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Suggest communities to welcome illegal "children" based on the rhetoric of their representatives

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posted on Jul, 17 2014 @ 08:24 AM
a reply to: Onslaught2996

If that's the truth then I guess todays news is just a pack of LIES!

The federal government is so overwhelmed by the current tide of migrants crossing the border it can’t provide basic medical screening to all of the children before transporting them – often by air – to longer-term holding facilities across the country, ABC News has learned.
The director of refugee health in the federal Health and Human Services Department “has identified a breakdown of the medical screening processes at the Nogales, Arizona, facility,” according to an internal Department of Defense memo reviewed by ABC News. The “breakdown” a systemic failure of the handoff of these children between CBP and HHS.
Inside the government, officials are sounding alarms, fearing that they and their teams who come in contact with the sick children face potential exposure to infectious diseases from chicken pox to influenza, including rare cases of H1N1, more commonly called swine flu.
Two unaccompanied children were flown from Nogales to California despite having 101-degree fevers and flu-like symptoms, according to the Department of Defense memo. Those children had to be hospitalized.
The memo said pointedly that officials in charge of moving the immigrants from Border Patrol processing centers to Health and Human Services facilities are “putting sick [fevers and coughing] unaccompanied children on airplanes inbound for [Naval Base Ventura County] in addition to the chicken pox and coxsackie virus cases.”
The document said three other kids were in the ICU at local hospitals in California, and two of them were diagnosed with strep pneumonia.
Less than a week later, that same Ventura Naval Base suffered an outbreak of pneumonia and influenza among the unaccompanied minors inside the shelter.

Feds struggling
Looks like your sources should actually get out and check the situation same time instead of carrying the Water for this Administration.

posted on Jul, 17 2014 @ 09:45 AM

originally posted by: sdcigarpig
I say send them to the sactuary cities. These are the cities that offers illegal immigrants sanctuary and let them deal with the mass of problems that all come along with such. That way when it becomes too much, look at them and say you wanted to welcome such into your communities, you keep and deal with such, we are not taking them back.

Excellent point!

The sanctuary cities have publicly said send the illegal immigrants to us. The current administration has openly said that they will ignore the actions of the sanctuary cities. So sending the children to those cities is a fantastic idea!

posted on Jul, 17 2014 @ 09:48 AM

originally posted by: Echo007
I wonder what congress would do if we started dropping them off at all the gated communities they live in. I would like to know who gave them the money for all the bus rides to get here.

That is so relevant!

Perhaps all congressmen and women who welcome the immigrants should be asked if they will sponsor a house on the market in their neighborhood for purchase by the feds to house as many children as the house can manage!

posted on Jul, 17 2014 @ 09:59 AM

originally posted by: DarkSecret

originally posted by: Night Star
An awful lot of men in those pics of 'children'. People still insist it's only kids.
My State better not take any in. We have enough illegals already.

if they said "we have tens of thousands of latino men/women who can't read properly and haven't any useful skills or education who will most likely end up in gangs, prostitution, or taking away unskilled labors from US citizens" would people still demonstrate in the favor of the "undocumented Americans"?

now change that to "helpless children fleeing violence". see what i did there?

Hell yeah! We already have gang members coming through in the latest invasion and trying to recruit more members.
When I see all the catering that we have done to illegals over the years while our own desperately poor people suffer, it makes me sick. It's like they don't matter but foreigners do. Until we can care for our own, we can't be expected to take care of anyone else.

posted on Jul, 17 2014 @ 10:00 AM

originally posted by: OccamsRazor04

Last I checked the Bible says to follow the laws of the land. By coming here illegally they are not doing so, and should be promptly be sent away. Any child following the legal path should of course we welcomed by all.

Thank you for a well reasoned reply, a truthful reply, and a sane reply!

When politicians want to welcome criminals with open arms (house and feed them) and leave the homeless on the streets or jail them for being homeless as many communities now do, we are all in trouble.

The US has laws against crossing our borders illegally
These children all know they are doing something against the law
or they wouldn't have to get here in ways that leave them open to rape/beatings/and death.

So our own politicians are encouraging criminal behavior - lets see them put their feet where their mouth is - and take the children into their communities, and give them shelter in all of their "extra" homes they aren't using - then and only then - will we know that their motives are pure - until then - well....
maybe once people see that ....

Illegal = not legal
not legal action = crime
person who commits a crime = illegal
person who commits a crime = criminal

posted on Jul, 17 2014 @ 10:09 AM

originally posted by: beezzer
I've given this issue some thought.

The government won't enforce the law.
The illegal aliens break the laws that the government won't enforce.

