posted on Mar, 12 2015 @ 05:50 PM
How many people are really up in arms about this woman? A few ninnies on Facebook, maybe. Some who are probably sharing for the sole purpose of having
the conversation, (which has been carried on here, so, it worked) not because of any real "offence" that they feel. I think most mothers of young
girls wouldn't want them to see this because, yes, psychologically, it hurts them somewhat; but how often are these magazines even prominently
displayed where children can't help but see them? Again, it's likely rare.
And I agree with Hecate666, that man is definitely not every woman's ideal, maybe the type of woman who's been force fed romance novels her whole
life, or one whose been heartbroken so long she hides behind fantasies so unattainable she'll never have to face the challenge of a relationship
again. (I suspect there are more of these women than those who would be offended by a beautiful swimsuit model.)