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Where is the Rest of the Technology?

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posted on Dec, 5 2014 @ 05:24 AM
Whats funny to me is the very concept of money. Lets say for a moment that off world there is a government colony somewhere. Do you think they would have money there? NOPE

Money is a tool to delude, divide and give false ego.

What makes me laugh is that the government pushes this whole money monetary system and then does all the secret stuff without any money at all.

How about war, would they have war in thier secret colonies? NOPE
It is just silly to me that they push wars and a us vs them paradime here on earth, and then once leaving consider themselves above petty wars and such. We just cant have peace on earth, but if you join the secret space programs we are all one how silly. Its the height of deluded arrogance.

Would they dumb down thier secret space forces and other secret groups with concepts like racism? NOPE
So why do that to the people on earth and push an us vs them mentality.

Do they see thier forces to be unworthy of great secrets? NOPE
So why keep secrets which would greatly benifit all of humankind from reaching a singularity.

posted on Dec, 5 2014 @ 05:30 AM
a reply to: magnecore

I believe you meant the billions of dollars and a million or so minds that went into the IBM laboratories.

Where is it?

The question is where it isn't?

Smart minds who went to waste building some junk instead of their minds put to good use fixing the junk we already have.

Technology (as I am writing from now, bahhh) is a waste. A purposeful waste.

posted on Dec, 5 2014 @ 05:42 AM

originally posted by: Tardacus
a reply to: ShadeWolf

and what benefits do the public see from all that increased computer technology?

Iphones, fancy video games, facebook? lol

like I said the public only gets to see the technology that is meant to entertain them and distract them.we can`t have the sheeple asking too many hard questions that TPTB don`t want to answer.
When the computer folks drive to work to invent their latest shiny thing to upgrade Iphones they are driving to work on 100+ year old technology.

In just the 30 years after WW2 ended look at all the huge leaps in technology.
artificial heart
nuclear power
MRI machine
CAT scan machine
space travel
polio vaccine
those are just a few things off the top of my head, has anything in the last 30 years come close to comparing to any of those things?

humanity got dumbed down. everyone with a smartphone has basically all the knowledge of the humanity at their pockets, yet the world is full of idiots that are only capable of saying 'dis iz stoopid, it doezn't work, how do i fix it'.

we have the technology at our hands, yet it's mostly used for silly things and entertainment, there's no will to learn, to think creatively, and even those intelligent enough to stand out, are more often than not closed in their thinking, unable to think outside of the 'status quo' box.

you can self-educate yourself for your whole life, you can aspire to create something more, you can be creative and reach goals beyond comprehension of most of the idiots living on this planet, or you can just complain while watching your tv.

it's your own choice.

posted on Dec, 5 2014 @ 06:57 AM
a reply to: jedi_hamster

It is all a plan older than that.

Twiddle your thumbs, old UK saying (in this case, can apply to cellphones)
Song from 1966:

The race for technology begins: Ben Hur: Movie, 1959. left side of frame(American), right side UK. *Notice the stick/oar is on different sides.
*win by BorgWarner Inc.

Have you ever been camping?

posted on Dec, 5 2014 @ 08:13 AM

originally posted by: Auricom

I also read somewhere some point in time that there are two tiers of technology: The one we civilians have, and the one the military has. The civilian tier is a hundred or more years behind the military tier. It'll take decades before it's slowly released into the public for average public use.

Well, that sort of depends on how you look at it, and it's sort of incorrect as well.

If you've ever been in the military, you will have noticed you really DON'T have things that are magically high tech. In general. So, which "military" is sort of important - Marines just quit using ASR-33's about 5 years ago for God's sake. So you've got sort of a spectrum of Marines using the latest in 8 bit technology in the field on one end to the # that goes on at Kirtland, NRL and AFRL about in the middle, to the advanced side. None of that is wagged around by 11Bs, though. And I wouldn't say 100 years. Everyone's got some magic figure. I've even heard 5000 years. It's rule of thumb you see anything that's conventional science introduced as dual-use into the civvy world within 10 to 15 years, except nuclear. There are some conventional technologies you don't see introduced because there's not a big civilian need for it, or it's just too much fun, or something else came out that does about the same job. The holographic vector processor comes to mind. I've actually seen it intro'd on schedule, but then you never saw it again, so it wasn't a commercial success, I suppose.

