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Why the Increase in the Number of Homeless Children?

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posted on Nov, 20 2014 @ 09:27 AM
The news came out a few days ago that the number of homeless children in America has dramatically increased. In 2006 it was one in fifty children. Now, one in every thirty US Children are homeless. That's 2.5 million. The number has nearly doubled since 2006. So if the economy is supposedly improving so much, then why the major increase in the number of homeless children? (not to mention the increase in the number of children in poverty - 1/5 of US children).

Homeless Children in America - Report from American Institutes for Research

A staggering 2.5 million children are now homeless each year in America. This historic high represents one in every 30 children in the United States. Child homelessness increased in 31 states and the District of Columbia from 2012 to 2013. Children are homeless in every city,
county, and state—every part of our country.

Based on a calculation using the most recent U.S. Department of Education’s count of homeless children in U.S. public schools and on 2013 U.S. Census data:

• 2,483,539 children experienced homelessness in the U.S. in 2013.
• This represents one in every 30 children in the U.S.

From 2012 to 2013, the number of children experiencing homelessness annually in the U.S.:
• Increased by 8% nationally.
• Increased in 31 states and the District of Columbia.
• Increased by 10% or more in 13 states and the District of Columbia.

Major causes of homelessness for children in the U.S. include: (1) the nation’s high poverty rate; (2) lack of affordable housing across the nation; (3) continuing impacts of the Great Recession; (4) racial disparities; (5) the challenges of single parenting; and (6) the ways in which traumatic experiences, especially domestic violence, precede and prolong homelessness for families.

Newsweek - Child Homelessness in US Reaches Historic High

“Children are kind of like the canaries in the coal mine,” Bruce Lesley, president of First Focus Campaign for Children, tells Newsweek. They are “the first to be negatively affected by recessions and the last group to recover.” Often their parents are relatively young, Lesley explains, and the last ones to benefit from a recovering economy....

DeCandia explains that the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) relies on a “point-in-time” count conducted annually on one night in January that tallies the number of homeless people in shelters and on the streets. It does not include families and children crowding into a basement in another family’s house, staying at a motel, or constantly moving from one makeshift housing solution to another. The DOE numbers and those compiled by “America’s Youngest Outcasts” include the second, much larger group of families and children struggling to find safe, steady and affordable housing.

Yahoo - Child Homelessness on the Rise

Homeless Children In America - Americans Youngest Outcasts

I submit that the economy isn't really improving. Real unemployment is much higher than is reported. People have given up. And people with paying employment don't have the purchase power they used to have because of the extreme cost of goods - especially the grocery bills. Most families need two incomes to survive and a lot of people are having children when, frankly, they can't afford it or when they shouldn't. Information here. So that doesn't help matters at all.

Politicians like Obama, Pelosi, Reid, McCain, Boehner etc etc need to stop sending our tax money overseas in useless wars and in nation building. Our own nation needs building up. Our infrastructure is a mess. Our schools are pathetic. Our children are hungry. Yes, some of this is our own fault and people need to take some self responsibility with their lives. But some of this is also the fault of the mismanagement of government.

I would think a real indicator of if the economy is improving would be to check the poverty level and homeless level of children in the USA. And from what I'm looking at with these figures, the economy and our country are on a decline.

Americans, take personal responsibility with your life decisions. Make better choices.

Politicians, take better care of what we Americans entrust to you. Make better choices.

Children, sorry that you are suffering because of the bad decisions of others.

All of us, we need to help and lets tell the truth of this without being partisan or PC about it.

edit on 20-11-2014 by Jainine because: spacing

posted on Nov, 20 2014 @ 09:43 AM
No jobs, no money.
No money, no house.
And a system that doesn't really give a rat's a$$. If they actually cared about where all that money goes, they would tighten the chain of proof required to get access to the programs. But, as we saw in some videos in another thread, getting food stamps is so easy, it doesn't even require proof of income, place of residence, etc, etc.

Till we scrape off the leeches, it won't matter how much money is dumped in to the system.

posted on Nov, 20 2014 @ 09:46 AM
a reply to: Jainine

Just my personal experience here, but I am a roomie with the exwife and her 7 year boyfriend, we have 3 kids. Even with 3 incomes all full time averaging 5 hours a week overtime, we are struggling.
This nation is soon to be 3rd world status for common folks unless good jobs return or billion dollar corps admit their workers deserve decent wages.

