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Order & Chaos, determining an absolute.

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posted on Jun, 28 2014 @ 06:23 AM
Ok, so I woke up this morning a little dusty, you’re going to get that from time to time. Anyway, in reviewing This Thread, it got me thinking that maybe some further and interesting discussion is in the offing, so here we go.

Firstly, I will tell you how I see the world and try and interpret for you how my brain & I interact to determine the world as I see it and the process of decision making that makes me, me, after that the floor is open.

This is how I see the world.

Nearly 95% of all of the things I see and interact with, I see this statistical inevitability.

A little history to start. From an early age I realised that self-preservation was going to be the only thing to save me, so determining the “whom” of threats led me down this avenue. So I studied people. I studied them, how they interacted, their mannerisms, how they carried themselves and the like. This was done broadly across the town where I lived and beyond. Studying all of the people that I saw allowed my brain a capacity to compile the graph above with respect to threat and my subsequent my self-preservation. In time I learned the whom & the why.

Since then I have continued my observations across pretty much everything that I interact with and I have realised that my brain consumes information, sometimes consciously, sometimes not, that specifically relates to my self-preservation. I should note at this point, by self-preservation, I mean having little or no failure as well as containing threats or otherwise, across every facet of my life, personal & professional. All of the information that my brain consumes relentlessly leads me back to the graph above.

So how does this relate to chaos, order and the determining an absolute ?

The information that my brain collects facilitates a capacity to determine an absolute course of action or decision. As I have noted, I have already consumed the data, chaotic or otherwise. That data always has order when you’ve got enough of it and it provides the opportunity to see the world statistically, see the graph above. The absolute from here is, should be, clear.

Anyway, this thread is not about me, it’s really about you. I certainly don’t think I’m absolutely correct, but as I have described, this system certainly works for me.

There you have it, don’t hold back on your thoughts.

Kind Regards

posted on Jun, 28 2014 @ 06:32 AM
a reply to: myselfaswell

Actually... there are informations which even if you have more of them, they still appear chaotic. Example: the distribution of mass in the Standard Model. The pattern of a random value generator. Et cetera.

Though alot can be explained by a probability wave, I side with Einstein when it comes to that - probabilities are never certitudes. Thus we are always missing something.

The data in my mind, all the pages I read, they don't really form an order - they just form another chaos. My chaos, which I only understand. But this is relative. On an absolute level, it's still chaos to everybody else.

BTW S&F for the rather thought-provoking thread, nicely written.

edit on 28-6-2014 by swanne because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 28 2014 @ 06:40 AM
Most humans have a penchant for just getting on with their lives without any hassles. As such they try to fly under the radar. They prefer to just 'be like everyone else.'

Much like an animal in a herd being chased by lions. Keep in the middle, stay out of trouble! Don't get pulled down.

This is the primary problem with humans. It is what allows sheeple to exist. It takes a lot to wake up sheeple.

Allowing a wide range of noisy ideas to percolate through our minds is not the best way to do things, for me!

I look for patterns in the chaos and analyze those patterns.

We are all different and I much prefer to acknowledge and then celebrate those differences.

So what works for you is great


edit on 28/6/2014 by pheonix358 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 28 2014 @ 06:45 AM
Order cannot be established beyond a certain set of parameters which appear to be unchanging, these parameters change constantly also, but very slowly in our perception. We as a species don't know enough to establish order, we are too near-sighted to see through to the parameters which determine the outcomes.

These parameters are frequently referred to as "God" in religions which try to explain the universe with no real understanding of the workings of the universe. We as a species are learning but still need to learn a lot more....

Without true knowledge we only contribute to chaos and imbalance.
edit on 28-6-2014 by MyHappyDogShiner because: meninglessness

posted on Jun, 28 2014 @ 07:56 AM
a reply to: myselfaswell

Only a sith deals in absolutes

The very nature of the universe as we know it is unbalanced- The order is represented by gravity and relativity, and the chaos is represented by quantum mechanics. Both shouldn't be able to coexist but yet both are vital to our existence, which is why so many theorists are searching for the governing body (such as M theory) that unites the four forces.

If there was an absolute, I wouldn't be here to type this.

posted on Jun, 28 2014 @ 08:46 AM
a reply to: myselfaswell

I think it's pretty scarry that you work with a model/graph on which you judge other people...

You talk a lot about self-preservation in relation to the threats other people might pose. It seems like fear has a really big part in this system of yours.

Any way this thread wasn't about you....

For me, self-preservation (consciously) is very low on the list when it come to interaction. I just go by instinct and vibe when it comes to dealing with other people. Maybe my subconscious is going by a similar graph as you have and I only receive the information consciously as being intuition or instinct who knows...



posted on Jun, 28 2014 @ 08:33 PM
Order= Particle

Chaos= Wave

Entropy= Order becoming increasingly chaotic.

A wave becomes a particle when it becomes able to be known. Consciousness is the ability to know. Particles are the ability to be known. Consciousness is unknowable. It doesn't have a material existence, like particles. It's probably a wave. The universe is probably consciousness discovering itself and therefore is a wave becoming a particle becoming a wave.

posted on Jun, 29 2014 @ 03:16 AM
a reply to: operation mindcrime

Just to be clear, I don't judge people. I observe. In my youth fear was certainly the main driver for this, that is no longer the case.

I'm glad you've found this interesting. Maybe you should nudge your subconscious to see if it's willing to give up any secrets.

Kind Regards

posted on Jun, 29 2014 @ 03:55 AM

originally posted by: myselfaswell
a reply to: operation mindcrime

Just to be clear, I don't judge people. I observe. In my youth fear was certainly the main driver for this, that is no longer the case.

Well judge maybe wasn't the right word but you 'assess' people on potential threat before interaction based on previous experience. Which is a pretty logical thing to do (I guess we all do) but you should always reserve a healthy dose of sceptism when drawing conclusions from this graph while it is based on incomplete data.

I'm glad you've found this interesting. Maybe you should nudge your subconscious to see if it's willing to give up any secrets.

Human nature interest me to no end. Always nice to read other people's findings.

I have given up on the notion that I may ever understand the workings of my unconscious. I know it is so much more than the conscious mind we think we are. So much more capable of storing and processing data. My conscious is just the 'spokes person' who gets handed the information I need. My ego however won't allow me to recognise this and be humble about my great unconscious mind.

That's why I do not need to understand the 'why' of my decision making, I just assume I know things without knowing them and go with the flow. I guess that is the definition of trusting your instinct, gut feeling, intuition etc...

By defining a rule or a formula by which this decision making takes place you are fenching off a process that your conscious can understand but your unconscious does not need to understand. It's just your ego's attempt to convince you that "you" are the best.

What I did found interesting to learn is that the unconscious mind probably doesn't work linear. No past, no future....just now but that's for an other thread.


posted on Jun, 29 2014 @ 07:22 AM
a reply to: myselfaswell

In my humble opinion, trying to determine absolutes is the first step of a fool.
My experience is that there is no absolutes, everything is in flux, everything is changing.

Disclaimer: I am not necessarily calling anyone a fool. We're all foolish at some point, on at least one subject.

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