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Are Isis the most vicious cult in history?

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posted on Aug, 11 2014 @ 08:43 AM
Guys i have one request, please do NOT include or embed graphic pictures, (and dont give me any shizzle about `the world needs to know`. i do not want gore pushed in my face). If you arent prepared to respect my request, please dont post.

Now, the isis.

Till now i always keep out of the whole middle eastern affairs, even with syria i selfishly chose to ignore it

However when i stupidly watched a vice report who (without a graphic warning or anything) showed clips of syrian soldiers heads on poles, through isis, and i read about the up to quater of a million yazidis? that how you write it? forced to flee to a mountain, surrounded by enemies firing on them from below, i mean that is literaly the kind of thing out of a movie.

When you look at how they are taking over iraq and syria and causing terror and panic everywhere
When you look at how even al kaeida who carry out executions etc, have denounced them and said themselves these people are far too brutal even for them, then you know something is wrong.

Some of the things in recent weeks alone that these isis have done (not going to link articles because sadly the newspapers seem to think its appropriate now to post graphic pictures all over the place.)

Vowed to exterminate an entire race of people (yazidis)
Kllled thousands of christians/ non muslims in fact, it was reported and confirmed that they had buried up to 500 alive
Killed even fellow muslims who do not abide by `their rules`.
Have done things like hang enemy soldiers` heads on spikes IN PUBLIC
Taken many hundreds of women captive
Constantly spam graphic barbaric stone age cruelty like pulling out peoples hearts/ cutting off limbs etc.

I mean i dont want to go into this any further i feel sick to my stomache just thinking about it

Not even the nazis did this, heck even the aztecs limited their barbaric cultures to their own/ their areas and didnt threaten to travel to other areas and carry out the same on other people.

Here is a report non graphic, you need to watch this its with a LT Colonel, once you watch it, you wil realise what is going on

Please do not turn this into a `U.S did this or that` sort of thread, right now the main problem is we are dealing with a cult who are spreading, could have `their kind` walking amongst us, and are capable of the most hideous, lower than animal cruelties, and this is far more than a group of people wearing rags in afghanistan, this is potentially a global threat.
edit on 11-8-2014 by dinogirl because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 11 2014 @ 08:50 AM
a reply to: dinogirl

Are Isis the most vicious cult in history?

I agree they appear to be savages, but there have been savage groups throughout history.
Vlad the Impaler comes to mind for one particularly nasty period of history I am glad I never lived through.

posted on Aug, 11 2014 @ 08:52 AM
a reply to: dinogirl

Are Isis the most vicious cult in history?

You have to go meet with every cult in history before coming to such a conclusion.

posted on Aug, 11 2014 @ 08:56 AM
Sorry bad question i mean in modern or recent history (definatly worse than the crusaders etc) as crusaders never murdered en masse fellow christians

posted on Aug, 11 2014 @ 08:56 AM
Does the Spanish Inquisition make you scratch your head?

The Inquisition was an ecclesiastical court and process of the Roman Catholic Church setup for the purpose towards the discovery and punishment of heresy which wielded immense power and brutality in medieval and early modern times.

The Inquisitions function was principally assembled to repress all heretics of rights, depriving them of their estate and assets which became subject to the ownership of the Catholic treasury, with each relentlessly sought to destroy anyone who spoke, or even thought differently to the Catholic Church.

This system for close to over six centuries became the legal framework throughout most of Europe that orchestrated one of the most confound religious orders in the course of mankind.

More here :

However... as in terms of modern days... then YES... ISIS is just (if not many many times WORSE...)... they just judge and execute straight away...

Kindest respects

edit on 11/8/14 by Rodinus because: Phrase added

posted on Aug, 11 2014 @ 08:56 AM
a reply to: dinogirl

They are worse than we have ever seen in our lifetime. That I know of anyway.. They rival the worst killers in every respect. Exceed them in barbarity at times. They are what the face of evil looks like.

They are not a global threat. Yet.

What they are, is all bad. BUT - what they are doing now can also benefit us, if we are wise. They are taking in all of the worst extremists... for good. They are leaving western countries to join, you don't want these people back. ever.

