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To Those That Condemn Homosexuality I Ask, Where Are Your Tassels!?

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posted on May, 5 2015 @ 09:19 AM

originally posted by: WarminIndy
You picked out Christians but you didn't pick out the other religions that also have something to say against it. I am a Christian, I gave you reasons. If you don't like my reasons then maybe pick other religions to talk about.

I picked out Christianity because it's what I know. I can't quote from other holy books because I've never fully read them or studied them. Just so we are clear, my feelings for Christianity are the same ones I have for other religions.

But the OT laws, you allowed a non-Christian to tell you a lie about Sodom and that was ok with you.

The whole Bible is a lie in my opinion. So whether or not that poster lied or got it wrong is irrelevant to me.

My choice was to reply the way I choose to see fit within the argument. If you don't like it, then ignore it. That's all I can say. But I answered.

Again, you misunderstood or ignored the argument I was trying to make in the OP. I'm sorry if you feel I singled you out. I tried correcting everyone who misconstrued my OP.

You didn't seem to notice me saying that my grandfather was gay...let's not discuss that one. You didn't seem to notice I said I was part ethnically only latched onto the one thing, implying that all Christians are hypocrites.

I was writing out my other reply to you when you mentioned your gay grandfather. I'm also not sure what you being ethnically Jewish, or a woman, has to do with anything. Other than what you said about the tassel bit not applying to you. As for implying all Christians are hypocrites, no.. How many times do I need to say in this thread "some Christians", "not all Christians" to make it clear I'm not broad brushing you all?

Yet, at the time when Paul even talked about it in the NT, knowing full well that homosexuality was commonly practiced in that part of the world, including the Romans, Greeks and Egyptians who had homosexuals in their religious systems, you didn't address that.

That's because the thread is about those Christians that claim the laws in the Old Testament apply to them and are to be obeyed. It's about their hypocrisy, specifically. I've had one such Christian on this very site tell me that includes all the laws about killing people for breaking x, y, z commandment. The only thing that held him at bay was United States laws.

Nope, the one religion you don't like you ask why we don't wear the tassles, meaning that you think we are hypocrites. Apparently there must have been a problem with homosexuality for Moses to address it, then for Paul to address it.

Maybe to help you understand what my intent was, even though I feel I've spelled it out multiple times in this thread, remove homosexuality and tassels from the equation. Make the question,

"Why don't those specific Christians that preach the Old Testament laws given to Moses and the Israelites apply to them, obey them all?"

I was corrected on some things being overturned in the NT. But then again, the Bible can be interpreted in so many different ways and is. Hence why I was very specific with who I addressed my question to.

I'm sorry if I assumed you hate gays.

edit on 5-5-2015 by WakeUpBeer because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 5 2015 @ 09:28 AM

originally posted by: WarminIndy
a reply to: peter vlar

Are members of the same species group the same kind or not?

Again, you are attempting to fit a biblical term into a scientific context, no members of the same species are not the same "kind" as described in the bible. "Kind" is not any sort of taxonomic descriptor and is extraordinarily vague in what it actually represents.

You are Homo Sapien Sapien and your wife is Homo Sapien Sapien, so you are the same kind within the animal kingdom.

No, all members of H. Sapiens Sapiens are of the same species and the same Genus.

Unless there are different kinds of Homo Sapien Sapiens. Then we would be varieties, right?

there have been many members of the genus Homo and prior to 40 KA, there were several living simultaneously in various parts of the globe and interacting, mating and in some instances living, with one another.

Same kind, members of same species group.

What exactly is your definition of "kind"? I would prefer not to assume so it would be far easier for you to outline what you view as "kind" in the context of a given species. It quite simply is not a descriptor or definition used in any biological(or any other for that matter) science so to insist on imposing a bronze age term upon modern scientific disciplines would be construed as disingenuous at best and perhaps a futile grasping at straws.

In vitro and surrogacy still involve male and female, right?

Yes, and it involves genetic material from one of the partners in the relationship, therefore they are breeding. The offspring is genetically theirs.

Evolution has dictated that Homo Sapien Sapien must continue through male/female contribution. Otherwise Homo Sapien Sapien could pop out offspring without needing to breed.

Again... who is arguing otherwise? you're the only one who keeps bringing it up as though its your ace in the hole. and just to be a stickler...even if we could do as some amphibians do and "pop out" our own offspring, it would still be breeding. And Evolution is not dictating anything. It is a biological premise and function. Evolution doesn't have a purpose in the sense that you are trying to push. It is a measurement, observation and charting of changes in allele frequency and genes over time to be a little over simplistic about it. But as a biological process, it has no agenda and dictates nothing anymore than digesting your dinner does or growing your hair.

