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Are Isis the most vicious cult in history?

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posted on Aug, 11 2014 @ 09:28 AM
a reply to: dinogirl

The most peaceful over there are running, or fighting - right this second.

The most peaceful over here, have spent a large amount of our life fighting extremism here, here. You don't see it, because your not in the centers of Muslim activity - and the like.

The most moderate of us, are deciding what is more important to us - going overseas to fight this evil, or being a part of the country where we live.

For me, it is being part of this country I live - where I was born. I love my husband, my children, and my grandchildren...and I love this land as much as any one else here. America is my home, so in the end... THIS is what I fight for. This is what is important to me.
edit on 11-8-2014 by OpinionatedB because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 11 2014 @ 09:30 AM
a reply to: dinogirl

WWII, Hitler was definitely guided by the occult. From Wiki. "Over 60 million people were killed, which was over 2.5% of the world population.

It's pretty hard to argue it wasn't all instigated by a single person Adolph Hitler.

posted on Aug, 11 2014 @ 09:37 AM

originally posted by: dinogirl
Not even the nazis did this, heck even the aztecs limited their barbaric cultures to their own/ their areas and didnt threaten to travel to other areas and carry out the same on other people.

Dude, the aztecs were an EMPIRE. Below is the map of what it contained

Aztec Empire

Also, no ISIS isn't the most brutal cult in history. That is laughable. For one, what they are doing now was the SOP back in the day for conquering armies. Heads on a pike. HA! How about good ole Vlad the Impaler?

Impalement was Vlad's preferred method of torture and execution. Several woodcuts from German pamphlets of the late 15th and early 16th centuries show Vlad feasting in a forest of stakes and their grisly burdens outside Brașov, while a nearby executioner cuts apart other victims. It was reported that an invading Ottoman army turned back in fright when it encountered thousands of rotting corpses on the banks of the Danube.[citation needed] It has also been said that in 1462 Mehmed II, the conqueror of Constantinople, a man noted for his own psychological warfare tactics and the impalement of subjugated peoples in the Ottoman Empire, returned to Constantinople after being sickened by the sight of 20,000 impaled corpses outside Vlad's capital of Târgoviște.[15]

Of course that isn't even taking into consideration the Mongols. One of the most barbaric and destructive forces to ever sweep across the world. They were so destructive that they forced the Chinese to build a wall to keep them out. Perhaps you've heard of it.

You only think that ISIS is the worst because things in the present always seem the worst, and possibly because your knowledge of world history is lacking. ISIS is just more of the same in a long line of despots and crazies. And as far as despots go, they are quite tame in comparison to some of the stuff that our ancestors did.
edit on 11-8-2014 by Krazysh0t because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 11 2014 @ 09:37 AM

originally posted by: dinogirl
What pisses me off the most is in the uk you will get some politically correct moron mp say

`we need to stress that we know the vast majority of muslims are peaceful`

you know.. just so we dont offend them

i ask you all this, where is this `peaceful majority` where are they do you see them taking a stand, or demonstrating against their `brother muslims`
and if they arent going to stand up, or speak out, then they are JUST AS GUILTY! because it is THEIR responsibility!

nowhere to be seen, because deep down they are smart about it, they know if they keep quiet, bring their families over to flood the already beyond capacity europe with their immigrants and cultures, give it a couple of generations and what is happening now will be en masse, except the difference will be that then THEY will be the majority!

absolute disgrace, and you know whats even worse, if i stood up in trafalgar square and with a microphone say what i have just said, i would be arrested for `inciting racial hatred`!

I think we are talking about ISIS here and not your hate for the vast majority of peacful Muslims in the UK are we not?

It is also YOUR responsibility in showing YOUR tolerance towards other religions...

Anything to say about the Paki bashers (or any other minority haters) in the UK whilst you are at it?

After all, what are most religious wars about... Intolerance towards the other...?

There is a book called Dark heart :

I suggest that you read it.

Kindest respects

edit on 11/8/14 by Rodinus because: Link added

posted on Aug, 11 2014 @ 09:46 AM
Right then, if you all want to get historic let's go back in time to...The Romans, they ruled with an iron hand, The Maya, captured enemies to execute them to their gods, The Egyptians, hell, they basically killed anything that moved. How about the British, ask any Indian. What about the French? Napoleon bonaparte anyone?. Stalin, Hitler, Chang Kai Shek. USA? again, native Americans may have a different view. Khmer Rouge? why not. Ghengis Khan, he had a field day till he got stopped. Vikings, Anglo-Saxons, Inca, THESE ARE NOT CULTS!!! What a waste of a good idea.

posted on Aug, 11 2014 @ 09:47 AM
Vlad the impaler.
Khmer Rouge.
The Romans, cutting off heads to them was just normal daily routine, they watched gladiators fight to the death for entertainment.
The Barbarians.
Kenghis Khan. Atilla the hun. Alexander the great.
The Crusaders and their Muslim enemies.
The Spanish Inquisition.
African conflicts.
WWI. WWII. Nuclear weapons used on Japan.

