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72 Hour Survival Game

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posted on Apr, 6 2015 @ 06:00 AM
I stumbled upon this interesting concept lately, and am very eager to try it out. Perhaps some of you already know about this, or have implemented something similar with your own concepts.

If you can't see the image you can go to this link (if you can't read the writing, the image is scaled down on ATS, you can read the full scale image here):

Well, what do you think? Sounds interesting!
edit on 6/4/15 by Ghost147 because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 6 2015 @ 06:14 AM

originally posted by: Ghost147
I stumbled upon this interesting concept lately, and am very eager to try it out. Perhaps some of you already know about this, or have implemented something similar with your own concepts.

If you can't see the image you can go to this link (if you can't read the writing, the image is scaled down on ATS, you can read the full scale image here):

Well, what do you think? Sounds interesting!
sounds good fun Would love to try something like this though would prefer to do this kinda stuff in the USA a lot of good scenic place's to do it.

posted on Apr, 6 2015 @ 06:31 AM
Interesting .. though way too much useless # and high tech toys to lug around ..

posted on Apr, 6 2015 @ 06:38 AM
This is a serious question and I don't mean to start a debate about it

BUT... (you knew it was coming haha)

For long term survival I don't really see why people rate guns as useful, genuinely,.. I mean, after the ammo runs out, what then?

I alway thought a bow would be better, limited range I know but silent and at the very worse case scenario you could muster up some home made ammo.

posted on Apr, 6 2015 @ 06:42 AM

originally posted by: Mister_Bit
This is a serious question and I don't mean to start a debate about it

BUT... (you knew it was coming haha)

For long term survival I don't really see why people rate guns as useful, genuinely,.. I mean, after the ammo runs out, what then?

I alway thought a bow would be better, limited range I know but silent and at the very worse case scenario you could muster up some home made ammo.

Shhhh... the gun and ammunition manufacturers would lose their market base if people actually thought and properly planned ...

posted on Apr, 6 2015 @ 06:44 AM
a reply to: Mister_Bit

For long term survival I don't really see why people rate guns as useful, genuinely,.. I mean, after the ammo runs out, what then?

There are billions of rounds in private homes and if you carry 9 mm or .45, 2 of the most common rounds in the world, it's going to be fairly easy to find early on. After that, you can reload. In the first years, a gun will be very handy for hunting and defense. Use what works best first. Then, if you survive in the long term, worry about the bows.

ETA - I agree that bows work, but don't just drop the guns and go for one when TSHF. Guns will be a major factor in your survival early on. A bow is not going to get you out of the city or defend you against attackers and most would never survive if they had to hunt dinner with one. Keep the guns and learn to use a bow while you still have ammo.
edit on 6-4-2015 by DAVID64 because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 6 2015 @ 06:45 AM
Sounds like a fun three days, but I wouldn't call it survival, more like a hike.

It bears no training for a shtf situation, as the biggest problem you will face is other people, lots of them. If you did do what they say, note how many people you see, walk by and bump into all with normality in their lives. You may even be putting your own suvival at risk by thinking, youve done that trek, you can do it, then shtf and yosu set off and get mugged, something you didn't really prepare for.

im not sure whatbyhe point is of doing it apart from a bit of fun, if thats your thing.

posted on Apr, 6 2015 @ 06:46 AM
Hehe my bug out bag is fully packed with more than the game allows before penalizing you, and I can carry it no problem.

Mister_Bit, if a bear decides your lunch a high caliber rifle is much better option than a bow in my opinion.

Edit: I have almost everything that's on that page in my pack, when I am stateside.
edit on 6-4-2015 by Irishhaf because: additional thought

posted on Apr, 6 2015 @ 07:13 AM
Fun game but as : Irishhaf said...
My kit has passed the limit and the wepons I carry add no real impact.
Instead of a bike, anyone heard of a horse?
I will be just fineand I have food on the hoof as they say.

posted on Apr, 6 2015 @ 07:15 AM

originally posted by: DAVID64
a reply to: Mister_Bit

For long term survival I don't really see why people rate guns as useful, genuinely,.. I mean, after the ammo runs out, what then?

There are billions of rounds in private homes and if you carry 9 mm or .45, 2 of the most common rounds in the world, it's going to be fairly easy to find early on. After that, you can reload. In the first years, a gun will be very handy for hunting and defense. Use what works best first. Then, if you survive in the long term, worry about the bows.

ETA - I agree that bows work, but don't just drop the guns and go for one when TSHF. Guns will be a major factor in your survival early on. A bow is not going to get you out of the city or defend you against attackers and most would never survive if they had to hunt dinner with one. Keep the guns and learn to use a bow while you still have ammo.

Fair points but that would mean you going into someone's property (probably guarded) and would bring you into direct conflict?

