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Existential depression.....

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posted on Dec, 1 2014 @ 09:10 PM
a reply to: BS_Slayer
Ii is obvious that you are world weary. This is an excellent state to begin spiritual inquiry. I have only a passing familiarity with buddhist concepts but the buddha's first realization stuck with me: life is suffering, or at least unsatisfactoriness.

You have just realized that the world can't make you happy. I can tell that you have a sincere interest in the truth or else you wouldn't be downhearted at the realization that there is no truth.

What I mean to say is that there is no truth that this world's point of view or conceptual framework holds. You, on the other hand need the truth to thrive, to survive. It is the air you breathe, and right now you feel quite anaerobic.

If you want to get some air, you need to have an open mouth, if only a little. You want to settle the matter one way or another, but how can you listen for the answer that way?

posted on Dec, 2 2014 @ 12:21 AM
a reply to: BS_Slayer

Yes a good many people are feeling these feelings, the funny thing is that is NOT random.

Science in its current form is shackled and controlled, that is not random.

And just what about the Universe is Random ??

This part needs to be looked at more closely, likely you have been stopped cold by a blunt belief system here, one that was introduced by those who wish it to be random..

Nothing at all looks random from my viewpoint, try backing off the telescope a few quadrillion light years.

posted on Dec, 3 2014 @ 04:35 PM
I remember when Darwin's theory went mainstream and folks fought to get it into schools and everywhere for that matter. It was their salvation from these existential blues you now suffer. They knew they could not travel the road of faith that the Christian was traveling but they had to have something and evolution was it.

Thirty years later and the blues have returned and it is worse than ever. Since we could not study the bible and take it seriously we studied evolution. We threw ourselves at the task only to discover the theory has more holes than Swiss cheese. There is not one "missing link" in the theory, there are millions. Mostly in plant life.

What now? Ancient Aliens?

You are not looking for answers, just a consensus on the feeling itself. Put me on the list friend. I want for nothing in my life. I have everything I need. Yet I wake every day with this same feeling you describe. I have a sign on my back patio that reads "Pointless Porch". The discussions that take place there are heavy indeed. The ashtrays are overflowing.

posted on Dec, 4 2014 @ 10:05 AM
a reply to: boocat

You really feel that Evolution has quite that many holes? I would be curious to know what they are. I know there are countless aspects of it that remain unsolved, but I'm thinking the sheer potency of evidence contrary to anything supernatural is overwhelming. I don't think the idea of some external intelligence being responsible for human organisms is preposterous at all, only because it really doesn't require the need for supernatural processes. If this were to become a reality at some point, we would still be stuck in the same place. We find that we are the product of some distant species, and replace our 'where do we come from' questions with where did they come from. lol

Who was it, Carl Sagan perhaps; said something to the effect that the supernatural would be indistinguishable from the natural once you understand the processes. I'm not even certain that you are forced to believe in magic or the "supernatural" in order to contemplate consciousness beyond death, although it is perhaps a massive undertaking to even explore how that could possibly be. It would have to be based on the idea that some fraction of your sense of self is not a product of the brain, but of actual energy. I think to science, such an idea is nonsensical.

I suppose there are enough threads that cover the speculative so as to not get off topic. Some days the great burden of mortality seems lighter than others lol. It makes me grateful to not be terminally ill, and simultaneously have the "existential blues". My heart and respect goes out for people that manage to truly hold it together right down to their last day.
edit on 4-12-2014 by BS_Slayer because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 4 2014 @ 10:10 AM
a reply to: BS_Slayer

Dear BS Slayer,
I am truly sorry you are depressed. You write very compellingly and beautifully.
I hope you are doing better today. Maybe you could seek some professional help with
your depression? Maybe you can get counseling.
There is a wonderful book called Plato not Prozac by professor Lou Marinoff.
You might enjoy reading this book. He talks about changing our point of view.

