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What does it mean that it was exactly Seven Jewish Sabbath years between the 70 AD Jewish Diaspora a

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posted on Nov, 27 2014 @ 03:55 PM
Please help me to discover the "meaning" in that it was exactly Seven Jewish Sabbath years between the 70 AD Jewish Diaspora out of Israel, and the 64 AD Great Christian Holocaust persecutions by the Romans ?

It was exactly "Seven" years ( Jewish "Sabbath" Seven years ) between (1) the beginning of the Great Christian ( Holocaust ) 250 years long persecutions that were started by the Roman Emperor Nero that began in ( the "seventh" month ) July of 64 AD, and until (2) the 70 AD Jewish Diaspora ( with the Seventh Sabbath year from July 70 AD to July 71 AD ).

Is this Seven years timing example as given here, a new way that God makes things happen and communicates ? And if so, then what does it mean ?

Most all of the original first Christian leaders were all horribly murdered at the beginning of this July 64 AD Christian Holocaust persecution.

The Jewish Talmud mentions that Emperor Nero was a student of Judaism.

The Christian Sabbath day was moved to Sunday to honor Jesus's resurrection day by most Christians because Jesus was considered by the Christians to be the true Jewish Sabbath rest that is given from God.

Even after Emperor Nero was dethroned in 68 AD, the Christians were not forgiven in 68 AD from Nero's 64 AD lies about burning Rome, and the Christian Holocaust continued for another almost 250 years.

All of the first original leaders of Christianity before 64 AD desired to live in and to have their Christian Headquarters located in Israel, but they all stayed far away from Israel because of a great fear of a Christian Holocaust sponsored by the Jewish Leaders.

Isn't it interesting that similarly as Jesus Christ was resurrected in three days, the Christian Church was seemingly also resurrected again after almost three hundred years, and out of harms way in such a manner that the Jewish Leaders were no longer a great threat ?

posted on Nov, 27 2014 @ 04:30 PM
a reply to: trader21

67AD is the marker for the 1st Jubilee of Jesus Rule. 40.34 Jubilees later, we arrive at the end of his rule. 2017 is the final Jubilee for the Son. A Grand Jubilee is 7X7+1, or 50 years. When Yahweh said mankind would last 120 years in Genesis 6, he was referring to 120 X 50, or 6000 years.

Adam to Abraham was the Age of the Father (2000 years, or 2 Days), Abraham is Revealed.

Issac to Jesus was the age leading to the Son's rule (2000 years, or 2 Days), Jesus is revealed.

Mary to our day and age will reveal the rule of the Holy Spirit (2000 years, or 2 Days while the Son rules), She (?) is revealed.

When the Holy Spirit rules, war will be over. All things are revealed. She is coming up. Each member of the Trinity rules an age. The age of Rest is the Age of the Holy Spirit. 2017 marks the end of 40 Jubilees. The Son of God will bring war as his time ends. He might repent. We don't know.

See This Thread on the Topic of the Rebellion of the Son

Of course, we can only speculate. The Black Veil Brides are revealed by the lifting of the veil by the groom. You are exploring message between Angels, not man. We are peering into it, but speculation is all we have. The veil was torn 2000 years ago, allowing us to look.

He Was (Yahweh), IS (Christ) and is to come. We cannot know what this means fully. We simply know he will be changed again. When He was Jesus, he was humbled by the Father and Mother.

edit on 27-11-2014 by AlephBet because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 27 2014 @ 04:37 PM
Just a few points I want to mention . The Sabbath has always been on Saturday and the early Christians gathered together the first day of the week (Sunday) There are some that suggest that the Sabbath was changed but there are many who do not agree . I am not sure the point or the question you have here so I cant respond other then to say the Bible teaches a few types of Sabbath's spanning different times . I think when Jesus was sacrificed it was a time when two Sabbath's may have been happening . I have read something about it before but cant remember what the deal was .

a reply to: trader21

posted on Nov, 27 2014 @ 04:39 PM
a reply to: trader21

The persecutions did not stop there. There have been many others since. The Spanish Inquisition persecuted many Christians. The beginnings of the Protestants and the translation of the Bible into other languages from the Latin was persecuted all over Europe; some ghastly accounts in history. It is worth finding out what happened to the Cathars, too. They were wiped out completely in Europe by the most horrible genocidal means.

Persecution is still happening to Christians all over the world. It is not just Christians either. It is easy to come up with a long list of persecuted people because of race, religion, gender, sexuality, status, etc. Nero and the Romans are not unusual in that respect.

