posted on Aug, 27 2014 @ 10:17 AM
My guesses that I hold dear are:
We are here for a reason and once we have fulfilled that goal, we leave this place.
We chose this path for learning purposes.
There is a connection between 'aliens' and God. Meaning, I don't know if I believe in 'aliens' in the sense most speak of, but rather a
celestial connection to who we are and where we come from.
I believe all religions encompass the same basic belief in a higher being, that there is no one perfect religion, but rather one perfect way of living
life. (do your best, be decent, kind, moral, believe in something greater than yourself).
I was raised Christian and that is what I identify with and that is how I pray, but I think all prayers are heard, no matter the manner in which they
are sent.
I do believe that there is massive corruption in the government and much higher up than that and I'm speaking worldwide. I don't trust people in
power because they are corrupted. I trust the average person.
I don't know about the matrix because I'm not really sure what that is in reference to.