I am a grandma with no savings, a nervous anxiety condition and no job.
However, I am at peace with how my life played out and I am grateful for every day
that I have left of this life. I recognize that many things in my life were out of
my control. A lot of people used me and lied to me and took advantage of me.
I am not very clever like most people are. But I have lots of enjoyment in the little
things in life. Many of these little things add up into a Big Thing of enjoyment.
I Don't have all the answers but I have faith (Spiritual understanding) of God.
I was depressed and cried for years but I don't have those feelings anymore. I do understand
The idea that earth is just a dimension out of many. That is my Truth.

Bless you this day. 🌻

posted on Dec, 4 2014 @ 10:10 AM

It makes me grateful to not be terminally ill, and simultaneously have the "existential blues".

I take it back, we are all actually terminally ill.

posted on Dec, 4 2014 @ 10:27 AM
a reply to: VeritasBlue

VeritasBlue, your kindness is worth its weight in gold, and I appreciate it. I certainly do have my blue days, but rest assured; not so blue that I forget to be grateful. I am alive and well, rich beyond measure even though I have little money. To be brutally honest about my state of mind, I think I have a bit of an "existential masochist" within me. I simply can't help but think of these things, and I might even go as far as to say that if I were to ignore or abandon the desire to observe and analyze it all, I might even be less happy lol. I think it is a privilege to even have the faculties to ponder such questions, even if they sometimes land you in the bristles.

In any event I will certainly check out that book, thank you for the suggestion, and for your concern.

posted on Dec, 4 2014 @ 03:24 PM
a reply to: BS_Slayer

Darwin himself mentions four such problem areas in letters written after the publication of his book, "Origin of Species".

As for the millions of holes, there are that many alone in the flowering plants on this planet. This problem haunted Darwin for years before his death.

As for choosing a belief system, that was not my point at all. I merely wanted to let the author know I felt their pain in not having a belief system at all. It is painful to be the kind of human that questions everything. Some folks just cant tune out and/or escape.

Someone said "if you are not outraged, you are not paying attention." It would be easy to replace outraged with depressed.

Someone else said "Life is just a long, slow death."

You said "we are all terminally ill." I like that one. May I use it in the future?

Thank you for responding. Your post was a pleasure to read. I like your style.

posted on Dec, 5 2014 @ 01:22 AM
Many things happen by chance, and the existence of chance and unpredictability is evidence that reality is chaotic, and that without the "innate" rules that govern the universe, we would all exist in some kind of perpetual calamity.

So, there is chance - No God
And, there are rules and structures as well - God the creator

Can we bridge these two?

Yes, God came into existence due to pure chance and then made rules to create certainty.

If we thus prove an intelligent creator using science, if he was a product of chance, then so is the universe ultimately.

That would marry the two.
edit on 5-12-2014 by SystemResistor because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 5 2014 @ 05:05 PM
a reply to: BS_Slayer

I'm glad to know you can feel the kindness being sent to you.
You are a precious soul in this world of harshness and cold.
Sometimes I think we are not supposed to understand things with our heads;
I think maybe only the heart can reveal true understanding. The heart knows the head thinks it knows.

Existential Masochist! That is the first time I've heard of this expression! 🙀 Oh dear! Do tell
me this isn't contagious!

I hope you do get a chance to read Prof. Marinoff. I'd like to read your thoughts on the subject.

Take care of yourself and
Bless you Always.


💥Seek and you shall find, knock and the door will be opened.💥✨💫

posted on Dec, 6 2014 @ 11:20 AM

originally posted by: boocat
a reply to: BS_Slayer

Darwin himself mentions four such problem areas in letters written after the publication of his book, "Origin of Species".
As for the millions of holes, there are that many alone in the flowering plants on this planet. This problem haunted Darwin for years before his death.

As for choosing a belief system, that was not my point at all. I merely wanted to let the author know I felt their pain in not having a belief system at all. It is painful to be the kind of human that questions everything. Some folks just cant tune out and/or escape.

Someone said "if you are not outraged, you are not paying attention." It would be easy to replace outraged with depressed.

Someone else said "Life is just a long, slow death."

You said "we are all terminally ill." I like that one. May I use it in the future?

Thank you for responding. Your post was a pleasure to read. I like your style.