The worst. Mao. Stalin. Hitler.

Not a very pretty picture of the human race.

posted on Aug, 11 2014 @ 09:48 AM

originally posted by: Wrabbit2000

ISIS takes their place among the rogues gallery of monsters and the movements they form....but I don't think they've done anything to take the top slots ... yet.

Yet, is probably key here. What I have seen so far I believe they would, if they could. They are just not quite strong enough yet.

It's sad really... just when we thought it was possible that humans had evolved a bit.

posted on Aug, 11 2014 @ 09:53 AM
a reply to: dinogirl

I nominate the Catholic Church.

posted on Aug, 11 2014 @ 10:14 AM

originally posted by: dinogirl
What pisses me off the most is in the uk you will get some politically correct moron mp say

`we need to stress that we know the vast majority of muslims are peaceful`

you know.. just so we dont offend them

i ask you all this, where is this `peaceful majority` where are they do you see them taking a stand, or demonstrating against their `brother muslims`
and if they arent going to stand up, or speak out, then they are JUST AS GUILTY! because it is THEIR responsibility!

nowhere to be seen, because deep down they are smart about it, they know if they keep quiet, bring their families over to flood the already beyond capacity europe with their immigrants and cultures, give it a couple of generations and what is happening now will be en masse, except the difference will be that then THEY will be the majority!

absolute disgrace, and you know whats even worse, if i stood up in trafalgar square and with a microphone say what i have just said, i would be arrested for `inciting racial hatred`!

Maybe you missed the fact that almost all the people fighting ISIS are Muslims. That would be much more a stand than anybody else has taken.

As for the OPs question the would not even be the worst in the last few years. Tribal violance in Africa would be in that race. Lots of bad stuff went down in the Balkans as well. However the drug gangs in Mexico like Knights Templar Cartel who doubles as Christian like cult would most likely be the winner. While terrorism in Middle East gets the headlines most terror attacks happen in Cental and South America by Christians. I do not see Christians out protesting that. Why? Because they are not the one responsible so that would be stupid. Now replace Christian with Muslim etc.

edit on 11-8-2014 by MrSpad because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 11 2014 @ 10:15 AM

originally posted by: JimTSpock
Vlad the impaler.
Khmer Rouge.
The Romans, cutting off heads to them was just normal daily routine, they watched gladiators fight to the death for entertainment.
The Barbarians.
Kenghis Khan. Atilla the hun. Alexander the great.
The Crusaders and their Muslim enemies.
The Spanish Inquisition.
African conflicts.
WWI. WWII. Nuclear weapons used on Japan.

The worst. Mao. Stalin. Hitler.

Not a very pretty picture of the human race.

I think you will find the incendiary bombs dropped by the US in Tokyo pre nuclear weapons killed far more than the nukes.

posted on Aug, 11 2014 @ 10:26 AM
How about Dresden......
Then theres the Hashsassin cult....the Thuggees (after whom we now have the word thug)
Pol Pots little group....
The truth is we are ALL capable of such behavior......
If you think not, then you haven't been in the situation yet....but you are...

posted on Aug, 11 2014 @ 10:34 AM
ISIS or now IS might be among the top 3 villians in history

the hordes of Kahn seems the most horrific,
the local region of Vlad the Impailer is also tops over ISIS
the 3rd Reich also beats out IS/Isis for sheer numbers of those killed in various ways

posted on Aug, 11 2014 @ 10:35 AM
a reply to: grainofsand

Horrifying, isn't it? That there's actually grounds to debate who is/was more vicious... Sad statement to mans inhumanity to man...

Ruwanda. The Killing Fields. The Holocaust. ...and so many others.

ISIS is different somehow. Not the religious aspect...though that's part of it. These guys don't give a damn what you're affiliation is. Muslims get the axe almost as swiftly as anyone else, maybe swifter.

As an example: The moderate members of Islam on ATS, some of whom are posting in this thread, will get the sword as quickly as I, who, as something of a heretic, is anathema to what they espouse.

These people will not stop. Until stopped. There is no reasoning with them, save over the tip of the sword/barrel of the gun. No bargain they'll keep, other than with the sure and certain knowledge of death...and maybe not then. I'm not a big fan of suppression of a group... Never have been.

