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G20 & Chemtrails over Brisbane

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posted on Nov, 10 2014 @ 07:10 PM
a reply to: Phage

Yeah, anthropogenic.

I mean it's either banning planes or a carbon tax, maybe expensive enough so only the 1% can use those modes of transportation?
edit on 10-11-2014 by GodEmperor because: ban planes

posted on Nov, 10 2014 @ 07:11 PM
If anybody is worried about chemtrails just use vinegar, it makes them disappear

posted on Nov, 11 2014 @ 06:07 AM
a reply to: g20wtf

That is exactly what I saw as well. I mentioned this in my post yesterday.....wish I had time to get a photo...great job.

I don't for a minute believe the chemtrail phenomena, but I do find it rather interesting that there seems to be a very large amount of military surveillance going on, and I have my suspicions that it is in fact foreign and not Australian.

posted on Nov, 11 2014 @ 09:09 PM

originally posted by: Zaphod58
a reply to: okamitengu

And end up back in the stone age, with no power, extremely limited transportation, no communications beyond a limited area, etc.

i dont think it has to be quite that harsh, but to be honest it would probably be the only way we could really transition.

im a big believe in moving these things to community based generation rather than large scale national grids.
im not really into losing cars, what with loving to drive and all, but I think we can at this point in time, actually move away from fossil fuels and towards other methods

not because I'm a greeny, or because I believe in anthropomorphic global warming, but because these corporation are extorting us especially here in australia, and government just lets it happen.

anyway its off topic, so i'll shut up now. but I really was only HALF joking (:

posted on Nov, 11 2014 @ 09:31 PM
Just mentioning the term chemtrails always draws the naysayers. I find it comical that so many posters jump in to deny they even exist.

The truth of the matter is quite obvious, and nothing can change this.

The amount of resources being expended is truly enormous.

Such a pity.

posted on Nov, 12 2014 @ 04:27 AM

originally posted by: htapath
Just mentioning the term chemtrails always draws the naysayers. I find it comical that so many posters jump in to deny they even exist.

Isn't that the beauty of this site though? You can't just come in here and start claiming stuff without having to substantiate it. You'll have to deal with the fact that there are some serious questions concerning 'chemtrails'. It may be obvious in your mind, but maybe you know stuff that other people don't. In which case it'd be helpful to share that knowledge. That's how we learn.

The truth of the matter is quite obvious, and nothing can change this.

Nothing can change it from being obvious? So what does it take to make it obvious then? Because obviously it's not obvious to most people, including all meteorologists, aviation experts, pilots, scientists, physicists, and just about everyone else to whom such a phenomenon,if real, should raise red flags.

The biggest problem is that what you call chemtrails look and behave exactly like contrails. They've been described as such for as long as there's been aviation capable of flying high enough to create contrails. They've always been known to have the capability to persist.Just like any other cloud, for that matter.

The other problem is that there doesn't seem to be a chemtrail believer who can explain WHY a contrail isn't supposed to persist, ever. How does that work ijn terms of meteorology or physics? Why can't a contrail persist in the right conditions, while a cirrus cloud can do so effortlessly? They're the same thing after all: clouds of little ice particles.

So explain that first. You have all scientific knowledge regarding contrails against you, so it's not an easy task. But maybe we can learn something here. Point out the mistakes in contrail science, and you may have a case for them not being able to persist after all.

Then you have to explain:

-why a contrail suddenly will persist when chemicals are added.
-What chemicals are they?
-How do they produce a 'chemtrail'.
-Why do they look and exactly like a contrail?
-Why do they fly at 30.000 feet and higher, making them completely inefficient?
-Why, after 70 years of contrails, hasn't anyone checking for air quality detected these chemicals?
-Why are there no credible whistleblowers, despite there having to be millions of people involved (pilots, ground personnel, engineers installing and maintainng all the spray equipment on the thousands of planes seen 'spraying', etc).
-Why is there still no direct evidence for chemtrails?
-Why do the stories surrounding 'chemtrails'change all the time?
-Why, if it's so obvious, are there no 2 chemtrail believers who agree on anything except for the broadest of terms?

As you can see, 'chemtrails' are anything but obvious. There's simply no credible evidence for them, while at the same time there's a perfect explanation for contrails persisting. See here: Correct any errors in there first and substantiate your corrections, and then we can talk.

The amount of resources being expended is truly enormous.

what resources?

Such a pity.

It is.
edit on 12-11-2014 by payt69 because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 12 2014 @ 07:10 AM
So crazy you say this! I had to sign up to reply...!
I live in Greenslopes which is directly under the international and national flight path. Anyway, I've been noticing planes so high up lately- much higher than usual that are flying North to South rather than the normal South to North decent to the airport. If they were flying from there then there is no way they'd be able to reach such an altitude that quickly.

I believe if they were departing from there, they'd be flying the opposite direction. Not directly over the incoming flight path. Back to the reason I was posting this- those planes I've been noticing (and really only the last two weeks or so. I walk everywhere and catch the bus into the cbd everyday for work so I get to see a lot of sky and other oddities in the way), have all been spraying. Some clearly spray, stop, spray then fly off and others will do a quick couple of laps across the sky just before sun breaks (as is what happened this morning- sky was clear up until about 4am and then they flew over, sprayed a bit and we enjoyed a very humid and overcast day. Interesting to note it was too cloudy to see many of the planes that arrived in brisbane for g20 today - too many clouds.... Too many planes?).

But- yes.

TL;DR- I live under the brisbane flight path and agree. It's been more active now than ever.
edit on 12-11-2014 by Samyell because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 12 2014 @ 07:17 AM
a reply to: Samyell

Wow, I just googled this and look what popped up!

