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How Did I NOT Know Such Sexiness Existed??

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posted on Oct, 12 2014 @ 01:04 AM
Until now? How?

What am I speaking of you ask?

This guy...

Raymond Reddington AKA James Spader.

I have just discovered this show "The Blacklist" and I am binge watching to catch up and start the third season. I can not believe that I did not discover this series before now.

James Spader is not your average "hunk" with sex appeal just oozing from his pores, but in this show? I find him damn near irresistible. I think it's the power, the calmness, the intelligence, the wit, etc. that does it for me.

They could not have made a better choice when it came to casting him in this role IMO. Nobody else could have pulled it off quite as well as him.

If you haven't watched this series yet... PLEASE give it a go. It's really a good watch and not just because of the eye/brain candy.

Seriously. I promise.

Yes... Many of you may remember that I was quite a latecomer in the whole GoT series. I just started watching that a few months ago and was sad when I finally got caught up and had to wait for the next season like everyone else. It seems to be a habit of mine apparently.

Now I have a replacement for a bit.

I've always been one to find that kind of wit, humor, intelligence far more attractive than the actual packaging that contains it. I don't know why really. I dig it. Yes... In real life too. Not just in fake tv world.

I'm curious if you guys do the same...

So I want to know who you started off watching, not attracted to at all, only to find them supremely attractive after their character evolved.

Just a little bit of fun if you will.

Here's two more for me...

Once Upon A Time's Mr. Gold AKA Robert Carlyle


House M.D.'s House AKA Hugh Laurie

Guys - You can jump in as well. It doesn't have to be all males here.

And again.... SERIOUSLY... Watch The Blacklist. Just do it.

edit on 10/12/2014 by Kangaruex4Ewe because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 12 2014 @ 01:07 AM
a reply to: Kangaruex4Ewe
Oh hell yeah.

Thats all I got. Great characters. Great actors.

Raymond Reddington/ James Spader is fantastic. He plays an awesome role very well (black list). He is the epitome of sexiness. LOL Really though he is one of my favorite actors and Raymond Reddington is one of my favorite characters. I dont watch TV so that says allot.

Robert Carlyle made SG universe for me. He is fantastic as well.

edit on 10 12 2014 by tadaman because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 12 2014 @ 01:16 AM

originally posted by: tadaman
a reply to: Kangaruex4Ewe
Oh hell yeah.

Thats all I got. Great characters. Great actors.

Raymond Reddington/ James Spader is fantastic. He plays an awesome role very well (black list). He is the epitome of sexiness. LOL Really though he is one of my favorite actors and Raymond Reddington is one of my favorite characters. I dont watch TV so that says allot.

Robert Carlyle made SG universe for me. He is fantastic as well.

Thank you for not leaving me just hanging in the wind lol. I had a weak moment there and figured I would be inundated with posts about how stupid this was. Then I figured it was all in good fun.

I have not seen RC in SG, but I will surely add that to my list of what to watch next.

posted on Oct, 12 2014 @ 01:20 AM
I've heard this show is great.....have always liked James Spader...Very Sexy Man ! Loved his character in Boston Legal too...The relationship he has with "Denny" aka William Shattner is both hysterical and very touching.

Kevin Spacey is another one of those guys that grows on you.....

edit on 12-10-2014 by MountainLaurel because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 12 2014 @ 01:24 AM
a reply to: Kangaruex4Ewe

No prob man. I know the feeling.

Yeah please do. SGU is one of the select series I always have on a HDD in its entirety. Well, all star gate series really. But SGU is my favorite of the franchise and RC is a huge factor.

posted on Oct, 12 2014 @ 01:27 AM

originally posted by: MountainLaurel
I've heard this show is great.....have always liked James Spader...Very Sexy Man ! Loved his character in Boston Legal too...The relationship he has with "Denny" aka William Shattner is both hysterical and very touching.

Kevin Spacey is another one of those guys that grows on you.....

Oh, I definitely concur about Kevin Spacey. He's the only reason I tuned into House of Cards when it came out. Which is another really good show IMO. I loved him in Pay It Forward too. He's got that certain "Something" that just screams power/danger lol.

