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Do you trust your Intuition?

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posted on Jan, 11 2015 @ 05:04 AM
Are you somebody who trusts their intuition? Why or why not? For me personally, I cannot trust my intuition alone — while there have been times it has been right, there have been times it has been wrong too. Like most people, I need to utilise my reasoning skills and take into account my experiences before I can confirm that the information I have encountered is accurate or truthful. Those with high psychic abilities (if one is to believe in such abilities) seem to have a profoundly functioning intuition compared to the average person and I wonder whether this has anything to do with uncommon physical characteristics or metaphysical properties at the root.

Please feel free to share any information you have on the nature of intuition, or any stories where you feel intuition has aided you.

posted on Jan, 11 2015 @ 05:18 AM
Yes I trust my intuition. Sometimes I neglect to and regret it later.

There are times I'm going on a gut instinct or intuition on something only to be told I'm being silly, but it often turns out I was right.

Sometimes I can have an immediste snap judgement on somebody I meet. Like I can see right through them.

I even invented my own rule I try to follow, if I catch myself thinking I " should" do this or that or " shouldn't" do this or that, I try to use my should or shouldn't rule as a guide. I think it's my inner self or intuition warning me or guiding me. Seems to work out for me. I urge others to test it out. See how it goes.

It's said it's your first thought that counts, to go with that. It's the real answer. Usually is. Not always but usually
edit on 11-1-2015 by violet because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 11 2015 @ 05:26 AM
I am my intution.
Mechanisms not under my full control yet however, I trust, though, with care, if required.
If I wouldn't use my uncontrolled intuition, it could not learn from mistakes.

The wordless mind parts are way more efficient than word parts while words can't even get close to describing reality as it is.

posted on Jan, 11 2015 @ 05:28 AM

Carl Jung:
    How we take information is the vertical.
    How we make decisions is the horizontal.

Jung was a bit of a romantic, and considered Intuition the higher form of information gathering. As for myself, I trust specific kinds of intuition that I have tested over the years. And flashes of Intuition. Flashes coupled with time slowing down. Really useful for the avoid-a-car-wreck suddenly kind of world we all inhabit.

Mike Grouchy
edit on 11-1-2015 by mikegrouchy because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 11 2015 @ 05:30 AM
Yep.. its saved my life more times than I can count over the years .. if hadnt listened to it would have been dead decades ago ..

posted on Jan, 11 2015 @ 05:30 AM
We are all born with these abilities. We just don't use it. Children do, until they are taught not to. Then it's lost. Animals are this way and keep it.

posted on Jan, 11 2015 @ 05:33 AM

originally posted by: Dark Ghost
Those with high psychic abilities (if one is to believe in such abilities) seem to have a profoundly functioning intuition compared to the average person and I wonder whether this has anything to do with uncommon physical characteristics or metaphysical properties at the root.

There is no magic in this world if you understand it. You can extract a lot of information from anything influencing you, if not about everything from any point. Also, you can influence that outside. Better wordless mechanisms mean of course, to be able to extract more. I know details, but don't give them, as the average mind quality on ATS seems decreased.

Becoming aware of yourself you could say. You can treat the outside of your body like your body. If you have enough data about it, you feel it like limbs.

posted on Jan, 11 2015 @ 05:41 AM
Yes, I trust my intuition. It's seldom let me down and has saved me, from myself, from others, more than a few times.

Intuition can be a hard thing to define, but to me, it's a mixture of all those things you and others have mentioned (experience, knowledge, observation, thinking, emotion, subtle queues, heightened awareness or perception) and the seat or storage of all these things in the unconscious mind, a part of the mind that for some, it's not quite as easy to define or tap into.

Or to explain.

There are things you know that you can trace back to how you came to know them, and there are things you know that you can't trace back because you've come to the knowledge in the not traditionally thought of ways of collecting and storing and retrieving knowledge.
edit on 1/11/2015 by ~Lucidity because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 11 2015 @ 05:42 AM
a reply to: Dark Ghost

In most areas, I trust my intuition to an extent- to point me at what to look deeper into.
I can get an intuition that something is "off" in a certain area, and I will then dig deeper to find out what might be wrong.
But I generally don't make decisions based upon intuition alone.

