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First Berenstein Bears, now... Jupiter Rising?

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posted on Apr, 5 2015 @ 06:37 PM

originally posted by: EA006

Do you have "info" that could "stop the world"?

You would have to read the Don Juan books to know what that means.. It has nothing to do with your world at all. It's more like meditation or something like that. And how you might change something... It's an issue of not being connected, and then reconnect where you like.. Something like this.. I can't write words to mean what you want me to say though.
edit on 5-4-2015 by KnightLight because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 5 2015 @ 06:38 PM
a reply to: EA006

Here's an screen shot of my search.

The guy I see in the images when I follow one is similar - but most definitely not one and the same as the man I see in person.

Other possibilities I have considered which could explain the 'disjoint' of my perception and/or what's on the internet:
1) My mind and/or the human mind 'preloads 3d imagery' for this 'shared' reality, like a matrix, and my mind 'fell out of alignment' with a preloading mechanism. So what I see and interpret for the reality around me is different than what others do.
2) Reality is 'interpreted' - and my interpretation of your reality - whether it's with sight/sound or who knows what - simply is not aligned to yours and/or the internet. I suspect interplay with a form of relativity - whether it's temporal/perceptual/otherwise - may be also playing a role in the misalignment.

I have also theorized I was born blind. And formed my own perceptual interpretation of reality that may not necessarily look/smell/feel like everyone else's...

Which has me wondering. I see myself as being homeless. Do others simply laugh me off and think i am joking as they see/experience something completely different based on interpretational issues? This I am not sure.

Perception is a weird thing under the covers.

I have also considered I am bat# insane and Pete's a figment of my imagination. But since I and others interact with him, either I am imagining this entire world, or none of it is. So what's the difference? So That pretty much vetoes the insanity cop out.

let me know if a search on Pete using the keywords I used bring up the same thing?
edit on 5-4-2015 by universalbri because: (no reason given)

edit on 5-4-2015 by universalbri because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 5 2015 @ 06:42 PM
a reply to: KnightLight

edit on 5-4-2015 by EA006 because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 5 2015 @ 06:43 PM
a reply to: KnightLight

Maybe the leak is that not everyone is on the EXACT same frequency.

Yeah. That's my suspicion too. That we all have different ranges we perceive in, and some of us just fall out of line because - well - we don't like doing what we're told like robots all the time!

posted on Apr, 5 2015 @ 06:50 PM
a reply to: KnightLight

In a roundabout way you have answered my question. Ty

posted on Apr, 5 2015 @ 07:06 PM
a reply to: KnightLight

And about LOST: Yeah. That's more or less what I got out of LOST too.

Kind of like watching Gilligan's Island meets the Twilight Zone with a twist of Groundhog Day... Boring. Predictable. And didn't really try to go anywhere. I had a friend try to get me into it like your wife did. I just couldn't.

As for your thoughts that the internet is heavily traveled by military types - why would you think this?

ATS is definitely huge about the conspiracies, and as I am new here - it's my opinion that the internet is kinda like a mickey mouse free for all right now. Heavily Traveled by the military types? i suspect if you're of that mindset you might find evidence to support that, but for me, i just see it as ordered chaos where pretty much anything can be proven true if you're receptive to it.

On that note. Psych Ops? Whodat? Did I miss something?

You have me curious - what exactly do you think LOST should not have been allowed to talk about? Quantum Mechanics is a no brainer - would you suggest this get censored?

That comment blew me away. Mind if I ask what you were talking about?

posted on Apr, 5 2015 @ 07:07 PM

originally posted by: EA006
a reply to: KnightLight

In a roundabout way you have answered my question. Ty

I've been reading over your threads, haha..

And btw.. In the Military we swear to the constitution first... We are allowed to disobey any unlawful orders. President is the commander in chief.. The top commander.. We can refuse his orders if they are unlawful as well. You would end up in a military court, probably..

I still Stand by my Oath. I swore to defend the constitution FIRST. That's it.

posted on Apr, 5 2015 @ 07:12 PM
a reply to: universalbri

Sure no problem.

LOST talked about things I thought they wouldn't.. That's all. I see no control in this sphere except by hollywood mostly..