Bottom line the parasitic corps only care about moutains of cash they dont need.

I will be amongst those stealing expensive goods in the next riot.

By which i mean food and cloths.............

posted on Nov, 20 2014 @ 09:51 AM
Maybe because the US of A is turning into a third world dump, ruled by a tiny elite owning 99% of the wealth ?

I mean what did they expect is going to happen when they started outsourcing basically every job and manufacturing process into low wage countries to optimize their profits even more, while increasing the costs of education within the US ?

posted on Nov, 20 2014 @ 09:52 AM
It should be in direct relation to the number of parents who are losing their house, because of financial difficulties. It is a sad situation, and sometimes wonder how some people can even sleep at night, you know the people who tell other to get out. I wish there was someway or something that allowed a family the chance to get their financial problems back in line, it doesnt take much to upset, an already troubled and stretched person with many bills.

posted on Nov, 20 2014 @ 09:53 AM

originally posted by: DAVID64
No jobs, no money.
No money, no house.
And a system that doesn't really give a rat's a$$. If they actually cared about where all that money goes, they would tighten the chain of proof required to get access to the programs. But, as we saw in some videos in another thread, getting food stamps is so easy, it doesn't even require proof of income, place of residence, etc, etc.

Till we scrape off the leeches, it won't matter how much money is dumped in to the system.


The ex and I together dont qualify even at 17K a year a piece with 3 kids.

wow shocker a person with plenty acting like the working poor have the world handed to them, never heard that before./sarcasm

edit on 2014bThursdayv55201411 by oblvion because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 20 2014 @ 09:55 AM

originally posted by: oblvion
I will be amongst those stealing expensive goods in the next riot.
By which i mean food and cloths.............

Food. The food bill is outrageous. I admit ours is a bit higher than most because I have such a restricted diet (autoimmune issues). But the cost of food for an average family is unfreak'n believable. Now toss on top of that occasional goodies like Halloween or Christmas chocolate? YIKES! I know I'm dating myself but I remember Hersey Bars costing a just 10 cents. Who can afford the extras like an occasional chocolate bar?

posted on Nov, 20 2014 @ 09:55 AM
a reply to: Jainine

You're right my friend...
The Economy is only improving in the deluded minds of our Despots...

Politicians like Obama, Pelosi, Reid, McCain, Boehner etc etc need to stop sending our tax money overseas in useless wars and in nation building

Don't let Israel hear you say this, their livelihood & conflicts depend on your hard earned money.

Children, sorry that you are suffering because of the bad decisions of others.

Well said pal.

All across the globe it's the children who suffer...
Good thing they can't vote eh!

I believe that Politics should be taught the moment a child can begin speaking...
It's just as important as Science, Maths, & English...

It's what controls Science, Maths & English.

posted on Nov, 20 2014 @ 09:56 AM
The increase of numbers is the understanding of "hidden homeless ". The numbers are probably unfortunately not terribly different, the recognition of people staying with friends and family has increased.

posted on Nov, 20 2014 @ 10:00 AM
QEWell the only solution to this problem is to completely support in it's entirety POTUS and his ultimate plan and executive orders granting citizenship to over 11 million Illegals. There is simply no other way.

posted on Nov, 20 2014 @ 10:10 AM
Good god, that's a 40% increase, unless my math is that bad.

Yea our economy is on the mend. Maybe if they actually used proper statistics to figure out the real state of the economy we wouldn't be in this position.

Much like the unemployment numbers which don't count those who have given up looking for work and are no longer above the safety nets. Homeless numbers are just rough estimations based on actual reports of homelessness. That don't take into account those that are not looking for a place to live any longer.

This county is all just smoke and mirrors mixed with a strategic division of labor. Only our masters truly know the real state.

Us peons will never know the truth until it bites us in the asses.

posted on Nov, 20 2014 @ 10:11 AM
I know this might sound totally socialist but I think everyone deserves a home or a warm place to stay in this country. Here I think if your homeless your seen as a blight. and people want to ignore you and forget about you. I think eve organizations like 100,000 homes are seen as doing something bad as they try and put the most vulnerable of homeless in apartment homes and neighbors complain that they don't want them there.