And by the usage of in vitro or surrogacy means that they had some intrinsic problem that prevented them from breeding properly..i.e. a genetic mutation within the DNA that determines sexual attraction.

So what about homosexuals who have had intercourse with members of the opposite sex and had offspring? They have no mutation that prohibits them from breeding "properly". People can't help who they are attracted to or love. But all of their bits and pieces function just fine and they are perfectly capable of breeding.

So it does make them weaker, because if there were no such thing as extrinsic help, they could not continue a line. Right?

No, it doesn't make them weaker in any way. You seem to be in complete denial that homosexuals can and do in fact breed via natural means just like I do. If they did not, I wouldn't exist.

So they would still need to breed.

and they do breed. Do all? no. Not all heterosexuals breed either. Does that make them "weaker"? I've had a vasectomy to avoid any more offspring, does that make ME weak somehow?

posted on May, 5 2015 @ 09:29 AM
a reply to: WarminIndy

Not all Jews today wear them.

NO Christians wear tasseled clothing at all! Why not?

See, this guy isn't following the law. The corners of the cloth making up his clothing are not tasseled, like the biblical law required, but he's wearing tassels around his neck, as an embellishment.

Why? Because tassels are FABULOUS.

posted on May, 5 2015 @ 09:35 AM
a reply to: WarminIndy

not at all. in Mathew 19: 10-12 Jesus mentions gay men and refers to them as a gift from god. The Catholic Church performed same sex marriages, in the church and by priests, until the 13th century. the first 1100 years of Christianity accepted homosexuality and allowed them all the benefits of a "traditional" marriage between a man and a woman. My earlier post on the subject...

posted on May, 5 2015 @ 10:06 AM
I don't condemn homosexuality. I don't see it as "sinful" or "disgusting" -- I see it for what it is; a mental health issue.

I feel sorry for them as they're not getting the treatment that they need because it's being passed off as "normal".

If everyone was this kind of "normal" humanity would be doomed, extinct.

This, clause(A), is for all the homosexuality-is-normal enablers:

Clause (A): Don't talk to me because you and I both can't be convinced otherwise, so I won't waste your time if you don't waste mine!

k thx bye!
edit on 5-5-2015 by socketdude because: Added clause

posted on May, 5 2015 @ 10:19 AM
a reply to: socketdude

Out of Curiosity, how does homosexuality meet the requirements for a mental disorder? And how do you reconcile the viewpoint with it being removed from DSM-IV and no longer considered as such by mental health professionals?

posted on May, 5 2015 @ 10:20 AM
a reply to: socketdude

You can think that but you are wrong.
Your just a bigot thats all.
Oh and don't tell people not to respond to your bigoted 18th century views....your views are dying out.

posted on May, 5 2015 @ 10:26 AM

originally posted by: peter vlar
a reply to: socketdude

Out of Curiosity, how does homosexuality meet the requirements for a mental disorder? And how do you reconcile the viewpoint with it being removed from DSM-IV and no longer considered as such by mental health professionals?

Please see clause (A). Oh and I answered your question in the post anyway.

k thx bye!

posted on May, 5 2015 @ 10:29 AM

originally posted by: socketdude
Clause (A): Don't talk to me because you and I both can't be convinced otherwise, so I won't waste your time if you don't waste mine!

Translation: I've closed my mind to outside opinions.

posted on May, 5 2015 @ 10:33 AM

originally posted by: Krazysh0t

originally posted by: socketdude
Clause (A): Don't talk to me because you and I both can't be convinced otherwise, so I won't waste your time if you don't waste mine!

Translation: I've closed my mind to outside opinions.

Well two closed minds arguing against each other is pointless. Been there, done that and yes, got the t-shirt too. I won't do it here - I've said my piece; I don't really need to argue my point as it's brutally easy to understand.

k thx bye!
edit on 5-5-2015 by socketdude because: added "k thx bye!"

posted on May, 5 2015 @ 10:35 AM
a reply to: BELIEVERpriest
Oh, sheesh. Really? What about infertal people who can't produce a child naturally? People can be born blind, deaf dumb. Retarded. Without eyes, limbs etc. People can also be born with BOTH a penis and vagina, yet no way can they be born gay naturally.


posted on May, 5 2015 @ 10:36 AM
a reply to: socketdude

Then why even volunteer your opinion? This is a discussion forum, not a note board where you just post your opinion and move on. In a forum, you post your opinion then you discuss it with others.

posted on May, 5 2015 @ 10:37 AM
a reply to: boymonkey74

Here is the thing.. it is not bigoted to believe homosexuality to be against a persons religion. Now.. this applies to people who are actually IN the religion.. so you and anyone outside the religion is free to be homosexual if you so choose.

