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Why should I be Pro-US, Pro-NATO. Here is why I am Pro Russia.

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posted on Nov, 13 2014 @ 10:54 PM
a reply to: xavi1000

The only constant is change and eventually we will ALL be pushing daisies.

posted on Nov, 13 2014 @ 11:12 PM

originally posted by: Rosinitiate

originally posted by: WineWithIce5
a reply to: Rosinitiate

Two wrongs don't make a right ???

I guess you missed the entire OP and this entire thread.

No....not even remotely. I "caught" the premiss of the OP perfectly.

It read like this:

USA is evil.

USA is evil.

USA is evil.

Russia will save you.

What I "missed", was how turning to Russia via Putin going to free anyone? I chose not to be anyone's pawn thank you very much.

aw c'mon. We all know the crap the states pull. We all know about the corruption, the back room deals, the lies. Sure, while "Americans" are nice people rich in diversity and moral direction, but they sit on their hands and give TLC their highest rated show Honey freaking boo boo. Let's all be real here and admit America today is not the America of the 50's. Those days are long gone.

But there's something about Russia which seems to be on point. Something about Putin I respect. He isn't afraid to call a spade a spade. He knows about the shenanigans that goes on and he knows if all these countries keep playing their game, it's gonna come to a head. At the rate we're going ww3 is inevitable. At least he calls it how he sees it. I don't see any other world leader doing that. He knows something you don't or don't want to know. It's all over soon but the crying and Russia is being proactive before the SHTF.

eta: to expand on my point. When feeding homeless people in America gets you arrested...well you can finish the sentence.
edit on 13-11-2014 by FlySolo because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 14 2014 @ 04:23 AM

originally posted by: FlySolo

originally posted by: Rosinitiate

originally posted by: WineWithIce5
a reply to: Rosinitiate

Two wrongs don't make a right ???

I guess you missed the entire OP and this entire thread.

No....not even remotely. I "caught" the premiss of the OP perfectly.

It read like this:

USA is evil.

USA is evil.

USA is evil.

Russia will save you.

What I "missed", was how turning to Russia via Putin going to free anyone? I chose not to be anyone's pawn thank you very much.

aw c'mon. We all know the crap the states pull. We all know about the corruption, the back room deals, the lies. Sure, while "Americans" are nice people rich in diversity and moral direction, but they sit on their hands and give TLC their highest rated show Honey freaking boo boo. Let's all be real here and admit America today is not the America of the 50's. Those days are long gone.

But there's something about Russia which seems to be on point. Something about Putin I respect. He isn't afraid to call a spade a spade. He knows about the shenanigans that goes on and he knows if all these countries keep playing their game, it's gonna come to a head. At the rate we're going ww3 is inevitable. At least he calls it how he sees it. I don't see any other world leader doing that. He knows something you don't or don't want to know. It's all over soon but the crying and Russia is being proactive before the SHTF.

eta: to expand on my point. When feeding homeless people in America gets you arrested...well you can finish the sentence.

I can see why my posts seem confusing to some...given my track record of outright insubordination in regards to US policies. It should be clear to most ATS'ers by now that I am clearly anti-war, I believe (know) 911 was an inside job, ISIS is a manufactured enemy for the premiss of invading Syria and re-establishing control in Iraq. I know America is only for the select few 1% and we are at best ignorant slaves to this system.

Now that I have that out of the way.....

I don't want to be ruled by anyone. Not America, not Russia not China. I also don't want to rule or conquer anyone, it's not my business.

I simply don't see Russia as a beacon of freedom, period. Do I think Russia and Putin have courage to stand up to the western military industrial complex? Sure, and I give them mad props for it also. That doesn't mean I want to be a Russian vassal. You feel me? One dictator to replace another, wash, rinse, repeat.

Why can the citizens of the world just wake up? See this "manufactured" reality for what it is? I have personally travelled the globe and been to a handful of countries however, Russia was never one of them. So I will concede to at least not having a direct, personal, experienced opinion of Russia except for what I have learned from my own studies. I certainly don't consider them as evil as portrayed by western talking heads but they are certainly no saints worth flocking too.

Even if I'm wrong, I will still rail against being controlled by anyone, US, Russia or God Al'Mighty himself.

Oh, and if WWIII really happens, it will only further illustrate my point, regardless if moot by than, that the world is really full of complete and total #ing morons. The entire population of this planet was hit with a stupid stick which is evidenced by the actions of elites and the inactions of the common. To walk blindly into WWIII says what exactly? I see many on here tightening their belts and preparing for this catastrophe and outright eventuality. Even having that mindset will only help to make it so....