Thank you for for the compliment Boocat. likewise, I appreciate your contributions. I have heard of there being some problems within Darwin's theory, but there is still something to be said in regard to the sheer volume of evidence that it seems able provide. I'm not particularly familiar with the holes you mentioned regarding the flora, but would be very interested in knowing more about them if you have more info.

I like your description of being unable to tune out the curiosity and all of its inherent weighty implications. I can certainly distract myself from time to time but sooner or later my mind picks right up where it left off, hungry for more (especially better) possibilities. lol.

originally posted by: boocat
a reply to: BS_Slayer

You said "we are all terminally ill." I like that one. May I use it in the future?

By all means, my friend.

originally posted by: VeritasBlue
a reply to: BS_Slayer

I'm glad to know you can feel the kindness being sent to you.
You are a precious soul in this world of harshness and cold.
Sometimes I think we are not supposed to understand things with our heads;
I think maybe only the heart can reveal true understanding. The heart knows the head thinks it knows.
Existential Masochist! That is the first time I've heard of this expression! 🙀 Oh dear! Do tell
me this isn't contagious!

I hope you do get a chance to read Prof. Marinoff. I'd like to read your thoughts on the subject.
Take care of yourself and
Bless you Always.

(Blush) You're too kind VeritasBlue, thank you.

I like your statement: "Sometimes I think we are not supposed to understand things with our heads".

My mother has sometimes expressed a similar sentiment on occasion. It reminds me of something I occasionally find myself thinking whenever I ponder the possibility of meaning or intention in regard to the universe. While it would essentially render all forms of scientific inquiry useless beyond a certain point, I don't think it's entirely irrational to suggest that maybe our apparent position within the universe is "designed" to limit our understanding of it. It always seems to give us just enough to perpetually keep looking.

That doesn't mean that such a structure must come from a Godhead, nor does it force us into solipsism. It does however directly imply 'design' -there is no way around it. This happens to be a time in our culture where any facet of design is not a popular notion within the scientific community. However, the implied limitations I suggested cancels out the need for evidence, albeit in a somewhat childish way. It's a stance pretty much made entirely out of faith. I know of no empirically accepted evidence whatsoever that supports an element of purpose, intention, or meaning. I am certainly keeping my eyes and ears open though.

Quantum Physics seems to offer a lot of intriguing theories about the manner in which our universe/multiverse functions if you're able to wrap your head around it's fundamentals. IF, and that is a very humble if; there is any type of continuum of self beyond the break down of our body, perhaps someday in the future evidence might be found there. If you look toward Biology or Neuroscience in particular however, things aren't looking good lol.

posted on Dec, 6 2014 @ 12:02 PM

originally posted by: SystemResistor
Many things happen by chance, and the existence of chance and unpredictability is evidence that reality is chaotic, and that without the "innate" rules that govern the universe, we would all exist in some kind of perpetual calamity.

So, there is chance - No God
And, there are rules and structures as well - God the creator

Can we bridge these two?

Yes, God came into existence due to pure chance and then made rules to create certainty.

If we thus prove an intelligent creator using science, if he was a product of chance, then so is the universe ultimately.

That would marry the two.

I couldn't agree more that all things do seem to be the product of chance and randomness. How do you suppose a God might come into existence by chance? I realize the statement was based on hypothetical speculation, but in the interest of ideas, I'm curious. Would a being such as that have come into existence with a complete design? Or would God have had - it, his or her own evolution before triggering our own?

Additionally, if God were a product of chance, I think that would also render such a being at the mercy of the very same nothingness that gave birth to the universe; hence it would not seem very God-like other than it's developmental "head start" it has or had over us. I also wonder if it is only an assumption that God is/was not subject to the same rules of matter and energy that seems to govern us. Is it possible that "God" would not have complete control over its form or longevity of existence?

Perhaps we as a species have given God a level of perfection that the universe simply does not permit? Perhaps God foresaw his or her own demise and left us; as a remnant of its own image here - a parting gift of art to the vast randomness that simply is. A sad thought to think that we could discover our great creator, only to be lead into mourning its death. Wouldn't that be an almost incomprehensible tragedy. The line of reasoning itself is almost a battle of absurdities.