The worst of the worst is gathering. Yes, it is not all one place, but everyone who can is scattering, or joining. Anyone who would choose to join them from the ME countries you see, deserve what they get.

Anyone who flees, does so, and is doing so now. They are not with this group. People are dying, horrifically - when they cannot flee.

So you end up with centralized areas, where nearly all those present are with ISIS. This is good... this gives an accurate target in war - with the least amount of innocents.

Yes, there will be a few in every country who would stand with them, and/or do their bidding... and on our own soil we will have to fight them someday... but that day was coming regardless. I have known this for a very long time now. I am shia muslim... but I am an American, and this is my home. And if and/or when it comes down to it, I will fight them at my husband's side... right here. I will fight for freedom, yours and mine... should we have to do so.

But the only way this is possible, is if they all stand up... they are doing this, the worst of all are right now standing up... and becoming very very clear. We must wait a little while... with tears in our eyes and a prayer on our lips for the dead while they stand.

But once they are clearly separate... we can fight them much easier. And without the blood of the innocent on our hands.
edit on 11-8-2014 by OpinionatedB because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 11 2014 @ 09:01 AM
First of all I have to ask what is the definition of "cult"?

If by cult we mean a group ruled almost hypnotically by a messianic leader then I guess you could call IS a cult, but is it really? I am not sure cult is the right word. By that stretch, any of the African "cults" that massacre each other on a daily basis would do. Perhaps the Hutu massacres of the Tutsi in Rwanda could be used as a start.

I am not so sure. The most vicious cult by common definition that I have heard of would probably be the Aum Shinrikyo cult in Japan. They did the Tokyo sarin gas attack and other stuff.

I would like to clarify that by "cult" I find it useless to accept a government sanctioned body as a cult, and as much as we hate to admit it, the IS or (ISIS) has its own caliphate, hence its own government.
edit on 11-8-2014 by Jonjonj because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 11 2014 @ 09:02 AM

originally posted by: OpinionatedB
a reply to: dinogirl

They are worse than we have ever seen in our lifetime. Period.

Have you forgotten the Rwandan Genocide?
I'm sure the nearly one million Tutsi's who were slaughtered in the early 90's would disagree with you.

posted on Aug, 11 2014 @ 09:05 AM
Is ISIS the most brutal in modern history? Yes..with that qualifier, I would agree. They are. I'm thinking hard here...and the Khmer Rouge was in a similar league for efficient killing of their opposition without distinction of who they were. Not quite this enthusiastic? I'm hard pressed to find the word that sets ISIS apart from what many have done but not quite this way. Sure not with this advance statement of intent, as if being stopped isn't even a concern they give thought to.

In history though? I think I learned in my various history courses that the books are very....clean. Sanitary. Even the great art of the world, meant to depict the horrors of war? They miss anything of the graphic reality to what becomes of the human body in violent death. So...We get the impression the past was a better, kinder or more honorable time. Some periods..perhaps. Most? (laugh)...Historians may wish.

When thinking of ISIS, take a look at two factors in history to make up your own mind. First, find and review carefully the record of first contact between the Spanish under the command of Francisco Pizarro and the Inca Empire at Cajamarca. It wasn't a stand-out for brutality of the past, but stands out for the scale and time taken to accomplish it. The leader of the Inca people had over 30,000 fighting men around him at the time. Some estimates run to 80,000. 180 Spanish were responsible for the outright obliteration of thousands of unarmed Inca in that initial encounter, planned as an ambush from the start under flag of peace and diplomacy. Many what some say was less than the afternoon took to pass. ISIS? They may rank even but don't exceed.

The other point? How many battles of the past speak of prisoners? Go back to the Viking raids, or the back and forth fighting of a thousand years before it around Europe, the Med and Asia. rarely hear of. Armies damn sure didn't leave living survivors at their backs, as a general rule. A place either became conquered territory...or the place stopped being altogether. Women...Children...Old men. The villages and cities plundered and sacked in the past didn't evacuate like some get warning today. Those who aren't spoke of again in history.....simply didn't survive, and weapons back then weren't area strikes to have done it by collateral address the personal nature without belaboring the horror of it.

