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Amber Vinson tests negative for Ebola

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posted on Oct, 23 2014 @ 12:47 PM

Timeline seems a little suspicious to me, last I heard she was pretty ill.

posted on Oct, 23 2014 @ 12:56 PM
She could have been ill with anything.

I wish I was all knowing so some of these dramas made sense.

posted on Oct, 23 2014 @ 12:56 PM
Dreaded X2
edit on 23-10-2014 by Iamthatbish because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 23 2014 @ 12:59 PM
Ebola causes full body hemorrhaging including under the skin; at first it's a rash, then it's blood blisters. It causes the internal organs, the liver, the kidneys, the intestines, to hemorrhage and then die; when autopsies are done on Ebola victims, the internal organs are found to have died several days before the patient expired, and are already well on their way to decomposition. Ebola also causes hemorrhaging into the brain which gives the classic zombie stare.

So apparently 'early diagnosis and treatment' can negate all these ramifications of the most feared virus on the planet? Because first Kent Brantly and now Vinson look pretty perky for having had Ebola a few days ago... takes me longer to recover from a common cold, and it's quite a few days before I have the energy to take a shower, do my hair, put on makeup and would let someone take my picture, too.

There's something very, very wrong about all this. Now we're being assured for unknown reasons that 'there's no virus left in their bodies' even though supposedly it lingers in sperm for 9 weeks, etc? What gives with this? How could you EVER guarantee someone didn't have the virus in their system, if they've gone through a battle with it?

posted on Oct, 23 2014 @ 01:02 PM
One day the truth will come out about all of this.

You know what they say, truth is stranger than fiction.

Don't buy it.

posted on Oct, 23 2014 @ 01:03 PM


posted on Oct, 23 2014 @ 01:43 PM
a reply to: JG1993

Just thinking aloud here...

But if a patient can have Ebola, but have a low enough virus count that when tested they show negative- If i understand correctly with the most reliable methods of testing they still prefer or sometimes need the patient to actually be exhibiting symptoms. Otherwise there may not be enough virus in the system to reliably show up in a test.... But the patient can still end up with full-blown EVD

Could the same not be said for a person recovering from Ebola? That the virus is at such low levels that it isn't causing any "sickness" - and isnt showing up on the test... but is still in the patients system actively replicating albeit slower because of your bodies immune system?

I guess though if the patient has recovered their antibodies would keep it in check completely? Would they also still prevent the virus from being spread in direct contact with bodily fluids? Or popping up later in life? Even chicken pox stays dormant in your system and could possibly resurface as Shingles later in life.

From my limited knowledge it still seems there are quite a few different virus' that do the same

It wouldnt be the first time this virus has "shown us something new" that hadnt been documented before

**Not in any direct way implying that Amber Vinson is not negative and they anyone is "lying" ... just speculating
edit on 483144401pm31America/Chicagov by itswhatev because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 23 2014 @ 01:56 PM
How is it that Amber Vinson is Ebola-free and Nina Pham is still listed in good condition? Wasn't Vinson sicker than Pham? She certainly walked around with her virus longer before getting helped (and exposed a whole lot of people in two different states!). Correct if I'm wrong but it was only Vinson's family who made this statement, not the doctors. Vinson's family went from completely withholding her condition to "She's Ebola-free!" (scratching my head)

There is something totally weird about all the Ebola stories I've been reading. Everyone I know is really confused.
edit on 23-10-2014 by texasgirl because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 23 2014 @ 01:57 PM


posted on Oct, 23 2014 @ 01:59 PM
a reply to: JG1993

This is so bizarre! I get that everyone's body reacts differently to viruses, some may heal more quickly than others depending on their immune system and overall health but...WTH!

Did Amber Vinson ever have Ebola? Her recovery seems a bit miraculous.

posted on Oct, 23 2014 @ 02:06 PM

originally posted by: Jennyfrenzy
a reply to: JG1993

This is so bizarre! I get that everyone's body reacts differently to viruses, some may heal more quickly than others depending on their immune system and overall health but...WTH!

Did Amber Vinson ever have Ebola? Her recovery seems a bit miraculous.

