaliation. The person learns their lessons and grows up.
On the list of possibilities and probabilities there is a possibility that the dark side is ultimately working for the hault of soul growth by taking
everyones lessons from them, the knowledge.
knowledge has to be the top prize, and that means that by growing up and learning from everything, we leave here. Not doing everything, ie bad.
They're like smaug in the Hobbit, sitting on the stores of treasures, all that knowledge they've stolen, but unable to use it really, because you
can't get to Higher Mind constructs if you are lower mind, and theft, slavery, abuse of others is lower mind.
That in itself tells me that whatever we think we're in, what kind of universe this is, who is behind creating this negative duality, what purpose it
serves, good or bad, if most have a way out, or if most/all have been double crossed, if there are hero's up there to help, and hero' s within
ourselves? All the question anyone could have, it tells me that ultimately we don't want to become them. Its not winning and losing but how you play
the game. And if they're right, laughing at how foolish we all are, I still don't want to become them. But want them redeemed as well.
edit on 14-5-2015 by Unity_99 because: (no reason given)