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Gamergate and Cyber Bullying

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posted on Feb, 12 2015 @ 06:41 PM
a reply to: Kali74

I thought you made a good point using GTA as a reference, but I did want to mention that GTA V is actually a really in-depth game that has a lot to offer besides prostitutes. It has good plot and character development, and they spent over $200 million making the game... there are things like family issues that need to be taken care of...

And you can spend an entire afternoon doing something like scuba diving or flying an airplane. The scenery is pretty good.

If you want a feminist critique of the game, all three main playable characters are male, the supporting cast is mostly male, although you can be a female in online mode (which is the character that I chose to play as) and there is violence in the game, of course... it is a game based on criminal activity...
edit on 12pmThu, 12 Feb 2015 18:44:27 -0600kbpmkAmerica/Chicago by darkbake because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 12 2015 @ 07:00 PM
a reply to: darkbake

My thoughts...

Those decrying "sexism" in videogames must be applying a great deal of importance and even an "art becomes life" rationale to get past the fact that it is simply an entertainment medium that targets particular consumer demographics. I find it fascinating that any group that places so much importance on the perception of Ones and Zeros coagulating into a product that dares display "sexism" isn't absolutely losing their minds over the rates of violence, depravity, and masochism shown in most other games... clearly these gals can separate fantasy from reality in regards to mass electronic killings, devastation, property damage, fantastical feats, mastery of magic, imaginary creatures, etc, etc, etc... so they are selectively feigning outrage.

*Yawn* Player 1 is unimpressed.

posted on Feb, 12 2015 @ 07:12 PM
Any developer that bends their game in order to appease offended people, I will not support.. Mortal Kombat has reached that list, I did like the 2011 reboot but I see this movement has even reached their development team.

Rumor was going around Anita was helping develop Mirrors Edge 2 and she wanted an "easier" control scheme for women. I guess women don't have 4 fingers and a thumb so they can't play as effectively as men?
edit on 1207America/Chicagopm28America/Chicago125 by jheated5 because: (no reason given)

edit on 1207America/Chicagopm28America/Chicago125 by jheated5 because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 12 2015 @ 07:57 PM
they're over sexualizing black women and doing the opposite to white women.
what the flip are they up to?

posted on Feb, 12 2015 @ 08:22 PM

originally posted by: Eunuchorn

originally posted by: amazing

originally posted by: ketsuko
a reply to: Kali74

I don't tend to play a ton of AAA title video games, but it doesn't upset me when I see those games that have muscular male protags rescuing female protags. Why should it? Is it wrong for a guy to play a game where he gets the girl? There are enough AAA games that offer me the option I'm looking for to suit me, so I fail to see why we need to achieve perfect equality in all things here.

If these women want to see games designed a certain way and telling certain stories, then shouldn't they be doing it themselves? It's how women broke into the comics industry. They certainly didn't picket Marvel and DC and whine because those two houses refused to change their top titles right away. They did it from the ground up, and that's how these women should do it. It's the proper way, and it might just break them in and build demand for what they make.

Instead, they flagrantly alienate a large potential customer base, so now they likely couldn't get a start even if they tried. To many people are irritated by their approach.

It's the death threats, the Doxxing, the rape threats, the horribly hateful comments. That's what's wrong with the gamergaters...that and they put Gate at the end of their word. That and the incessant whining. "poor us" ...that and they seem to want women to keep quiet, stay barefoot and pregnant in the kitchen. "silly women, you can't have an're women for gods sake!"

That's not a Gamergate problem, that's a humanity problem.

True, but let's break it down and focus on one issue at a time. Is Gamergate an obnoxious group that threatens rape and death? Yes.'s a gamergate problem.

posted on Feb, 12 2015 @ 08:24 PM

originally posted by: ketsuko
a reply to: amazing

Maybe there is also an element of boys and men being hounded so thoroughly throughout culture by women.

I don't defend the obnoxious stuff. But sometimes, women should learn to let well enough alone or at least be less shrill about complaining that men are *gasp* men and like manly things and manly fantasies like we women like ours.

