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Ferguson neighbor town issues safety tips to residents.

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posted on Nov, 13 2014 @ 08:42 PM
Berkeley Ferguson Grand Jury

Yahoo News Ferguson's Neighbor Warns

No wonder handguns sales have risen 300%. Even the surrounding neighborhoods are warning everybody.


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edit on Fri Nov 14 2014 by DontTreadOnMe because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 13 2014 @ 09:06 PM
I think that, no matter what the verdict, there will be violence. Some will riot in celebration if indicted, if he's not I think it will be much, much worse. There are people who have worked themselves in to a frenzy and are just waiting for an excuse to cut loose, so will take what ever opportunity they can.

posted on Nov, 13 2014 @ 09:17 PM
Are any private security forces advertising?

posted on Nov, 13 2014 @ 10:13 PM
The Town of Berkley, Pro-active? Prepared, perhaps now they are. But how can you be ready for mass stupidity?

I get it, the people are scared, and their Town Counsel of brilliant social leaders has decided to begin to shift their own liability off themselves to the the masses that will most likely destroy their city no matter what happens.

I heard there have been rumors of a No-Fly zone established in the area. I don't think this could be for the people of Ferguson Missouri. I think this will be for the multitudes of fools driving in again with a trunk load of machine guns to serve some kind of justice (Looting).

Worst case scenario. DHS will not lose this battle. Thats why Eric Holder wanted out of the job. He didn't want to be the guy in charge of gunning all these people down. I'm sure it's been decided that Governor Jay Nixon will take the fall for this one...

posted on Nov, 13 2014 @ 10:25 PM
It's just pathetic that is type of indiscriminate rioting and destruction of property can be expected after what has for sure been one of the most closely watched cases in a long time. It's not like the police can slither away if they're truely guilty when the whole world is watching, they'd rather let the guy burn. Now if he's truely innocent in his actions then these ppl riot anyways? That's pathetic. The guy had GSR on his hand from reaching for a cops gun, so why the hell would anyone expect him to put his hands up and give up after being so blatant in his attempt to harm a police officer?

I admit there's many, many things wrong with the cops and laws against minorities, but there are so many more justified cases they could've backed rather then this kid who was absolutely guilty. It's like they set this up for failure. They could've actually made noise behind an innocent man like the guy scalded to death by prison guards or beaten to deathe by guards, but no, they choose this kid....I just don't get it.

posted on Nov, 13 2014 @ 11:07 PM
a reply to: NiZZiM

This is from another thread that got closed due to fighting among ATS members.

One thing that needs to be considered is that are the people with the loudest voices crying "abuse"; are they the ones trying to subjugate other people who are considered "black". It is really questionable to use Martin and Brown who both seem to be aggressive in their dealings with others, while not using the example of Levar Edward Jones who got shot trying to get his wallet. To be fair, I can see why the officer shot the Mr. Jones. The officer lost track of the Jones' hands and thus overreacted. This is a much more blatant use of force while no foul intentions were shown by Mr. Jones.

But would the use of Mr. Levar Jones be a good example for those who cry "abuse"? Mr. Jones seems to be a well spoken normal individual. Is this a good "role model" for those screaming and protesting. If more people acted like Mr. Jones would those who scream have a decent backing for their agenda? If those promoting the images of Martin and Brown get more power does that mean they will get more control of the "black" population? I think those who cry "abuse" are ones that seem to have a belief in their own superiority over everyone else.


I question if there is more than just a victim narrative but an agenda to have more influence on the "black" population. Why has Al Sharpton seemed to pick people who are poor and lack understanding. Tawana Brawley was in a bad situation and easily manipulated. Crystal Gail Mangum, who did not even identify males who had been at the house at the time of the incident. Trayvon Martin who may have been stealing. Micheal Brown who may have assaulted a shopkeeper. These are all tremendously flawed people. These people are not people that most people would want to emulate. There has to be better people that would be worthy examples of mistakes occurring against "black" people. But, I wonder if those people who would be better examples would follow Al Sharpton's lead?

I too question why the people who get the most attention are the ones with the most visible flaws.

posted on Nov, 13 2014 @ 11:52 PM

originally posted by: feldercarb
a reply to: NiZZiM

This is from another thread that got closed due to fighting among ATS members.

One thing that needs to be considered is that are the people with the loudest voices crying "abuse"; are they the ones trying to subjugate other people who are considered "black". It is really questionable to use Martin and Brown who both seem to be aggressive in their dealings with others, while not using the example of Levar Edward Jones who got shot trying to get his wallet. To be fair, I can see why the officer shot the Mr. Jones. The officer lost track of the Jones' hands and thus overreacted. This is a much more blatant use of force while no foul intentions were shown by Mr. Jones.

But would the use of Mr. Levar Jones be a good example for those who cry "abuse"? Mr. Jones seems to be a well spoken normal individual. Is this a good "role model" for those screaming and protesting. If more people acted like Mr. Jones would those who scream have a decent backing for their agenda? If those promoting the images of Martin and Brown get more power does that mean they will get more control of the "black" population? I think those who cry "abuse" are ones that seem to have a belief in their own superiority over everyone else.


I question if there is more than just a victim narrative but an agenda to have more influence on the "black" population. Why has Al Sharpton seemed to pick people who are poor and lack understanding. Tawana Brawley was in a bad situation and easily manipulated. Crystal Gail Mangum, who did not even identify males who had been at the house at the time of the incident. Trayvon Martin who may have been stealing. Micheal Brown who may have assaulted a shopkeeper. These are all tremendously flawed people. These people are not people that most people would want to emulate. There has to be better people that would be worthy examples of mistakes occurring against "black" people. But, I wonder if those people who would be better examples would follow Al Sharpton's lead?

I too question why the people who get the most attention are the ones with the most visible flaws.

Wow, truly insightful post in that thread! I'm glad you posted it here.

The race issue in America smells strongly of controlled opposition. Whip people up into racist frenzy, hand them leaders to follow who actually work for you, and you have successfully divided the population and assured your own power. I don't think race is the only issue this tactic is used on either (men vs women, rich vs poor, immigrants vs born citizens, young vs old) Fabricate two sides that the people can gravitate to and destroy their chance of making any progress.

I wonder, did MLK refuse to play by such rules? Was he the last true "real" person in this debate? And that's why he was murdered and replaced with the likes of sharpton and jesse jackson who would play ball?

The question raised in that post is excellent:

Where are the highly sympathetic black victims and why aren't they being used as the cornerstone for reform in America? I know they exist, the possibility that such sympathetic victims refuse to be manipulated seems pretty good. Unless you are willing to play by their rules your voice is not allowed to reach anyone, it seems. Another possibility is that using a sympathetic victim might actually have the effect of improving race relations in this country and that is not something the government, or "race leaders" want to happen.

Interesting how so many threads with arguments just end up with deleted posts, but threads like that with excellent thoughtful contributions get locked. Makes you wonder.

edit on 13-11-2014 by James1982 because: (no reason given)

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