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Black Triangle UFOs and an Alleged Breakaway Civilization- Discuss

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posted on Apr, 26 2023 @ 05:50 PM
a reply to: jazzman1122

a good FLIR or NV set up definitely can capture these objects, why are they showing up on FLIR cameras of F-18's and whatever else has captured them?

Active denial systems are usually laser based and mess with the auto focus of cameras or over expose 35mm film.

using a FLIR or higher gen NV device would not respond to these counter measures in a civilian setting.

If they used a microwave weapon on a civilian there would be some serious paper work to fill out i would imagine.

posted on Apr, 27 2023 @ 03:46 AM

originally posted by: ifo8844
a reply to: jazzman1122

a good FLIR or NV set up definitely can capture these objects, why are they showing up on FLIR cameras of F-18's and whatever else has captured them?

Active denial systems are usually laser based and mess with the auto focus of cameras or over expose 35mm film.

using a FLIR or higher gen NV device would not respond to these counter measures in a civilian setting.

If they used a microwave weapon on a civilian there would be some serious paper work to fill out i would imagine.

Yeah they WANTED to be seen. They have light bending capabilities. And i was talking about NORMAL surveillance cameras,that Mag fields can mess with. And they re above th enormal MIlitary,so them using a MW weapon wouldnt get them any real trouble.

posted on Apr, 27 2023 @ 10:48 AM
a reply to: yuppa

true enough

i would assume anyone getting a close up look at them, they were 'selected' to see them.

it seems they show themselves to certain military craft and people, its almost like they give just enough proof that the people who haven't seen them to believe something is going on and those who have seen them up close a special treat.

i guess it would depend on the power of the MW's being used.

new cameras use lasers for their auto focus so messing with that system would also allow these craft to protect their ID and in a battle field situation could blind sensors or people, maybe even more lasting effects on personnel.

its interesting that certain military units have laser safe goggles and coatings on their windows.

posted on Apr, 27 2023 @ 04:15 PM
a reply to: Baddogma

How did u reach the conclusion that some other eastern power got a hold of the supposed ancient technology?

I asumed he meant that they left tptb with the means to move mankind forward but they came back to something else…

posted on Apr, 27 2023 @ 04:29 PM
I'm personally still stuck in my ignorance/dissonance loop.

I just can't see A's narrative explaining ALL the UFO related weirdness in the world. There are simply too many... over all recorded history. Obviously, there are many black projects going on with highly advanced tech as well as things that are possibly native "spirit" life, or plasma life, or ancient surviving constructs, or... ?

But the sheer scope of abductions, ufos, cryptids/aliens and generally odd sightings over the years makes the basic narrative of 13 thousand primary breakaways and their probable grey androids insufficient to explain it all, even excluding the more local "paranormal" causes and the local govt pretenders.

I really wish I had taken this more seriously when he was taking questions to gauge it better ... though I thought that if true, we'd know in a few years.

As far as showing themselves, last Fall I got the urge to go outside and immediately saw a large cloaked something that could only be seen as light distortions on its edges, with a few jutting right angles, soar silently over. It was spectacular and I tip my proverbial hat to whomever it belonged to, but ...frustrating.

posted on Apr, 27 2023 @ 09:12 PM
a reply to: Baddogma

abductions are real as the nose on your face and i think the world would be surprised if everyone(if they remember or not) a red light would come over their head if they had an ET encounter/abduction./

then there is the military and contractors taking people and doing god know what to them, that being said i don't think either abduction scenarios are good for us common fold.

edit on 27-4-2023 by ifo8844 because: .

posted on Apr, 27 2023 @ 11:39 PM
a reply to: Baddogma

The A Narrative (cool name!) was too wild at the time to comprehend!

I remember reading along and being shocked at what was being conveyed. Nobody, not a single person, asked what was meant by “… light is taken from the back of the craft, walked around to the nose, and sent on its merry way…”

THAT is the cloaking mechanism described!

The shimmering silver (erm.,,) glow before it goes full transparent is the most amazing thing ever! And it is a property of graphene to limit energy to the surface of its hexagon pattern (and because of that is why it is classified as a “2D material”).

The practical questions explode when you “get it”. Like, “How do you add power to release the EM wave back on its way?” And, how do you “see” out of an invisible craft?? (That has been discussed in the aviation thread where supersonic craft have a 4K screen of the outside. Which makes me wish I had ‘got into’ video games more!). And, “how do you do both: push away spacetime envelope and manipulate light with the same material?”.

And more geeky stuff like, “what about condensation?” Or, “why did the craft glow red when it dropped from near space to 15,000 feet?” Because it doesn’t make a sound so why heat up?

But we were all processing the information and trying to understand at the same time.