Still, I must ask; why not? Simply because our minds can't calculate the vast amounts of intelligence, power and capability it would take to slap together the construct of life as we know it, does not demand that such an intelligence is not in some hard to imagine way; mortal.

edit on 6-12-2014 by BS_Slayer because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 6 2014 @ 12:55 PM
a reply to: BS_Slayer

I am depressed because it is all wrong, or all a lie.

Every single outlet to another person in this world is fake. The media, the educational systems, the history books, music, television, surely religion, philosophy, science, love. It is all rooted in Satan: meaning that the intention of what is shared to this world in every aspect of existence is for control and not freedom, for falsehood and not truth, for greed and not giving, for wickedness and not righteousness.

There is not a chance for me to be happy anymore. If I find a girlfriend I know she is going to plot to take my money and eventually cheat on me. If I watch television I am going to be sickened by the fact that the controllers of media are shaping the new generation to be apathetic and have no respect. They are taking everything from the bible that was said that God didn't like, such as pride, and educating the youth that it is a good thing. These same controllers want us to go to war and die. If in a conversation with another person, I have to be submissive into the fact that everything they say is a lie based on denial, and everything I say is not believed because of false pride, so there is not one person that can listen. The youth is taking it all in and happy to create a world of greed, rejection, and sadness, based on the teachings from adults. It is absolutely horrible that the whole monetary system of the United States is based on wrongful control and greed, it is wholey based on manipulation which is why minorities are poor, the rich are not rich because they have knowledge, but because they have power, and power does not come from knowledge but from controlling people (which is completely wrong). These people who control others are happy to do it, they believe in doing it. What comes from knowledge is truth. And the truth is so horrible and ugly that is will drive any righteous person insane, which is probably why they don't choose to be righteous - because they will be stepped on. So nobody is willing to change things for the right, and when it was attempted in history the right people were persecuted and killed. So yes it is a completely depressing world, I understand the divorce rate because women are snakes and despise righteousness, and I understand the suicide rate because often righteous people are taken advantage of by this serpent power and willingness. Meaning that the righteous are persecuted for being right, it is as simple and ridiculous as that. The success of ego, pride, hatred, greed, denial, and wickedness. The people in power have manipulated the world and have taught them to be wrong.

posted on Dec, 6 2014 @ 02:20 PM
a reply to: greyer

While I certainly sympathize with you in regard to how it feels when the world as a whole seems in opposition your ideals of how things should be, I would ask you to question some facets of the structure you seem to operate on.

I am depressed because it is all wrong, or all a lie.

Every single outlet to another person in this world is fake.

I'll go ahead and presume your source for such a statement is the Bible..

The media, the educational systems, the history books, music, television, surely religion, philosophy, science, love. It is all rooted in Satan: meaning that the intention of what is shared to this world in every aspect of existence is for control and not freedom, for falsehood and not truth, for greed and not giving, for wickedness and not righteousness.

I have no problem that you believe this, but can you fathom the absolute volume of material that contradicts such a statement? Are you the kind of person that looks away or puts down a book, or closes the web page the second it goes in a direction that opposes the Bible? Or do you take it all in if for no other reason than to understand your philosophical adversaries? I ask not in sarcasm, but pure curiosity.

There is not a chance for me to be happy anymore. If I find a girlfriend I know she is going to plot to take my money and eventually cheat on me.

My friend, this is not a definite, it is an insecurity. Perhaps you have been hurt in your relationships. Ideologically I can't imagine where you would have discovered your beliefs about women without the very same external sources you call lies. Sure you may have been burned a few times, but that only says things about our species, not females as a sub group. Men lie, cheat and steal just as much as women do. No less a dissatisfying aspect of the human experience, but a flaw we share equally.

If I watch television I am going to be sickened by the fact that the controllers of media are shaping the new generation to be apathetic and have no respect. They are taking everything from the bible that was said that God didn't like, such as pride, and educating the youth that it is a good thing. These same controllers want us to go to war and die. If in a conversation with another person, I have to be submissive into the fact that everything they say is a lie based on denial, and everything I say is not believed because of false pride, so there is not one person that can listen.

