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Ebola. Military is getting prepared for apocalyptic training.

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posted on Oct, 15 2014 @ 11:15 AM
Hello All,

Been a while since i have been on due to getting prepared for things that have been put in motion.

At the moment I am about 2 miles from Fort Bragg ( a decent size fort here in NC ).

Today I have heard live rounds going off like the fourth of July firework show. I found it quite odd for so much to be going on today after hearing about the second Ebola victim in Texas.

I had the wife call her cousin who is stationed in West KY and ask him has he heard anything.

All he could tell us was that the Government issued an order this morning for Apocalyptic training. I asked if he could clarify more on what that means and it basically comes down to it being said that they know the outbreak is going to be worst and it will come down to millions of Americans getting the virus. They expect the public to become uncivil and full of fear and start to loot and prepare for the worst.

He could not go into much detail cause its all new information being passed to them too.

I will update as much as possible until I have to leave here.

If anyone else living by Forts or military installations then please report what you hear in that neck of the woods.

posted on Oct, 15 2014 @ 11:22 AM
a reply to: KingJod

I've shared this elsewhere, and wonder what you think about this: My nephews are both officers in the army. They were asked in interviews if they felt they would be capable of shooting / killing US citizens on US soil. What might this mean, in your opinion?

posted on Oct, 15 2014 @ 11:25 AM

originally posted by: bludragin
a reply to: KingJod

I've shared this elsewhere, and wonder what you think about this: My nephews are both officers in the army. They were asked in interviews if they felt they would be capable of shooting / killing US citizens on US soil. What might this mean, in your opinion?

I believe i have spoke about this before that shooting on American citizens will break up our military with some being more then willing to fire upon us and others denying to do so and fighting back against something along those lines...Also i believe the National Guard will be the first to stand up and fight to protect American lives then end them.

posted on Oct, 15 2014 @ 11:26 AM

originally posted by: bludragin
a reply to: KingJod

I've shared this elsewhere, and wonder what you think about this: My nephews are both officers in the army. They were asked in interviews if they felt they would be capable of shooting / killing US citizens on US soil. What might this mean, in your opinion?

More importantly, what was their answer?

posted on Oct, 15 2014 @ 11:28 AM
It was said by a conspiracy theorist at one time, named Bill (William), Cooper that "they" want to make the United States into a socialistic nation, with occult overtones, etc.

The only way to do this would be to dismantle the current structure. To dismantle the current structure, you have to have less people to fight. To have less people, well - you get the point.

This would make sense why the government is actively letting people into this country who have been to hot zones, and doing very little to stop it.

Also - look at the Georgia Guide Stones. Recently the block that says "keep humanity under 500,000,000" has had the year 2014 added to it, near the same time this outbreak began..... Just a thought.

Step One: Remove the people
Step Two: Dismantle Current Structure
Step Three: Re-establish a new order, and keep the current population under strict control.

Then again this is a conspiracy site, so take it all with a grain of salt.
edit on 15-10-2014 by MentorsRiddle because: (no reason given)

edit on 15-10-2014 by MentorsRiddle because: (no reason given)

edit on 15-10-2014 by MentorsRiddle because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 15 2014 @ 11:34 AM
FYI, I quoted you in a post I just did about my nephews.

posted on Oct, 15 2014 @ 11:36 AM

originally posted by: ratcals

originally posted by: bludragin
a reply to: KingJod

I've shared this elsewhere, and wonder what you think about this: My nephews are both officers in the army. They were asked in interviews if they felt they would be capable of shooting / killing US citizens on US soil. What might this mean, in your opinion?

More importantly, what was their answer?

I've wondered that myself. These are good men, both of them. They did not reveal anything more to their mother than what I shared here. Disturbing.

posted on Oct, 15 2014 @ 11:41 AM
The only thing that doesn't quite add up in all of these "forced apocalypse" scenarios...

If the world population slashed, deliberately, by the spread of disease, you're likely killing off all of the "worker bees".

How will the (supposedly vaccinated) elites run their world with out underlings to do things like maintain sanitation, build roads, manufacture goods, farm food and raise cattle, etc.

It's got a lot to do with Herbert J. Gans' "The Positive Functions of Poverty " ... if you're not familiar with it, it's a solid read and makes a LOT of sense.

posted on Oct, 15 2014 @ 11:48 AM
Well the virus could get more out of hand. It all really depends on how the CDC handle it, which so far hasn't been well. If it does come down to a full out outbreak, there is going to be a lot of trouble. Our current medical system can't handle it. Even is we get help from oversea it wouldn't put much of a dent, it would just risk spreading it to more places. I do still feel they could get a handle on the spread of the virus as it is right now.

When they break out the military to help combat the virus spread, then they'll cause some real panic. Panic is one thing you don't want when containing a virus like this.

posted on Oct, 15 2014 @ 11:54 AM
a reply to: AJ1123TKE

maybe the worker bees are becoming obsolote, youtube russia 2046 look at the synthetic workers, and the best part is when they say the technology will benefit the millons of people living around the world whatever happened to billions

posted on Oct, 15 2014 @ 12:22 PM
a reply to: KingJod

This post was taken from another thread in reference to this one. I changed some of the wording to address the OP specifically.

