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Exposing America's Billionaire Welfare Ranchers

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posted on Mar, 25 2015 @ 10:14 PM

originally posted by: Nyiah

originally posted by: TinfoilTP
You will never wean people off of bacon and eggs to eat rice cakes and soy mashes, mainly because real food is just too damn good and tasty. The day people are regulated to their one serving of real meat on some government holiday is when we turn into communist China.

Oh goody, a know-it-all who thinks the status quo can never change willingly! Well now, this meat-eater is going to double down & encourage more part-time meat-eating just to prove you blind AND to rankle you further

Seriously, if you don't like where the tax money is going, make an effort to not use the product(s) benefiting from the subsidies. In other words, hit 'em in the proverbial crotch & eat less from commercial sources. Also recognize that we need smaller portions than we're conditioned to have to survive on, no one needs the porterhouse bigger than the plate. One the size of your palm once or twice a week gives you plenty of nutrition.

Sounds like more government regulated one size fits all malarkey.
Complaining about govt subsidies then advocating your dinner plate size to be regulated is hypocritical.
Besides, everyone knows a steak that's hanging over the edge with blood running off the plate is the stuff that makes their mouth water, not some dried out piece of mystery meat that leaves you emaciated on the porcelain throne.

posted on Mar, 25 2015 @ 10:15 PM

originally posted by: TinfoilTP
Every good lil amateur revolutionary knows the cost of food is directly a factor in making their dreams come true. If you want the cost of peoples meat to go through the roof then guess what transparent message you are sending?

People pay for it already anyway because those subsidies come from Taxes. It's more distributed that's all. Plus there other ways of keeping costs down besides giving money to the rich when they are already making a profit. Why don't they sacrifice some of their Billion Dollar Profits instead of always taking more from those that don't have any extra to give just so they can live like kings???

Taking from people that don't have anything extra to give and giving to the Rich who already have more than enough is malicious and completely unreasonable. It's just selfish and greedy and serves the few at the price of the many. It leads to despotism and eventually destruction of a stable society and then war and brutality and death.

There are various ways and examples that can be shown in opposition to the argument that we should be taking from the poor and rewarding the rich but that isn't what this topic is about so I won't bother.

BTW, you totally sidestepped my original question.

posted on Mar, 25 2015 @ 10:37 PM

originally posted by: TinfoilTP

originally posted by: Nyiah

originally posted by: TinfoilTP
You will never wean people off of bacon and eggs to eat rice cakes and soy mashes, mainly because real food is just too damn good and tasty. The day people are regulated to their one serving of real meat on some government holiday is when we turn into communist China.

Oh goody, a know-it-all who thinks the status quo can never change willingly! Well now, this meat-eater is going to double down & encourage more part-time meat-eating just to prove you blind AND to rankle you further

Seriously, if you don't like where the tax money is going, make an effort to not use the product(s) benefiting from the subsidies. In other words, hit 'em in the proverbial crotch & eat less from commercial sources. Also recognize that we need smaller portions than we're conditioned to have to survive on, no one needs the porterhouse bigger than the plate. One the size of your palm once or twice a week gives you plenty of nutrition.

Sounds like more government regulated one size fits all malarkey.
Complaining about govt subsidies then advocating your dinner plate size to be regulated is hypocritical.
Besides, everyone knows a steak that's hanging over the edge with blood running off the plate is the stuff that makes their mouth water, not some dried out piece of mystery meat that leaves you emaciated on the porcelain throne.

Well, then you just go right ahead & keep stuffing yourself silly. And remember to not complain, since you're part of the problem rather than any potential solution.

posted on Mar, 25 2015 @ 11:42 PM
a reply to: TinfoilTP

is that what you think Pink Slime is?

posted on Mar, 26 2015 @ 01:07 AM

originally posted by: TinfoilTP

Are you one of those consumers that demands free range meat and eggs? Can't have it both ways.

Are you a consumer, or are you a citizen? Can't have it both ways.
edit on 020152015k23101America/Chicagotham by Look2theSacredHeart because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 26 2015 @ 04:38 AM
a reply to: ~Lucidity These one percenter you mention in your list. All make money with stocks and bonds. I was wondering if they or their brokers simply saw a good deal to invest into these ranches? After all ranching is a business. Business are there to make money a profit. All business look for and use loop holes in the tax laws. It is not illegal to do so. If the rancher is subsidized so what, he is just using the law as it is written. I do not blame any rancher for making a profit. That is just business as usual.

posted on Mar, 26 2015 @ 05:41 AM
a reply to: Ceeker63

Yes, sure. Investors need have no morals, no scruples, no chains that bind them to not invest in things that kill the planet and the living things on it, including people. That would just be a huge violation of their rights. They also have no need to worry about having their investments and profits protected from and subsidized by the evil taxpayers who have no option to invest or if and when they do have it stolen by these wise investors. No issue here at all. Move along.

posted on Mar, 26 2015 @ 07:13 AM

originally posted by: ~Lucidity
I only posted this because it is the kind of thing the real media should be publishing daily so that we can make informed choices and take action. These people not only run the country and its people but also rob it blind, just as those in the MIC do. And yet people still support them and their "candidates," although the words I would use for those they have bought and paid for in Congress would be "henchmen."

You realize don't you, that this has been going on for thousands of years in every iteration of a "civilization" you can think of.