But alas, ATS is but a micro expression of the collective "fringe" consciousness and if we can't even get out collective asses on the same page.....well, long story short, I spoke to the All Mighty and he's pretty sure, we're #ed.

edit on 14-11-2014 by Rosinitiate because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 14 2014 @ 09:40 AM
We are a crooked and corrupt nation. Probably the most corrupt nation in the world. I will always stand by my countries side but the people who run this country have ruined it for the innocent people like most of us here on ATS. Can you blame terrorists...I mean really we've invaded their countries, killed their families & stolen their resources. What would you do if the roles were reversed?'re starting to see it here in the States. It won't be long before they are all called terrorists as well.

posted on Nov, 14 2014 @ 10:19 AM
I know how you feel. The US govt. does not represent the American people anymore,it's gone rogue. We act like bullies to the rest of the world and we demand other countries act within a certain set of guidelines that we feel we have no obligation to act under ourselves.Nobody likes that guy when they run into him and nobody likes us.
Russia is a power to be reckoned with and to admonish and berate such a powerful country with there history is foolish and ugly. It`s bad behavior and it`s not how i want to be seen.
Our govt. is desperate right now.They know the people have been robbed blind and this country will collapse. I feel they want to start a big war and collapse it that way, laying the blame on others, as opposed to it collapsing under it`s debt and having the mobs come after those responsible with pitchforks and torches.

posted on Nov, 14 2014 @ 11:19 AM
All I know is that every day America begins to look more and more like the Nazis.

posted on Nov, 14 2014 @ 11:35 AM

originally posted by: planetyeck
All I know is that every day America begins to look more and more like the Nazis.

I know right..

It's horrible that I was able to wear what I want to work today. Go for a walk just now and see people protesting, smoking, living, doing what they want. I'm now sitting back at my desk listening to Animals by Pink Floyd about ready to start a busy afternoon then when I take the train home from work I'll read whatever book I want. Tonight I'll watch a few hockey games or maybe a good horror film. I'll go to bed when I want in the manner I want. Later this weekend my mother will go to the church she wants. Maybe I'm just lucky, no that's not it because all my friends pretty much have the same experience.

Yup..Nazi America is in full effect.

posted on Nov, 14 2014 @ 12:03 PM

originally posted by: WineWithIce5
a reply to: nrd101



Lets see

Putin is Pro Christian values......guess who is also....ME
Putin is Pro Family Values (no gay parades and gay agenda in schools)......guess who is also into family values.....ME

Putin is against GMO food.......guess what.....ME TOO

Putin is against borrowing money from privately owned Central Banks and IMF.......WOW ME TOO ...COOL

Putin is against arming terrorists in Middle East........WHO KNEW....ME TOO

on and on

As has been suggested, pack your bags and hit the bricks. I bet you won't. Sounds like a great match for your future home country.

posted on Nov, 14 2014 @ 01:11 PM
a reply to: opethPA

The greatest illusion of them all.

This is not the democratic society we think we live in. Sure, it seems like one for all intended purposes, but it's not. It's quite the convoluted system mixed with voting, and vote rigging, 'peace officers' and 'police officers', state/provincial promises and big corporation side deals, warranted arrests and no-knock raids, SPCA and unjustified dog shootings by police, organic farming and the wastefulness of FDA 'unregulated' perfectly good food. I could go on.

But for everyone of those people directly affected and caught up in the governmental system which denied them there basic rights, there's one like you who goes about their daily rituals oblivious to other's plights. Not saying you're not aware, just it has no consequence on your life. Or mine. Yet.

So one day, while you're sipping your morning coffee with your feet up on your desk reading the New York Times, your door is kicked in and a stun grenade is lobbed onto your lap. But no worries, it was the wrong address and you're let go with minor burns and an ear concussion. And one more thing. A fresh perspective of the "free" country" you think you live in.

Moral of the story?
edit on 14-11-2014 by FlySolo because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 14 2014 @ 01:42 PM

originally posted by: FlySolo
Moral of the story?

That the person who equated America to Nazi Germany is wrong.

Having rules, regulations and structure to a nation doesn't mean you arent free and I or you can't tell me one single basic right that I have been denied over the course of my life. Perhaps that's because I never chose to act like an criminal, maybe my social group has just been lucky but they have never been denied any basic rights either.