The argument given? Is emotional. "You are racist" or "Jesus hates you because he wouldn't do this" are the only responses to the government not enforcing and illegals openly breaking the law.

And you have to ask yourself, why.

Does the government want no borders?

Does our government want the US to even be a country anymore?

Do those that want illegal aliens crossing over freely even want an America anymore?

Apparently not.

Really, it's the only thing I can think of. Sure, these people and those in government obviously hate America. They want to see America destroyed. They want to remove all borders and open up the (near empty) coffers to anyone and everyone who wants in.

You can spout racism while destroying America.
You can cry, "WWJD" while systematically destroying America.
The politicians can lie and obfuscate while destroying America.

So we either are a country with borders, a country with laws, or we aren't.

And if we aren't, what are we? Open property free to any country that does respect sovereignty? If that is the case, and we are ceding any claim to being a country, can I make a humble request?

Canada, please invade us.

OMG, Beezer, I love your mind (probably get zapped for manners violation for saying this!)

You make a superb point and one we should all ponder.

Is the point of all this the destruction of the US as a nation? I know that the USA is hated by a great many politicians who openly want to see the constitution shredded and have said such. By destroying everything that has made our country great in the past, they want to what??????? Punish us???? To what end for their children and their legacy?????

Why aren't the politicians who want to welcome the children so heartily not taking them into their own homes, most politicians become 1% ers within a short time of being in office, they can easily take them in and hire nanny's and pay for their health care. Why aren't they setting "an example" in being noble, rather than just spouting rhetoric?

edit on 17-7-2014 by grandmakdw because: spelling

posted on Jul, 17 2014 @ 10:12 AM

originally posted by: grandmakdw

originally posted by: Night Star
An awful lot of men in those pics of 'children'. People still insist it's only kids.
My State better not take any in. We have enough illegals already.

Too bad Jack Reed is one of your senators, he disagrees with you.

Also, Sheldon Whitehouse's voting record seems to lean toward him disagreeing with you.

He disagrees with most Rhode Islanders. Legal immigrants learn English, illegals don't care. We have actually had jobs around here that required people to speak Spanish in order to get hired for a job. We have had illegals hired over our own citizens. When they used to do raids at places of employment and deported the illegals, every single one of those jobs were quickly filled by a legal citizen. We have many un-employed people and many homeless people.

One town had huge areas of restaurants, stores, dry cleaners etc with signs in only Spanish. Beautiful historical buildings filled with graffiti, trash everywhere. It was scary driving through there. Not saying all illegals are like that I know they aren't, but that area was horrible. I was shocked as it was never like that before.

posted on Jul, 17 2014 @ 10:50 AM

originally posted by: Night Star

Hell yeah! We already have gang members coming through in the latest invasion and trying to recruit more members.
When I see all the catering that we have done to illegals over the years while our own desperately poor people suffer, it makes me sick. It's like they don't matter but foreigners do. Until we can care for our own, we can't be expected to take care of anyone else.

Excellent point!

Why haven't the very people who want to take billions of Americans hard earned money and spend it on people who are criminal by definition
(see my previous thread)

ignore the homeless and pretend they don't exist rather than actively search for ways to house these non-criminals who are citizens

these same people ignore the people who are jobless because jobs have been unavailable for so long they have given up looking and pretend they don't exist

Why aren't they concerned with helping their "family" first

Those on this thread who have shouted if you are Christian you have to take care of the criminals, when Jesus said that you must take care of your own family first, then if you have the resources others

The USA has no more resources

We have abandoned the discouraged worker (people who have given up after years of trying to get work)

We have abandoned the homeless and made it illegal in many communities to help them (many communities have made feeding the homeless illegal)

We have abandoned our unemployed by bringing in hundreds of thousands of people to take the few open jobs that are left in the USA

The USA is too broke,

The USA is too desolate,

The USA is too beat down to care for people who know they are breaking the law and do it anyway,

What will happen when these people grow up?

They will think that there are no consequences for breaking the law, then our country will resemble the ones they left.

edit on 17-7-2014 by grandmakdw because: grammar

edit on 17-7-2014 by grandmakdw because: clarity

edit on 17-7-2014 by grandmakdw because: clarity

edit on 17-7-2014 by grandmakdw because: same

posted on Jul, 17 2014 @ 10:59 AM
I notice the new word that the progressives are using to name people who are anti-illegal immigration,Nativists.Yes,I am a nativist,maybe because I am a native.No more illegals,send them all back,no amnesty!

posted on Jul, 17 2014 @ 11:07 AM
a reply to: Sunwolf

Oh great another word to use to bash others:

but wait Nativist

does that make us Native Americans?

