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Going to prison next month

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posted on Nov, 7 2014 @ 01:33 PM
a reply to: gorsestar

If your smart, read a lot of books! Not entertainment, but books of law, psychology, etc. It will help you go on, and be very physically active, it helps.

I've spent time in jail/prison. It's not fun, but way better than being homeless, which I've been too.

Man up, deal with it, be done with it, then move on.

Just my advice to you

posted on Nov, 7 2014 @ 01:34 PM
a reply to: gorsestar

If you are not cold hearted and aggressive by nature these people will make you right away. Probably best to try and keep your head down, certainly don't start something you cannot finish and don't attempt to bull crap anyone. Remember some of these people are serving extensive sentences for serious crimes, they will demand a modicum of respect. Try and accommodate them without appearing to be for want of a better word a pussy. Don't make friends with anyone the first week or so you are there, its a set up. Good luck buddy, slammers no fun in any nation but stuff doing time in an American gaol.
edit on 7-11-2014 by andy06shake because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 7 2014 @ 03:05 PM
I recommend watching the move "Big Stan" before you go.

posted on Nov, 7 2014 @ 04:44 PM
I've been to a couple here in the uk , and my solicitor said I'd get community service !
What a bastard he was !
There's me expecting to walk out and two screws stood behind me while they read my sentence , what an experience it was in there ! It was horrible ! It was the funiest place I've been ! I saw a peado slash his own throat in front of me ! The look on my dad's face leaving me after a visit when all he wanted to do was take me home , but was powerless !
You will go through every emotion and more ! Just take a backward step and keep your back next to the wall as often as you can !
Peace !

posted on Nov, 7 2014 @ 05:16 PM
a reply to: tranquilone666

I have made plenty of mistakes and sit on no such high-horse as yourself. You took it as you understood what I said. Thats on you. I stand by every word I said.

And again to the OP...he knew it was wrong, did it anyway, regrets it, admits it...and I wished him good luck. But I certainly dont feel sorry for him as you...

My opinion stands...and not from up on some high horse...but on a level playing field...

posted on Nov, 7 2014 @ 05:31 PM
I always heard don't drop the soap.

Write a book...

posted on Nov, 7 2014 @ 05:51 PM
When you first get into general population, make sure you read the rules. Not the Prison's rules, the prisoners rules which is usually taped on the wall of whatever unit you're in.

It's usually things like don't ever spit in the sink, spit in the trash can next to it. Or take a shower when you first come in, or courtesy flushing the toilet when you're taking care of your business.

The worst thing I experienced the first, and last, time I ever visited such a place was being attacked by another inmate for not taking a shower when I first arrived. I didn't notice the rules taped to the wall. Now you know.

Other than that, having to go number 2 without a stall around you was humiliating. Being woken up at 5:30am for a horrible breakfast with grouchy angry inmates was a crappy way to start every day.

Try to get some Ramen noodles, they are better than any food that comes from the Prison kitchen. Keep your eye's straight, keep to yourself, but never show any weakness. I would pick up the Game of Thrones books. Good luck bro. ~$heopleNation

posted on Nov, 7 2014 @ 09:01 PM
a reply to: SheopleNation

Not sure where you read the rules on a prison wall but most prisons are shaken down pretty regularly and that stuff is usually taken down...I didn't catch what his charge was but hopefully after classification he might go to the minimum secure segment of the prison..I'm dubious about the rat infestation with meals however I don't discount the food not being that great...

posted on Nov, 7 2014 @ 09:04 PM
a reply to: gorsestar

Strengthen your kegel muscle, you will be very popular and people will fight FOR you

posted on Nov, 7 2014 @ 09:58 PM

originally posted by: chrismarco
Not sure where you read the rules on a prison wall but most prisons are shaken down pretty regularly and that stuff is usually taken down

Oh really? Well out here in occupied California those rules are well known, I experienced it myself. Not sure what your point is here?

Maybe you just spent a weekend in some county Jail somewhere and you just had an easier few days? Which is good my friend, but probably not what our friend here experienced.

Just trying to give the OP some good advice and support prior to him giving up his freedom. It's hard for anyone to go through this. ~$heopleNation

edit on 7-11-2014 by SheopleNation because: TypO

edit on 7-11-2014 by SheopleNation because: TypO

posted on Nov, 7 2014 @ 10:05 PM

originally posted by: mymymy
a reply to: gorsestar

Strengthen your kegel muscle, you will be very popular and people will fight FOR you

Apparently our type of humor is not appreciated.

Kegel indeed.

Just stand up for yourself and you will be fine.

