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Wrongly accused on Facebook

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posted on May, 9 2015 @ 06:38 AM
The Story

Not that Facebook posts should be taken too seriously, but considering posts such as these have the potential to harm an innocent person's image and negatively impact their life, caution should be advised against hastily posting anything on social media.

If you cannot be bothered reading the story, here is a quick summary: a man shopping at a mall sees a Star Wars poster and decides to take a "selfie". Mother of some nearby children sees man say something to children, then take selfie. Mother then takes photo of man and posts on Facebook warning others that he is a creep, relaying the story and basically insinuating that he is a paedophile. Man receives abuse and death threats as a result.

This story highlights a deeper social issue that is prevalent in society.
edit on 9/5/2015 by Dark Ghost because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 9 2015 @ 06:45 AM
Sad story.

Disgusting how people can treat others stuck in their Facebook bubble.

Hope she is arrested, sued, and convicted for a few months.

He could be killed walking up the street and be none the wiser, and she has left him on the precipice with her slanderous s#.

posted on May, 9 2015 @ 06:53 AM
Facebook is stupid and I very rarely go on mine. I have maybe 5 friends on it and never post anything with my picture on it.


posted on May, 9 2015 @ 06:55 AM
a reply to: ItalianDressing

I have no facebook, period.

+9 more 
posted on May, 9 2015 @ 07:05 AM
He can take her to court for defamation of character.
I would, i would take her ass to court and make sure i ruin her for being a moron.
Make an example out of her.

posted on May, 9 2015 @ 07:15 AM
a reply to: Dark Ghost

Horrible woman! If she thought he was a pervert she should have gone to the police with the picture she took, not post it all over facebook..... I also hope he sues her for defamation!
edit on 9-5-2015 by Agartha because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 9 2015 @ 07:24 AM
I wouldn't sue, I'm more of a "turnabout is fair play" type of guy!

Honestly though, other than kids, who the hell takes selfies? If one of my buddies showed me a selfie pic, I'd beat them with their phone!

posted on May, 9 2015 @ 07:40 AM
It's every mans nightmare.

Before I continue, yes there are bad ppl out there.. but they ain't EVERYWHERE.

According to the hysterical masses though, any unaccompanied male over the age of 18 is a potential pedo..
There once was a time that used to bother me.. but now if i see a crying/lost kid in a store i just walk on by..

Not worth the hassle.. (note: this cuts me, but i can do nothing lest i be branded a predator for life)

Now i think back to when i was a kid.. and the times i was lost, that would have NEVER happened.

Sick world. I hope he sues the living crap out of both her AND facebook to set a precedent.
When you look at the stats of the cases... you'll see *random males*.. are so far down the list, up the top is family/friends and those in high places. They hysteria is misplaced, possibly to deflect from those up top that are getting outed daily.. It's destroyed the social fabric of society.

Can i get a hell's yeah from my fellow caring males that have been through this # (or similar) before?
We're sick of it. It adds a *daily* layer of stress i don't even want to know about.. SICK OF IT.

posted on May, 9 2015 @ 07:46 AM
Reason number 99 why I don't have a face borg, one post or picture can ruin your or someone else's life.That and that hole CIA thing.

posted on May, 9 2015 @ 07:59 AM
a reply to: KawRider9

I have to congratulate you on your comment regarding beating your friends over the head with their phones when they take selfies! Hehe!

Unfortunately, the last phone I know of which could effectively be used as a bludgeon, was the Nokia 3210 from back in the day! It never had a camera or any of that fancy nonsense!

posted on May, 9 2015 @ 08:08 AM
a reply to: Dark Ghost

Defamation is illegal in most Western nations. Poor guy does have some legal recourse.

posted on May, 9 2015 @ 08:23 AM
This is very sad indeed.

No one should just pin up a pic with zero situational context, theorize a potential situation and then spread rumors of this fabrication - she really didn't think this through at all.

Hindsight is a wonderful thing.

