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City of London's Ownership of American Colonies

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posted on Mar, 25 2015 @ 02:20 PM
Well My ATS Brothers and Sisters, I've just had a read through this article as to the Formation of The United States as a Constitutional Republic and The Second Constitutional Formation of THE CORPORATION OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, in 1871.

I've read specifically of this subject before and have always felt a bit sickened by the depth of deception that this has brought to mind and the devious nature of this Birth of A Second Nation that seems to have some basis in fact, as per my other reading forays into this subject.

So, Has anyone else here read of this before and have had thought to as the complete deception that this suggests. Or, are we quite happy to be just a plantation for the sole benefit of The Crown and their Corporate Field Bosses?

Any Thoughts, Comments, Denials, Rants and Raves are as always very welcome and we will stick around to answer anything pertinent to this particular article. Thanks for taking A Peek my Peeps
Peace, Arjunanda.

The misplaced reverence to the ill formulated U.S Constitution and hidden subjugation back to the City of London is one aspect of history that is not taught in government schools or discussed in institutes of higher education. This subject is probably new to most observers of the legacy from the Founding Father’s biggest mistake. Regular readers of BREAKING ALL THE RULES are familiar with the arguments made in the essays, In the beginning: Let there be the Articles of Confederation and Articles of Confederation was Preferable. Now the case for the betrayal of the purpose of the American Revolution needs to be explored.

Cited on the US Constitution Gave Legal Ownership and Control of the United States to London site is an assessment by Michael Edward.

"Neither the American people nor the Queen of Britain own America. The Crown Temple owns America through the deception of those who have worn their allegiance by oath to the Middle Templar Bar. The Crown Bankers and their Middle Templar Attorneys rule America through unlawful contracts, unlawful taxes, and, contract documents of false equity through debt deceit, all strictly enforced by their completely unlawful, but 'legal,' Orders, Rules and Codes of the Crown Temple Courts Our so-called 'judiciary' in America. This is because the Crown Temple holds the land titles and estate deeds to all of North America."

An examination of The Templars of the Crown provides elaboration on this appraisal. For an even more in-depth analysis, review the material that probes AMERICAN LAND OWNERSHIP, A TRUE OXYMORON, which deals with the work of James Montgomery.


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edit on Wed Mar 25 2015 by Jbird because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 25 2015 @ 02:36 PM
a reply to: arjunanda

I have read about this.

john q public is not beholden to THE CONSTITUTION OF THE UNITED STATES.


Ever get a court document?

It says JOHN Q PUBLIC on it.

Not John Q Public.

The wild guy from Montana or whatever used this as a defense in a illegal fishing charge.

He screamed at the judge, told her "no you be quite, the only contempt in this court is you're trying to make up fake charges under a false identity".( approx what he said, can't remember the exact wording).

The judge got up and left. He did too, no verdict no charges for contempt etc....

It was interesting to say the least.

The bid is on YouTube.

posted on Mar, 25 2015 @ 02:40 PM
a reply to: arjunanda

The story from the history is picked up in 1930 and should be considered with where we are right now .

I have done a bit of reading into the subject ,and have my own set of dot's connected but will tell you right now you will not be able to argue your points to conclusions . The reason has as much to do with Laws and the legalese they use . It is the one institute that can legally create laws contrary to laws . One new aspect of law we see emerging is Reflexive Law that has it's place within Agenda 21 and common core , all parts of the UN and the none elected group working behind the scenes to prepare the world for what will surely raise it's head in the future . This is a link to a long vid but well worth the watch and contemplation . If it wasn't for the many facts brought up and brought to light we might have never known .