But these people? They need stopping, and soon. There will be no bargaining with them. No treaty. This can end in only one way...if any sort of peace is to ever come to the middle east...

I realize that sitting here in the US, I'm probably safe from them. But I've friends who live in Israel. Friends who live in Turkey. ...and since there is no real guarantee that they'd stop in the Middle East? I've friends in regions to the West who have reason to be concerned.

This is what we should stand against.

posted on Aug, 11 2014 @ 10:35 AM
a reply to: MarlinGrace

True and a good point which is not so well known. B-29s using incendiary bombs on the wooden buildings of Tokyo had a devastating effect. I thought the only use of nuclear weapons in war was worth a mention. Allied bombing campaigns of WWII also were devastating for Germany.

posted on Aug, 11 2014 @ 10:38 AM
a reply to: stirling

okay so its established there are more deaths attributed to other groups, even in our lifetime... although this is ISIS beginning rather than their end... so there is that to consider when thinking only in terms of numbers.

But I disagree with you that we are all capable of these things.

I can kill, if attacked. Additionally I know I would... if the situation was right... But I also let a lot go without the slightest retaliation and have the capacity to forgive even those who hurt me. I am not capable of eating the heart out of a dead man, (ISIS has proven this capability) I am not capable of hanging someone on a cross, nor of impaling them.

There are many things that even in the right situation I could never do. I don't think all of us are capable of such things... not at all. Some of us are not even capable of killing a child even in self defense... let alone barbaric atrocities against our fellow man for no reason other than believing in something else... or a desire for power and money...

No... we are not all capable of such things.

posted on Aug, 11 2014 @ 10:42 AM
a reply to: dinogirl

ask you all this, where is this `peaceful majority` where are they do you see them taking a stand, or demonstrating against their `brother muslims`
and if they arent going to stand up, or speak out, then they are JUST AS GUILTY! because it is THEIR responsibility!

They are busy fighting and dying, if they live in that region. Or haven't you noticed? Or running in terror.

Others are, with reason, a bit more circumspect in their commentary. They're scared, too. Hell, I'm kinda scared. These people will kill me without hesitation, with out remorse. In fact, they'd celebrate it as an accomplishment worthy of song.

Others are speaking out. Right here in this thread. What do you expect them to do? They've kids to feed. They've jobs, just like you or I.

Honestly, what the hell do you expect them to do?

posted on Aug, 11 2014 @ 10:44 AM
Personally, if my son was hacked to death with a machete or killed by a missile knowingly aimed at a UN hospital/school/whatever by a national army, I wouldn't see much difference in the crime, just the method used.
Is remote-controlled killing less immoral than using hand tools now?

edit on 11-8-2014 by grainofsand because: Typo

posted on Aug, 11 2014 @ 10:44 AM

originally posted by: JimTSpock
a reply to: MarlinGrace

True and a good point which is not so well known. B-29s using incendiary bombs on the wooden buildings of Tokyo had a devastating effect. I thought the only use of nuclear weapons in war was worth a mention. Allied bombing campaigns of WWII also were devastating for Germany.

It was said that the heat was so intense they had fire tornados. Thats some awful murderous weapons. Yes the nukes are definitely worth the mention, but in sheer numbers the firebombs were much worse.
edit on 11-8-2014 by MarlinGrace because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 11 2014 @ 10:45 AM

originally posted by: seagull
a reply to: dinogirl

ask you all this, where is this `peaceful majority` where are they do you see them taking a stand, or demonstrating against their `brother muslims`
and if they arent going to stand up, or speak out, then they are JUST AS GUILTY! because it is THEIR responsibility!

They are busy fighting and dying, if they live in that region. Or haven't you noticed? Or running in terror.

Others are, with reason, a bit more circumspect in their commentary. They're scared, too. Hell, I'm kinda scared. These people will kill me without hesitation, with out remorse. In fact, they'd celebrate it as an accomplishment worthy of song.

Others are speaking out. Right here in this thread. What do you expect them to do? They've kids to feed. They've jobs, just like you or I.

Honestly, what the hell do you expect them to do?

You know damn well what i meant
the question was about the muslims around the world who claim to be peaceful
where are they
where are the millions of muslims in europe speaking out against these atrocities? nowhere!

sure maybe you can find some random rally in london that 200 people turned up to, big deal, im talking about standing up to their `brother muslims` .. if they feel so strongly that these people dont represent islam, then they should be acting

posted on Aug, 11 2014 @ 10:51 AM
a reply to: dinogirl
Your stance reminds me of defending an Islamic woman in the street recently, she was being abused by youths calling her terrorist and such like. Yes, your position reminds me of those youths.

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