How does one educate the public on such matters? What is obvious to you and me, is not obvious to the protective mother with a camera phone. If a crime is suspected having been committed or the suspicion of a crime to take place, who you gunna call?! How about the people who investigate crimes? THE POLICE!?

originally posted by: Kali74
a reply to: Dark Ghost

Defamation is illegal in most Western nations. Poor guy does have some legal recourse.

Which would cost him a small fortune in lawyers?

But i can assume those fees would be covered in the settlement?
edit on b3838802 by Biigs because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 9 2015 @ 09:21 AM
I refuse to open a Faceplant account. I don't need or want 400 fake friends sending me updates on what they ate for breakfast.

I think people post what they think will get them likes. It's nothing more than a popularity contest with really skewed view.

Our world has become a freak show. And everyone is trying to sell tickets.

posted on May, 9 2015 @ 09:46 AM
a reply to: Dark Ghost
Years ago, I knew a guy who was accused of being too up close and personal with the next door neighbors kid. He was arrested, and eventually cleared of ANY and ALL wrongdoing. However, his arrest was never expunged, nor did it list that he was cleared of the accusations. It ruined his life, and has haunted him since. I heard later he committed suicide.

C'mon people! Be absolutely certain when you point a finger at somebody for something like this that has the potential to devastate someones life! It's like the Salem witch trials part deux!

edit on 5/9/2015 by Klassified because: clarity

posted on May, 9 2015 @ 09:50 AM
a reply to: Dark Ghost

He should sue her. Then, she should be forced to publicly (or at least on facebook) retract her statement about him being a pervert.
edit on 9-5-2015 by Skid Mark because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 9 2015 @ 09:54 AM
Simple solution- stop using facebook

posted on May, 9 2015 @ 09:55 AM

originally posted by: Klassified
a reply to: Dark Ghost
Be absolutely certain when you point a finger at somebody for something like this that has the potential to devastate someones life!

It shouldnt be anyone's job but a victim of an offensive, or a person in possession of evidence to create a police report regarding an offence.

Pointing fingers and voicing theory's should actually never happen.

If you have a suspicion, then by all means protect yourself and your family, but don't forget to mention whenever you extend your thoughts that they are just thoughts and not facts. Because thats too close to a lie to be good for anyone.

posted on May, 9 2015 @ 10:21 AM
Never in the history of the world have people documented so much about so little, since when did eating dinner become a document-able achievement?. 'Carter Conlons wife'. Pastor Teresa Conlon.

Facebook is a prime example of what happens when people become absolutely obsessed with what Huxley called the 'bumblepuppy' of nonsense. They inundate themselves with so much useless information that, eventually, it's the only thing they can comprehend - anything approaching reason, logic or intellectual insight is lost. The people then become dangerous as shown here as they forget about things like common sense and moral empathy. They're lost in a world of symbols and fake attention. It's like they're their own celebrity and their 'fans' are these people they call friends.
edit on 11/10/2012 by Joneselius because: (no reason given)

edit on 11/10/2012 by Joneselius because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 9 2015 @ 10:32 AM
Can there be a thread on ATS about facebook that doesn't include posters that feel superior from not having a facebook?
It would be like if gun threads would constantly have poster bragging how THEY don't have a gun.

Facebook, just like a gun, is a tool, you can learn to use it well.
Stop bragging on how you don't have that tool, don't use the tool, dislike the tool.

originally posted by: blupblup
Simple solution- stop using facebook

It wouldn't change anything if the wrongly accused guy was using facebook or not, the fault is the women for posting his pictures with wrong accusations.

posted on May, 9 2015 @ 10:36 AM

originally posted by: Martin75
I think people post what they think will get them likes. It's nothing more than a popularity contest with really skewed view.

Our world has become a freak show. And everyone is trying to sell tickets.

Well, I'M SURE you and no one else never wrote parts of posts because you felt that you would gain more stars on ATS than saying something else or in another way.

It's the same thing with every social media, ATS is social media.
edit on 9-5-2015 by theMediator because: (no reason given)

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