But here come the feminists insisting shrilly that manly fantasies are an affront to all womankind and wrong. Basically, being a man is an affront to all womankind and wrong.

Yeah but as a well adjusted male, I don't have any of those problems. I can still play dead or alive and Halo...I got no problems. If women want to state their opinions, then they should be able to do so without threat of death and rape and doxxing and all the hateful online comments.

Why the fear of empowered women? Why the fear of women expressing their opinions?

posted on Feb, 12 2015 @ 08:33 PM
a reply to: amazing

Are you trying to tell me that only women youtubers get death threats, doxxing, swatted by males? This doesn't happen to any other gender when they state their opinions on social media?

posted on Feb, 12 2015 @ 08:35 PM

originally posted by: jheated5
a reply to: amazing

Are you trying to tell me that only women youtubers get death threats, doxxing, swatted by males? This doesn't happen to any other gender when they state their opinions on social media?

It can happen to anyone, I agree, but this thread was about gamergate and the rape threats they make against women. Let's tackle one backwards hate group at a time. There's a whole list, but one thing at a time, my friend, one thing at a time. On this thread, the hate group, gamergate is first on the list.
edit on 12-2-2015 by amazing because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 12 2015 @ 08:43 PM

originally posted by: ketsuko
a reply to: Kali74

You are, but IMO, there is a difference to my eye between male wish fulfillment and something as obviously degrading as ...

If you click to link, you will see why I did not just link the video. It is quite obviously NSFW and misogynist and sexist or whatever you want to call it. I just call it trash much like about every serious reviewer.

But let's be honest, if women are allowed to have their wish fulfillment in the forms of things like the entire 'Twilight" saga and 50 Shades of Gray, then why are we so fussed about the simply male wish fulfillment in video games?

That's a video game??? This world is so messed up. I feel old and out of place in this world, I am so ready for what is next.

posted on Feb, 12 2015 @ 08:47 PM
a reply to: amazing

Well the only reason they exist is because they have the opposition. I'm not saying I agree with them, I condemn all the idiots that make those threats.

The feminists side is just as bad but it's even worse because a select few of them found a niche to use those gamergate to get a profit and troll them so they can get more ammo and point at them and call themselves victims.

So both sides are pretty ugly. There's no way to put a fire out if someone keeps fanning the flames.

posted on Feb, 12 2015 @ 08:53 PM

originally posted by: Eunuchorn

originally posted by: stosh64
I had never heard of this and frankly I couldn't help but chuckle as I watched the videos.

Am I the only one that thought this was a joke? They were serious?

This is what our world is coming to??

People need to get a life. I spent 1000 hrs playing...........REALLY?

We are doomed.

Turn it off and do something real, ANYTHING.

It's rather easy to put 1000 hours into a game or 3. When you say something real, do you mean like voting or watching tv?

No, like typing meaningful replies on a forum knowing you are making a difference.

I always love your replies Eunuchorn, you usually do a good job of keeping things in perspective for me.
Or at least making me smile. I am to old to have an opinion in this thread I have noticed. So forgive my antiquated views, I'm out.

posted on Feb, 13 2015 @ 01:45 AM

originally posted by: ketsuko
a reply to: Awolscout

I always thought it was about the incestuous relationship between gaming media and gaming companies. People like the ones in the OP were just using that relationship to push their agenda to seem more mainstream than it really is.

Thats pretty much the initial catalyst of what started it. Its metamorphised a decent bit though to include corruption in the gaming sector as a while though.

posted on Feb, 13 2015 @ 02:07 AM
a reply to: stosh64

S'all good
I hear people say stuff like this all the time (even better when its in a game) to others. I rarely get involved but I just thought it was time I voiced for the nerds all around

I know there is a big label on anyone who puts time into a game as a lonely virgin who never sees the outside world, if that was true I wouldnt be getting married next year and expecting my first child in August this year

But that aside, I believe that most of gamer gate (MOST) are jumped up gamers who have little to no idea how things really work.

