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Does Watching MSNBC Make You Ignorant and Bigoted?

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posted on Jun, 29 2014 @ 10:49 AM
Mika Brzezinski, Al Sharpton, Chris Matthews, Ed Schultz, Rachael Maddow, Keith Olbermann, Martin Brashhir .... Dylan Ratigan photoshopping Sara Palin pictures ... Melissa Harris-Perry mocking Mitt Romney's family adopting a black child .... etc etc .... if these idiots don't smack of absurdity then nothing does. So does listening to the idiots rant on MSNBC make you ignorant and bigoted? Does their lunacy rub off on those who willfully subject themselves to this drivel day after day?

MSNBCs Alternative Universe

“Biased” doesn’t cut it. To watch MSNBC for an afternoon is not so much to be given a slanted account of what is happening here in America, but instead to witness a series of discussions about current events in parallel America II... America II, as anyone who watches the channel will discover rather swiftly, hosts a supermajority of well-meaning multi-culti, progressive types whose foolproof plans for explosive economic growth, uniform social justice, and general human utopia are constantly being undone by a blossoming white-supremacist movement, split apart by neo-secessionists, and existentially threatened by traitors whose defining characteristic is a never-quite-explained hatred for progress. America II features no gray areas whatsoever: All local variation is apartheid, each and every identification requirement is the second coming of Jim Crow, all criticism of the government is sedition. It’s exhausting. ...

Perhaps the most startling thing about the network is that one doesn’t need to even infer or twist anything in order to wallow in the gratifying stupefaction that its hosts just said what they just said.... But with MSNBC, no such mendacity is necessary. No clever editing. No false contexts. One can just read the transcripts. They meant to say that. ... After all, what would one possibly add to Martin Bashir’s suggestions that someone should defecate in Sarah Palin’s mouth, that conservatives are using the acronym “IRS” as a stand-in for “n***er,” or that Ted Cruz is the “David Koresh” of the Republican party? What could be achieved by sexing up Chris Matthews’s conviction that tea partiers “still count blacks as three-fifths” of a person, or that the perpetrators of 9/11 “just have a different perspective”? What might a worker bee charged with feeding the outrage machine do to make more impressive Joy Reid’s asseveration that Republicans are “resentful” of “post-1964 America,” or to improve upon Ed Schultz’s faith that “God supports Obamacare,” or to render more absurd Michael Eric Dyson’s contention that Eric Holder is “the chief lawgiver” and the “Moses of our time”?

Forbes - MSNBC The Most Opinionated Cable News Channel By Far

If you’re like most cable news viewers, you probably think the channel you favor has a monopoly on the facts and the other ones are nothing more than a bunch of ranting. In fact, which cable network is the most opinionated is not a matter of opinion. It’s MSNBC.

A full 85% of the Comcast-owned network’s coverage can be classified as opinion or commentary rather than straight news, according to the authors of the Pew Research Center’s annual State of the News Media report. CNN and Fox News Channel, meanwhile, fall much closer to a 50/50 distribution, with Fox News skewing somewhat more heavily toward opinion.

MSNBC Official Tagline

What Progressives Have Been Waiting For.

MSNBC - only 15% of MSNBC is Actual Factual Reporting

In the Pew Research Center's 2013 "State of the News Media" report, MSNBC was found to be the most opinionated news network, with 85% of the content being commentary or opinions, and only 15% of the content being factual reporting. The report also stated that MSNBC spends the least amount of money producing its news, only $240 million in 2012, compared to CNN, which spent $682 million, and Fox, which spent $820 million.

25 Examples of MSNBC Race Baiting and Lies

Rachael Maddow Caugh Lying about Koch Brothers

Politico - Is MSNBC Worse than Fox News

But see, that's the thing. Many of MSNBC's opinions aren't rooted in fact. Many of them are rooted in unfounded speculation. Melissa Harris-Perry's recent claim that Obamacare is a racially loaded term conceived of "by a group of wealthy white men who needed a way to put themselves above and apart from a black man" is based on... what? The fact that the term was first used by a woman? The fact that, from Reaganomics to Hillarycare, we've always ascribed names to signature policies and legislation?