Does that mean we care more about our own family, our own homeless, our own jobless, than we care about the rest of the world? Oh dear, we are mean aren't we?

I kinda like the word, hope the Native Americans don't get too offended.

We don't want people who knowingly break the law and are trying to get us to pay for their housing, food, medical care? We'd rather take care of housing, food, and medical care for our native citizens? (oops sorry Native Americans)

Shouldn't the "family" of these children take care of them first? Shouldn't they be sent HOME, as in back to their home, where they can be culturally understood and linguistically understood, and not asked to change their values? Shouldn't their home countries be responsible for them first and foremost?

posted on Jul, 17 2014 @ 12:56 PM
The main problem I see with anyone's taking these kids is that we already have THOUSANDS of children in our foster care system who are in desperate need of homes...why should we give priority to kids from other countries, and who HAVE parents/families, just who chose to send them to another country for whatever reason? It would be one thing if we didn't have kids already here in need of help, but we do. Another thing is, it's not like this is a one-time deal. If we agree to take these kids, then there are undoubtedly many more whose parents are carefully monitoring the outcome of this situation. They will then send over those kids, and then where does it end?

posted on Jul, 17 2014 @ 01:06 PM
GAH! On that map it shows Rhode Island and surrounding States with the red, meaning we either took these people in or are going to. With all the homeless and hungry people we have and shelters filled to capacity at all times, that is such a slap in the face. With all the un-employed people, that is a slap in the face. My God, don't our own people matter???????? How dare we cater to a foreigner before our own poor people.

edit on 17-7-2014 by Night Star because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 17 2014 @ 02:11 PM

originally posted by: Echo007
I wonder what congress would do if we started dropping them off at all the gated communities they live in. I would like to know who gave them the money for all the bus rides to get here.

The rich are members of the group: NIMBY(Not In My Back Yard)
They like to hire them to mow their lawns and clean their mansions, though, but at the end of the day, they have to get out of the elites neighborhoods and get back to "their side of town".

posted on Jul, 17 2014 @ 02:57 PM
a reply to: Fylgje

Right, the people who scream the loudest about taking the "children" are the very ones who don't want them in their neighborhoods, rather they want them in the neighborhoods of "the little people". Where they will stay away from Martha's Vinyard, Cape Cod, and other places the bleeding heart screamers live.

posted on Jul, 18 2014 @ 05:36 AM
Oh no...Just heard that Rhode Island is getting at least one plane load of these illegals coming in today. I cannot believe that with all the illegals we already have, with sooooo many unemployed people, with so many homeless and hungry, that they are doing this to us! Our shelters are constantly filled to capacity, food kitchens are in constant need of donations. We have tent cities, people living on the streets.

These people are not coming because they love the USA, they do not speak a word of English and will burden schools etc. This is such a mess. Surrounding States will also be taking illegals in that already have plenty! We can't afford to care for our own. This is not good folks.

posted on Jul, 18 2014 @ 05:38 AM

originally posted by: grandmakdw
a reply to: Fylgje

Right, the people who scream the loudest about taking the "children" are the very ones who don't want them in their neighborhoods, rather they want them in the neighborhoods of "the little people". Where they will stay away from Martha's Vinyard, Cape Cod, and other places the bleeding heart screamers live.

Of course. They do not affect the rich so they don't give a damned what it is doing to everyone else.

posted on Jul, 18 2014 @ 08:23 AM
a reply to: Night Star

Have you contacted your congressmen and senators, state and local representatives and let them know how you feel?
When I feel strongly about an issue you can bet my representatives hear about it! I've even had people from their offices call me back to discuss my feelings further.

You can use some of the best arguments for your case from the posts you find express your feelings the best.

Unless you let them know, it will continue unabated. Every time a citizen contacts a political representative it is counted as 500 people feel the same way. That is how they judge how people are feeling on an issue.

posted on Jul, 18 2014 @ 09:24 AM
a reply to: grandmakdw

Hell yeah and many, many others. It never does us any good. There is a protest going on today. Hope a lot of people show up.

There are protests in cities all across the USA. Some today, some Saturday, maybe even sunday, not sure.

posted on Jul, 18 2014 @ 02:33 PM
a reply to: Night Star

It affects the politicians more than you know,

especially in an election year!

I have a friend who used to be a Senator's aide (federal level), he was the one who told me about the one person = 500. So get your friends to join you and email your politicians (you can find this information online)

The emails should not be identical, but each different and each heartfelt.

posted on Jul, 19 2014 @ 04:10 PM
OMG, only 36 people showed up for the protest in Rhode Island. Hell it was a Friday and most people work on a Friday. Sigh...

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