If you think its weird to hear rounds firing on a military base you should spend a day near mine..

You'd poop himself at the sound of artillery hitting the impact area on an almost nightly basis.

You'd think a base as big and involved as mine would have received orders to prepare for an oncoming apocalypse...But alas no such word has been passed down.

Folks, please be careful what you are willing to believe on the internet. Units train on a regular basis for marksmanship, certification on weapons and vehicles, currency on aircraft, and a whole host of other things.

To the paranoid ignorant conspiracy theorists this validates the "they're training to kill us" narrative every time they see a military vehicle or aircraft or hear a little live fire coming from the base.
edit on pWed, 15 Oct 2014 12:22:50 -0500201415America/Chicago2014-10-15T12:22:50-05:0031vx10 by projectvxn because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 15 2014 @ 02:06 PM
a reply to: KingJod

Odd how people's brains work. I've read this post and all the comments and couldn't think of anything constructive to add. Then I read a post about proper treatment of Ebola patients dogs and that was interesting; dogs can be asymptomatic carriers but isn't clear if people can be infected by dogs, (correct me if I'm wrong).

Then I re-read this post and had an "Oh Crap" moment of clarity.

If its true the military is doing Apocalyptic training in the face of how difficult it is to transmit Ebola in general population, what possible reason would they have for this type training?

The homeless population! We've all forgotten that the ambulance that transported Duncan transported a homeless person just hours later and the EMT personnel didn't know Duncan had Ebola. If this disease started running through the homeless population...thousands could be infected in relatively short order.

Its pretty obvious that the traditional metropolitan hospitals in the US can't cope with Ebola. They would be wildly overwhelmed if this disease went through the homeless population. And, the homeless population moves around the US quite a bit using the railroads. Thus, if a homeless person in Dallas infected 5 people, its very possible that one of those five might hitch a ride on a train and get off in Houston and spread the disease there.

I can easily see the military being called in to handle the homeless people if this infected that population. Let me just add that I harbor no ill will for the homeless; I've worked to help the homeless. But I do know and understand their lifestyles and those lifestyles make them peculiarly vulnerable to Ebola.

posted on Oct, 19 2014 @ 09:03 AM
Fort Bragg Soldiers being trained to fight Ebola

I read the article and it says it is only sending 100-150 troops to go fight ebola in Africa and what not. The shells and booms are going now in there 4th day. everyday getting louder and louder. I knew something was up and this "story" is slowly telling me something is going on and they aren't going to tell us exactly what.

just updating as i said I would.

posted on Oct, 19 2014 @ 09:35 AM
I've been hoping for an apocalypse. Who wants this cesspool anyway? I hope I die.

posted on Oct, 19 2014 @ 11:42 AM
a reply to: TonyS

This is a rather sobering and brilliant insight on your part. I could definitely see this.

posted on Oct, 19 2014 @ 12:08 PM
What if it isn't anything to do with Ebola. I believe the SHTF right after the elections and POTUS puts through some serious EO's that will eff a lot of things up and will effect millions, not in a good way.

posted on Oct, 19 2014 @ 01:08 PM
Meh, military bases are loud all the time. Training of all sorts is happening there. I think it's a possibility that it could be apocalyptic training, but I mean... All of their training could be seen as that. Because the term 'apocalypse' means different things to different people.
Example: To people in Japan, it could mean a hurricane, tsunami, or earthquake.
Example: To people in Hawaii, it could mean volcano eruption.

I don't think that our 'apocalypse' is Ebola. Because for the most part, people are all looking over their shoulders and freaking out anytime someone even sniffles. I live in Ohio. People are somewhat panicked because the Dallas Ebola patient flew from Cleveland to Dallas. Who knows how many people the man came in contact with here. Or how many people came in contact with the plane after. Cleveland is 2.5 hours away from me. And it's starting to cool down. I've been sneezing a lot. If I sneeze in public I get really dirty looks. People are being careful. And even despite the fact that the Ebola patient was in Ohio, we've had no cases of it. As far I know, we've had one case where they thought the person had it, and they tested negative. And that was months ago.

All I'm saying is that it's not super likely that many people will catch Ebola. Because unlike where the infected are coming from, we have better medical care, we don't have shoulder to shoulder living arrangements, and we are cleaner. And it's getting colder so people will self isolate. Unless it mutates, the majority of us will be fine. My suggestions are: Carry hand sanitizer and use it, keep up on your vitamins, and don't drink out of cans/don't put your mouth directly on anything unless you know exactly who could have handled it.

My guess is that the people who are being trained or asked if they are willing to kill Americans on U.S. soil are for two different situations.

People being trained: Are being trained in case this does mutate. If it mutates it will probably be airborne. Let me clarify because some people do not understand this yet. Ebola is not airborne. It is aerosol. Meaning that it can be transferred via sneezing and coughing on someone. Airborne is different. In the case that Ebola were to become airborne, I think people would start freaking out. Looting, and riots would probably happen. In that case, we'd need people out there protecting others.

People being asked various forms of the question regarding killing Americans: Possibly for the same reason but also because people in the military are asked that question because it is their job to protect against foreign and domestic threats. We're seeing more and more Americans convert to radical Islam. Which is a domestic threat.

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