The Jewish Leaders you say were the principle threat to Christianity were themselves persecuted by Rome. We know what Rome did to Jerusalem after the Jewish Uprising. The Jewish Leaders' persecution of Christians only lasted for about thirty years. They were themselves decimated by Rome during the seventh decade AD.

I think you have shown keen interest in this area of history and hope you continue to research this fascinating period, but I must point out that I don't think the Jewish Leaders were anything more than an initial threat because they lost power and home, too. Also, I don't think it is that clear cut when we can say the persecution of Christians ended. We can say when Roman persecution of Christians ended and that was of course with Constantine's vision, successful military campaign and his conversion to Christianity.

edit on 27-11-2014 by lonesomerimbaud because: corrections.

posted on Nov, 27 2014 @ 09:09 PM
a reply to: trader21

The way I understand this is that Jesus died at the age of 33.5, when He should have lived to be 40. Abraham had a spiritual-maturity deadline to meet 2,100 years after the Fall of Adam, but Abraham matured 54 (really 53.5) years ahead of that deadline at 2,046 years after Adam's fall. This meant that God would have to reimburse 53.5 years to mankind. Then, during the Exodus, the Jews delayed 40 years before entering the land, so the Temple stood for 40 years after Jesus died.

So, Jesus died at age 33.5 in 30 AD, then the Temple falls 40 years later in 70 AD. That leaves 14 (13.5) of Abraham's 53.5 year reimbursement to play out. So, the Temple falls in 70 AD, and the Judeans experience 3.5 years of slaughter. So now, we have 7 of the remaining 13.5 years left. These last 7 years have not played out yet, this is Daniel's 70th Week. So, the Tribulation is a future event, and the Rapture must remove the Church so that Israel can have her last promised 7 years.

I realize that this may seem foreign to many who read this, but these numbers all exist in the metered syllable distribution of the Hebrew OT and Greek NT. Here is an extensive study on the syllable metering of John's gospel. It is NOT light reading.

The original text of the Bible has been phonetically preserved, and is 'alive and powerfull' down to the syllable. There is much that the Church has forgotten over the past 1,986 years

posted on Nov, 27 2014 @ 09:30 PM
a reply to: AlephBet

The year 2017 is a false Jubilee. You cant trust the "Lunar Tetrad/Juda ben Samuel" propaganda. The Jubilee cycles do not truely line up, because Pope Gregory 13th erased 2 years and 9 days of AD history when he instituted his calendar.

Count the lunar metonic cycles (19 years) between 30 AD and 2004. They should line up by a multiple of 19 years, but they are off by 2 years. If you try to work out the error, you'll notice that the metonic cycles are consistent up until the year of the Gregorian calendar in 1582. The US Navy reflects this same error, along with my research in the true ending of the Mayan Calendar. "They" have been supressing this information for centuries.

If my predictions are correct about 9/16/2016, then the only note-worthy date in 2017 will be when the 150 day assault by Apollyon's hordes will end, on 3/21/2017 (Vernal Equinox).

You see, Judah ben Samuel's Jubilee prophecy is naming Apollyon the messiah, when Revelation identifies Apollyon as the anti-christ. Dont be fooled.

posted on Nov, 27 2014 @ 09:45 PM
a reply to: BELIEVERpriest

All I need to know is that we are near.

posted on Nov, 27 2014 @ 09:55 PM
a reply to: AlephBet

Near to what? If I am correct about 2016, then some of us will be immediately resurrected and some of us will see 7 years of unparalleled terror. It is vital that we understand exactly what we might be facing. If Im wrong, then we just keep on keeping on, but if Im right, then I would recommend that you resolve your "Who is Yahweh?", issue. The clock is ticking away.

posted on Nov, 27 2014 @ 10:32 PM
a reply to: BELIEVERpriest

Yes, I'm one year away from your reading yourposts....I'm curious.
edit on 27-11-2014 by GBP/JPY because: His mum called him yashio

posted on Nov, 27 2014 @ 10:52 PM
a reply to: GBP/JPY

You might find these threads usefull, or at least interesting.

posted on Nov, 28 2014 @ 05:38 AM
a reply to: trader21

It means that the majority of what was written as "end times" took place in 70 ad. The 7 years of tribulation were those 7 years that culminated with the destruction of the temple, and the entire Jewish cultus. "Heaven and Earth passed away". The temple/heaven and the land of Israel/earth were decimated. Not one stone was left on another (the wailing wall is part of Fort Antonia, not part of the temple). The outward literal types had vanished. "Now we know no man after the flesh". The falling away had already occurred. Many fell back into the outward religion of judaism. They turned back to their dark god of death and sacrifice. They rejected the message of Life and Love of the Spirit. They tried to overthrow the rulers with carnal weapons, and died. Rome/the world destroyed Israel the land, and burned the bodies of the obstinate people in hell--gehenna--the Valley of Ben Hinom where bodies of the jewish nationalists who tried to overthrow Rome with literal swords were burned.