I'm not entirely certain I fully understand the context of your statement, but I'll do my best. We would likely have few disagreements about the nastiness of mainstream media. Yes it is sometimes about as sacred as a used condom in a gutter. I would certainly say the same thing about our wars, and those that profit from them. I can relate to those sentiments and I think anyone from any demographic could at least sympathize with that analogy to some degree. The problem I think is that you are categorizing entire aspects of your sociological observations. Your melancholia seems a direct reflex of a biblical perspective of the world. If you adhere completely to the Bible, than you are damned to wallow in the shadow of it's contradictions. If you're strong enough to keep your mind hardened by the principles of faith, I commend your discipline, but it is a discipline I do not have.

The youth is taking it all in and happy to create a world of greed, rejection, and sadness, based on the teachings from adults. It is absolutely horrible that the whole monetary system of the United States is based on wrongful control and greed, it is wholey based on manipulation which is why minorities are poor, the rich are not rich because they have knowledge, but because they have power, and power does not come from knowledge but from controlling people (which is completely wrong).

These people who control others are happy to do it, they believe in doing it. What comes from knowledge is truth. And the truth is so horrible and ugly that is will drive any righteous person insane, which is probably why they don't choose to be righteous - because they will be stepped on. So nobody is willing to change things for the right, and when it was attempted in history the right people were persecuted and killed.

So yes it is a completely depressing world, I understand the divorce rate because women are snakes and despise righteousness, and I understand the suicide rate because often righteous people are taken advantage of by this serpent power and willingness. Meaning that the righteous are persecuted for being right, it is as simple and ridiculous as that. The success of ego, pride, hatred, greed, denial, and wickedness. The people in power have manipulated the world and have taught them to be wrong.

As it stands, this is the rants forum so I would not try to modify your rant in any way other than for you to check your logic. I would like to know if you're willing to give me your input on some questions though. I was born a Christian, and there are several moral and logical issues that forced me to abandon my former stance a long time ago. If you have answers to some of these, by all means feel free. I personally am troubled merely by the fact that the questions can even be formulated.

1. If God knows all things. Why would he bother to create a soul that he already knows is destined to end up in a lake of fire? Wouldn't that make him malevolent? Please don't answer with free will, free will negates God's ability to see its outcome.

2. What need would an omniscient being have of worship, praise? What possible function could it serve an almighty creator?

3. Essentially, a biblical perspective plays out like a formula. God creates mankind as an imperfect species. God demands atonement for said imperfect behaviors. God is truly the only means by which his creations can be atoned. God is also the only means by which a human soul can reach a demise via the creation of hell, hence he is directly responsible for either outcome. Does any of this premise sound like the work of anything like a God?

I'm not here to play demonic atheist with you, it is not my place to attempt to manipulate anyone's faith. I just want to understand how you are able to compute these examples within your world view and still feel comfortable intellectually?

I digress though, this is a reaction to some of the themes in your post, not a means by which to get too far off topic which is the existential blues everyone seems to feel from time to time.
edit on 6-12-2014 by BS_Slayer because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 6 2014 @ 05:32 PM
I read the first sentence, and I got the gist.

Short answer: Any day that you are free of pain, has potential to be a good one.

I'll look at the rest later. Did you say 'untenable'?

# 329

posted on Dec, 6 2014 @ 09:57 PM
a reply to: BS_Slayer

I feel this way.

Can't really even add anything as it's all so complex and jumbled and barely even makes sense in my own head. - much less try to write it out ...
edit on 12/6/2014 by kosmicjack because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 6 2014 @ 10:31 PM
a reply to: BS_Slayer

1. If God knows all things. Why would he bother to create a soul that he already knows is destined to end up in a lake of fire? Wouldn't that make him malevolent? Please don't answer with free will, free will negates God's ability to see its outcome.