Anyone remember that tiny engine that the government wanted for their Hummers? It was the size of a small box yet produced something like 500 horsepower. It was showcased at several car shows, magazines, etc., yet after the government wanted it, they slowly disappeared from the main stream. No more car shows, magazines and the likes.

That also happens when things that work well in a lab meet the hard reality of military use, and splat.
edit on 5-12-2014 by Bedlam because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 5 2014 @ 08:24 AM
a reply to: Bedlam

I think you are mistaking what is technology vs what is put into the average Jarhead's hands.
There is a difference between thing that go BOOM and POW vs civilian junk tech (visa versa).

Technology of the slide-ammo type isn't the topic here, nor is ridiculous holograms/phics. Yawnnn.
Tech is beyond that nonsense, it may or may not have been of some military use beforehand.

Speculate all you want but it is sooo primitive how you or I discuss this is kinda sad.

posted on Dec, 5 2014 @ 08:38 AM

originally posted by: FormOfTheLord
Whats funny to me is the very concept of money. Lets say for a moment that off world there is a government colony somewhere. Do you think they would have money there? NOPE

Oh, hell, yes they do. The stuff at the AAFES store is outrageously expensive, though. One can only hope they get a BK eventually.

How about war, would they have war in thier secret colonies? NOPE
It is just silly to me that they push wars and a us vs them paradime here on earth, and then once leaving consider themselves above petty wars and such. We just cant have peace on earth, but if you join the secret space programs we are all one how silly. Its the height of deluded arrogance.

The reason you're all one is that they're military. It's a sort of benevolent despotism if you're a civilian (and few of them there are) because you have no social status, but have to still dance to the music of the base commander. It's not some sort of Shangri-la of equality, it's a strict militocracy. The position to get is a sort of hybrid one they created for the occasion, you have an NCO rank in the field based on prior service, and you're technically active reserve at home. So, as a propulsion engineer/systems integration COB, I'd be a CBM on Planet Dirt, based on my maximum rank and MOS in the Army when I was active. You can't be ship's engineer, that's a O grade position, but CBM is close, and you end up fixing everything and managing maintenance, repair, damage control and fire control teams onboard, and security on base, and you're back-up navigation and/or helmsman if something really really bad happens. And, of course, you're still on the hook for the stuff you're contracted for.

You have to do a sort of indoctrination boot thing to become Navy oriented. Alas. But then, you get to dump it when you get back, mostly, and return to civvie life. And it being Navy/AF joint, it's the base commander's and Captain's discretion on beards, and I've never had to shave. Thank God, I don't know what I look like under there anymore.

Would they dumb down thier secret space forces and other secret groups with concepts like racism? NOPE

No, that's a big no-no.

Do they see thier forces to be unworthy of great secrets? NOPE

Well, that's not quite true. You get the "great secrets" that you are privy to, and no more. Unless you're a Master of the Universe or a four-star.

posted on Dec, 5 2014 @ 08:46 AM

originally posted by: dianashay
...nor is ridiculous holograms/phics. Yawnnn.

Perhaps you can enlighten us on the current state of holographic vector processing. Grant you, it's not the cutting edge it was, but when we got it to the field, it was the fastest number cruncher on the planet. We did that in the mid to late 90's. 5 teraflops in a cigar box in '95 was about all you could manage. It was limited by the electronics, no matter how much you paid for it, you couldn't get data pushed through one processor any faster. Today, you could do a lot better, although I don't think they use that technique for number crunching any more. However, it beat the dog crap out of the stuff available in the civilian world at the time. The laser head could do about 32 TF if we could have managed to get the data in and out faster.

Speculate all you want but it is sooo primitive how you or I discuss this is kinda sad.

I'm not speculating. I designed part of it.

posted on Dec, 5 2014 @ 08:54 AM
a reply to: Bedlam

oh Lordy, sigh

You are so far off, you fell off the cliff. Perhaps you have something in your mind that is not healthy/productive and all violent in nature, but I'm sure 'they'd want THAT to end.

The only 'secret' they neighbor., etc.

If you had a family, wouldn't you want to get the hell out of dodge to live as sweetly as you could? They certainly wouldn't stick around to have bunch of wahooo's attacking eachother lol.