In working with animals, however, I sometimes have to trust it completely, as I have had many moments where I didn't and paid for it. With horses, I get intuitions, and just don't have any way to find out if they have a basis in facts.
But they stem from information my body is picking up on subconscious levels, that I can't pick up consciously.
They often give me valuable indications of dangerous situations.
That is why I disagree with those who are all against fear, and say it is bad and all- if you are in the moment, fear is your body telling you there is danger near, or you are not ready or capable to deal with something in particular- it is information worth paying attention to.

When it comes to the human world, however, I listen to the intuition, but also to the conscious perception- partly because humans have a conscious self awareness, (ego) which doesn't totally follow the subconscious reactions and body. They can make judgements and choices of act that go against everything their biology is expressing (unlike animals, that don't do that).
edit on 11-1-2015 by Bluesma because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 11 2015 @ 07:46 AM
I have no clue what intuition is. I used to know, but came to realize that I didn't. What I suspected as intuition was latant worry, hope, fear, etc.
Personally I don't think people have intuition (as some exterior special force). I think our brains work overtime subconsciously mixing up perceived things we consciously didn't note, mix with anxiety and the like and voila, you get sensations and "gut feelings" about things that have...a I suppose reasonable chance of being relevant...but probably not.

Imagine if the legal system was based on intuition over facts. scary stuff

posted on Jan, 11 2015 @ 08:06 AM
a reply to: SaturnFX

Well, yes, if the legal system used intuition it would be disastrous!

Who knows what intuition really is, maybe it's just instinct. More biological than psychological

posted on Jan, 11 2015 @ 08:55 AM
a reply to: Dark Ghost
100%. My intuition is always right, unless I start thinking, and get in the way. Then it is not my intuition that was wrong, it was me reasoning and rationalizing. It is like a muscle. You must use it, or your ability to hear it atrophies. But use it on a regular basis, and you'll find you hear it more and more frequently, and in different ways.

We all have it, we've just not been taught to utilize it. Check out Laura Day. author of "Practical Intuition: How to Harness the Power of Your Instinct and Make It Work for You". I don't agree with her on everything, but she's a sharp lady, and knows her stuff. You'll be surprised at how down to earth she is...

edit on 1/11/2015 by Klassified because: add comment and video

edit on 1/11/2015 by Klassified because: correction

posted on Jan, 11 2015 @ 09:04 AM
A legal system based on claims ("facts") using inaccurate words, limited to already written down words in a law book instead of wordless brain mechanisms (intuition) is literally hell, just what we have right now!
Wrong intuition usually comes from following the word system pattern in the brain, thereby going by morals instead of directly caring for the good feeling of all.
Barely no way to have more inefficiency than by using words of some in control to enforce something onto all who don't exploit others and thereby get more money.

Until most policemen and military guys become aware or removed, we'll have to keep working.
edit on 11-1-2015 by oneoneone because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 11 2015 @ 09:08 AM
There are two types of intuition I trust 100% with myself.

When I meet someone and get a bad feeling from them right at the start,
and when I suddenly feel like something very bad is about to happen and I am going to die or be traumatized.

Both of these have always been 100% correct with me.
The rest, well, although I do seem to have heightened intuition,
I remain cautious if I get some sort of intuition,
and pay attention to see if I am right or not more than to claim I trust it.
Unless I get an intuition about something I wonder about being an intuition or not, those I trust too.
edit on 11-1-2015 by Darkblade71 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 11 2015 @ 09:49 AM
I don't, but usually i follow it anyway, because i think it's right do do what your intuition tells you, even if it appears to be wrong sometimes. I too think that i am my intuition, so if it tells me to (not) do something, then (not) doing it is a part of who i am and it is right regardless of the outcome
edit on 11-1-2015 by mkpetrov because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 11 2015 @ 10:09 AM
My intuition has been right a lot more than it has been wrong. You have to analyze it though some times. If you start to question it based on what you think the interpretation may be, you can be wrong. Our subconscious minds work at lightning speed. Our conscious minds cannot even come close to processing things as fast. The subconscious uses an array pattern of thinking not a focused method, it compares the situation to things our conscious isn't aware we know. It usually does not connect directly to the consciousness though, it has to slow down to communicate so it just throws out red flags.