Maybe PTB will say she received a new vaccine that is in testing and soon available to masses.

posted on Oct, 23 2014 @ 02:14 PM


posted on Oct, 23 2014 @ 02:25 PM
I'm glad she tested negative but she should still be charged for endangering the public's health by traveling (even if she was advised by the CDC). If it was a positive case her actions could have resulted in others becoming ill and thus overburdening the healthcare system.

posted on Oct, 23 2014 @ 02:35 PM
a reply to: texasgirl
IMHO, the Ebola Czar went to work before Obama announced the news. While some believe that Ron wasn't "working" for a few days, that's not how he rolls. His feet were on the ground one second after he was tapped--maybe sooner, when he heard that his name was in the running. And the first order of business was to deal with the most inflammatory problem: Nurse Amber. The news was reinvented, then reshaped for the worried masses. Problem is, a certain segment of the masses, like many on ATS, aren't ignorant about Ebola and will not drink the Kool-Aid. They know the icky details, like how the virus can be transmitted via semen. Funny how the MSM isn't pointing this out, isn't it? How do you control the news? Cut off the journalist's food. Starve them. Give the food to those who know how to treat a Czar. For instance, it could go down like this: maybe the reporters don't want to be put on the White House starvation diet--no leaks allowed on this diet unless the press marches in step.

edit on 23-10-2014 by drwill because: (no reason given)

edit on 23-10-2014 by drwill because: (no reason given)

edit on 23-10-2014 by drwill because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 23 2014 @ 02:39 PM
The following is my opinion as a member participating in this discussion.

I'm kind of in agreement with previous posters. Is this true? How can someone who was soooo sick just a week ago suddenly be 'ebola free' and out of quarantine? Ebola doesn't work like that. It wouldn't surprise me if the gov't is downplaying Ebola Nurse Amber in order to head off law suits against the CDC and lawsuits by the airline against Nurse Amber, etc etc ...

As an ATS Staff Member, I will not moderate in threads such as this where I have participated as a member.

posted on Oct, 23 2014 @ 02:44 PM

originally posted by: FlyersFan
The following is my opinion as a member participating in this discussion.

I'm kind of in agreement with previous posters. Is this true? How can someone who was soooo sick just a week ago suddenly be 'ebola free' and out of quarantine? Ebola doesn't work like that. It wouldn't surprise me if the gov't is downplaying Ebola Nurse Amber in order to head off law suits against the CDC and lawsuits by the airline against Nurse Amber, etc etc ...

As an ATS Staff Member, I will not moderate in threads such as this where I have participated as a member.

There will be lawsuits. That is why Klain was hired. He is a Harvard-trained smooth-talking intimidating lawyer. I will bet dollars to donuts, he will talk Amber into suing Texas Presbyterian Hospital....not the CDC or any government entity.

posted on Oct, 23 2014 @ 03:01 PM
The new czar is a magic man.
It was a good call to heal her because the implications of her losing her life to this turning it into a racial virus would have been too much for the us too handle givin that furguson is about to come to a head. alas elola is for everyone

posted on Oct, 23 2014 @ 03:05 PM

originally posted by: Yeahkeepwatchingme
I'm glad she tested negative but she should still be charged for endangering the public's health by traveling (even if she was advised by the CDC). If it was a positive case her actions could have resulted in others becoming ill and thus overburdening the healthcare system.
bs you can say it a million times but in the end all we can ask of people is too get verification...she did

our best hope is for the next ones that are exposed if it comes to that to go to their superriors and use the same amount of questioning that she did. no stupid questions just stupid answers... like i work with the cdc and say sure you can fly

posted on Oct, 23 2014 @ 03:13 PM
a reply to: Jennyfrenzy
ITA. Miraculous, indeed. But it's a great spin, isn't it? And what an uplifting story. Nurse Amber has recovered from Ebola in, like, two seconds. No worries, sheeple, about the facts. Who, exactly, gave her permission to fly? I can barely remember that story!

At the exact moment the country had lost faith in elected officials, at the moment the MSM dared to question Tom Frieden--even TPOTUS himself--an infamous spin doctor rolls up his sleeves and wags the dog. I have a feeling that Nurse Amber's status was the easiest "fix" of all for Ron.

posted on Oct, 23 2014 @ 03:21 PM
a reply to: signalfire
Well said.
I think the next warm, fuzzy moment will be when Nurse Pham is pronounced "Ebola free," and is reunited with her Cavalier spaniel, also Ebola free.

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