This all took place. There is no future hell that God will punish in. there is no future 7 years where God is going to smite mankind with all kinds of ills. No this happened, and it wasn't at the hands of God, but at the hands of men. The same men who have killed all the prophets from Able to Zechariah.

Repent to all who think that is how God is, for the Kingdom of Heaven is at hand, it is inside. Repent is a Metanoia Meta=outside/above (like metaphysics) Noia/Nous=mind. Jesus said to tear down the literal temple. That is the temple of the flesh, or the mind=nous. that is the kingdom of this world, that like Peter is of Satan "get behind me satan" who tries to stop the plan of the Son which is to go by the new way, that of self offering. Not of violent overthrow. Again Peter tried to take up his sword and he cut of the High Priest's slaves ear, but Jesus told him to put away his sword. And he also denied the opportunity to call down an army of angels at his death.

Repent for the kingdom of heaven is at hand. It is already here. Men try to take it by force, they try and force Jesus to be king of this world order, by carnal mean... literal swords.

This is written to all who think that God is like you, and is going to bring wrath upon men, his beloved creation. Who hold on to the pagan/jewish image of the god who brings good and evil, life and death. That image of god was destroyed at the 70th year. Stop resurrecting the old man, and his vile image, the desirable image that was seated in the Holy of Holies. Your image, the image of the beast, the image of the carnal man. That is the anti-christ, the mind of adam, or the natural mind that wants denies that The Christ Has Come, and Is Come in the Flesh. The word is tabernacled in you, the seed fell into the ground/the adamah/adam soil. "just as christ IS so are YOU in the world". He is not out there waiting to come down and bring terror. That is what the mind of man imagines. That is Not the Father and the Son, the Spirit of Liberty, that is seen in the Mirror. The veil need be removed that is the Revelation of Jesus Christ in you, me, all of humanity, and all of creation. "All creation is waiting with baited breath for the Unveiling/Removing of the veil of Flesh/Revelation/Apocalypse of the Sons of God (Rom 8, Rev 1)"
edit on 28 11 2014 by zardust because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 28 2014 @ 02:59 PM
a reply to: trader21

The present country of Israel will be aged 70 years old in May of 2018 ( 2018 - 1948 = 70 ).

When the present country of Israel was aged 40 years old in 1988, the USA had it's worse ever weather year in the USA's history. Do any web search of "Drought USA 1988" to learn more.

Does the number 40 have any special spiritual significance ?

posted on Nov, 28 2014 @ 03:35 PM
a reply to: trader21

The number 40 is the number of testing. Depending on how the testing goes, determines whether a nation is blessed or disciplined. Israel wasnt ready to enter the Land after leaving Egypt, so they had to mature for 40 years. Christ had to resist temptation for 40 days.

But Israel only has 7 years left on its clock, so the 1948-67 Zionist State is the will of man, not God.

posted on Nov, 28 2014 @ 03:48 PM
a reply to: trader21

Actually, 1988 is 49x40 years after Jesus' death.

posted on Nov, 28 2014 @ 04:03 PM

originally posted by: trader21
Please help me to discover the "meaning" in that it was exactly Seven Jewish Sabbath years between the 70 AD Jewish Diaspora out of Israel, and the 64 AD Great Christian Holocaust persecutions by the Romans ?

What makes you think it has any meaning?

posted on Nov, 29 2014 @ 03:03 AM
a reply to: hellobruce

There is the association that the hostility that happened to the Christians in the Christian Holocaust beginning in July of 64 AD, has a very close similarity to what also happened later to the Jews in the Jewish Diaspora in Israel in 70 AD.

There had been for a long time great hostile "unrest" between the Jewish Leaders and the Christians, with the Jewish leaders being the only hostile persecutors as St Paul for example was originally a well known Jewish persecutor who brought much hostility against the Christians until he was introduced to and came to personally know Jesus.