Join a good gang.

posted on Nov, 8 2014 @ 02:37 AM
Refreshing to hear you recognize you did wrong...
some rules ive seen and heard.
-have a ton of commisary money, but use it slowly and after a couple weeks only
as to not be a new mark for extortion. dont buy a buncha stuff at once.
-policies vary, if you can get cartons of smokes and dip sent from outside you will have major power.
exercise that power later on or you will be a target
-dont pay for protection, it will be leveraged for more payments
- don't be the first to anywhere...especially the food line, then the eating tables..sit at the last avail space, if none, use the floor. dont get the seatbacks thing, but its serious.
-if you can draw, bring em with you, alot of tatt guys love it and it is highly valued.
-buy earplugs from commisary or use toilet paper for sleeping.
- have a set schedule for communication with the outside. like once every couple weeks, a letter, or you will drive yourself insane, dont fixate on the outside daily.
personal safety stuff...
-loudmouths are a tell and a sign of weakness to a fighter, a guy who walks around quietly looking through everyone like they are not a threat makes them think the guy is either fearless or nuts, neither are weak targets.
- rape on prison is more of a hollywood thing, most are consensual for smokes or drugs. addiction to either is a very bad thing in prison, unless you have major funding.
- never carry or accept weapons
-most people are there because they dont think through their actions, identify this and stay out of their paths and yeild.
-scratch your nutz, yawn act bored, comfortable and unintimidated.
-don't talk about family, dont have family pictures.
-don't talk about money.
-don't talk about your crime.
-don't lie about crimes for "cred".
-many guys are looking for sentence reduction by any means possible, so the walls have ears.
-socialize w some, like your celly and trust nobody.
-sit back and observe the process from behind until you fit in.

all the scaryness about it, it is just a major culture shock, the two hardest things about it: noise & boredom.
You will get into a routine of wake, eat, walk, read, draw etc...over and over and over, marking a day at a time.
the cycle will drive you wacko if you let it. staying sane requires exercise of your mind and body. pent up energy is no good. work your mind, build your body. Sleeping alot passes time like its magic.

Spend the time and think about what you have done to your victims and how it has effected their lives as well as yours, what you can do to help them( if it doesnt cause them more pain) and yourself, and think deeply about how you can get what you want in life properly. Dream up a business plan for life. most people are too busy with life to have a forced sit down with themselves that could change their lives in everyway. you have a unique opportunity and advantage in this sense. dont waste it on morons, make yourself successful from it.

Sorry if i po people on here, i have made some bad decisions myself and payed the price, luckily not hurting others, but breaking known laws at the time. Some may say you deserve torment. Ignore them.

Suicide will be considered by any sane person prior to this situation, they think they are going to a living rape hell and it will be a better option. If you are on here asking for advise, im guessing your scared, and its crossed your mind. Im here to tell you it is NOT what you should think, everyone there is in the same boat as you and you will actually do alot of laughing, card playing reading and can pick between self improvement or crime school. You WILL get out, and the crowding issue is your best friend and even mandatory sentences get shortened. the experience will make you stronger, I promise.

Good luck in there, learn from it, then come back and visit us when your all paid up, you will do fine.
Never give up, never give in, and fight the power.

posted on Nov, 8 2014 @ 04:28 AM
a reply to: Mandroid7

OP if you listen to anything in this thread listen to what this guy wrote.

The majority of people are going to be like you. The crap you see on TV is just fodder like any other iteration of reality TV. Rape happens, murder happens, beat downs happen. Rape and getting beat up is rare for inmates who don't have an affiliation, and don't do anything to rock the boat. Most of the sex stuff is agreed upon.

Beating someone up on the first day is going to get you killed. Keep your mouth closed, eyes on the ground or above heads, and treat it like boot camp. Be as average as you can. You don't want to be a tough guy or a pussy. I would really reconsider trying to drop as much weight as possible to prepare yourself for prison food.

Don't look people in the eyes unless you know them WELL. Never ask why someone is locked up. Don't share why you are either. Say some bullsnip, "Hey, I don't like talking about it but F that judge and F my lawyer". Don't give away ANY personal details. Just because someone is locked up doesn't mean they aren't incredibly bright. So say the name of your street and your kid, they talk to someone, they have leverage over you. From your post I think it's clear you have a past, and know how weirdly common it is for someone a few towns over to pick you out of a lineup from your street, where you went to school, and what you look like now. Keep your mouth shut.

Don't brag. Not about anything. If you're an amazing poker player be an average poker player. Speaking of which, NEVER GAMBLE. You'll lose if you win and lose if you lose.

Shut up and listen. If you don't know the rules yet you will if you keep your head down and pay attention. People will help you. Just because someone helps you doesn't mean they're your friend. Don't race mix. Never act familiar with anyone. Always wear your shoes/shower slipper nonsense. Never go anywhere the guards can't see you without a buddy (showers).

Don't snitch. It's obvious. Only if you're a target or you have awesome morals and someone else is going to get killed.

You want the guards to think of you as cooperative but not as a teachers pet. You want everyone else to think of you as a tile on the wall. Don't sass the guards and don't talk crap behind their backs. Again, pretend it's boot camp.

Lie your ass off about how much you have for commissary. Someone figures out you're getting the full amount they're going to try to take advantage. Take what you really need. Nothing more. Bare minimum.