God doesn't know all things because God is the totality of all things. Meaning God is all things. If this is so then doesn't it make sense? Our place is in being all things, experiencing all things, allowing God to know Himself. You, the observer of your sense impressions, are the experiencer of yourself, correct? If the individuality of existence is forms, then the totality of existence must be non-form. Therefore physical existence is merely a mirror for God to see Himself in all aspects of His totality.

Your soul is Gods soul, your life is Gods life. Free Will? That only pertains to choice, the choice of how you desire to experience yourself. Its your choice whether you wish to experience yourself pleasantly or unpleasantly. Could this be so? Doesn't this resonate deeply within your being?

2. What need would an omniscient being have of worship, praise? What possible function could it serve an almighty creator?

Worship is a human faculty as well as praise resulting from an overwhelming sense of joy. Joy is the purpose of creation. Joy is goodness, joy is love, joy is it to know truth, joy is it to realize everything was created simply to look at your own self as it becomes the perfection you have always been. The formless gave rise to the formed creating imperfection, as form experiences form it destroys itself eventually returning to the perfection of form, which is formlessness. A square is not perfect because it has edges, it can be distinguished from other things because it has shape, therefore it cannot be perfect because perfection can have no counterpart or else perfection would be in competition with perfection which is impossible. Thus to call non-form perfection is correct.

3. Essentially, a biblical perspective plays out like a formula. God creates mankind as an imperfect species. God demands atonement for said imperfect behaviors. God is truly the only means by which his creations can be atoned. God is also the only means by which a human soul can reach a demise via the creation of hell, hence he is directly responsible for either outcome. Does any of this premise sound like the work of anything like a God?

Anything less than the totality of perfection cannot be perfection itself, so isn't it true that when only viewing the human creation independently it would be true to call it imperfect? A human is not the totality of existence but merely a 'thing' amongst it. But the human may reach perfection if they come to realize their place in the totality of existence.

Hell is a human creation, a symbolic representation of what an individual may come to experience upon earthly life if ignorance of self-knowledge, aka 'sin' persists. Think of it this way, ideas and knowledge arise from within ourselves before it may be expressed externally, therefore to understand all expression one must apply its symbolism to their human experience if they are to understand the true meaning of the expression, such as the idea of Heaven and Hell. Doesn't that make sense?
edit on 6-12-2014 by EviLCHiMP because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 7 2014 @ 12:15 AM
a reply to: BS_Slayer

Hello there BS_Slayer!
No need to Blush!
do listen to your mother! Us mothers know stuff!

You wrote, "While it would essentially render all forms of scientific inquiry useless beyond a certain point, I don't think it's entirely irrational to suggest that maybe our apparent position within the universe is "designed" to limit our understanding of it. It always seems to give us just enough to perpetually keep looking."

Yes. I agree with your assessment. I would add that we know that our mortal eyes are very limited in seeing the fullness of the light spectrum. We know our hearing isn't as acute as some animals. We are limited with our other senses too.
Therefore, we cannot completely understand our physical world if we are made deaf and blind. So our understanding is limited by our human "design" proven empirically by our very physical nature or what we think our physical nature is. Then If our human nature is limited, and the Creator is defined as infinite,then we would forever be learning more and never knowing all of God because we couldn't physically hold all of that infinity. At least not in this current human form. That's what I sort of think, but, I do not fully believe in human limitations per se. I think we are living in a dream state and that we can break the rules of matter or what appears to be the rules of the material realms. Well, I think we as a species are not all alike and some people can do some things that they are not supposed to be able to do. I suspect to access higher knowing involves the Love vibrations and this knowing is shut off to lower energy manifestations.

Okay, I admit I had to look up the word you
used, solipsism, and then I needed someone to
explain it to me.
I guess it is a sort of service to self viewpoint. Humm.
A lot of that going around.
so·lip·sism noun \ˈsō-ləp-ˌsi-zəm, ˈsä-\p
: a theory in philosophy that your own existence is the only thing that is real or that can be known

I think the ideas of solipsism would attract a childish mindset that would limit the Creator Source. I would discount that because of the concept of infinity that cannot be held or known but is real in concept as an idea. ( don't know if I stated that very well)

You said, "Quantum Physics seems to offer a lot of intriguing theories about the manner in which our universe/multiverse functions if you're able to wrap your head around it's fundamentals. IF, and that is a very humble if; there is any type of continuum of self beyond the break down of our body, perhaps someday in the future evidence might be found there. If you look toward Biology or Neuroscience in particular however, things aren't looking good lol. "

Quantum physics or quantum theory deals with the nano scale of things. String theory looks for the theory of everything. It is a work in progress still.
Well I don't think energy disappears. I think it converts
Into something. Ergo when we pass we pass into something.