So we forgive your lapse there!

posted on Apr, 28 2023 @ 10:26 AM

it US Air Force has come up of ways to communicate with weapons and people that have a plasma sheath around them.

how do you think ICBM launched warheads coming down at Mach 20+ communicate with GPS and other systems related to the missile and decoys.

i have never seen one disappear Infront of me.

the tone i saw was low enough to have the glow of a HPS(high pressure sodium) lights reflection on it and it liked like the skin was more like a feather or seashell, it rippled in a very odd way.

the question than becomes why let people(me and others here) see them so up close in all their splendor?

in my sighting

at first i was driving with a friend in a city area, each block backed with urban housing with an airport maybe a mile away.

my friend pointed out a really low white light that was very bight and pretty large, i assumed it was an aircraft in trouble so I decided to meet it on the diagonal cutting streets and getting closer faster.

when i made some right turn on my quest to see this aircraft in trouble all of a sudden in the next 4 way cross walk right in the middle of it maybe 20-30(MAX) feet in the air still as still could be at first, with a red light on top and 3 blue glowing tips of its triangle shape. they were not lights as we would think about them the skin was emitting a blue glow.

it started to rotate and slightly dip one point so i could see the apex and the red light.

it was locked in place in the air like it was on a pole rotating when all of a sudden it stopped moving it shot up maybe 40 feet and turned its flat side to the north flattened itself out and took of like a shot out of a gun flat end first, no sonic booms or engine noise.

but i have seen other things like and orange orb in the woods the size of a basket ball, it looked like it had the thinnest layer of glass that was holding orange plasma that was boiling like nothing you have seen

I've also seen some crazy lighting in the sky and other more 'personal' encounters

edit on 28-4-2023 by ifo8844 because: .

posted on Apr, 28 2023 @ 10:46 AM

originally posted by: Baddogma
a reply to: combatmaster

Ok, here's A's latest, bleak post.

Enjoy... and a local gatekeeper asserted that his acct had bee hijacked, but ... who knows. He "sounded" like A to me.

originally posted by: Astr0 No. We are working hard and fast to gather, recover, and heal as many as we can, and as fast as we can. Never in all of our experience did we ever think that a neuronal targeting pathogen would be unleashed on mankind. What has been done, can never, ever be recovered from. Those that sleep, are dying. As to them, so to ours. POTUS has fallen. The west has fallen. And we learned of a nation preparing to build city ships across Earth's skies and duplicate our efforts. There is little time, and there are fewer every passing day who can sleep on the calculations. What has been taken from you is an incalculable loss, truly beyond the scope of most people's understanding. We expected a Space Fleet and a meeting of minds. We found a global genocide in progress.

Was thinking about this for a few days now and cant get it.... what could he mean when he said "What has been taken from you is an incalculable loss, truly beyond the scope of most people's understanding"??

What is so incalculable? What is beyond most peoples understanding???? Obviously it isnt something we already know of? i dunno.... id love to hear your understanding of this...

posted on Apr, 28 2023 @ 02:32 PM
a reply to: combatmaster

I have no idea.
I can only guess at the scope of our vast ignorance.

Heck, we don't even know if the subject is valid.

*Add: just realized that my latest sighting of "impossible" tech was the Fall before last... time flies when you're approaching senility.
edit on 4/28/2023 by Baddogma because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 28 2023 @ 04:39 PM

originally posted by: combatmaster

originally posted by: Baddogma
a reply to: combatmaster

Ok, here's A's latest, bleak post.

Enjoy... and a local gatekeeper asserted that his acct had bee hijacked, but ... who knows. He "sounded" like A to me.

originally posted by: Astr0 No. We are working hard and fast to gather, recover, and heal as many as we can, and as fast as we can. Never in all of our experience did we ever think that a neuronal targeting pathogen would be unleashed on mankind. What has been done, can never, ever be recovered from. Those that sleep, are dying. As to them, so to ours. POTUS has fallen. The west has fallen. And we learned of a nation preparing to build city ships across Earth's skies and duplicate our efforts. There is little time, and there are fewer every passing day who can sleep on the calculations. What has been taken from you is an incalculable loss, truly beyond the scope of most people's understanding. We expected a Space Fleet and a meeting of minds. We found a global genocide in progress.

Was thinking about this for a few days now and cant get it.... what could he mean when he said "What has been taken from you is an incalculable loss, truly beyond the scope of most people's understanding"??

What is so incalculable? What is beyond most peoples understanding???? Obviously it isnt something we already know of? i dunno.... id love to hear your understanding of this...

I swear I'm not staking you, well not yet. I just noticed I'm responding to you twice in a few minutes and I don't think we really chatted before.

I posted a few pages back that it may point to damage to the cytoskeleton in the brain, impacting the ability of microtubules to effectively harness quantum processing. This is at the current edge of consciousness/brain study. There are interesting things that COVID does, the spikes as well, independent of if it's natural or vaccine induced.