You aren't going to change what the bible says, and we wont re-interpret it to suit you. It is what it is and we believe what we believe and you believe what you believe.

This does not mean we hate you.. it means we are not going to be homosexual if we don't want to sin.. but just as we aren't going to be homosexual neither are we going to lie, cheat people, drink to excess, harm another person and much more - if we care anything about our relationship with God.

Our beliefs really are no one's concern unless you want to join the church. In such cases, it is good to take the matter of sin to Jesus.

If not, you sitting around beating people over the head because (they) we, believe that homosexuality is a sin therefore (they) we won't be homosexual, really isn't going to change us into homosexuals..

posted on May, 5 2015 @ 10:45 AM

originally posted by: Krazysh0t
a reply to: socketdude

Then why even volunteer your opinion? This is a discussion forum, not a note board where you just post your opinion and move on. In a forum, you post your opinion then you discuss it with others.

Just to get the idea out there in the mix, to fight against the BS propaganda that "homosexuality is normal".

To educate people who maybe were on the fence or afraid to voice their opinion too. You're not alone, there are millions out there that know homosexuality is a mental health issue affecting less than 1% of the population.

That's another fallacy I'd like to address as well. The homosexuality-is-normal crowd like to mouth that 10% of the population is homosexual (lol) -- they like to pretend and propagate dis-information that the numbers are bigger to make it seem "more normal". This is a downright lie. The numbers are closer to under 1% of people with homosexuality.
edit on 5-5-2015 by socketdude because: (no reason given)

edit on 5-5-2015 by socketdude because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 5 2015 @ 10:53 AM
a reply to: OpinionatedB

Then how about concentrating on your own soul and let others do the same.
I don't understand why some are so vocally anti gay when it doesn't effect them whatsoever.
It just proves to me they are attempting to hide their bigotry behind their religion. Like I have said.

posted on May, 5 2015 @ 10:56 AM
I don't need a book to tell me that 2 men swapping bodily fluids is disgusting.

Finding it disgusting has nothing to do with religion.

If it did, then I wouldn't find it disgusting when my daughter eats her boogers, for nowhere in the Bible does it say "thou shalt not eat your boogers".

I do not hate my daughter and other kids for eating their boogers, just as I do not hate men that swap bodily fluids.

Some of you are extremely hypocritical in your use of the term "bigot".

At the end of the day, what I find disgusting isn't nearly as important as how I treat people.

posted on May, 5 2015 @ 10:57 AM
a reply to: socketdude

Wrong it is 5%.
Have you seen the studies that show many anti gay folk get turned on by gay sex?...many lovong in denial.

posted on May, 5 2015 @ 10:58 AM
Just like to point out that I'm not "anti-gay" :

I'm anti gay-agenda.

I have nothing against the mentally ill. But I have a problem against the people behind the scene trying to corrupt the young and impressionable and vulnerable people who don't know better.

EDIT: lol at 5%. Please see Clause (A) - k thx bye!
edit on 5-5-2015 by socketdude because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 5 2015 @ 10:58 AM
a reply to: socketdude

Just because its not common does not make it a mental health issue in those who were never raped or molested.

Who knows what causes it? Who knows why God said its wrong? All we know is that it is a sin.. we can guess as to why all day long, there seems to be a whole list of possible reasons.. but I don't think mental health issue is one of them.

That would be like God saying that it is a sin to be crazy, when craziness is out of a persons control. I don't buy that.. and if there is an underlying issue such as rape or molestation, then those issues need to be dealt with..

But as far as why God might have said something about it being a sin...all we can say is we don't know.. but we will do our best not to sin, therefore we attempt to chuck sins from the things we don't do list..

what others do is their own business.. its not my business if my neighbor is homosexual. If someone asks me what I believe, I will tell them.. but there is not much point in conjecture about things we don't know.

When I was saved God asked some difficult things from me, things I did not know whether or not I even could quit, but I gave it my best, and did quit with Jesus' help. That is all the advice I would have for anyone.. what helped me with those things I thought impossible.

If someone doesn't want to quit being a homosexual, it is not my concern, nor my business. It is between them and God.

posted on May, 5 2015 @ 11:00 AM
a reply to: boymonkey74

I actually do concentrate on my own soul.

What others do is their business.. I don't much concern myself with it.

You seem to be much more concerned about the beliefs of others than myself.

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