I think we have a lot of differences between humankind. I do suspect faith is a conduit to an eternal existence. Personal experiences involving the Spiritual side in my life have been pretty wild. I really do think that our consciousness is opened when we practice living a kindly & meditative, prayerful life.

Blessings to you.

posted on Dec, 7 2014 @ 12:28 AM
All of you please understand what these words are expressing to you. I'm sharing my self with you in light that it may be realized by yourself. Think about it thoroughly and you'll completely understand the truth it communicates concerning your true reality at this very moment.

Contemplate space, its empty and appears to be void of substance, but understand that even though it appears empty it must still exist in some state of form for us to be able to traverse it, like water but much subtler in appearance and sensibility. We may in fact label space as the subtlest form of energy within the universe.

Now understand that space directly bonds to the atmosphere of planetary bodies, like flesh bonds to muscle and muscle bonds to bone.

The atmosphere being a denser layer of energy creates a capsule effect, a barrier, exactly how a bubble being in a denser energy state creates a barrier between the finer density of air and the greater density of water. But as soon as that density meets its equal it creates friction and chaos, the bubble pops, thus resulting in the destruction, absorbtion and eventual reformation of these energy forms, for example the bubble taking on the form of the water when it bursts. The atmosphere in turn bonds directly with the energy we know as air, only differential in seeming by there appearance due to the density of there energy. This air in turn directly bonds to the energy of physical forms, which are the densist of energy forms. Stone, bone, and metal being the densist of these.

Do you see where I'm going with this? The entire universe is a mass of a singular energy, seemingly differential only in appearance. There is no disconnection between everything that you see and everything that you -think- you are, it is all one energy taking on an infinitude of forms through vibrational frequencies. You're literally drowned in energy, there is nothing separating you from anything you perceive except your perception of seeming so. Look at your reality, this is the truth.

Now we proceed to the antithesis that must fundamentally exist in order for this energy to be able to, if you'd like to say, turn a mirror upon itself, observe itself. This is where and how the term God found its being in human expression.

Energy cannot be seperate from itself and because of this it is impossible for energy to observe itself, watching itself. Therefore there must exist an even subtler type of energy, an anti-energy, anti-matter for that matter. This energies nature, or principal of existence, must in turn be conscious, a anti-energy that externalizes itself while energy as we know internalizes itself. It must be a purely external energy that breaks apart and absorbs matter based energy. By absorbing energy, anti-energy gains its experiences, its forms, its appearances, and its truth. This is the formless energy that humans call God, in truth it has no name because it only projects itself into forms of matter.

You, being the absorber of energy in nature, the singular entity that you perceive as your individual self, remain immortal by absorbing the knowledge of lesser energy and turning around and creating new energy forms with it. Meaning you are fundamentally and truly the Creator of this existence, the great actor, the immortal energy that joyously pretends to live and to die.

Look at your life, every form degrades and passes away and we can do nothing about it, because we in our fundamental nature are simply observing ourselves as we absorb lesser densities of ourselves back into ourselves and re-project it out creating new forms of matter. In our human ignorance we have mistaken ourselves as the lesser forms and have forgotten we are the highest most perfect energy.

Look at your self, look at your world, realize what you really are and let go of what you used to think yourself to be.
edit on 7-12-2014 by EviLCHiMP because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 7 2014 @ 08:23 AM
a reply to: kosmicjack

You should try though, Kosmicjack. Even if it's only in small sections as you feel like it. It's not like this is even a "sensical" topic in the bigger picture. Look how diverse all of the responses are, plus no one can grade you on how you feel.

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