The exact opposite of hostile unrest is rest, and in particular a Jewish Sabbath rest that involves a number of seven time periods.

Beginning with the Jewish Diaspora ( seventh year ) there was the beginning of rest that involved the Jewish hostilities toward the Christians because the Jewish Leaders then were too busy trying to stay alive themselves in the Jewish Diaspora.

A precise Sabbath time of a "perfectly and exactly timed seventh year" time period between these two associated but different random events, indicates to me the work of God's doing who is demonstrating his precise ability to make his will accomplished and also to leave a clear historical message and record.

Possibly some time in the distant future people will understand what God's message was in this particular perfectly timed demonstration by God.

posted on Nov, 29 2014 @ 07:01 AM

originally posted by: zardust
a reply to: trader21

It means that the majority of what was written as "end times" took place in 70 ad. The 7 years of tribulation were those 7 years that culminated with the destruction of the temple, and the entire Jewish cultus. "Heaven and Earth passed away". The temple/heaven and the land of Israel/earth were decimated. Not one stone was left on another (the wailing wall is part of Fort Antonia, not part of the temple). The outward literal types had vanished. "Now we know no man after the flesh". The falling away had already occurred. Many fell back into the outward religion of judaism. They turned back to their dark god of death and sacrifice. They rejected the message of Life and Love of the Spirit. They tried to overthrow the rulers with carnal weapons, and died. Rome/the world destroyed Israel the land, and burned the bodies of the obstinate people in hell--gehenna--the Valley of Ben Hinom where bodies of the jewish nationalists who tried to overthrow Rome with literal swords were burned.

This all took place. There is no future hell that God will punish in. there is no future 7 years where God is going to smite mankind with all kinds of ills. No this happened, and it wasn't at the hands of God, but at the hands of men. The same men who have killed all the prophets from Able to Zechariah.

Repent to all who think that is how God is, for the Kingdom of Heaven is at hand, it is inside. Repent is a Metanoia Meta=outside/above (like metaphysics) Noia/Nous=mind. Jesus said to tear down the literal temple. That is the temple of the flesh, or the mind=nous. that is the kingdom of this world, that like Peter is of Satan "get behind me satan" who tries to stop the plan of the Son which is to go by the new way, that of self offering. Not of violent overthrow. Again Peter tried to take up his sword and he cut of the High Priest's slaves ear, but Jesus told him to put away his sword. And he also denied the opportunity to call down an army of angels at his death.

Repent for the kingdom of heaven is at hand. It is already here. Men try to take it by force, they try and force Jesus to be king of this world order, by carnal mean... literal swords.

This is written to all who think that God is like you, and is going to bring wrath upon men, his beloved creation. Who hold on to the pagan/jewish image of the god who brings good and evil, life and death. That image of god was destroyed at the 70th year. Stop resurrecting the old man, and his vile image, the desirable image that was seated in the Holy of Holies. Your image, the image of the beast, the image of the carnal man. That is the anti-christ, the mind of adam, or the natural mind that wants denies that The Christ Has Come, and Is Come in the Flesh. The word is tabernacled in you, the seed fell into the ground/the adamah/adam soil. "just as christ IS so are YOU in the world". He is not out there waiting to come down and bring terror. That is what the mind of man imagines. That is Not the Father and the Son, the Spirit of Liberty, that is seen in the Mirror. The veil need be removed that is the Revelation of Jesus Christ in you, me, all of humanity, and all of creation. "All creation is waiting with baited breath for the Unveiling/Removing of the veil of Flesh/Revelation/Apocalypse of the Sons of God (Rom 8, Rev 1)"

Thanks for Denying ignorance Zardust.The religious carnal mind(satan) of mankind only hears what it wants to hear and believes what it wants to believe regardless of the Truth.

posted on Nov, 29 2014 @ 07:58 AM

originally posted by: trader21
a reply to: trader21

The present country of Israel will be aged 70 years old in May of 2018 ( 2018 - 1948 = 70 ).

When the present country of Israel was aged 40 years old in 1988, the USA had it's worse ever weather year in the USA's history. Do any web search of "Drought USA 1988" to learn more.

Does the number 40 have any special spiritual significance ?