I don't wish to reiterate and risk arguing the validity again, but I promise that it was based on my study and professional experience of these topics rather than Googling things. It's not presented as fact, but as fodder for exploration to those that care. If I had a shorter list of things to do I'd be digging more on this angle, but we have a lot going on in the world. I love this topic though and I check in from time to time when I see it in the recents.

posted on Apr, 29 2023 @ 01:15 PM

No kidding . That was a nice 'Oooo godlike tech! How?!' summary, btw. I've always been lazy and gravitate to the overview before burning calories on the minutia, but the tech minutia is pretty fascinating in this case- especially KNOWING that the tech exists.

The questions we know how to formulate are nearly endless, let alone trying to guess at what we don't know! The outside forces arrayed against curiosity in this place are primal and hard to avoid ...and then there are the inner obstacles, heh.

posted on Apr, 29 2023 @ 03:08 PM
a reply to: ifo8844

Yeah, I spend a lot of time trying to convey what is speculation and what is reality but the truth is that with the tech that is in play real vs unreal loses meaning. I've personally encountered people who are sure they've been "abducted" and I have had a rare "missing time" incident, but what can we determine about any reality?

Basically, sucks to be us.

posted on Apr, 29 2023 @ 11:37 PM
a reply to: Baddogma

who ever is in charge so to speak is operating on a level that i think no proof would be enough or allowed to be released on a mass media level.

CNN, FOX etc say its fake a lot of people wont give it a second thought and will call those on the fence nuts and us believers totally off our rockers.

its hard to deny your own eyes.

Time is part of space and there for is 'flexable' under the right conditions.

i think most people could accept the fact there is an unknown force operating on Earth be it us, past humans, or others.

than their are the ones that would deny it even if an alien was standing right in front of them, or what ever you want to call them.

i think they have always been here, if abductees are to be believed and alien race would have no use for our DNA, they may not even have DNA.

if they are an acenit off shoot things start to make sense.

posted on Apr, 30 2023 @ 01:06 AM
a reply to: Baddogma

I think the 'inner obstacles' are the real issue.
I'm not even convinced anymore what we're dealing with is technology as we understand it at all.
That depends maybe a little on your definition of technology, if 'chemical dreaming' is technology than this is maybe too.
But I'd guess it's much more 'mind projection' from an intertwined 'other realm' basically interdimensional shadows of beings our brain can't process so it stitches together these machine like apparitions to cover up the actual interdimensional rift passing bye.

Just like A's breakaway is currently still from the future not the past in my view. Because humanity is currently getting (? intentionally or not) split into two groups, those with potential to evolve and handle the 'interdimensional interaction' and those who'll devolve into ... well I can't think of a nice euphemism.
I'm thinking that based on personal experience and stories of other experiencers where it just looks very much like it's all one gigantic 'probing of the mind' or test if you prefer.

posted on Apr, 30 2023 @ 06:52 AM
a reply to: Ksihkehe

lol i believe you aint stalking me hahaha

I can tell you that, in regards to the financial collapse thread and this one.... no material damage that is happening now cannot be undone when the time comes. And the time is coming soon!

posted on Apr, 30 2023 @ 12:37 PM
a reply to: Peeple

Yeah, and on a tangent, that "is it tech or, basically, 'magic?'" is another personal conundrum when trying to figure this crap out.

The interdimensional / "spiritual" aspects seem a completely separate subject from techno breakaways, but any actual science must contain both aspects as they are both present in our world and part of our continuum... and I imagine some metric exists for measuring the mental! If not, then whimsy rules the roost and literally everything imagined must be.

If our universe is primarily mental (and I like the double meaning of mental) then things start to make sense... sorta. Time may just be a relative placeholder or narrative device.

And humanity is always breaking itself into groups... and it's likely a self defeating DNA insertion meant to keep us servile by whomever patched us together (partially kidding.. partially).
edit on 4/30/2023 by Baddogma because: add paranthetical

posted on Apr, 30 2023 @ 01:26 PM
Oh, and a note... whether or not A wrote the latest post, the content about the West falling and being under bio-attack seems self evident. While politics at the public level is a show, it's fairly obvious that the West did fall and that we are under bio-attack.

I wonder at who and why? The decreased population for the West was "known" for at least a couple decades, a la Deagle. I suppose the constant murmur of a small group ruling the planet is accurate. Too bad they're inhuman... or at least inhumane.

posted on Apr, 30 2023 @ 01:37 PM
a reply to: Baddogma

It's definitely not accurate. There are just way too many players, nobody could hold on to a position like that.
Murphy's law is a real thing and you'd have to be able to make perfect predictions all the time.
It's not possible in my opinion.

posted on May, 1 2023 @ 02:09 AM
a reply to: Peeple

I used to completely agree with you and it defies all logic and complexity, but the last few years changed my mind.

Of course there are outliers, but there seems to be too much compliance. Whether by coercion or persuasion, dunno, but it does not seem benevolent. Maybe as simple as megacorps and/or China buying everyone... ?

Be nice to be wrong, but ... it's geopolitically strange out there. I know the position is historically scoffed at but it's what my poor brain tells me.

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