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“Thor” Will Be A Woman In A New Marvel Comics Series

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posted on Jul, 15 2014 @ 05:03 PM

originally posted by: LABTECH767
a reply to: knoledgeispower

This will definitely upset a whole group of Marvel comic's fan's whom will see it as outright and utter betrayal and the mangeling of an iconic character, Why could then not have simple made a character called Valkyria, after all the Valkyrie are daughters of Odin and Thor's sisters, they also Kick arse, Now hammer though but sword's bow's and spear's, they ride the storm cloud's like horse's.

And by that Token they are insulting a national Icon of Norway, Denmark, Sweden, Finland, Latvia, Estonia, Lithuania, and even Germany, The comic did not do this but there are still people who follow the ancient norse religion even today, especially in Sweden and though they are a minority they will not take this kindly and the Hammer is a symbol of male fertility and seen as macho.

Now I am a christian so don't get me wrong and I was gutted when the BBC decided not the make the female time lord doctor who spin off and also decided not to make the doctor into a woman, mind you the sonic screw driver would have looked a little less appropriate especially with the Lady doctor whiping it our of her hand bad.

It sound's to me like this is just an excuse to produce a skimpy clothed female pin up character to appeal to teenager's and of course when she say's I am Thor, Well Hmm lad's mind's are unfortunately hard wired to interpret that in the wrong way.

Anyway Freia was a great character so why don't they make a spin off storyline in the Thor Universe instead based on her, she was as hard as Thor but far better looking (At least to one side of the coin).

Made me chuckle thank's for posting this.

Thor from the comic books is not the Thor from Norse mythology so if people who actually worship the Thor from Norse mythology are insulted by a fictional storybook character, then that is just plain sad.

I think that would have been cool to have one of Thor's sisters get her own comic but meh this is the direction they chose to go.

posted on Jul, 15 2014 @ 05:04 PM

originally posted by: Hoosierdaddy71
Archie was/is to be shot trying to save his gay friend.
Didn't know that comic delt with social issues.
Leave Thor alone, there are plenty of other female superheroes that should get a better push.

The fact that Archie has a gay friend should have been the first clue that they cover social issues.

posted on Jul, 15 2014 @ 05:13 PM

originally posted by: OrphanApology
a reply to: the owlbear

I don't see what the problem is.

I enjoy alternates to classic comic books. Like reading canon fanfiction.

Like Marvel Zombies.


I was Ultimate Spider-Man that got me BACK into comics.
But Marvel has done an excellent job of not pulling a DC and having two earths, eight Superman s (I don't even know how to punctuate it) and batsmen? ...

The 616 was starting to get on track again. All the alternative universes were all right with me but when the 616 becomes clogged with characters of other universes and continuities, what's next? The infinity of infinite crises where characters have different origins every six months?

posted on Jul, 15 2014 @ 05:19 PM

originally posted by: Metallicus
If this is a major problem for you then may I suggest you start reading some books without pictures.

Coming from one of the most outspoken opponents of an obscure Archie comic which you probably havent read an issue of either in the last year.

Comics have their place in society and always will. If you dont like it, like I dont prefer some...dont read...but don't call it propaganda and bemoan a work because of issues you may have with the topics covered. Dont buy it.

posted on Jul, 15 2014 @ 05:21 PM
a reply to: the owlbear

Well to my understanding with the female Thor it's more along the lines that something happens to the male Thor that makes it to where he can't wield the hammer.

Doesn't even necessarily mean the male Thor is out of picture permanently but rather is a continuation of the current story where the power of Thor rests in being able to wield the hammer.

So it's not that they're changing the origin but rather continuing down the previous vein in regard to who wields the hammer. Just making Thor as a title now instead of the power being wrapped up in a person(which in comics was Odin's decision in the first place).

That's my understanding anyway.

This will either be really epic or really dumb, it just depends on the writer(s) and the artists and how they make this turn out.

That's why I linked to Marvel Zombies because when I first heard about that I really thought it would suck quite a bit but turned out to be epic(my opinion of course).

posted on Jul, 15 2014 @ 05:26 PM
Marvel- Agents of Shield, is going to have a messed up storyline now.

As well as the pagan history that the story is loosely based on.

Just feels wrong.....

posted on Jul, 15 2014 @ 05:26 PM
a reply to: knoledgeispower

Well to be honest the best comic ever in my opinion was 2000AD which unfortunately died a long while ago, Halo jones had a character who's name I do not recall but whom featured in several of Halo Jones story's, the character was neither male nor female but had undergone futuristic sex changes so many times' that it was basically no sex, Halo was a female character living in a bleak future earth with overpopulation, space colony's and rapists and muggers walking the street's.