So...for example, check out:

The surprise there isn't their ability to profit from trade and commerce at the expense of the little guy. The surprise is that they were able to transfer so much of their wealth from Italy to Constantinople at a time of extreme chaos in the Western Roman Empire.

posted on Mar, 26 2015 @ 07:16 AM
The problem is, it's not just those big farmers they list. There are so many others, getting a ridiculous amount of money from the government.
We have one, not 15 miles from us. He gets over 900,000.00 in subsidies a year!!!!! Just for letting the government tell him when to plant, when not to, and what to plant, and how many cattle to raise and slaughter.
So when you hate on the big ones listed, just think of how many more there are, getting a stupid amount of cash, on us.

posted on Mar, 26 2015 @ 08:35 AM
a reply to: ~Lucidity

Wait.....aren't they just using the Progressive based tax system to their advantage?

Sounds like welfare scammers are on both ends.

posted on Mar, 26 2015 @ 11:35 AM
a reply to: TinfoilTP

real food is just too damn good and tasty

unfotunately alot of food that people eat now isn't real food, and I would even say most of it isn't real food,that is
unless you know your source or you grow it youself.
And fast food bergers? I will keep my distance.

posted on Mar, 26 2015 @ 03:25 PM

originally posted by: macman
a reply to: ~Lucidity

Wait.....aren't they just using the Progressive based tax system to their advantage?

Sounds like welfare scammers are on both ends.

The term you might be looking for is socialist-based, but who the hell knows.
edit on 3/26/2015 by ~Lucidity because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 26 2015 @ 11:41 PM

originally posted by: elementalgrove
You know, as people become more aware of the world around them.

They will continue unplugging from the psychological programming of entertainment that has captured everyone's consciousness with it's base instinct allure, put in place since Edward Bernays wrote the book Propaganda in 1928.

The diversionary tactics employed by the media to continue this Democrat/Republican paradigm will continue to fail as people stop paying attention to corporate media.

And the quiet unyielding anger that has grown, shall be used as the motivating drive to correct the injustices that have been built up around us.

It is funny that the elite believe they can guide chaos, the very belief that reeks of such hubris and delusional ego, the gods will laugh as they are held accountable for their actions.

In the coming years as the control mechanism known as money, which has destroyed our humanity as well as this beautiful earth is put back in its right place, you would not want to be one of these .01-1%'s

At least from my vantage point!

Your vantage point is not even close, you are at phase one while "they" have been assessed tasks to accomplish that you may never understand.

In NO WAY, will humanity ever unplug enough to expose any of the real controllers, unless they take a totally different path, and that path is one that is shunned and feared as much now as ever, and I have yet to see more than a handful of people even attempt.

And when one even does, they realize they are surrounded at all sided, in all realms by various levels of incomplete beyond repair highly advanced beings....that will do ANYTHING to make sure we are not going anywhere.

They would destroy the entire Universe before letting us go, the REAL SAMSON OPTION.

posted on Mar, 26 2015 @ 11:53 PM
a reply to: TinfoilTP

Which evil narrative are we to believe and why do you want our hamburgers to cost so much?

Considering how much fecal matter amongst other goodies you Americans get to enjoy in your burgers i would say you are paying enough as it is....

The slaughterhouses and meat grinders only spread the contaminations further. As the hide is pulled off the animal by machine, if the hide was not cleaned properly, chunks of dirt and manure will fall from it onto the meat. When the stomach & intestines are removed, if it is not done properly, the contents will spill out onto the meat and the table. With the quick assembly line and the unskilled workers, manure spillage occurs in about 1 in 5 carcasses. A single gut splatter can quickly spread as hundreds of carcasses quickly move down the line.

On topic......The rest of us are in a farm of our own and it is called a tax farm.......yeah we are peasants and likely will remain that way until there is significant change.....

posted on Mar, 27 2015 @ 12:11 AM
a reply to: ParasuvO

Well well!

Good day to you Parasuvo!

I must admit, I think the world would be far to much to handle if I maintained your level of pessimism! That is not to say that it is not understandable, given that you have looked into the David vs Goliath situation we find ourselves in.

That being said I disagree with every aspect of your assessment.

In more than one way humanity is unplugging, it is simply at the grassroots level and it is permeating throughout all levels of the world. Ever heard of the 100 monkey experiment to me this is something to put hope into.

The organic movement in the food fight is one example of people waking up, the profits of the industry are a clear example.

The hemp movement as well as medical cannabis movement is another example.

Even in the face of the corrupted "scientific" community that is as corporate as one can get, you can look around the world and see the inevitable tech advancements that are revolutionizing everything, it is simply not televised!

German car runs on salt water

In my worldview, this planet has a consciousness known as Gaia Sophia, we are not separate from her, we are of her. As her consciousness changes so does all of ours, honestly to me you have drank from the doom porn koolaid and given these quite simple megalomaniacs far too much power!

posted on Mar, 27 2015 @ 05:34 AM
a reply to: TinfoilTP

Good job and pass me one of those steaks

MOST of the people I have talked to that believe in the nut and berry living on just whats needed to survive have never been out side the city and wouldn't know what part of the cow to cut up for a steak anyway.

I have traveled a lot of the world and the places I have seen where the people are the best of is places that have cows, chickens, goats and plat their own vegis. They milk the cow and bred it, use the new calf to replace the old or cut it for meat. They get the eggs from the chicken and cutup the ones that don't lay anymore. They milk the goats and use them to control the weeds in the gardens.

posted on Mar, 27 2015 @ 09:00 AM
a reply to: ~Lucidity the progressive tax system is what we have currently. It is what the Govt and others have weaponized and is one of the major issues.

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