Those kinds of thoughts remind em why to leave this circus LOL

posted on Dec, 5 2014 @ 09:18 AM

originally posted by: dianashay
a reply to: Bedlam

oh Lordy, sigh

You are so far off, you fell off the cliff. Perhaps you have something in your mind that is not healthy/productive and all violent in nature, but I'm sure 'they'd want THAT to end.

You talking little space buddies? They don't exist. I have some lichens, though.

posted on Dec, 5 2014 @ 09:45 AM
a reply to: magnecore

When you said "solid state", it reminded me of something called the "terahertz gap". The gist is that as humans, we've done an excellent job developing optical technology. We've done an excellent job developing solid-state technology. The terahertz gap refers to those EM frequencies between radio and infrared, called T-Rays. I wonder what new technology will come out of it someday... good and bad.

On a side note, I've wondered if an advanced civilization may be trying to use T-Rays to communicate, since like the Hydrogen emission lines, it may be a place where other intelligent life may be looking for signals.

Wikipedia - Terahertz Gap

Wikipedia - Terahertz Radiation

posted on Dec, 5 2014 @ 09:47 AM
a reply to: Bedlam

Don't blame any imaginary aliens on the ideas you have in your head. The bad karma of all of us alive is enough to drive any sane other-worldly being from saving ONE of us, two would be havoc.

Don't flatter yourself that they'd want any of us/or you . Shrooms n lichen maybe, but us (in any state so far), never.

posted on Dec, 5 2014 @ 10:06 AM

originally posted by: dianashay
The bad karma of all of us alive is enough to drive any sane other-worldly being from saving ONE of us, two would be havoc.

I'm afraid your little grey space buddies aren't there. Why do you think they'd be any different anyway? Evolution creates competitive beings. If they did exist (or any other 'otherworldly' type), they'd be as likely to be eyeing you for a meal than to 'save' you.

posted on Dec, 5 2014 @ 10:07 AM

originally posted by: PrinceRupertsDog
I wonder what new technology will come out of it someday... good and bad.

Medical scanners and through-wall imaging so far. It'll improve. T-wave engineering is a pain in the tuchas.
edit on 5-12-2014 by Bedlam because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 5 2014 @ 11:15 AM
a reply to: Bedlam

Man I'd love to ask you a bunch o questions about Phase Conjugation, propagating light through super cooled mediums, holography, interferometers, and it's quantum implications/applications but I know better then to push that topic.

posted on Dec, 5 2014 @ 11:17 AM
a reply to: Bedlam

So was radio about 100 years ago. I was aware of the imaging capabilities of T-Rays. Also used in radio astronomy.

posted on Dec, 5 2014 @ 03:16 PM
a reply to: Bedlam

I have been in the military, and I'm not talking about day to day tech. I'm referring to the things taken from black projects, things that only certain people in the need to know department gets to see. I'm sure there are a lot of things even the president isn't privy to.

As a grunt, my life in the military was anything but futuristic.

posted on Dec, 5 2014 @ 03:19 PM
a reply to: CaptNemo2012

Can I create your insignia?

posted on Dec, 5 2014 @ 03:35 PM
The problem is that once time travel is developed, all technological development comes to a crashing halt because high tech is dragged back into the past from the future, so nothing new is ever developed again. We encounter a technological singularity.

Well, you say, what about the development that needs to happen for the future to have higher technology in it? The fact is, it gets "unhappened." It happens once, then is cut off in a loop once the trip to and from the future is completed.

Take "slow fission" rocket propulsion, for instance. It's developed over the next 50 years, and is essentially an atomic bomb going off more like a bottle rocket than a firecracker. Pushes spacecraft to relativistic speeds with a reasonable amount of propellant. Somebody goes into the future and brings that technology back to a couple years from now. That means all the decades of development will never be necessary, and will never actually happen. So that stuff gets "unhappened," at least from the perspective of the future.

Anyway, we're getting very close to the technological singularity, which is more of a state of awareness than a specific time in history. Watch out for it.

posted on Dec, 5 2014 @ 03:42 PM
a reply to: Bedlam

Where can I apply for the lowliest provisionl sewage control technitian?

You don't have to worry about loyalty either I'm sick of the planet myself.
SCAN me you'll see ,hell I'll DIE shortly so I can be THROWN out an airlock,save the wife some cash.

Request PLANETARY extract...

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