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Saudi Arabia outlaws ‘tempting eyes’

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posted on Nov, 17 2014 @ 11:11 AM
But they are our buddies and have been for a long time... buddies with oil... no mixed messages here... nope. None.

(Meanwhile: Global economy)

posted on Nov, 17 2014 @ 11:14 AM
I genuinely believe that we do not have the right to dictate what we feel is permissible upon another culture or society. What may be horrendous to us could be second nature to them.

Now, if certain members of their society wish to leave, I also believe they should be allowed to do so.

It is a shame, in our eyes. But, it is THEIR society. We do not have the right to alter that.


posted on Nov, 17 2014 @ 11:21 AM

originally posted by: samsamm9

originally posted by: Meldionne1

Idiotic bigoted reply.
I guess you're uneducated, you're forgiven.

So he is an idiot because his reply is not what you want and he is a bigot because is free to think differently from the crowd? So typical MUSLIM!!!
edit on 17-11-2014 by Telos because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 17 2014 @ 11:24 AM

originally posted by: Unity_99
All fascist or theocracy nations should be dismantled by world police force. No bombing, ooops there goes the hospital. Just use the top space age equipment and get a move on!

And any politician or royal or banker with ties to these illegal villians need to be arrested, and thoroughly investigated to see if any of their "activities" has led to the enslavement and oppression and torture and murder and abuse of any person on earth.

That is how I would handle it.

Any other way of handling it is illegal and crimes against humanity, humanity being , all the people on earth. Not divided into groups of handlers, some criminal abusers and some not, that we call nations.

So the cure for fascism is even bigger fascism?

posted on Nov, 17 2014 @ 11:31 AM
a reply to: nullafides

I can't hold to that belief, because I hold that in most situations there is a clearly understandable right and wrong. It's wrong to create a culture that gives one gender more "rights" that the other. The United States is not there yet (I believe it's slowly going in the right direction), but Saudi is pretty deplorable.

As far as Sharia law between consenting parties in the United States, I have no problem if two consenting parties agree to utilize it for business transactions. I do have issue if the law is forced on someone who is afraid to disagree to using it, which I believe will happen. Let me explain:

In Morocco, where I lived for few years, a husband technically needs the consent of his current wives before he takes another wife. However, in actuality there's not much they can do but say yes. If she says no, he can make her life miserable until she says yes. She could theoretically leave him, but then she would have to give up any children she has with him, give up any chance of re-marrying (no man will take her as a wife again), and be ostracized by her family for bringing shame upon them.

The whole situation makes me sad, but until the culture changes to allow women the freedom to live their lives as they choose there's not much that can be done.

posted on Nov, 17 2014 @ 11:35 AM
Good idea if you ask me!

posted on Nov, 17 2014 @ 12:09 PM
People have hormones and those hormones create sexual desires.

If you remove all possible stimuli that could help someone to relieve those desires, then the desires are going to become more and more fixated on the less and less that is available to see and fantasize over.

In this case "tempting eyes".

Remember big tough guys who go to jail often get involved in homosexual acts because all they have to relieve those desires are other men.

So is it surprising?

Religious zealotry (i.e. the belief in fairy tales) trying to override nature and the impulses nature has given us to ensure the survival of the species.

Like Jehovahs witnesses refusing medicine to their ill children because of a belief that God will do it if they just believe enough.

It's the Human condition and why we are destined to the garbage can of natures failed experiments.

posted on Nov, 17 2014 @ 01:50 PM
Make something taboo....they want it all the more - look at prohibition
Make a woman invisible behind a burkha..curiosity is piqued
Its not rape protection for the woman - rape still happens regularly to these women
Its protection for the man because he's too weak to resist and believes he's entitled in any event
What does that say about Muslim men?

posted on Nov, 17 2014 @ 01:53 PM
Saudi Arabia and Pakistan are our two "allies" in the region.

What's the expression? "With friends like you, who needs enemies?"

posted on Nov, 17 2014 @ 02:13 PM


posted on Nov, 17 2014 @ 03:30 PM
Hey, thinking about this, maybe there's something in it:

posted on Nov, 17 2014 @ 03:44 PM

originally posted by: samsamm9

originally posted by: Meldionne1

Idiotic bigoted reply.
I guess you're uneducated, you're forgiven.

It's what they do...Muslims belief...perhaps you are the uneducated one . Read up on
Saudi Muslim belief and you will see.

posted on Nov, 17 2014 @ 03:45 PM
a reply to: samsamm9

I have only this.... WTF

posted on Nov, 17 2014 @ 04:10 PM

originally posted by: tinner07
I am already confused on the Islam thing.