Here is the complete 3/18 interview of Patrick Wood with John B. Wells of Caravan to Midnight. Highly recommended viewing in order to understand Technocracy and who is implementing it.

posted on Mar, 25 2015 @ 02:41 PM
Yep johnwick, I heard something about that a while back. Very interesting stuff this is. Just brings to mind a lot of things like what we own, who we are etc? Good reply and a star
Arjunanda. a reply to: johnwick

posted on Mar, 25 2015 @ 02:44 PM
Good Info the2ofusr1, I'll have a watch of the vid and Thank You for the 411 and a Star
Arjunanda. a reply to: the2ofusr1

posted on Mar, 25 2015 @ 03:11 PM
Is this more sovereign citizen garbage?

If it is -- don't pay any attention to it.

posted on Mar, 25 2015 @ 03:46 PM
a reply to: MystikMushroom

I would be hesitant to use the Capital Letters argument in a US court of law, they don't recognize it.

Some tax protesters (and occasionally persons brought before courts) have argued that because the titles of court cases identify the parties in all capital letters, the persons thus identified are "fictitious entities". In other words, a court hearing a case titled "STATE v. JOHN Q. SMITH" has no authority over the defendant, "John Q. Smith" because the capitalization of the name means the court is addressing a person who does not exist. Such an argument was made by Eddie Ray Kahn, a co-defendant of Wesley Snipes in the latter's high-profile tax evasion case. Kahn "made several missteps and peculiar motions. For example, he sought to be immediately freed because the indictment lists his name in all capital letters, and he claimed U.S. attorneys have no jurisdiction because Florida supposedly was never ceded to the federal government". The court denied these motions.

No court has ever upheld such an argument. See, e.g. United States v. Frech ("Defendants' assertion that the capitalization of their names in court documents constitutes constructive fraud, thereby depriving the district court of jurisdiction and venue, is without any basis in law or fact"); United States v. Washington ("defendant contends that the Indictment must be dismissed because 'KURT WASHINGTON,' spelled out in capital letters, is a fictitious name used by the Government to tax him improperly as a business, and that the correct spelling and presentation of his name is 'Kurt Washington.' This contention is baseless"). See also United States v. Ford (taxpayer's argument—that an IRS summons was invalid because the IRS capitalized all the letters in the taxpayer's name in the caption of a petition—was ruled to be frivolous). Similar arguments have been raised unsuccessfully about things such as the presence or absence of punctuation, or of a middle name or middle initial.

So even if everything OP said is somehow true, the government and courts are apparently not aware of it and will dismiss the arguments as frivolous or not founded in US case law.

edit on 25-3-2015 by Elton because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 25 2015 @ 03:53 PM
a reply to: Elton

There are a lot of scams going around preying on people who owe a lot in taxes or child support using the capital letter argument. "Pay me money and I'll show you a secret loop hole!" ... The only thing is, you'll be out more money and probably get a free prison jumpsuit.

posted on Mar, 25 2015 @ 03:54 PM
a reply to: arjunanda

Is it just pure coincidence that John Dickinson one of The U.S. Founding Fathers and also the man that drafted "The U.S. Articles of Confederation " was also a member of London's Middle Temple ?

posted on Mar, 25 2015 @ 04:09 PM

Luciferian Crown Empire - Crown Temple - City of London Corporation - Jesuit Merchants

Exposing the satanic papal roman empire's covert global power structure & the mystery babylon new world order agenda.

This video is dedicated to exposing the Jesuit/Vatican hidden Luciferian Crown Empire Corporation and the City of London Corporation/Livery Companies. These two organizations run nations, governments, military, food, education, finance, health, science, manufacturing/tech and the likes. They answer to no one but the Jesuit high command and are supervised by the Knights of Malta. These institutions are agencies and basically everyone on the planet who is not a "freeman" and or in the "club" is enslaved by these Luciferian organizations who dictate the state of affairs across the globe. The Crown Empire/Corporation and the City of London (including the Livery Companies) are the real terrorist organizations, creating front businesses, groups and governments to conceal their real affairs of premeditated mass drug trade, eco-terrorism, slavery, genocide, poverty, assassinations, mass trauma propaganda, war, etc. Do not be fooled by the Crown Corporation (Crown Agents) terms or empty slogans such as liberalism, equality, peace and so forth. There are no nations of the world, there are companies, and these two are the biggest.