"Keep the guns and learn to use a bow while you still have ammo." - agree on this.

posted on Apr, 6 2015 @ 10:25 AM
Let's start. (making camp and sleeping for 14 hours per day? Nope, I'd sleep for about 6, but the rest of the time, I'm walking, maybe 1 hour to eat a good meal, and about a total of two hours for interspersed breaks, but that still leaves 15 hours to walk)

On their water list....

Lifestraw (and a metal water bottle, so I can boil water in it)
A camel pack is a pain in the rear most times, and lugging bottles is just unnecessary. If I have to pick another, the water tabs.

On their food list....

None of them. Though I guess the Daytrex bars are close. I'd want something I can eat while on the move. I'm trying to get somewhere after all. Can't imagine taking the time to clean game or even fish! For second item, not the MREs, but dehydrated meals instead (weigh less).

On their shelter list....

None of them. I'd take a good poncho. I'm not trying to make a camp, I have somewhere to be. Sleep will be just a place to rest. Maybe I'd take the paracord, and use it to tie up the poncho.

On their defense list....

Machete and the Glock. (I don't want to have to carry around a rifle, and scream "Hey look, I'm armed!")

On the other list....

The knife, sure. Screw the firestarter though, I'd rather have a Zippo lighter. C'mon, I'm trying to get somewhere, I don't need my firestarter to last forever, just for 72 hours. A lighter is MUCH easier here. The radio is nice to have, but much smaller versions than this. GPS may not even be an option, depending on the SHTF scenario. The first aid kit should already be a part of your kit though too....

Instead of a bike, anyone heard of a horse?

My horse is at my bugout location, lol. For me, getting home during a SHTF event would be if it happened at work (about 45 miles from home).

posted on Apr, 6 2015 @ 10:50 AM
Been there, done that about 30 years ago. It was called SERE school.

posted on Apr, 6 2015 @ 11:10 AM
You know, I may actually try this. But with a lot less junk, and a bit more mapping of my route, I have some land about 75miles away,and have always wanted to see if i could make it to my bug out, on foot, Id be trekking through some mountainous areas, and could actually use the national forest as a short cut. This looks fun, as long as all precautions are taken, it can easily get out of hand quickly, id go with a buddy

posted on Apr, 6 2015 @ 11:53 AM
a reply to: Glassbender777

Wish I could, good luck...

Can't wait to return from Europe and buy a remote property.

posted on Apr, 6 2015 @ 09:41 PM
a reply to: Ghost147

Thats a lot of crap.

but seriously don't take the survival bow you will die of hunger

posted on Apr, 7 2015 @ 10:38 AM
a reply to: Glassbender777

Leave an itinerary with someone that you trust. Set up check in points with that person using your cell phone and a specified amount of time for that person to start searching for you if you are late checking in. Take a GPS and a good map. I know you want to try this under "bug out" conditions, but, safety is an issue here. Both yours and the people who may have to come looking for you.

Don't be that moron who had to cut off his hand because he got it pinned while rock climbing. I had to listen to that dumb-ass's lecture in college. When it came time for questions, I asked him if he had told someone where he was going and when he would be back. I also asked him if he took his cell phone along. I heard him reply "no" to both questions as I was being escorted from the room.

posted on Apr, 7 2015 @ 01:04 PM
a reply to: JIMC5499

All fair questions. Yet he's celebrated for bravery instead of ridiculed for his stupidity.

posted on Apr, 7 2015 @ 09:33 PM
Haha, i'm aware of the many unnecessary and odd things they've added to this list. And I'm fairly sure the items shown in the image are just generic photo's and not the ones recommended to take either

posted on Apr, 9 2015 @ 08:59 AM
The game is weird because we know nothing yet:

1. What happened - We don't know
2. What kind of equipment already exists in the BOL - We don't know - Worst case stolen, destroyed or occupied.
3. How many are we - We don't know - My BOL is a solo camp only?
4. In what terrain is the BOL located and how does the roads to it look like - we don't know
5. What am I wearing now - We don't know
6. And maybe the most important of them all - What is the weather like - We don't know

If this was REAL, you must assume WORST CASE SCENARIO and if we limit to 30 lbs this would be my list:

WATER - Bottled water and Lifestraw.
FOOD - Fishing kit, .22
SHELTER - Survival blankets, Sleeping Bag
DEFENSE - Machete + Bow
OTHER - Firestarter

Total: 30 lbs.


If you could take only one thing from that list, disregarding of weight, what would you take, assuming SHTF and you didn't know anything?
edit on 2015-4-9 by mryang because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 9 2015 @ 09:23 AM
a reply to: mryang

A good full tang fixed blade knife ... beyond that everything else useless weight to lug around.

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