ISIS takes their place among the rogues gallery of monsters and the movements they form....but I don't think they've done anything to take the top slots ... yet.

posted on Aug, 11 2014 @ 09:06 AM
a reply to: dinogirl

What's really distressing is they brutally kill and torture in the name of their God. What loving God would condone such brutality and killing?

posted on Aug, 11 2014 @ 09:06 AM
ISis are not the most revolting cult in history. History is littered with foul human behaviour.

However, they may well be the worst on the planet at the moment. It is just one bunch of Muslims (Sunnis) trying to settle age old differences with the Shia denomination. A hundred years ago they used swords, but today they have AK47s and Rolex watches. The mentality is the same, just the manner of the killing - oh, and a ready audience on social media to blame the Jews, the US and everyone else except the people doing the killing.


posted on Aug, 11 2014 @ 09:06 AM
a reply to: grainofsand
Snap lol

posted on Aug, 11 2014 @ 09:12 AM

originally posted by: dinogirl
Sorry bad question i mean in modern or recent history (definatly worse than the crusaders etc) as crusaders never murdered en masse fellow christians

You should have let this thread run a bit before you came out of the closet! LOL

posted on Aug, 11 2014 @ 09:14 AM
The Thuggee cult, Spanish Inquisition and, as mentioned above, Vlad the Impaler and his merry men, all have been stains in our history. From roasting at the stake(not burning), to Hitlers endurance tests on Russian soldiers by the mad SS doctor, even good ole church going christians and their holy wars throughout the ages. It never ceases to amaze me just how barbaric, cruel and thoughtless our species IS!(notice the play on words there)

Maybe it is just in our nature to destroy ourselves. . . could it be that is what our ultimate purpose is here, to destroy ourselves. I for one can see the hatred more and more recently. The blatant disregard for human life has proven to me being a psychopath is more normal now then ever, for us humans.

I wouldn't mind to see and end to it all soon. A race such as ours, that displays its feathers as we do, does not belong to exist. This is no longer a civilization, it has become a civil annihilation.

posted on Aug, 11 2014 @ 09:15 AM
Hm.. I would rate them right up there with Genghis Khan.

posted on Aug, 11 2014 @ 09:19 AM
I suggest that the OP changes the name from vicious cult to vicious historical group, then we could all speak about the same thing. As I mentioned earlier, the term cult makes no real sense in this context. Lets talk, if you like, about the cult of politicians, because honestly? There has been no bigger killer on this planet than them

posted on Aug, 11 2014 @ 09:21 AM
a reply to: AnteBellum

the last century? Communism and its sorted associates have racked up considerably more death and human misery than all other creators of misery combined during the same time frame.

posted on Aug, 11 2014 @ 09:23 AM
What pisses me off the most is in the uk you will get some politically correct moron mp say

`we need to stress that we know the vast majority of muslims are peaceful`

you know.. just so we dont offend them

i ask you all this, where is this `peaceful majority` where are they do you see them taking a stand, or demonstrating against their `brother muslims`
and if they arent going to stand up, or speak out, then they are JUST AS GUILTY! because it is THEIR responsibility!

nowhere to be seen, because deep down they are smart about it, they know if they keep quiet, bring their families over to flood the already beyond capacity europe with their immigrants and cultures, give it a couple of generations and what is happening now will be en masse, except the difference will be that then THEY will be the majority!

absolute disgrace, and you know whats even worse, if i stood up in trafalgar square and with a microphone say what i have just said, i would be arrested for `inciting racial hatred`!
edit on 11-8-2014 by dinogirl because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 11 2014 @ 09:23 AM
a reply to: dinogirl

Are Isis the most vicious cult in history?

Whomever the US bombs is obviously the most awful terribles on the planet.

posted on Aug, 11 2014 @ 09:24 AM
ISIS would be nothing without the American support from Senator Mccain, who supplied ISIS weoponary to fight in Syria. Shockingly cough cough never saw that coming.

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