a reply to:
Game of Thrones is a little bit of a bone of contention with me.
Like everyone who has access to visual media, and has not been hidden under a collapsed structure of concrete and steel beams for the last God knows
how long, I had been exposed to the media hype, seen the advertising, and the memes and so on. Being a fan of pretty much any show which has a higher
than normal potential for swordfights, archery, and fantasy elements, I thought that this show would pretty much tick my boxes.
And then, I sat down and watched a few episodes... And was BORED witless. I had pretty much figured out by episode four, that I would not be able to
bring myself to give a God damn about any of the characters, not a single one, and that made the whole show fall apart for me. It looks great, the
fight scenes are grand, and the design of the thing is gorgeous... but I just do not care. Hell, I was hoping that every character depicted at the
start, would be dead by the end of the second episode, just to get some damned ENERGY into the show.
I can sit there and see an episode at a friends place, as wallpaper while the important business of talking nonsense and drinking is undertaken, but
I could not sit and try to watch an episode. As I said, I love fantasy, I love sword and sorcery type scenarios, and I read that sort of fiction
avidly too! My imagination where these things are concerned, is not at all limited. However, for one reason or another, I just find the show tedious
beyond belief.
Obviously, with as many fans as it has gained, it must have some significant value, and it is perhaps one of my not inconsiderable limitations which
makes this show less than appealing to me. I am not in any way, suggesting that the show is bad. It just does not do anything for me, despite being
very much within a genre that I would ordinarily get elbows deep in without flinching!