Now I'm going to have to add Boston Legal to my watch next list along with SG... Thank goodness for Netflix.

originally posted by: tadaman
a reply to: Kangaruex4Ewe

No prob man. I know the feeling.

Yeah please do. SGU is one of the select series I always have on a HDD in its entirety. Well, all star gate series really. But SGU is my favorite of the franchise and RC is a huge factor.

I did not even know who RC was until I saw him in Once Upon A Time. I disliked him at first, but he grew on me pretty quickly. I have never watched even one episode of SG because I assumed it was too Sci-Fi for my taste. I'll definitely tune back in after I watch it and let you know if I liked it. There's not a lot of new stuff out to watch that looks worthwhile so I will have time to check it out shortly.

edit on 10/12/2014 by Kangaruex4Ewe because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 12 2014 @ 01:41 AM
a reply to: Kangaruex4Ewe

Oh my goodness yes. The funny thing is that back when he was a big thing in the 80's I wasn't much of a fan specifically. Now that he's an older man, well lets just say that I agree with you, he is most definitely sexy.

I watched the pilot on a whim and the next thing I knew I was halfway into a season 1 marathon.


posted on Oct, 12 2014 @ 01:53 AM

originally posted by: pennylemon
a reply to: Kangaruex4Ewe

Oh my goodness yes. The funny thing is that back when he was a big thing in the 80's I wasn't much of a fan specifically. Now that he's an older man, well lets just say that I agree with you, he is most definitely sexy.

I watched the pilot on a whim and the next thing I knew I was halfway into a season 1 marathon.


Yep... That sounds like me, exactly. In any other instance I don't find him sexy. He's not ugly by any means, but he wasn't particularly drool worthy either.

You do make another good point though too... Why do men seem to get much better looking when they age? I mean most all of them age very well IMO. I hate it when you have older actors that go under the knife and just ruin the sexy in an attempt to look younger. Burt Reynolds, Kenny Loggins, Tommy Lee Jones, etc. I could go on and on. They look so much better before they try to look younger to me.

They should just allow themselves to age gracefully IMO. No need to mess up a good thing.

posted on Oct, 12 2014 @ 02:53 AM
I watched the first season of Blacklist on Netflix, and really enjoyed it. I also find James Spader's character very attractive. I think, for me, it's more than just his wit and intelligence. I find it very attractive to see a man who could be considered a cold-hearted criminal, yet has a vulnerable "soft spot" in his heart for the young FBI agent (his daughter?). I also love the air of mystery about him, as you find out little nuggets of his past as the show goes on. Yeah, he's pretty hot.

posted on Oct, 12 2014 @ 03:04 AM

originally posted by: kaylaluv
I watched the first season of Blacklist on Netflix, and really enjoyed it. I also find James Spader's character very attractive. I think, for me, it's more than just his wit and intelligence. I find it very attractive to see a man who could be considered a cold-hearted criminal, yet has a vulnerable "soft spot" in his heart for the young FBI agent (his daughter?). I also love the air of mystery about him, as you find out little nuggets of his past as the show goes on. Yeah, he's pretty hot.

I think that has a lot to do with it as well. Netflix also has the second season now... So you have to catch up!!

I have one more episode left out of the two seasons they have and I still don't know if she's his daughter or not?!?! They sure know how to keep you hanging on!

posted on Oct, 12 2014 @ 03:31 AM
a reply to: Kangaruex4Ewe

Kanga we seem to have the same taste in men, and watch the same shows!

Yes, in all of those characters it's not their looks that keeps me watching season after season, but their charm, smarts, sarcasm, etc.

Mr. Gold cleaned up pretty nice imo.
Mr. Reddington has style and disposes of unwanted folk with such class.
Dr House- awww I miss him the most. His sarcasm was out of this world.