Spraying? With the clouds already present, is it even remotely possible that the sky was ripe for contrail/cloud formation? Or is everything a conspiracy?

posted on Nov, 12 2014 @ 09:19 AM
a reply to: htapath

I find it comical that so many posters jump in to deny they even exist.


Some might find believing in the tooth fairy funny, do you or is that a serious matter in your eyes?

The truth of the matter is quite obvious, and nothing can change this.

Yes ignorance feed more ignorance, always has always will.

Is that the truth of matter or did you have something else in mind?

The amount of resources being expended is truly enormous.

Phenomenal amounts that cannot be traced or shown to exist.

posted on Nov, 13 2014 @ 07:38 PM
a reply to: payt69

Apparently I have seen more evidence than the vast majority of people who have expressed an opinion on this matter.

While spending time in the Arizona desert, the reality of the aerosol spraying operations became patently obvious.

When you see sorties being flown directly over your head by military planes and refueling tankers, then perhaps you too will begin to question mainstream explanations. There was plenty of sand there in which I could've buried my head, but that's not my style.

Many of my Native American friends are paying attention. I'm not sure anyone has the full story on why this is happening. I have a few ideas, which range from mundane to outright sinister. The truth will come out in the end, and I won't have any regrets about how I approached this topic. I wonder if you will be able to say the same?

posted on Nov, 13 2014 @ 07:51 PM

originally posted by: htapath
a reply to: payt69

When you see sorties being flown directly over your head by military planes and refueling tankers, then perhaps you too will begin to question mainstream explanations.

why? What about them would be unexplained by contrails??

posted on Nov, 13 2014 @ 08:38 PM

originally posted by: htapath
a reply to: payt69

Apparently I have seen more evidence than the vast majority of people who have expressed an opinion on this matter.

Well who knows. I'm quite an avid aviation buff myself, and happen to love watching planes. I also know more than average about aviation.

What I've seen presented as evidence for 'chemtrails' so far hasn't convinced me. In fact all of it is explainable in conventional terms, such as persistent contrails and cirrus clouds. But of course a lot of chemtrail believers don't even believe in persistent contrails. In fact one of the pillars of the chamtrail theory (if you can call it that) is that contrails should never persist. When asked why that should be so, a deafening silence results, or remarks to the extent of me being a shill or paid agent.. you know the drill

But if you think you have actual evidence of stuff being sprayed, I say bring it on!

While spending time in the Arizona desert, the reality of the aerosol spraying operations became patently obvious.

When you see sorties being flown directly over your head by military planes and refueling tankers, then perhaps you too will begin to question mainstream explanations. There was plenty of sand there in which I could've buried my head, but that's not my style.

I don't see how refueling tankers or jets flying directly overhead relate to what's commonly referred to as 'chemtrails'.

Many of my Native American friends are paying attention. I'm not sure anyone has the full story on why this is happening. I have a few ideas, which range from mundane to outright sinister. The truth will come out in the end, and I won't have any regrets about how I approached this topic. I wonder if you will be able to say the same?

Well I'm open to anything, as long as it makes sense and preferably substantiated by evidence. To me the case for 'chemtrails' hasn't been made for a couple of reasons:

1: The basic assumption that contrails can't persist is wrong. And with that pretty much the whole house of cards of the chemtrail story comes tumbling down.
2: There's no credible evidence for chemtrails. There are no credible whistleblowers, no samples of actual 'chemtrails', no samples of the actual chemicals involved, people who check for air quality find nothing pointing to chemtrails, etc.
3: There's a perfectly normal explanation for persisting contrails, patterns in the sky, weird looking clouds etc. It's just a matter of familiarizing yourself with the pertinent areas of knowledge. Chemtrail sites aren't going to help you much in that respect.

So I suggest you start with point 1. Point out why every study made on contrails and meteorology is wrong, and demonstrate why contrails can't persist, unlike any other cloud. Once you've done that, you're going to have to demonstrate that all those airliners are indeed spraying something that looks and behaves exactly like contrails, and which seems to have no perceptible effect even after 70 years of persisting contrails having been witnessed and documented.

Well good luck with that..

posted on Nov, 14 2014 @ 05:43 AM
a reply to: htapath

When I was in the Air Force, we had an exercise once a year called Red Flag. It took place over the desert in Arizona. It was a massive exercise with lots of other bases participating. But we didn't spray anything.

You seem to think there will be some amazing discovery about chemtrails in the near future. Good luck with that. I hope there is. I think it's time to end this circle jerk. Prove they exist, or admit you were wrong. (by "you", I mean the entire chemtrail believer community)

posted on Nov, 14 2014 @ 05:55 AM
a reply to: g20wtf
bro dont bother, it's not worth it.

posted on Nov, 14 2014 @ 07:37 AM

originally posted by: PLAYERONE01
a reply to: g20wtf
bro dont bother, it's not worth it.

Don't worry, not a single chemtrail believer has bothered to present credible evidence, so it's not likely to happen this time.

Then again, if you REALLY believe that some nefarious program is ongoing where for example 'they' plan on killing most of humanity (which is something a lot of chemmies believe) and that anyone who is involved with this program is a criminal, well then is should be worth some effort right?

So get your ducks in a row and present the evidence, if you have any.

posted on Nov, 14 2014 @ 12:05 PM
a reply to: htapath

The truth of the matter is quite obvious, and nothing can change this.

Yep they don't exist.

I have to ask because as of yet nobody can answer...

How do you know chemtrails exist when not one pusher of chemtrails has ever tested a so called chemtrail when they are spraying them?

The amount of resources being expended is truly enormous.

And exactly what resources are being used for this non existent spray program?

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