As far as why I think military guys are on the internet...

I trained with em lol.. I know what they do.. First guy I met named blah blah.. He was a web developer trained in North Carolina.. All he did was set up Honey Pots.. That's ALL he did.. My entire platoon and my company and Ft Benning.. It was all Special Operations forces of one flavor or another.. Not to be confused with special forces mind you.. I wasn't of this type..

Most of us were Psychological operations. Controlling the feelings of a people, in a very organized way..

I should say I have no personal experience in this field. I was 14E.. kinda
edit on 5-4-2015 by KnightLight because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 5 2015 @ 07:14 PM
a reply to: KnightLight

It's a bit mixed lol.

When i started ATS i was just curious, then i pitched a few threads to gain an insight into others' thinking.

Don't base your opinion of me on threads or answers because i, like you have information better kept under wraps.

posted on Apr, 5 2015 @ 07:21 PM
I think some of us if not many of us just have faulty memories and we are so sure of what we remember we are completely baffled and befuddled when faced with the truth. Ofcourse we may really be onto something and our memories are intact.

My stepmother had a horse ornament, that stood on its hind legs. She came home one day accusing me or my brother of breaking its front hooves off. We both denied it. She was adamant it had just happened while she was out, and she was never wrong about anything so I thought my brother did it. We both got sent to our rooms until one of us fessed up. Well years later her mother comes to visit and she tells her mother about this. Her mother says " the hooves have been missing for years! I gave it you in that condition" my step mother still didn't believe it. She was an avid duster. She had OCD about cleaning and was very convinced her mother was wrong and we had still been the culprits. " I dusted that horse every Saturday and I would have noticed it missing hooves!". It's funny how she was so convinced it had hooves when apparently it hadn't. Being she was so OCD I'm tempted to believe she was still right, her mother was wrong and my brother broke them off! I know I didn't break them and quite frankly I'd never noticed it was missing it's hooves, but don't really know if it had any either. I didn't really care about this stupid horse. I only know she was very picky and would not have had it on display with missing hooves. It really broke her heart when she saw the hooves gone "my mother gave me that!"

posted on Apr, 5 2015 @ 07:26 PM
a reply to: violet

That's actually a really cool story. thank you for that. I was in the room watching that happen.. I got a good picture of it haha.

The reason I got such a good image..

I wasn't the best kid. Anything I wasn't supposed to do I did, because, I'm stubborn. And I wold involve my little brothers and my sister in these "games."

I shot plastic bullets and made my brother do it, at ceramic ornaments over the fire place. We ended up breaking them. But I made them swear they wouldn't tell.. I probably black mailed them because we would do that to each other.. Keeping secrets until the secrets were worth something..

My mom found out a year later, the missing pieces were just sitting in place, so if you moved it it would fall apart.

So maybe it just went unnoticed?

You don't seem convinced of anything else?

Omg if I'm ever a parent.. My kids will be soo bad.. lol.. And if I have too many, I'll never know who is telling the truth..

I have another reality shift thing that involves items.. I came back from my grandfathers pool. With a bag with my gameboy in it. Well when I set it down all the sudden I was like I want to play my gameboy now. Well it wasn't in my bag so I thought I left it at the pool. This was a plastic grocery bag containing a towel, my wet bathing suit, and the gameboy.. But it wasn't there..

I looked all over the house for it thinking maybe I didn't bring it with me afterall..

And then I had this odd feeling to look back into this grocery bag.. And RIGHT on top.. was my gameboy.. No one else was in the house. I stayed home when they went to the grocery store. I'm the oldest so my mom embarrased me at this age.

so anyway..

edit on 5-4-2015 by KnightLight because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 5 2015 @ 07:37 PM
a reply to: KnightLight

Awww. I gotcha.

I worked with similar sorts as well, not as much the front end and networking types though as it sounds like you did.

In any case. What I'm seeing on the internet and with information in general is more or less an external manifestation of 'the time war' as depicted in both Doctor Who and Star Trek.