I think the simplest approach here is to say that Christ said the only sign that generation would receive would be the sign of Jonah (Matt 12:38-45). Jonah was told to warn Nineveh and tell it to repent or they would be destroyed in 40 days - likewise, if Christ started warning "spiritual Nineveh"/ Jerusalem in 30 AD, that would put the temple destruction promised at 70 AD - (40 years/ "days" later) thus right on time.

Yes, 40 is a time of testing. Christ's date of death is much disputed, but if we say He started teaching in 30 AD and died on April 3, 33 AD, the Jubilee cycle makes more sense. 49 X 40 = 1960 plus a half a cycle (24.5 years) puts us at 1984.5 years (Orwell anyone?) getting us to Oct. 3, 2017. (Breaking things in the middle of the 7 cycle relates to Daniel 9:27, and is a common theme in this current timeframe.)

As to the idea of the tribulation in relation to the state of Israel and the world, I think the idea of the tribulation going from the 10th of Tevet to the 27th of Iyyar (1 week before Shavuot/ Pentecost) is the most useful. When we look at the Jewish calendar, these dates will give us 1260 days and also 70 weeks (490 days) in certain calendar years (Christ describes the 10th of Tevet and 27 Iyyar in Matt 24 as I detail here:

The interesting thing here is that we only get the 1260 day version of 10 Tevet to 27 Iyyar (the last day of the 'days of Noah") from dusk Dec 22, 2012 to dusk June 4, 2016. This alignment match-up that occurs from Dec 22, 2012 to June 4, 2016 doesn't happen again until Dec. 21, 2023 through June 3, 2027.
The 1335th day as Believer Priest has stated also is a special day, Aug 17/18, 2016.

But that isn't the only alignment on the horizon - it also gives us Daniel 9's 70 weeks from dusk Jan 7, 2017 to May 12, 2018 - 1 week before Shavuot and the 70th anniversary of the state of Israel. The next alignment of the 70 weeks 10 Tevet to 27 Iyyar isn't until 2025.

posted on Nov, 29 2014 @ 09:32 AM
a reply to: trader21

One more note about 1988 and the 40 years of warning to repent/ sign of Jonah. I think that the visions of Dmitri Duduman fit into the 40 year warning style:

posted on Nov, 29 2014 @ 12:01 PM
a reply to: trader21

It was exactly "Seven" years ( Jewish "Sabbath" Seven years ) between (1) the beginning of the Great Christian ( Holocaust ) 250 years long persecutions that were started by the Roman Emperor Nero that began in ( the "seventh" month ) July of 64 AD, and until (2) the 70 AD Jewish Diaspora ( with the Seventh Sabbath year from July 70 AD to July 71 AD ).

To answer this portion of your thread is to understand that this is counted as Jewish calendar Sabbaths. This is shown that you must count the regular holy Sabbath of rest which is our Saturday and their seventh day of their week. Besides the regular Holy Sabbath they have seven other sabbath days in their year.

"The question now arises, do the scriptures teach that there are other Sabbaths also? The answer is a definite YES.

There are 7 "high sabbaths" (i.e., "special" sabbaths) or "holy convocations" each year:
1. At Passover, there are 2: The 1st day of the Feast of Unleavened Bread on the 15th of Nisan (the Passover is the 14th of Nisan; therefore, THE DAY AFTER THE PASSOVER, the 15th, IS ALWAYS A SABBATH REGARDLESS OF WHAT DAY IT FALLS ON) and the 7th day of the Feast of Unleavened Bread. (Exod 12:14-20, Lev 23:5-8, Num 28:16-18)
2. 1 at Pentecost (or feast of Weeks, feast of Harvest, day of First Fruits) - (Exod. 23:16 & 34:22, Lev. 23:15-21, Deut. 16:9-12,16)
3. 1 at the feast of Trumpets.
4. 1 on the Day of Atonement.
5. 2 at the feast of Booths (or Tabernacles) and The Passover / The Feast of Unleavened Bread :
Lev 23:1-11:"

These High day Sabbaths are shown in different seasons of the Jewish year and must not be counted as regular holy day Sabbaths. They vary from year to year as to the day of the week they fall. By this you must also consider that not all Jewish months necessarily contain the same amount of days each year. The Jews compensated this with extra and a variety of days in the years. So with those factors all involved it was determined that you must consider the year and how many days are in that lunar cycle and count only the regular Sabbaths. Basically that is the answer to this portion of your thread. Now how to do all of this would require you to have a past Jewish calendar. Always remember that they counted a new month by a verified new moon and this in itself can be controversial to say the least.

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