Let me leave of with a Martin Luther king Jr quote :"A nation that continues year after year to spend more money on military defense than on programs of social uplift is approaching spiritual doom."

posted on Nov, 20 2014 @ 10:16 AM

originally posted by: FlyersFan

originally posted by: oblvion
I will be amongst those stealing expensive goods in the next riot.
By which i mean food and cloths.............

Food. The food bill is outrageous. I admit ours is a bit higher than most because I have such a restricted diet (autoimmune issues). But the cost of food for an average family is unfreak'n believable. Now toss on top of that occasional goodies like Halloween or Christmas chocolate? YIKES! I know I'm dating myself but I remember Hersey Bars costing a just 10 cents. Who can afford the extras like an occasional chocolate bar?

At the Stripes gas station in the middle of methville where I work 10 pm to 6 am 6 days a week a hershey is now a buck 29.

only reason I have never been robbed is I let it be well known I Carry colt 1911 and Will use it.

Thank the lord my parents and the US ARMY blessed me with a look and attitude that screams "please,come at me bro".Or I would be dead already for less than 20K a year.

posted on Nov, 20 2014 @ 10:17 AM

originally posted by: H1ght3chHippie
Maybe because the US of A is turning into a third world dump, ruled by a tiny elite owning 99% of the wealth ?

I mean what did they expect is going to happen when they started outsourcing basically every job and manufacturing process into low wage countries to optimize their profits even more, while increasing the costs of education within the US ?

okay what you said brings another quote to mind by Thomas Jefferson. : " if the American people ever allow private banks to control the issue of their money, first by inflation then by deflation, the banks and corporations that will grow up around them will deprive the people of their property until their children will wake up homeless on the continent that their fathers conquered."

posted on Nov, 20 2014 @ 10:28 AM

originally posted by: American-philosopher

originally posted by: H1ght3chHippie
Maybe because the US of A is turning into a third world dump, ruled by a tiny elite owning 99% of the wealth ?

I mean what did they expect is going to happen when they started outsourcing basically every job and manufacturing process into low wage countries to optimize their profits even more, while increasing the costs of education within the US ?

okay what you said brings another quote to mind by Thomas Jefferson. : " if the American people ever allow private banks to control the issue of their money, first by inflation then by deflation, the banks and corporations that will grow up around them will deprive the people of their property until their children will wake up homeless on the continent that their fathers conquered."

Do these words not still ring true? In the words of Theoden lord and ruler of Rhohan "How did it come to this?!!!!"


posted on Nov, 20 2014 @ 10:31 AM
They changed the definition of homes. technically if you live in a trailer park your homeless. If you live with your family at your grandparents your homeless. The wife retired from the school system and thats how it now gets reported.

posted on Nov, 20 2014 @ 10:42 AM

originally posted by: mikell
They changed the definition of homes. technically if you live in a trailer park your homeless. If you live with your family at your grandparents your homeless. The wife retired from the school system and thats how it now gets reported.


My children live in a trailer, we do not qualify as either homeless or even poor enough for any aid.

Well honestly they offered us 50 bucks a month if we lied about the 3rd income and jumped through hoops.

You are completely clueless on this subject arent you?

I know for a fact, I am living it at present.

edit on 2014bThursdayv44201411 by oblvion because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 20 2014 @ 10:46 AM

originally posted by: mikell
They changed the definition of homes. technically if you live in a trailer park your homeless. If you live with your family at your grandparents your homeless. The wife retired from the school system and thats how it now gets reported.

That's what I was wondering about, how many homeless children (teenagers?) run away to live with friends and/or other family members?

posted on Nov, 20 2014 @ 10:50 AM
"The Economy is Improving" is code for "The Stock Market is doing better".

The Poor are getting poorer, and The Rich are getting richer.

That is your answer.

posted on Nov, 20 2014 @ 10:53 AM

originally posted by: oblvion
a reply to: Jainine

Just my personal experience here, but I am a roomie with the exwife and her 7 year boyfriend, we have 3 kids. Even with 3 incomes all full time averaging 5 hours a week overtime, we are struggling.
This nation is soon to be 3rd world status for common folks unless good jobs return or billion dollar corps admit their workers deserve decent wages.

Bottom line the parasitic corps only care about moutains of cash they dont need.

I will be amongst those stealing expensive goods in the next riot.

By which i mean food and cloths.............

Just out of curiosity.
Which mega corporations do the three of you work for? IBM, exxon, general motors, McDonald's?

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