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Rival Gangs Enter Partnership to Assassinate Baltimore Police Officers (updated 3x)

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posted on Apr, 28 2015 @ 01:31 PM
a reply to: tadaman

I saw that in the news I posted in another thread, they are now coming out and trying to save face, telling that they are not the ones that started the riots.

posted on Apr, 28 2015 @ 01:35 PM
a reply to: Entreri06

Good stuff Entreri06. I questioned the OP and other commenters in this thread a few times about the validity of the claims and how it stinks of propaganda. The OP didn't reply, no one did.

The links provided in the OP don't mention the threats. There is only an image provided. No source just a press release from the feds. When do they ever release info about ongoing 'security' issues anyway? When they want to incite hate or fear or whatever. They feed it to the media to spin to the public. People come on a forum and say they want to kill and maim the people causing trouble. Blah blah blah sheeple sheeple sheeple.

posted on Apr, 28 2015 @ 01:36 PM
a reply to: daftpink
Basically it says the opposite of what the police are saying. That they NEVER agreed to come together to kill cops.

That they were attacked by cops while trying to stop violence. That they have no control over a few people who MAY have engaged in violence....but that they dont stand for that.

That while they are gangs, that it is a culture as well and they dont necessarily engage in criminal acts just because of their flying colors.

That they try to get people to get jobs and hold them down, get there on time etcetera. That SOME people do illegal things but it is not mandatory. That they are a gang first and foremost to take of their families and neighborhoods.

That they were all at the protest to see that Freddy Grey get s justice, and that is another issue they find common ground on.

That they are trying to protect their homes and families from increased violence.

One person was arrested for trying to protect a woman who was being beaten, and was arrested even though he stopped the beating and defended himself from the attacker, but since it is a no self defense zone that he was arrested and just released. That they will continue to stop the violence no matter the obstacles placed in front of them.

That times like these they can come together as a "unit" and do good for their community.

edit on 4 28 2015 by tadaman because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 28 2015 @ 01:40 PM
a reply to: tadaman

Thank you for that appreciated

Hopefully this will help people see that the media and the state very often lie. I prefer truth from the horse's mouth so to speak.

posted on Apr, 28 2015 @ 01:42 PM
a reply to: daftpink

I believe that mentioning of the main gangs it was more of a statement than truth, still is small groups of thugs that also call themselves gang members but they are wannabe, often creating chaos in the name of the main gangs.

But it was a few pages in the thread that talks about how main gangs and more organized ones will not create a feud with the police, because is not good for the business.

Now remember the word gangs was used, the mentioning by name was used, but obviously once the riots and violence started it was not time to thin the lies from the truth.

I can only imagine, the truth will come out eventually.

edit on 28-4-2015 by marg6043 because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 28 2015 @ 01:42 PM
a reply to: vonclod

Yes, I would think. At least until an officer was killed by the one resisting arrest.

Then we would have rioting and looting going on in protest of the officer being killed.

Wait...that doesnt happen. Wonder why?

posted on Apr, 28 2015 @ 01:44 PM
a reply to: tadaman

Ah yes, gangs are normally bastions of good deeds.


yeah... What you describe is the proverbial needle in a haystack. Find me a gang that works good deeds.

posted on Apr, 28 2015 @ 01:48 PM
a reply to: bbracken677

I am not retarded. I know they are not "good guys". But that terminology is a little dated. No one is innocent. No one is "good" or "bad" anymore.

That said, I can see them wanting businesses not to close permanently so they can get diapers without traveling 4 city blocks to find a store....drinking water that is not a mile hike away.....for their families cars not to be burnt.....for their grandmothers house no to be burned down. and so on.

I dont think they started the violence as well. They would have STARTED a war....not a riot. They have fully automatic weapons, pipe bombs and other home made explosives...(some are veterans remember)...., and a variable arsenal of small arms.....if not

DO YOU THINK that if they wanted to kill cops that they couldnt have killed WELL over 50 in almost 24 hours of them being spread thin and standing around like walking duck hunt games?

edit on 4 28 2015 by tadaman because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 28 2015 @ 01:49 PM
a reply to: bbracken677

Bingo!!!!!!!!!!!!! they do not hold great records, now, right?

posted on Apr, 28 2015 @ 01:49 PM
a reply to: tadaman

Hopefully the truce holds. If these gangs can come together and lay down their old beliefs in the name of peace, more power to them.

The violence across the city and in jails will decrease, even if it only lasts for a moment or longer, countless lives can be saved. I understand the sentiment from onlookers, however, showing support for the truce and unity within the community to back the truce can help save many youths and families affected by gang violence.

I for one support the laying down of arms and unity, this positive light should be supported. It could end years of unneeded criminal acts. I hope people support this and see it as a way to end the violence and bring the community together.

posted on Apr, 28 2015 @ 01:51 PM
a reply to: Entreri06

So why scapegoat cops who kill whites as much as blacks and go after the media?

as in , If [Spider879 ] is claiming that the media is to blame. Then why is it OK to use cops as a scapegoat for racial discrimination rather than put blame on the media for playing the race card?