And who actually got the best end of the deal ??
The Definitive Treaty of Peace 1783

posted on Mar, 25 2015 @ 04:14 PM
a reply to: xuenchen

I like this part of The Treaty

Article 8: The navigation of the river Mississippi, from its source to the ocean, shall forever remain free and open to the subjects of Great Britain and the citizens of the United States.

So can i sail up the river without producing a passport ?

posted on Mar, 25 2015 @ 04:26 PM
Is this also just a coincidence ?

The U.S. Seat Of Government is WHITE HOUSE.

The U.K. Seat Of Government is WHITE HALL.

White Hall is part of London's Inner Temple.

posted on Mar, 25 2015 @ 05:00 PM

originally posted by: alldaylong
Is this also just a coincidence ?
The U.S. Seat Of Government is WHITE HOUSE.
The U.K. Seat Of Government is WHITE HALL.

In denying ignorance. The seat of government in the UK is the Palace of Westminster. White Hall is a road that passes by. Therefore, it's no coincidence, because it's wrong.

You should be comparing White Hall with Pennsylvania Ave, which shows sod all coincidence IMHO.

This is a lesson in how to make things up, or did you learn this on YouTube?
edit on 25/3/2015 by paraphi because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 25 2015 @ 05:07 PM
a reply to: paraphi

No need for insults.

The White House is the residence of The U.S. President is it not

Downing Street is the residence of The British PM is it not?

Downing Street is Whitehall is it not?

What's your problem?

posted on Mar, 25 2015 @ 05:14 PM
All sorts of cowinkydinks it seems in a lot of the readings if you go into it deep enough. It seems to me another Deep Rabbit Hole and from the looks of things it was made to be that way. Good Reply and Info
Arjunanda. Oh and A Star
a reply to: alldaylong

posted on Mar, 25 2015 @ 05:17 PM
Good Reply Xuenchen and the older threads from first glance are very informative. I will have a read of these as well. Thank You for the additional Info and A Star
Arjunanda. a reply to: xuenchen

posted on Mar, 25 2015 @ 05:37 PM

originally posted by: alldaylong
a reply to: arjunanda

Is it just pure coincidence that John Dickinson one of The U.S. Founding Fathers and also the man that drafted "The U.S. Articles of Confederation " was also a member of London's Middle Temple ?

Soooooo he was a lawyer who was part of a law society?? Whats the big deal with Middle Temple??

posted on Mar, 25 2015 @ 05:41 PM

originally posted by: alldaylong
Downing Street is the residence of The British PM is it not?

Downing Street is Whitehall is it not?

No, it is in Downing Street, not Whitehall....

What's your problem?

You seem to be the one with the problem, just making stuff up!

posted on Mar, 25 2015 @ 05:46 PM
a reply to: hellobruce

No, it is in Downing Street, not Whitehall..

Now you are showing your complete ignorance.


Recognised as the centre of Her Majesty's Government,

Here is a list of buildings on Whitehall

Government buildings on Whitehall, from north to south, include: The Admiralty Buildings (Foreign and Commonwealth Office, others) 22 Whitehall (Department for International Development) 55 Whitehall (Department for Energy and Climate Change) Old War Office 36 Whitehall (Office of the Parliamentary Counsel) Horse Guards Ministry of Defence main building Dover House (Scotland Office) Gwydyr House (Wales Office) 70 Whitehall (the Cabinet Office) Downing Street (Cabinet, Prime Minister (10 Downing Street) and Deputy Prime Minister) Richmond House (Department of Health) Foreign and Commonwealth Office Government Offices Great George Street (HM Treasury, HM Revenue and Customs and parts of the Cabinet Office

Have you noticed Downing Street is on Whitehall?

Come back when you have something sensible to say. And always remember.......Deny Ignorance.

edit on 25-3-2015 by alldaylong because: (no reason given)

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