As others have said, take advantage of every distraction you can. Books, jobs, friends. You're well written, find some solace in reading and if possible writing.

I'll pen pal if you want. Been meaning to set up a P.O. Box anyway.

Come out a better man than you went in.

posted on Nov, 8 2014 @ 06:08 AM

originally posted by: BELIEVERpriest
a reply to: gorsestar

I cant imagine or relate to what you are going through right now, or in the days ahead of you. The only advice that I can offer you is to believe that Jesus died for your sins. Confess your sins to God the Father regularly, and ask in prayer in Jesus' name. The Lord will provide for you what you need. Dont look at this as a bad time, but an oportunity to learn and grow closer to God. This may not be what you want to hear right now, but its advice that I wish I had taken much earlier in my life. I'll pray for your protection. Do not let fear take you.

Yeah there we go, another case of the church/religious getting people when they're at their most vulnerable, when they're most down and when the mind is at it's weakest. Well done for maintaining the tradition.

And Anutyr? Practise telekinesis? Don't tell them you're a sex offender? Why the hell would he tell them he's a sex offender when he's not? Get wine you suggest? What amazing advice you've given.

posted on Nov, 8 2014 @ 07:04 AM
a reply to: whyamIhere

Apparently our type of humor is not appreciated.

Apparently not.

If indeed the OP is being sincere he is letting rumor lead the way. I've known a couple people who had been in prison and I'd let him know things are GREATLY exaggerated.

To quote Will Smith from Men in Black "Don't start nothin', won't be nothin'"

posted on Nov, 8 2014 @ 08:07 PM
a reply to: gorsestar

Many years ago, in my early military days, I worked as a turnkey in a medium custody confinement facility, which I know - is mild compared to where you're going. Just wanted to help in any way I can cause I really feel bad for you man.

I remember the prisoners that seemed to get by in the best way were those that clicked with the guards best and those that seemed to get along best with the other prisoners. I have no experience with non military jails or confinement facilities.

Good luck - God speed. I hope you get out early!

posted on Nov, 8 2014 @ 09:05 PM

originally posted by: mymymy

Apparently not.

If indeed the OP is being sincere he is letting rumor lead the way.

"If" he is being sincere? Well why the hell would someone want to announce to the World that they are going to be incarcerated, and lie about it? I myself hardly wanted to reply that I once went to Jail as a younger Man for a simple scuffle in a bar, it's nothing one is proud of either way.

I've known a couple people who had been in prison and I'd let him know things are GREATLY exaggerated.

So you know a few guys who spent time in county Jail, but you never experienced Prison or Jail yourself?

To quote Will Smith from Men in Black "Don't start nothin', won't be nothin'"

LMAO! You're living in a fantasy World if you believe that is how it works inside places like that. I don't believe that you have any idea whatsoever about what you're commenting on. Course, that is just my opinion though, but an opinion that is backed up by personal experience. ~$heopleNation

posted on Nov, 8 2014 @ 10:18 PM
a reply to: 0rbital

Im simply passing along advice that helped me when I was down. I guess since my message is about Christ, Im wrong by default.
Im glad people who are always right, like you, exist to expose simple folk like me.

posted on Nov, 9 2014 @ 02:02 AM
a reply to: Domo1

Wow Domo, awesome post. I think all your advice is spot on.

@OP: if you haven't already, you may research all the ways to get good time. In some states its one easy figure and in others its more complicated like, if you don't mess up (demerits or whatever they call it there) you get 1.5 days for every 1 day, if you have a job you get another .25 days for each 1 day, if you go to group counseling you get another .50 days for each day...etc.

I've heard of some people getting 3 days for each 1 day, reducing their sentence by 2/3's simply by staying in line + doing voluntary stuff. You want to figure all this out (if you haven't already) before you go in so you don't waste any time acquiring good time from the get-go.

Further, if you are worried the new politician is going to reduce the ways to get good time, you should be able to volunteer to start serving now so you'll be grandfathered in before the rules change. Ask your lawyer.

Good luck. I hope you post here again after release.

posted on Nov, 9 2014 @ 09:38 AM
a reply to: SheopleNation

"If" he is being sincere?

yes "IF". This is the internet, people make wild claims all the time. Plus with this being ATS it makes it an even bigger "IF" in my opinion.

So you know a few guys who spent time in county Jail, but you never experienced Prison or Jail yourself?

Read that again, I knew a couple of guys who were in PRISON, how you got "county jail" out of that is beyond me. I myself have been in jail before, but not prison.

LMAO! You're living in a fantasy World if you believe that is how it works inside places like that. I don't believe that you have any idea whatsoever about what you're commenting on. Course, that is just my opinion though, but an opinion that is backed up by personal experience. ~$heopleNation

Well, I tend to believe people I know a tad easier than anonymous people on the internet. I know everyone wants to believe prison is the horrid rape filled, shank stabbin', abusive prison guard situation that movies make it out to be, so they can act all bad when they get out, but the people I know that actually went to PRISON tell me it's just not like that.

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