Rachel Maddow Lies - President Bush New York Times Interview
Rachel Maddow Lies About Fox News/New Black Panther Party
MSNBC Lies about Warrentless Wiretapping
MSNBC Lies - Makes False Limbaugh Quotes
Ed Schultz Lies about Wisconsin Gov Scott Walker
Ed Schultz Lies about General McChrystal Situation/blames Bush
Ed Schultz Lies about Sen Landrieu BP PAC

NBC Race Baiting - Zimmerman Selective Editing of Tape

Washington Times - MSNBC - Confronting the Race Baiters

MSNBC is the go-to channel for race-baiting fans and enthusiasts. Its hosts vilify conservatives, rank-and-file Republicans, Tea Party activists and sometimes the Republican establishment, as racists all.

edit on 6/29/2014 by FlyersFan because: trying to fix quote

posted on Jun, 29 2014 @ 10:55 AM
a reply to: FlyersFan

Watching it doesn't make you ignorant....choosing to turn it on and watch it does.
That goes for the other thread with the same title with fox news instead of msnbc.

I really wish people would get a clue and quit buying into the corporate propaganda while choosing to watch that garbage and asking if it makes you ignorant.
Choosing to watch it clearly does.

Here is a link for you guys asking this question over and over again.

posted on Jun, 29 2014 @ 11:07 AM

Just like the other thread (FOX) all this proves is that anything calling itself a news channel in the US is pretty much drivel spewed by talking heads reading from a teleprompter. Quite frankly I have no concept of why anyone of even mediocre intelligence would bother owning a television for other than watching movies, sports or documentaries.At least as far as American broadcasting goes.

Rant off.

posted on Jun, 29 2014 @ 11:07 AM

originally posted by: DrumsRfun
Watching it doesn't make you ignorant....choosing to turn it on and watch it does.

Perhaps the ignorant and bigoted find comfort in watching MSNBC. They watch because it agrees with their 'progressive' notions. That's along the same lines as what some of the pro-MSNBC people say about FOX viewers. Kinda funny ... two sides of the same coin but they can't see it.

ETA .. to be clear ... I'm being snarky and making a point about the other 'FOX' thread and this one ... I'm not actually calling viewers ignorant or bigoted.
edit on 6/29/2014 by FlyersFan because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 29 2014 @ 11:08 AM

originally posted by: FlyersFan
Does their lunacy rub off on those who willfully subject themselves to this drivel day after day?

I think the people tuning in to watch the likes of Chris 'Thrilla in Vanilla' Mathews are doing so because it is an echo chamber for their ultra-leftist views.

posted on Jun, 29 2014 @ 11:10 AM
a reply to: Kukri
I agree with ya'. It's all the same. I'll tune in to (left) CNN and then (right) FOX ... then mush them together and take the middle of the two as 'news' ... and then only believe half of that anyways.

posted on Jun, 29 2014 @ 11:11 AM
Cable news: The art of talking non stop for 24 hours without telling people anything.

posted on Jun, 29 2014 @ 11:16 AM
Naw, it does not make everyone that way. I like watching NBC news myself.

posted on Jun, 29 2014 @ 11:18 AM

originally posted by: rickymouse
Naw, it does not make everyone that way. I like watching NBC news myself.

Of course not. Watching CNN or FOX or MSNBC doesn't make anyone ignorant or bigoted. If people actually totally buy into what they are being spoon fed on those channels, it just makes them duped. MOST people at ATS don't get duped into buying what the MSM is pumping out.

posted on Jun, 29 2014 @ 11:26 AM
Watching any American propaganda, ideologically, biased TV news makes you stupid and prone to kicking your common sense to the curb.

American TV news isn't about's totally directed to a researched demographic to sell stuff to.
It's commerce, business, and capitalism. The "news" and political comment is simply the media to hang the advertisements on.

I work in the "vast wasteland" and for every talking head and crew member; there are dozens of bean counters, researchers, and middle management drones in offices, focused on how to get more of the market share.

Ideology and "news" is a tool.....and buying into the hype shows you don't have the capacity to deny ignorance and you deserve what you get!

edit on 29-6-2014 by olaru12 because: O_0

posted on Jun, 29 2014 @ 11:26 AM
a reply to: FlyersFan

News is an industry it runs on a lot of budget provided by the mega corporations to make up fabricated and sometimes orchestrated stories for a very certain agenda...To brain wash and encourage people to how to think,consume and act accordingly and eventually vote for a certain candidate....And no I am not a commy,or is that still a term?

posted on Jun, 29 2014 @ 11:29 AM
it made my mom ignorant, small minded and bigoted. She thinks she's become ultra liberal and progressive. One of the "not crazy" ones. One who sees the world clearly and knows everything.

Sometimes when I call my mom to check up on her because shes getting old and I worry. She'll hang up on me before I can even get out the words " hi mom" saying "I gotta go Rachel Maddow is on!" and hangs up on me.