It's a war for control of a single linear historical timeline - heck - that even BIlly Joel Sung about:
"We didn't start the fire. It was always burning since the world's been turning'

For me. I could give a rats ass whose timeline is accurate. Did EM die, is Fidel really alive? With infinite potential realities that I one day will get to explore, any of it's possible.

I have memories which remain intact of my own timeline, I don't need to prove that Billy Graham, Bette White, Robin Williams, and Paul Walker died in my timeline for it to be true. But I also don't have any problem with being in a world, informationally at least, where they are suddenly back alive.

As long as this doesnt start happening with my friends and family I'm cool with it, ya know?

Kill em all and let God sort em out I heard them say?


Naw. As long as you're all killing eachother, I am gonna chill out in the public park looking up at the stars and wait for ya'all to quit playin wargames and then you can join me on the next steps in the next steps of humanity's existence.

Of course I might add my nutty two cents in here and there just to shake things up a bit.

For fun ya know?

Putin's still quitting, isn't he?

posted on Apr, 5 2015 @ 07:49 PM
a reply to: violet

Look. That's one way to look at it. Calling it faulty memory. And while I enjoyed the story, there's another even more simple explanation:

The Theory of Relativity - as presented by Einstein - is not a theory. He predicted GPS temporal drift which is used for calculating and triangulating your position in latitude and longitude with a high degree of accuracy by taking into account the time differences between orbiting satellites and the ground.

Simple relativity.

Now this theory being fact opens up a proverbial can of worms, because here's what it says:

Everything is energy and with that is convertible to mass.

Put simply: Everything can exist both within a simulation and outside of it at the same time.

It's a mind blower when you think about it.

Now as we play video games: we're playing with de facto alternate realities. Is that an avatar you're playing with or is that a real live being in an alternate reality?

Einstein made this question impossible to ask and answer. Which proves, factually, alternate realities and multiple universes exist and are an integral part of our lives.

So while there's the potential that yes, your grandma may have mistaken memory, there's other possibilities you're not considering - such as - are you seeing evidence of alternate timelines creeping into your reality and dismissing them? Are you witnessing things that should have you questioning your own memories rather than looking for external support with someone else to assert what's in your mind?

Perception and perceptual relativity is not just shared to make it fact.

It's shared to make life fun and entertaining.
edit on 5-4-2015 by universalbri because: (no reason given)

edit on 5-4-2015 by universalbri because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 5 2015 @ 07:57 PM
well there is a community of people calling themselves "the sync web". where they reference jupiter and a symbol that looks like 42, relating it to joy. there are plenty of blogs about this syncronicity/syncromysticism.

posted on Apr, 5 2015 @ 08:04 PM

originally posted by: sanitizedinfo
well there is a community of people calling themselves "the sync web". where they reference jupiter and a symbol that looks like 42, relating it to joy. there are plenty of blogs about this syncronicity/syncromysticism.

Jupiter is symbolized by a thing that looks like 42 in astrology. Remember that astrology is really a map of the earths spin and wobble.. It's a time keeper of the universe. Jupiter is joy and to an extreme overindulgence of things.. Like Rome..
It's where the religions pop up.. Jupiter is Zeus.. Jupiter is the god in the bible. hercules is half man half god.. He's god's son who has to live on earth and go through trials. yea?

It's all encoded in your life...

Lunes.. Monday.. Moon day..
Martes.. Tuesday.. Mars day..
Miercoles. Wednesday.. Mercury day..
Jueves.. Thursday.. Jupiter day..
Viernes.. Friday.. Venus day..
Sabado.. Saturday.. Sabath day..
Domingo.. Sunday.. Lords day..

Notice Sunday.. It's the Lords day.. SUN day.. Ever say AMEN... after a prayer? Do you know the SUN god Amen RA, the most High Lord?
Also notice the Sabath is on Saturday.. Also notice Saturday is Saturn... Saturn being the Lord of the Rings.

And as far as "syncronicity/syncromysticism."

That is where you are in your mind.. When you start getting them you are on a path. That path is leading you to what you were trying to understand or thinking about a lot, or wanting..
edit on 5-4-2015 by KnightLight because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 5 2015 @ 08:08 PM
a reply to: universalbri

Relativity.. It's all relative.. Any given being may be in a different time to them, than we are to us.. Travel the stars, and you may be a time traveler. And as far as the mind goes and potentials, and where we are in "reality." It's all relative.