I can choose to go break the law right now and if i want to then their will and should be consequences to that. I can point out to you countless people in the city I live in that have shot, poisoned , tortured dogs and cats to death. Is it ideal, is everyone going be

Can I live my life exactly the way I want, can i go , eat, do , read, enjoy, learn, earn, worship, love, in whatever way I want? Yes I can.

As for the stun grenade in the wrong door..Yup..that would suck ..Perhaps if criminals weren't operating in the house down the street then maybe that never happens. It's not always the fault of the Man in life ..

posted on Nov, 14 2014 @ 06:27 PM
Why don't you move to russia then and see how awesome that # hole is! Years of communism created massive poverty and it still hasn't recovered. American Ideals have been imimented all through out the world for the better of every one! I'm sick of tired of hearing anti isreal redderick and acting like gidalphi wasn't a piece of # dictator! You are a delusional anti American procommunist libtard. I'm assuming that you are also an Obama supporter...

posted on Nov, 14 2014 @ 06:32 PM

originally posted by: WineWithIce5

originally posted by: Xcalibur254

Russia ranks low on freedom of press because the majority of their press is government controlled. I also want to point out that the World Press Freedom Index is put out by Reporters Without Borders. While their headquarters may be in France their membership is composed of journalists all over the world, including Russia. Do you also think Joirnalists Without Borders have a beef with Ethiopia as well, who rank right below Russia?

Do you want to know the truth ?

Can you handle the truth ?

I don't know why i even bother because this is way above ATS pay grade as they say, but just for your viewing pleasure I will tell you the truth.

When Putin came to power there was great Journalistic freedom and all that, and when Medvedev took over, it was even better. But then both of them and Russian KGB (fsb) noticed something. They noticed that US and CIA have quadrupled their investments in Russian journalism and non government organization, and soon after white ribbon protests started forming in Moscow seemingly demanding "better life, better everything"

It didn't take a genius to realize that US is using Russian democracy to outright destroy Russia

And thus Russian government became more paranoid about who gets their money from where.

I am sure you will dismiss this, or twist it around, but I posted this so that one day 100 years from now, someone will say, look, someone did know what the hell is goin on.

this guy gets it

posted on Nov, 14 2014 @ 06:43 PM

originally posted by: WineWithIce5
a reply to: Sparkymedic

US has done 9/11

and used it to kill directly and indirectly 1 million people and made another 10 million refugees.

Last time Russia killed a million people was Russian Revolution when they killed their Czar who sold Alaska for a bag of gold.

Um no.

Stalin killed around 20 million people conservatively. Some estimates put it as high as 60 million. Far more than Hitler by the way.

The Soviets killed between 850,000-1.5 million people in Afghanistan.

Sorry to tarnish that halo.

posted on Nov, 14 2014 @ 11:26 PM
I lament for the US of my youth. As a young guy in the 1970's I'd sit in my bedroom looking out at yet another rainy, dreary day in the UK and dream of living in the US. The US had none of the class system that was crushing the UK; ideas, enthusiasm and hard work could achieve great things and people would be pleased to support you in the land of the free. America was the country that fought bullies, it sought to help others and make things better. But now, now America is the bully on the block!
I was fortunate enough to live and work in the US throughout the 1990s but believe that was the last of the good days. America has soured. I no longer have faith in what the country stands for and certainly have no trust in the leadership....from whatever side of the house! My theory is that what we thought made the country great, preying at the alter of the greenback, has in fact brought about its decline. We should have known better, a society that craves wealth and the traps of that wealth can not but fail! As humans we are all beset y that deadliest of emotions....greed! Its killed the America I knew as a kid, later generations have sought out great wealth and without power and chased ever increasing means of achieving and maintaining their aims.
I'm sorry if I upset any of the US folk here. I still have many great friends in America and know that a great many of Americans are normal and decent folk but greed has soured your country and with it greater portions of the western world. Society and in particular its leaders have lost the sympathy and empathy once displayed for the populace, all we are left with is 'looking after number 1!"
My fears for the world are greater now than during the cold war days when UK TV would often air advice on what to do during a nuclear air raid........we had a great run of peace and prosperity but since 2002 I have felt the wheels turning and our new direction combined with the antipathy, neglect and ignorance of our leaders is heading off the cliff.