Then you had the no nonsense Judge dredd who lived in mega city one, a future new york grown to encompass a massive portion of north america after a 21st century world war, with spin off character's, the ABC warriors (a collection of intelligent robot's whom got up to all kind's of quests), Nemesis whom was not a spin off but had crossover story's with ABC (Atomic biological chemical) warriors, Stainless steel rat (think marlow in space with a side kick robot called stogie who was a mechanical cigar cum robot), Slain macroth (set in a fictional past in which druids wielded power and the ley lines powered magical technology with everything from time travel to earth power gun's, he was a celtic warrior and head hunter whom had to wear a hero harness as he had a habit of going berserk which for him meant mutation into the incredible hulks ugliar bigger less pleasant cousin).

It had it's fair share of swearing, sexuality and semi nudity but was more a gore fest like a comic crossed with super heavy metal rock musik, then there was rogue trooper, a genetic infantryman who was the last of his kind, he was bred to survive any biological and chemical environment but was essentially humanity 2.0 as that was his hidden purpose but that only became apparent as the original end of the long running story.

Some of the best one off short Sci Fi story's I ever read where in that in one off story's called Future Shock.

Compared to that Marvel was a kid's mag but it was still cool.
edit on 15-7-2014 by LABTECH767 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 15 2014 @ 08:14 PM
a reply to: OrphanApology

I need to star you when done sorry...

Yeah, I went and read where Thor is no longer worthy...blah, blah, blah.

Hey, we'll always have a thousand Spider-Man/ a few months.

Cant wait for mutant Spider-Man Punisher who can shift through time and has a funny eyebeam.
Eta: starred...respect. I'm a Doctor Strange fan for what it's worth. Always loved the Defenders.
Back to Indies I go...
edit on 15-7-2014 by the owlbear because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 15 2014 @ 08:23 PM

originally posted by: OrphanApology
a reply to: rickymouse

Wouldn't be the first time in history that the gender of a diety was changed.

Nope they changed Loki into a woman for a while maybe Disney who owns Marvel not thought it was Thor's turn.

posted on Jul, 15 2014 @ 08:39 PM
a reply to: knoledgeispower
Because Thor is a long established character and when someone takes a character you have invested in and completely changes them as part of a small minded political agenda, it ruins the character. This is, of course, a short term attempt to bump sales before they bring back the real Thor.
The Spiderman comparison is not a very good one, either. The Spiderman storylines I'd compare it to would be "One More Day" or the "Ben Reilly" clone story, where major character changes were made to a decades old figure who was already quite established with the fanbase.

The Hispanic Spiderman exists in another comics Universe than the regular Marvel one (Earth 616). No one really cared about that fact or the fact that Nick Fury was black (which translated well onto the cinematic universe and is quite popular with most fans, btw).

The OP seems to hinge on some narrow, manufactured narrative that everything revolves around skin color or sex organs. Pretty shallow and petty world view.

posted on Jul, 15 2014 @ 08:42 PM
a reply to: buster2010

They always do that.

Instead of making unique female characters separate from the male ones they just make male characters women.


Batgirl, batwoman, supergirl, superwoman, blah...# it.

I can understand because people are just not that receptive to new superheros for some reason(doesn't mean that some don't become popular). It's just very difficult. It's like trying to make a competing Fruit Loops brand. No matter how good yours is or how original the box artwork, yours is still a knock off of the brands that came before.

Same with superheroes/heroines

It is a very difficult area to break into with a new character. That's another reason that they probably just make female versions of namesakes.

posted on Jul, 15 2014 @ 08:42 PM
a reply to: buster2010

edit on 15-7-2014 by OrphanApology because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 15 2014 @ 08:44 PM

originally posted by: snowspirit
Marvel- Agents of Shield, is going to have a messed up storyline now.

Um no it won't. The Marvel Cinematic Universe exists inside of it's own continuity whether it be television, film, video game or comic. This was done on purpose so that major changes in the established continuities would not effect those fans that just follow the films.

posted on Jul, 15 2014 @ 10:19 PM
What makes Thor is the hammer. According to my husband there have been plenty of times when Thor lost the right to hold the hammer because he become a d***** or got too arrogant and it ceased to consider him worthy to wield it. Mjolnir will respond to anyone whom it considers worthy. Captain America has held it, and so has Wonder Woman. If Wonder Woman can carry Mjolnir, then so can another woman.

So why will this be a problem again?

The difference between this and a suddenly half-black, half-Hispanic Spidey is that Mjolnir is a magic weapon while Spidey''s powers are a mutation. A magic weapon can go from one wielder to another, but mutations are a little more difficult to plausibly explain how some random guy just suddenly caught them from that dead man over there, and of course, then there was the little consideration that it seemed they offed Peter Parker just especially to bring in Miles Morales and be all "diverse" and stuff and not for any other reason, and in the Ultimate Universe - dead is DEAD.

posted on Jul, 15 2014 @ 10:52 PM
a reply to: buster2010

I stand corrected!

posted on Jul, 15 2014 @ 11:11 PM
a reply to: knoledgeispower



I don't like the idea although I understand why...smh.

posted on Jul, 16 2014 @ 12:41 AM

originally posted by: SELAboy
a reply to: knoledgeispower
Because Thor is a long established character and when someone takes a character you have invested in and completely changes them as part of a small minded political agenda, it ruins the character. This is, of course, a short term attempt to bump sales before they bring back the real Thor.
The Spiderman comparison is not a very good one, either. The Spiderman storylines I'd compare it to would be "One More Day" or the "Ben Reilly" clone story, where major character changes were made to a decades old figure who was already quite established with the fanbase.