What do you choose to relate to?
edit on 5-4-2015 by KnightLight because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 5 2015 @ 08:42 PM
a reply to: KnightLight

Lol. You get where I am goin with that.

Did you ever read the "Choose your own adventures books?"

I suppose you could say I am walking the line between multiverses and linear reality. My mind - as an 'internal' part of me understands and orders the possibilities and potentials of infinite universes "out there" - but that's contained in my body - the physical construct of me - which lives in a single linear reality.

Me? I relate to it all.

I had never remotely considered for one moment prior to three years ago that I was about to embark down a path of teaching myself - and - being taught - that would soon be able to snap my fingers and appear anywhere, anytime I wanted to when I was good and ready for it - and I didn't have to 'die' for it to happen and it was a certain future I was painting for myself in the real world.

Seeing 'information' misalignment like what we've discussed in this thread only asserts my suspicion that reality and the constant values and facts which govern it have a foundation that's poured through belief - and belief can alter and reshape it in ways beyond what most I suspect can imagine.

I mean. If consensus information manipulation can raise someone from the dead.

I suppose I have imagined the possibilities if i developed that skill in me as an individual....

And do what I please without waiting for the consensus.

That and I figure Q and the Borg's story in Star Trek has yet to be told.

I figure that's where our planet comes in.

Q's the arrogant bastard who not only demands freedom. He asserts it.

He's me.

And the collective around me. Well. We'll see what you all do next...

You didn't react well for my first jump :-) So I am taking my time before I do my second.

Life can be crazy, can't it?

Please let me know if you see more 'disjoints' of reality's timelines.

It's ammunition for my mind to understand we have a safety net.

posted on Apr, 5 2015 @ 08:59 PM

originally posted by: universalbri
a reply to: KnightLight

Lol. You get where I am goin with that.

Did you ever read the "Choose your own adventures books?"

I suppose you could say I am walking the line between multiverses and linear reality. My mind - as an 'internal' part of me understands and orders the possibilities and potentials of infinite universes "out there" - but that's contained in my body - the physical construct of me - which lives in a single linear reality.

Me? I relate to it all.

I will never react to anyone in anyway on here.. I'm a stubborn Scorpio. This is my land haha..

Oh and no I never read books like that, but I do understand what they are as a concept.. I remember a computer game that was basically the same thing. word based.. And you chose your path.

"there is a bird in the tree above you."
1)try talking to the bird.
2)shoot it with an arrow.
3)run away.

option 1... The bird is actually able to talk. he wonders your motives in his land..
1)shoot the bird.
2)ask why he cares.
3)try to bribe him.

Whatever whatever...

IT was a very long time until I realized that was a legitimate idea.. That interactions could change by how you were thinking.. I never viewed talking as a way to move through situations.

So anyway I have sort of played those games, but never read a book like that.
edit on 5-4-2015 by KnightLight because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 5 2015 @ 09:13 PM
a reply to: universalbri

I respond to them "these are all merely stories, I veto the # reality you want to feed me and overlay it with my own which seems like it will be more fun."

I personally, always quote one Jamie Hyneman, to wit: "I reject your reality, and substitute my own."

On topic... It really is not 'Jupiter Rising' ? [Interesting, as stroking of the chin beard ensues...]

posted on Apr, 5 2015 @ 09:25 PM
I has experienced what is now known as "the Mandela Effect" and I have a theory about it in relation to the internet.

Time is not linear but we only are able to experience it linearly. Its like a spiderweb where they're are threads that are weaved in and out. Like a satellite photo of the earth is not an actual photo but an aggregate of several images. Our current reality is just an aggregate of the possible realities that exist. I don't believe in an infinite number of parallel universes but rather a finite number of multiverses.

The internet or world wide Web exists like this as well and they are cross overs from other dimensions. I feel there is a conspiracy to suppress this information.

edit on 1442015xApril000000Sunday05America/ChicagoSun, 05 Apr 2015 21:28:33 -0500 by BoxFulder because: Grammar

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