posted on Nov, 15 2014 @ 03:53 AM
a reply to: jacksoo6

You don't upset this US person, your appraisal is spot on. Before you read further please realize that I love my country and this is in NO way a pro Russia, anti US post, its just observation. I grew up in the US during the 70s, and the real change started to come during the 80s, when the whole "Greed is good" mindset set in. Suddenly compassion was a bad word. People lost their moral compass en masse, and it has gotten progressively worse since then. As of late it seems to be by and large, that the goal of life is to screw everyone at any cost to see who can amass the biggest pile of money and it happens on every level, from the grocery store to Wall street. Its scary. And if we want to blame someone for it the solution is to look in the mirror. Your post did have one inaccuracy, we DO have a class system here in the US. At least we do now. The days of upward mobility for most people are long gone. A few working class people squeeze through and manage to put their kids through college. But now the vast majority of managers, engineers and salaried people in this country are the children of the wealthy and they keep it that way.Below them (and they strive to never let you forget that you are below them) are the working class, paycheck to paycheck hourly workers, who have lost most if not all hope and continue on a downward spiral with no end in sight. The myth that you can get rich if you work really hard is kept alive, but the truth is,if you are born poor here, now you will likely die poor. Its crushing and demoralizing if you remember the country being better. And a solution is a long way off, because the country is so polarized now, to the far right and the far left, that its paralyzing change for the better. I think we are sort of like Rome before it fell apart. I hope that things get better but you wonder how they will. I hope the twentysomethings will make it a better society than we did.
edit on 15-11-2014 by openminded2011 because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 15 2014 @ 04:21 PM
Threads like these are always good for a few laughs. It's obvious English is not the OP's 1st language, and I agree with another poster that he is probably Russian. He was educated HERE, now lives HERE and makes money HERE. He then hides behind the freedom and protection of the US to bitch about... the US.

Oh the irony. I love it

posted on Nov, 15 2014 @ 11:52 PM

originally posted by: mymymy
Threads like these are always good for a few laughs. It's obvious English is not the OP's 1st language, and I agree with another poster that he is probably Russian. He was educated HERE, now lives HERE and makes money HERE. He then hides behind the freedom and protection of the US to bitch about... the US.
Oh the irony. I love it

I am Dutch originally if you must know.

Boy I sure hope you never come back to see my reply to your post, you wouldn't be able to sleep, your little world shattered

EVEN if it was true (and it isn't) that I am Russian

How does that change the fact that US government did 9/11. Used it as excuse to kill and pillage.

How does that change the fact that US and NATO made ISIS possible.

How would it change the fact that US days are numbered because bloodthirsty psycho-maniacs are running the government and the banks.

And pray to your dark masters, you obviously approve of them.

posted on Nov, 16 2014 @ 12:33 AM

originally posted by: jude11

originally posted by: Xeven
Putin is a Dictator plain and simple. I have no beef with Russians. I have a beef with a guy who seems like he enjoys pushing us toward Armageddon. I guess if your not intelligent enough to play politics you have to rely on your Military.

Are you referring to Obama or Putin?

Let me change things around a bit:

"Obama is a Dictator plain and simple. I have no beef with Americans. I have a beef with a guy who seems like he enjoys pushing us toward Armageddon. I guess if your not intelligent enough to play politics you have to rely on your Military."

Yup, still works.


Spot on!!

posted on Nov, 16 2014 @ 09:50 AM
Only real problem I have with the current russian establishment is they banned Bitcoin...

US on the other hand, is just scary... Every single day you could pull up stories of total madness! 6 year old kids being forced to sign a contract saying they wont hurt anyone... Cos they drew a picture ressembling a gun and "shot" at their class mates with a finger gun... Police killing people left and right... Tazing people that sometimes have injured themselves because they didn't (couldn't) obey commands lol...

Is russia better though meh I doubt it to be honest... Everyone in power is driven to get more power and wealth for themselves. They all lie...

I live in the UK... Just as messed up here, we're all slaves to a messed up system, all I can do is try to stay out as much as I can, doesn't make my life easy though! They don't like it one bit when you try to get out!

posted on Nov, 16 2014 @ 10:45 AM
a reply to: WineWithIce5

See, I never said I thought you were wrong, and you can't shatter any world of mine because I've never been delusional enough to think this country was anywhere near as great as it proclaims it is. I have ALWAYS thought the leadership of this country were scum of the earth. But then, and here is where I think the hypocrisy lies, I have ALWAYS been here. You CHOSE to come here, like you CHOOSE to stay. Apparently our money and lifestyle are A-OK with you, so please, get down here on the floor and pray to the dark masters with me, because you obviously need them more than I do

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