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Highly symbolic dream or nothing at all?

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posted on Oct, 5 2014 @ 07:37 PM
a reply to: Rikku
I remember playing in the kitchen floor while my mom was cooking. I was 2 1/2. I remember something that happened to me when I was 4-5. Very vividly.

posted on Oct, 6 2014 @ 07:45 AM
Yeah, I think I may have been used to test psychic skills or something of that sort...

Rikku: that was not very nice what you said, what would I gain for making something like this up? I do remember it. Besides, given that the dream might have been a "we're watching you" warning, it was supposed to be remembered.

posted on Oct, 6 2014 @ 08:40 AM
There are people who for some reason Do have memory recall that goes back a bit further further than the average age of recall,though.I myself have very vivid memories of events occuring around age 3,and even younger-in fact,i have one memory from babyhood,so vivid that at age 49+half i still recall it so clearly,i remember the feel of the sun on my face,the smell of the grass,the rough texture of their wooden fence to my touch,where i sat on my blanket spread out next to the fence,on their little lawn.I remember the out-of-control silly-fun sensation of falling over(i was just at the age where i started being able to sit up) i recall the laughter of my mother and the neighbours,and myself also giggling as i fell over.This was confirmed to me by my adoptive mother,as she did'nt like our neighbours much and only took me over there the once in babyhood,to do the neighbourly thing.My own visits to them started only a few years later,when i could walk there on my own 2 legs.

I recall the day i first consciously felt overwhelming love,sitting on my adoptive mother's lap in the passenger seat,at age 3,returning from a visit to her sister Angela,i remember the exact stretch of road,the specific exact large apartment block we were driving past,when i Knew,when it hit me-THIS is what love is,as i was snuggling up against her.And i could feel her love for me-a profound and sublime moment. She was wearing a pink dress in some synthetic fabric,with a white daisy pattern,and she was wearing a short string of synthetic pearls.And it was one of the most profound and unforgettable and deeply sad memories of all my life,because shortly after that she changed,she turned for the most part hard and mean and stayed that way ever after,till her passing. And always after,as a teen and young adult,while living in that region,if i was passing that apartment building,a deep sadness would come over me,and that memory would come back in full force,and i Remembered the feeling of love,i saw in front of me her chest in the pink flower-pattern dress,the pearls,her body warmth and the cocoon of unadulterated love that enveloped us as i snuggled up to her-and my heart would ache for what i had lost.

And i remember other things too,grim things,of which i had confirmation that i was 3-3+half.I remember the day my life irrevocably changed,at age 3,i remember the shoes i was wearing,little sandals,the part covering my heels were red leather,the front were thin panels of red,green and yellow leather.I remember because what was laying dead in front of my sandalled feet,and i remember the one single drop of blood dripping from the dead animal's eyes.

I know most people don't seem to recall much of anything of their lives at age 3-but there are those who do-and that includes dreams that stood out to the child,for whatever reason.Mine personally was a specific "night terror" which by the time i was 5 or 6 was already as familiar to me as our home,because it was with me from first memory,at age 3,maybe even younger. a reply to: Rikku

posted on Oct, 6 2014 @ 08:42 AM
I think your 'dream'... when you were 3-4 YO...

Sounds more like a recreation of your Birth Experience...
The Eye was a fuzzy recollection of the doctor who was likely masked so the eye was a prominent element in this re-creation dream...
you see I am not saying the dream sequence was a 'memory' it was rather a creation of a very young mind

posted on Oct, 6 2014 @ 12:29 PM
a reply to: Emma3

I won't read the responses yet so I can give my own. Cyclops Santa perhaps?

The dream, and the feeling of 'being watched', may be the data that your higher self, or further up the food chain, the overall consciousness of JHVA I or something, is real and can be accessed and hung out with. A feeling is just a chemical reaction in the body, so if you can recreate the feeling and then play with it, move it around, get a handle on it, there you go. Dream a little dream of "see"!

posted on Oct, 6 2014 @ 03:09 PM
a reply to: AnteBellum

I agree with you on your point.

posted on Oct, 6 2014 @ 03:12 PM
Only you can interpret what this dream means to you. External explanations are irrelevant. It was meant for you and only you.

posted on Oct, 6 2014 @ 04:51 PM
Thank you all for your opinions. That was exactly what I wanted to hear, what different people would say about this. If anyone else wants to share their opinion, I welcome you to do so.

To Aleister: no, I was never told about stories where Santa would watch me in my sleep or anything like that, so I don't think this is related to that. But I would like to know more about that consciousness of JHVA - what does that stand for or what are other names for it?
edit on 6-10-2014 by Emma3 because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 7 2014 @ 09:41 PM
a reply to: Emma3

Hi. JHVA I was a joke, a reference to a deity of the Church of the Subgenius . But the overself, cosmic consciousness, the symbolism of the all-seeing eye (which is a symbol of several things, one of them being God who sees everything that occurs from the multiple/single viewpoint, such as Jesus' saying/teaching about his father seeing every sparrow that falls, seems to be a form of that). An eye floating out of the chimney looking at you in a dream is a fun thing to contemplate and relate symbols to, but sometimes an eye floating out of a chimney is just an eye floating out of a chimney.

edit on 7-10-2014 by Aleister because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 8 2014 @ 02:24 AM
a reply to: Aleister

Yeah, that reminded me of Jehovah, don't know the Church of Subgenius, though. Is it funny at all?

posted on Oct, 8 2014 @ 05:49 AM
a reply to: Emma3

It's what it is, a parody religion but like all parodies has bits of truth floating in the sea of "that's strange". When I got their first book, long ago in the days of yore, I found that they threw up lots of things which chased people away who couldn't read or look at what they were offering, and then finally came to a chapter which gave some pretty good data on sex magic(k). So the tried-and-true method of hiding data in plain sight was being used by Ivan Stang (the founder and chief recipient of the money) for its intended purpose. One woman I know was chased away from the book early, when she came across a picture of the Virgin Mary bleeding from the eyes, and so never got to the rest of the informational parts.

Reminded me of a story about the mystic George Gurdjieff. He would arrange a lecture in a town, posters up all over the place, and when the evening came people would flock (or walk) to the lecture hall and the doors would be locked, and they'd eventually disperse. The next week he'd do it again, not as many people would come, and the doors remained locked. The next week, again, but this time the people who bothered to come would be let in, and Gurdjieff would take the stage, and for 45 minutes, head looking down at his papers, speaking in a dry monotone, deliver the most boring talk, and minute by minute people would leave. After about 45 minutes he'd look up, judge the crowd that was left, and change instantly into the enthusiastic intelligent loving person he was and gave them the real presentation. He would have been fun to see.

May the fnord be with you (from another parody religion, to a point, Discordianism).

posted on Oct, 8 2014 @ 03:22 PM
If there's anyone interested in understanding better why I think this dream may have an important meaning, you can read my (first) post on this thread:

Always the chimney...

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