My mom really thinks maddow has all the answers and is always right. Shes even getting the same smug arrogant attitude when she wants t voice her opinion on something. Her opinion then sounds like something lifted straight from a maddow blog or something. Sometimes I'll correct her on some news story with further info I've learned and she'll go "where'd you learn all this? I watched the news (rachel maddow) and they haven't mentioned all of this 'info' it must be BS!" I respond b saying "by watching the news mom Not just MSNBC I watch all of them. You have to to fill in the lines and form a objective conclusion or opinion." "hmmmph!!! My son the bigot!" All because I dont agree with rachel madows assessment of something.

The sad part is my mom now thins she's enlightened and liberal and progressive since she's started watching MSNBC. When the truth was she was more open minded,liberal,progressive and well informed about the world before she started watching MSNBC. It's done the opposite to her than what she believes. It's shut down her critical thinking abilities.

I'd like to write it off as she's just getting old. But MSNBC has really F'ed with her head. To the point that at family get togethers people avoid her because once she gets one or two glasses of wine in her out comes the rachel maddow bit and she acts overly opinionated and smug and a know it all.

posted on Jun, 29 2014 @ 11:30 AM

originally posted by: BASSPLYR
She'll hang up on me before I can even get out the words " hi mom" saying "I gotta go Rachel Maddow is on!" and hangs up on me. My mom really thinks maddow has all the answers and is always right.

Maddow is the far left wing version of the far rights's Glenn Beck.
Two sides of the same extreme coins. Same/same.

posted on Jun, 29 2014 @ 11:32 AM

originally posted by: olaru12
Watching any American propaganda, ideologically, biased TV news makes you stupid and prone to kicking your common sense to the curb.

BBC and Al Jazeera and the rest of the overseas stations do the same thing.
Everyone has an agenda. Everyone does what the owners and sponsors want.

posted on Jun, 29 2014 @ 11:35 AM
Turning on a TV is in itself an ignorant act. Other than sports my propaganda box lies silent.

posted on Jun, 29 2014 @ 11:38 AM
a reply to: FlyersFan

I watch MSNBC for the same reason why progressive pundits watch Fox.

To see what they are saying/not saying.

You can tell a lot about an ideology-driven network by what they won't cover and by what they do cover.

SnF for the snark-factor alone.

posted on Jun, 29 2014 @ 11:43 AM

originally posted by: FlyersFan

originally posted by: olaru12
Watching any American propaganda, ideologically, biased TV news makes you stupid and prone to kicking your common sense to the curb.

BBC and Al Jazeera and the rest of the overseas stations do the same thing.
Everyone has an agenda. Everyone does what the owners and sponsors want.

Want things to change? Todays technology allows anyone with a computer and an internet connection to
enter into the fray.

But it's so much easier to bitch, piss and moan about the state of affairs in media, right? Always the victim!!
Join us in the alternative new media search for truth, justice and the American way.

Start with this....

and this...

edit on 29-6-2014 by olaru12 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 29 2014 @ 11:48 AM
a reply to: olaru12

You must not watch ANY news because it's all biased. None of them can help it. No matter how objective you try to be, it will all be colored by your own personal schema and worldview. It just is, and you have to understand that accept it.

If everyone here went to report on the exact same news story, saw it, witnessed it and had the exact same set of facts, we would all write different stories because we would all hold different facts as the most important ones.

posted on Jun, 29 2014 @ 11:48 AM
I watch it to see how effortlessly Al Sharpton reads from this teleprompter. It's like its not even there the way he reads things so fluidly and with such a lack of facial features telling you he is reading from one. Truly a work of art.

That all being said, they are worse than Fox. At Least Fox will put up opposing people of stature, MSNBC's idea of fair and balanced is getting some unknown person to be the Token Conservative/Republican Voice on their shows.

For once, I'd like them to put up a real Conservative Intellectual Heavyweight to debate topics on MSNBC.

It was truly hilarious watching how Russell Brand, of all people, just destroyed the Morning Joe Staff.

Imagine what a really strong opposing view person would do to any of their hosts. Chris Matthews would probably fare the best as he is used to running up against opposition to his views. All the other MSNBC Hosts would get eaten alive.

I mainly watch MSNBC to try and see the world through the rose colored glasses of Progressiveness. It usually gives me a headache.

Just saying they are progressive at MSNBC makes me throw up a little bit in my mouth.

posted on Jun, 29 2014 @ 12:59 PM
Yep,every time I watch MSNBC I get more ignorant and bigotted.Example:just the other day I chased a cat out of my yard because he was black not to mention he was digging up seedlings.

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