Any thread I have said anything bad about Muslims it seems I get lambasted, Yet this thread nobody has jumped up to apologize and defend the Muslims.

Long question short: are those people extremist or moderate?

I post was removed for violation of terms....BUT YET...I always get the " stupid American " card thrown in my face and no one seems to take down those posts......

posted on Nov, 17 2014 @ 04:15 PM

originally posted by: Meldionne1

originally posted by: samsamm9

originally posted by: Meldionne1

Idiotic bigoted reply.
I guess you're uneducated, you're forgiven.

It's what they do...Muslims belief...perhaps you are the uneducated one . Read up on
Saudi Muslim belief and you will see.

Yes exactly, Saudi Muslims aka Wahhabis aka Salafis ... Which don't represent "Muslims".
They're a farce , they have their own version of Islam.

Again, these backward scums (again I repeat) are not representation of Muslims or Islam.

It's like me saying the westboro baptist church or the kkk is a representation of Christianity.

Ffs, have some nuance to your simplistic point of view.

posted on Nov, 17 2014 @ 04:17 PM

posted on Nov, 17 2014 @ 04:22 PM

originally posted by: samsamm9

originally posted by: Meldionne1

originally posted by: samsamm9

originally posted by: Meldionne1

Idiotic bigoted reply.
I guess you're uneducated, you're forgiven.

It's what they do...Muslims belief...perhaps you are the uneducated one . Read up on
Saudi Muslim belief and you will see.

Yes exactly, Saudi Muslims aka Wahhabis aka Salafis ... Which don't represent "Muslims".
They're a farce , they have their own version of Islam.

Again, these backward scums (again I repeat) are not representation of Muslims or Islam.

It's like me saying the westboro baptist church or the kkk is a representation of Christianity.

Ffs, have some nuance to your simplistic point of view.

I'm guessing by all of your hostile remarks to me YOURE Muslim? ....typical because I am a Woman and your trying to oppress me.

posted on Nov, 17 2014 @ 04:30 PM
a reply to: NavyDoc

World Wide standards of human rights that calls and end to oppression of people is not fascism. Its fascist to throw people who speak their minds, or smoke natural things in jail. But its not fascist to preserve the freedom, life, liberty of all of earth's citizens. Murders, abusers, torturers, slavers should be behind bars and there should be world standards wherein they cannot enslave and rule over whole nations. That would be letting those who hijack a stadium own the people in it.

Fascism including theocracy is about owning people.

Its not fascism to expect world wide laws that set all people free.

ISIL for example, is a group of terrorists hijacking the stadium and trying to own the people. They need to be stopped ASAP.

Well, what if a majority vote in fascists?

What do we do with a family wherein one adult member enslaves and abuses the others? Do we say, oh the children don't want to leave so its "OK?

This is not rocket science though world wide leaders would like a person to believe this. It's 1, 2, 3's and A, B, C's of life.

edit on 17-11-2014 by Unity_99 because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 17 2014 @ 04:32 PM

originally posted by: Meldionne1

originally posted by: samsamm9

originally posted by: Meldionne1

originally posted by: samsamm9

originally posted by: Meldionne1

Idiotic bigoted reply.
I guess you're uneducated, you're forgiven.

It's what they do...Muslims belief...perhaps you are the uneducated one . Read up on
Saudi Muslim belief and you will see.

Yes exactly, Saudi Muslims aka Wahhabis aka Salafis ... Which don't represent "Muslims".
They're a farce , they have their own version of Islam.

Again, these backward scums (again I repeat) are not representation of Muslims or Islam.

It's like me saying the westboro baptist church or the kkk is a representation of Christianity.

Ffs, have some nuance to your simplistic point of view.

I'm guessing by all of your hostile remarks to me YOURE Muslim? ....typical because I am a Woman and your trying to oppress me.

Please explain what made you feel oppressed ?
I'm Muslim Christian Jewish Buddhist with a hint of Hindu ...I'm universal
Take your false fake sense of feeling oppressed because you and I know what real oppression is.

You're a disgrace to real victims of oppression and of course you're a bigot.
edit on 17-11-2014 by samsamm9 because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 17 2014 @ 04:34 PM

originally posted by: Telos

originally posted by: samsamm9

originally posted by: Meldionne1

Idiotic bigoted reply.
I guess you're uneducated, you're forgiven.

So he is an idiot because his reply is not what you want and he is a bigot because is free to think differently from the crowd? So typical MUSLIM!!!

So typically fundamentalist.

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