Please tune
Into The Fringe and join us: CirqueDeTruth, IrishCream, Nephratari, Nugget1, MarkyMint, DarkBlade71, and SemperFortis is back with
us tonight - for an all new show.
First Hour
Nugget will be covering the interesting story of
misskat1's grandson and contemplating the question - abduction or imagination. Check out
misskat's thread in the Aliens & Ufo Forum -
Abduction or imagination? something
in our forest?
In trying to understand the question of - are we alone in the universe, what can be done? Markymint will introduce to our listener some practical
advice on what you need to capture evidence of Ufo's and Alien Abduction.
To close out the hour, we will listen to the personal experience of Into the Fringe's own personal experience of his first ghost hunt at the Palmer
House! Join
DarkBlade71 and us to hear the story. Can't wait? Then check out
DarkBlade71's thread in the Paranormal Forum -
My first ghost hunt: The Palmer House
Second Hour
After the break
Nephratari and the studio will discuss different methods of psychic/spiritual protection. You can read more about this topic in
a thread found in the Paranormal Studies forum called -
Shielding.. the most important
method of DIY protection against paranormal energies
For our final topic, we will be going far Into The Fringe to talk about the nature of "magick". This is not referring to magicians tricks and slight
of hand... but speaks to the occurrence of paranormal and supernatural anomalies in our world. It speaks to the power of prayer and miracles and the
kodasaufa has and interesting thread in the Philosophy & Metaphysics Forum called -
A bit on magick . Be sure to check it out.
We are in the ATS Live Studio tonight and can take calls! So be sure to not only tune in, but call in! We'd love to hear a new point of view join into
the mix!
edit on 16-9-2014 by CirqueDeTruth because: spelling