May I add one?
Boardwalk Empire

No one does business like Mr. Nucky Thompson.

edit on 12/10/2014 by Rainbowresidue because: I added one.

edit on 12/10/2014 by Rainbowresidue because: spelling

posted on Oct, 12 2014 @ 09:19 AM
a reply to: Kangaruex4Ewe

Blacklist is just in the second season.

posted on Oct, 12 2014 @ 09:35 AM
a reply to: Kangaruex4Ewe

Here you go: Some Robert Carlyle from SG: Universe, as Dr. Rush

I actually saw him here first, then on Once Upon A Time.

posted on Oct, 12 2014 @ 10:40 AM
a reply to: Rainbowresidue

As I'm reading through this thread, I kept thinking that Nucky surely fit the bill. In the beginning I didn't find him attractive at all but, as his character has developed that opinion has definitely changed. I have loved this show, I hate to see it end this year.

posted on Oct, 12 2014 @ 10:48 AM

originally posted by: 2manyholes
a reply to: Rainbowresidue

As I'm reading through this thread, I kept thinking that Nucky surely fit the bill. In the beginning I didn't find him attractive at all but, as his character has developed that opinion has definitely changed. I have loved this show, I hate to see it end this year.

Yes, his character has grown throughout the years. I think they could have done more seasons, 5 seasons is too short!

posted on Oct, 12 2014 @ 10:56 AM
a reply to: Kangaruex4Ewe

Well I do not know about sexiness, but you are right in that James Spader does a SUPERB job of realising the character of Raymond Reddington.

The Blacklist, in its entirety, has been one of the most entertaining shows of its kind, that I have ever watched. The quality of the acting and the scripting is very high, the twists hit you like a bean bag to the kidneys, and the intrigue level is always vast.

I love it. I really do. I started watching it when it started, and have been utterly hooked ever since. I want answers to the questions that one comes up with during the course of the show, who is Raymond Reddington, what is the exact nature of his interest in Agent Keane, and so on...

I will be keeping up with the show, of that you can be certain!

posted on Oct, 12 2014 @ 02:54 PM

originally posted by: GogoVicMorrow
a reply to: Kangaruex4Ewe

Blacklist is just in the second season.

I had assumed it was more since the were 22 episodes on Netflix and it just picked back up on tv. I have been calling it (on tv) the third season all week. I will now endeavor to stop that lol. I do however, hope that there will be many more to come.

a reply to: Rainbowresidue

I see by your avatar, that we do indeed watch some of the same shows.

Regina's wicked half sister is stunning in green.

I've never heard of Boardwalk Empire. All of these new shows remind me that I haven't had cable in years. I usually either catch things on Netflix, or root around the internet long enough to find them.

Since we both have such good taste, I will definitely check out Boardwalk Empire.

a reply to: eriktheawful

Yep... Definitely going to watch that. Definitely.

edit on 10/12/2014 by Kangaruex4Ewe because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 12 2014 @ 03:03 PM
RC before he got older and became a stargate legend.


posted on Oct, 12 2014 @ 03:51 PM
a reply to: Kangaruex4Ewe

I'm glad to know it isn't just me.

I am soooo right in there with you! Just discovered this series myself, and Red, I whole show is terrific. James Spader is the key to its awesomeness, however, without him it would not rock. Clever boy.

And I must confess, Kangaruex4Ewe, you nailed a couple of my other weird TV crushes. All three series have great writing and addictive story lines with truly fine acting on top.

We may not agree on everything, but one thing is for sure - we have excellent taste in bad boys.


- AB

posted on Oct, 12 2014 @ 03:58 PM

originally posted by: nonspecific
RC before he got older and became a stargate legend.


Definitely aged well. Like most men, he looks much better older than he did younger. Damn you men... Damn you lol.

a reply to: AboveBoard

Hey... That's what counts right?

It's the important things in life...

I just finished the 22nd episode on Netflix early this morning. I'm only 3 episodes behind on the new season now. I'm glad I'm not the only late comer. I usually avoid all the hype on a new show for a long time. On a whim I just tuned in to it last week and was instantly hooked.

A trip to my mom's this weekend had me bringing her pizza and forcing her to watch the pilot while we ate. She emailed me at 3:00 am telling me that I was a bad influence as she was still watching episode after episode lol.

I'm also soft on Gordon Ramsay. I often think that I would never be able to live with any of these men and put up with that... but it's still hard to resist a bad boy and his charms even if it's only in 30 or 60 minute increments.

edit on 10/12/2014 by Kangaruex4Ewe because: (no reason given)

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