[More now!]

I must take a step back for a second and admit the horrible truth about SOME of the GG community, some of these people are the true stereotypical hardcore gamer, they will never leave their house, never get a job. The game is their life, 90% of these players are male. As their only interaction with women is one of the following:

1. Men pretending to be women online
2. Their mother
3. Girls who shunned them at school

Their views are tainted by how women are shown in games as helpless and needing a hero (Not all games but some), the second a lady comes across with a valid point (or just to have a moan at their games) they lose their sh*t which obviously leads to junk like this. These are the sort of gamer who I wish to distance my own kind from. Yes I have played to win before, when I was younger YES I was in a solo league for a game, yes I was 1st and given "best UK" title and a server for my work towards it... YES it was cool at the time but now its a bit embarrassing.

Lost my train of thought again
edit on 2802America/Chicagokamb2015201517America/Chicago by thekaboose because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 13 2015 @ 11:08 AM
a reply to: thekaboose

Congratulations on your becoming a dad and your upcoming wedding!

Your description of online impersonations made me laugh. I knew this guy that admitted in his online world he was a women. You never know on the net.

Have a good one and good luck with your MAJOR life changes coming up. Enjoy your kid, they grow up too fast.


posted on Feb, 13 2015 @ 11:11 AM
a reply to: darkbake

NSA harvesting and LEO stingraying is a form of cyber bullying. But its LEGAL.

Fine line between criminals and criminal justUs $y$tem. Matter fact they one in the same.

posted on Feb, 13 2015 @ 11:26 AM
No matter the thread topic, someone on ATS will find a way to politicise it and blame the evil government.......

Thanks Obama! Amarite?

posted on Feb, 13 2015 @ 11:55 AM
a reply to: darkbake

These feminists should stop expecting others to do their work for them. If they don't sexism in video games don't whine about it DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT. Make your own games and sftu.

posted on Feb, 13 2015 @ 12:16 PM
There is no shortage of female protagonist in games.

Games With Girls in the Lead

Their complaining is for an agenda that has nothing to do with video games.

Samus Aran, from the game Metroid, is my favorite female lead character.
edit on 2/13/2015 by EternalSolace because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 13 2015 @ 03:13 PM

originally posted by: jheated5
a reply to: amazing

Well the only reason they exist is because they have the opposition. I'm not saying I agree with them, I condemn all the idiots that make those threats.

The feminists side is just as bad but it's even worse because a select few of them found a niche to use those gamergate to get a profit and troll them so they can get more ammo and point at them and call themselves victims.

So both sides are pretty ugly. There's no way to put a fire out if someone keeps fanning the flames.

Most of the fire is being fueled by the gamergaters...Show me where Quinn or anyone else has threated to rape or kill anyone.

Again. Women are allowed to speak out on any topic they want...if they want more games geared towards their ideal, they should push for it. Games are all about money. There will always be games for the male dominated market with male main characters, machismo, killing, death and women with big boobs...Because those games will always make money. gamergaters need not worry, if a few women want to speak out against them, etc.

the Outrage from gamergaters is out of context, out of control, sexist, hateful and bullying. No need for it.

Stay far away from's become toxic.

By defending gamergaters you are showing that you don't like women that speak out or have their own opinions. The question becomes...what are you afraid of? Would you be one of the ones that voted against the right for women to vote all those decades ago?

posted on Feb, 13 2015 @ 03:30 PM
a reply to: amazing
You're joking right?

You don't see the irony of the gamergate response?

Gamers called out reviewers and developers on collusion to control the market (rather than actual quality and sales).

Reviewers and developers responded by labeling gamers as misogynistic hate mongers.

Gamers responded by doing exactly what the reviewers and developers wanted...the took the reviewer/developers word as gospel and became what they were told to become.

Childish? Absolutely.

Humourous irony at a high level? Absolutely.

Helping fix the actual issue? Not even close.

Now it has become a fight about the responses to the original issue, nothing to do with the issue in and of itself.

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