Where is the rage and the riots when a black on black crime or gang violence is committed and innocent black kids are killed?

Pretty self explanatory IMO: We see riots when a white cop kills a black cop but where are the riots when its a black on black crime in a community where innocent children die?

Where is the rage when victimization is encouraged to keep a community from excelling?

Why are Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton on the forefront and allowed to continue to use race baiting tactics and race as an excuse for bad behaviour?

edit on 34430America/ChicagoTue, 28 Apr 2015 14:34:10 -0500up3042 by interupt42 because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 28 2015 @ 01:52 PM
a reply to: jessme2

Rofl... so, I am a part of the power structure that oppresses?

I leave in the morning to go to my job of oppressing people, cup of coffee in hand, and on the way I make the mandatory stop to hold someone in their bed, preventing them from leaving home and looking for a job. Then I mount up in my Mercedes and seek others to oppress on my way to work, since thats the kinda guy I am.

And after work, I force people to commit crimes of thievery, murder and mayhem, rape and pillage, since that is how I make my pocket change.


We should excuse all those who are rioting and looting. It's not their fault, it's my fault. I force them to riot and loot... I force them to burn cars. It's the rage that I instill in them because I was a decent student in high school and managed to go to college. Then, being a decent law abiding citizen I obeyed the rules of society and showed some incentive and stayed with the same evil corporation for 23 years. How dare I!! Not only that, but I guard my secret to moderate success, not sharing my methodology with the poor about how education and attitude and patience is one key to moderate success.

You are right. To fix the situation I should have disdained education. I should have begun a life of crime, building a criminal record. I should have not bothered to pay my bills and I should then have blamed it all on "The Man".

Ignorance is no excuse for stupidity.

posted on Apr, 28 2015 @ 01:53 PM

originally posted by: interupt42
a reply to: Entreri06

Why are Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton on the forefront and allowed to continue to use race baiting tactics and race as an excuse for bad behaviour?

Because they are opportunist and the fed on chaos and mayhem, they are not good enough to be elected politicians but hell they do better as appointing themselves "Black community leaders".

posted on Apr, 28 2015 @ 01:55 PM
a reply to: tadaman

Don't give them so much credit, they could do a lot of damage if they want too, but that will bring retaliation, the community will give them away and they could end exterminated.

The gangs would not want something like that to escalate.

edit on 28-4-2015 by marg6043 because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 28 2015 @ 01:56 PM
a reply to: bbracken677

Looking for solutions and placing blame is like watching a house burn and holding a debate as to what kind of smoke detector might be needed.

The damage has been done.

This took decades to create, it won't be solved overnight.

It's a generational, cultural issue. It's an economic issue. Why work for even 15 dollars an hour when the 85K/year jobs are all gone.

This isn't a symptom of a problem.

This is the start of the end-game.

The problem start decades ago.

posted on Apr, 28 2015 @ 01:59 PM
a reply to: beezzer

Is no over beezzer, wait when the next arrest and killing in cops hands happen somewhere else, is going to be the same thing all over again, the seed is been planted and is just going to sprout for the worst.

posted on Apr, 28 2015 @ 02:14 PM

originally posted by: marg6043
a reply to: beezzer

Is no over beezzer, wait when the next arrest and killing in cops hands happen somewhere else, is going to be the same thing all over again, the seed is been planted and is just going to sprout for the worst.

I agree.

When I say that it is over, I mean the quiet, idelic, serene way of life.

It'll be worse the next time. And the time after that, it'll be worse still.

Decades ago, I heard the oft used cry about "Rising up against the oppressors".

But the ground wasn't fertile then.

Decades of poverty, of lousy jobs, of poor living conditions coupled with the development of the entitlement mindset has fertilized the ground for a perfect storm.

It's not going to get any better.

To even try to solve the problem now is futile. The best anyone can do is forestall the symptoms.

posted on Apr, 28 2015 @ 02:14 PM
I am seeing social media posts stating that the purge has moved from city schools to Baltimore County schools. Reports of kids leaving schools at 1 pm.

posted on Apr, 28 2015 @ 02:18 PM
a reply to: butcherguy

Media and The Purge? Poor choice of words if you ask me. Too even suggest this is a purge is utter nonsense and will bait more to continue feeding the fire with nonsense.

posted on Apr, 28 2015 @ 02:21 PM
a reply to: beezzer

Then you wonder why the welfare state has been growing for decades, government trying to fix the problem feeding more money to the poor, but it doesn't seem to do anything to improve the job opportunities of the poor in inner cities.

But the corporate greed is keep alive and well, they are applauded when they outsource for cheap labor while encouraging insourcing of labor force form developing countries.

Still I was hearing in the news the newest debate that you don't get to hear much about, because of Baltimore, the president transparency to the treaties been concocted against the tax payer in the nation, allowing multinational corporations to sue governments when they are losing money due to governments going after them for their dirty deals

All the dirty work done in closed doors hurting nations labor force in the name of greed, now those that are the ones supporting the poor while paying taxes are going to get taken for another ride with corporation law sues.

Life is just peachy

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