The Hispanic Spiderman exists in another comics Universe than the regular Marvel one (Earth 616). No one really cared about that fact or the fact that Nick Fury was black (which translated well onto the cinematic universe and is quite popular with most fans, btw).

The OP seems to hinge on some narrow, manufactured narrative that everything revolves around skin color or sex organs. Pretty shallow and petty world view.

Clearly you didn't read the article or the part where I talked about the quote:

similar to the protest of Marvel’s decision in 2011 to recast Spider-Man in the comics as a half-black, half-Hispanic teenager named Miles Morales.

No I don't think that everything revolves around skin color or sex organs, thanks for the assumption (which by the way makes an ass of you) It doesn't take a rocket scientist to know that die hard fans are going to be pissed that there is a change to their beloved superheros. Doesn't matter what they are doing to it, just the fact that it is being changed will have fans pissed off. You stated yourself "Because Thor is a long established character and when someone takes a character you have invested in and completely changes them as part of a small minded political agenda, it ruins the character." ergo you don't like the change.

As I stated before, I'm not big into comic books so no I had no clue that the new Spider Man belonged in a different universe than Peter Parker. I don't even know who Nick Fury is nor do I care that they changed his color. Diversity is a good thing. I will also quote what I said in the first post

Most of the original comics were published when there wasn't as much of an acceptance for African Americans & Hispanics.

I will also restate that I don't give two flying hoots what changes they make to any superhero.

So before you go making assumptions that make an ass of you, read the whole article & everything that the person you disagree with said.

posted on Jul, 16 2014 @ 01:14 AM
a reply to: knoledgeispower

Could be " Thora " !

posted on Jul, 16 2014 @ 02:47 AM
a reply to: MrJohnSmith

Thora- The intergalactic hammer wielding explorer.


posted on Jul, 16 2014 @ 04:42 AM
a reply to: knoledgeispower

Well, this would not be the first time a female has taken up the hammer, since Wonder Woman apparently had a stint with the instrument of Asgardian justice.

However, I was only aware of that, because I had seen a news report on this factoid, and was driven to investigate a little bit and see just what the bloody hell this is all about. I realise that in the Marvel Universe, Thor is not strictly a mythological being, but a member of an alien species, with a role to play in its hierarchy, and it's culture, and strictures placed upon him commensurate with that position.

However, asking people to separate the Marvel character, from the mythos of the traditional Thor, son of Odin, and part of the culture of an actual region of planet Earth in the real world, is utterly stupid and unrealistic, especially because the two are in some very important ways, one. The Thor of myth and legend, is, in the Marvel universe, the same fellow. The only significant difference being, that Thor was only considered a mythological being in the Marvel universe, until it became clear that he was merely a very powerful alien, whose deeds were written in legend in times of yore, when mankind was not old enough and wise enough to grasp his true origins, or those of his species for that matter.

What I like about the existence of the character Thor in the Marvel universe, is that there damned well ought to be comic books featuring one of the most face crushingly, skull bludgeoning badasses of Norse lore. The further from the original myth that the character goes however, the less I will enjoy it, purely because my enjoyment is based on the old myths. If it was not for the fact of the legends preceding his first appearance in comic books, I would think the character of Thor in the Marvel universe, to be an irrelevance. I mean, Iron Man, as a character, is much more interesting, Spider-Man (and by that I mean PETER GODAMNED PARKER) is a much more endearing character with whom it is far easier to identify. Hell VENOM is easier to get along with than Thor in the comic books.

Suffice to say, this decision is just another unfortunate attempt to change the comic book landscape to better resemble and refer to the present day. Thor however, by definition, is a character based in myth and legend the origin of which was a time when the strength of ones sword arm was more important than ones ability to accurately perform a tax self assessment, or pay off a credit card. He is a timeless, ageless, and endless being, whose only death will come at Ragnarok.

To use such a character base as this, and to change it beyond recognition purely to attract a different fan base is invalid and ridiculous. Comic book fans generally dislike change, but this is an utter disgrace! If Marvel wanted to insert a female Asgardian into the mix, why not take more inspiration from the mythos, and select one of Thor's daughters to become the next big female lead of a comic book? Those are stories yet untold, and yet one of the mythological spine snappers female offspring was a Valkyrie! Who would fail to pick up a comic book with such a basis?

There are better ways that the Marvel universe could change itself, than changing its pre-existing characters to suit the future. A much better idea, would be to write new characters IN ADDITION to the old ones. This would not only reflect the changing face of global society, but the increase in its size. There should be more characters, rather than buggering about with the old favourites.
edit on 16-7-2014 by TrueBrit because: Grammatical error correction.

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