Tptb want us to follow our conscious mind because we tend to spend more money buying junk we really do not need. They want us to ignore our subconscious which can think to levels our consciousness will never achieve. Our subconscious has the processing ability to detect deception. Would the ones running things want us to see what they are doing.

posted on Jan, 11 2015 @ 10:58 AM
a reply to: Dark Ghost
I have never had mine lead me to do the wrong thing. It has always been right. I tried ignoring it the first couple of times and that was a mistake.

My intuition has lead me to read people correctly when I misread them,giving me a heads up on what kind of people they were so I reacted to them right.

Example 1: People had already judged this woman saying she was terribly difficult to deal with and that I would end up in fights with her. Instead we ended up friends.She was under duress from trying to move to a larger city and support herself,she really just needed help. We are friends to this day.

Example 2:I tried telling people at work that there was something very wrong with this one woman,that she wasn't acting right at all. They poo pooed my warning and insisted that I was the only one that had an issue with her. I dropped it and got hurt at work,while out she was physically removed from the building.She was delusional,and suffering from alzheimer's and no one else picked up on the clues, not until she started accusing everyone of being the devil etc.

edit on 11-1-2015 by Dimithae because: misspelled word

posted on Jan, 11 2015 @ 11:09 AM

originally posted by: oneoneone

originally posted by: Dark Ghost
Those with high psychic abilities (if one is to believe in such abilities) seem to have a profoundly functioning intuition compared to the average person and I wonder whether this has anything to do with uncommon physical characteristics or metaphysical properties at the root.

There is no magic in this world if you understand it. You can extract a lot of information from anything influencing you, if not about everything from any point. Also, you can influence that outside. Better wordless mechanisms mean of course, to be able to extract more. I know details, but don't give them, as the average mind quality on ATS seems decreased.

Becoming aware of yourself you could say. You can treat the outside of your body like your body. If you have enough data about it, you feel it like limbs.

You are probably more advanced than me since I only feel the bliss vibration inside my body. I try to keep the psy as low as possible since I do not want to have empath ability on this level since I think of it more like a curse here than a blessing. But I can see it being very useful to be empath in an environment where you can use spirit energy based tools openly (like Reiki) and connect to another body to know exactly where to push energy to give the body what it needs.

I notice the 11:11 and and I think I understand logically why you choose the name oneoneone.
. Thank you for being here.

edit on 11-1-2015 by LittleByLittle because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 11 2015 @ 11:15 AM

originally posted by: SaturnFX
I have no clue what intuition is. I used to know, but came to realize that I didn't. What I suspected as intuition was latant worry, hope, fear, etc.
Personally I don't think people have intuition (as some exterior special force). I think our brains work overtime subconsciously mixing up perceived things we consciously didn't note, mix with anxiety and the like and voila, you get sensations and "gut feelings" about things that have...a I suppose reasonable chance of being relevant...but probably not.

Imagine if the legal system was based on intuition over facts. scary stuff

I agree. Intuition should be tempered by logic. Both are tools that used in symbiosis create marvelous things.

posted on Jan, 11 2015 @ 11:20 AM

Yes I trust my Intuition and follow it whenever I get a feeling I should do something, sometimes I like the result somethimes I dont. However I trust me very much as I am the observer of the world appearing before myself, if I make a mistake I just forgive myself and try not to repeat the same mistake again. I also try not to mix Intuition with fear, as they are different and have different purposes in my life.

My Intuition allows me to balance what I am observing wether acceptable or rejectable, and allows me to move foward or backwards in my own evolution.

It is my Intuition that seeds karmamic desires that I must later fufil as part of my illusionary destiny.

Without it I wouldnt be on the path I am on now, I am content with that, and look foward to the future not expecting too much, that way I wont be dissapointed.

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