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Is the entire science of Psychiatry a fraud?

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posted on Jun, 14 2014 @ 05:31 AM
a reply to: wantsome

There is nothing like direct experience to confirm that mental illness is real and medications do help. That's why these vehement anti-med types wouldn't understand until they experience it for themselves.

posted on Jun, 14 2014 @ 09:50 AM
There is a very good book by James Davies called "Cracked: Psychiatry is doing more harm than good." You all should consider giving that a read. It explores how many of the "peer-reviewed" articles are nothing more than biased blogs, all stemming from greed and corruption.

originally posted by: GetHyped
No, a paper in a peer-reviewed journal would be a scientific source. Not a biased blog.

A paper in a peer-reviewed journal is, in fact, a biased blog...

Let us not speak in circles. You tell me how it would not be considered a biased blog. Just because other people with the same bias agree? Just because they got an educated that taught them to be biased? No, buddy, science is biased, and it is done to support the rich, the greedy, and the control of We the People.
edit on 14-6-2014 by WhatWeNeedToday because: Instead of making a separate a post, I amended this post.

posted on Jun, 14 2014 @ 10:20 AM

originally posted by: WhatWeNeedToday
A paper in a peer-reviewed journal is, in fact, a biased blog...

Erm, no. Nice try.

posted on Jun, 14 2014 @ 10:22 AM

originally posted by: GetHyped
Erm, no. Nice try.

I said, "Let us not speak in circles. You tell me how it is not a biased blog." I have told you how it is, now, you counter that.

Strictly speaking, you have just violated the terms and conditions of this website, so either add to the discussion, or don't waste time adding a one-liner.

posted on Jun, 14 2014 @ 06:33 PM

originally posted by: Dark Ghost
There is nothing like direct experience to confirm that mental illness is real and medications do help. That's why these vehement anti-med types wouldn't understand until they experience it for themselves.

Many here on ATS that DO have direct experience will disagree...

After seeing my wife's mind totally destroyed, seeing her institutionalized, and my marriage and life completely obliterated I am just one out of MANY...

originally posted by: seeker1963
I was a victim of being fed these toxic poison for the past five years. I quit taking them about 8 months ago. Other than my anger coming back, I feel 100% better! If I would write a book about the thoughts I had and my struggles fighting my evil impulses during my years of being a victim of Big Pharm, I would be a very wealthy man!

originally posted by: MrUncreated
... I started taking my carbamazepine, which is supposed to help with my psychosis. Instead, I am now more depressed than I ever have been, and I have very long and vivid dreams which make me remember stuff that I have long since buried deep within my brain. This has led me to feeling quite suicidal, as of late... almost to the breaking point. I'm in no condition, mentally or physically, to do anything anymore. I think I am in hell.
Started taking medication... now I feel even more suicidal than before...

originally posted by: Trajan
Look, for everyone who is saying 'take meds' or 'see a therapist' You are all brainwashed into believing Pills make it better. They don't. Meds DO NOT help in anyway, shape or form (unless you are the manufacturer making billions a year) and here is why;

1. Pills change the chemical make up of your body and make you feel happy, sleepy, relaxed etc. But your body is still suffering from whatever is making you feel that way in the first place and then the chems are adding to that.
2. As soon as you think its safe to come off the drugs, you will crash back into depression and anxiety/paranoia.

So, basically, DO NOT take ANY kind of medication they give you. It will just screw you over in the long run. It is better to get rid of your anxiety and sh1t naturally.

originally posted by: liejunkie01
I have friends that Are on head meds and quite frankly I feel that they seem to make it worse.

Do these great drugs actually have any use at all, when taking into consideration all their awful side effects? The view of independent scientists (that is to say, independent of pharmaceutical industry) is quite simply: No! There isn’t one single proven case of someone who was cured of their serious depression in a trial –since this was never investigated. The evaluation of terminated and failed tests followed a pattern similar to that of the catalog for detecting depression, which you have already read about.

Questionnaires with ranking scales were implemented. These questionnaires were filled out by the doctors. The patients had to assess themselves, and that led to the result that the patients put themselves into two categories. Those who felt exactly the same after taking a placebo as they did after taking Prozac®. The other group showed a slight ad-vantage for the placebo over Prozac®. Uselessness - Well Known since 1984 The fact that almost no one felt better and also, as had actually been promised, the illness, depression, was not being treated – Eli Lilly already knew all of that in 1984. Likewise, it was also well known, that the side effects were severe, and, in some studies, they occurred in 90 percent of the test subjects.

The German authorities also noticed that the side effects were similar to the illness being treated in 15–20 percent of cases – that is to say, that fluoxetine caused depression. And all that against the background, that patients, who were at risk of suicide, had been excluded from the tests. That’s why the high risk of suicide, found in the test subjects, could be attributed to the drug itself.

“In fact, the average across all drugs is about 50 percent efficacy. And for the 50 percent of the patients who essentially get little or no benefit, whatever they spend is wasted money.” In view of this overt cynicism, appears downright naive to ask the question – why are these medicines then sold to the other 50 percent at all? –. To sum this up: SSRIs such as Prozac®, Fluctin® etc. are useless, expensive and, in addition to that, extremely dangerous. Lives are lost. For the patient, it is a game of Russian roulette; for the healthcare service, it is money frittered away, that is much needed elsewhere. Only the pharmaceutical industry profits from them: a turnover of billions. Every year. Useless Sledgehammers

"So as you can see, there are a number of substances with various psychoactive effects that one can become dependant on to the point of needing it to 'survive' without the possibility of dying in the withdrawal, if it was a substance that can cause death or permanent damage to the brain."

"Modern science can easily reshape the molecules and make slight changes to 'turn off' the psychoactivity of the substance they wished to make 'sneaky' for purposes of mass population ingestion daily to the point of mass dependance."

"...the pharmaceutical companies know their medicines cause dependance and they know that they can charge any price because they know the person will go to any length not to suffer so horribly once addicted and pay any price. The doctors who prescribe these types of substances liberally know what they do to people and know full well that their patient will likely become dependent as long as the medicine is repeatedly given to them with refills etc. They may often trick a person into thinking they need the medication when in reality a non-addictive one could solve their original problem just the same. These same doctors get throwbacks from the pharmaceutical companies for prescribing their brands you see. They get incentives .. " and so you'd definitely see how the population could be controlled via a drug .. Source

posted on Jun, 14 2014 @ 07:06 PM

originally posted by: UnderGetty
I came across a very interesting article today claiming that Psychiatry is not a science because there is not one physical test to validate the existence of a mental illness:

Furthermore, the assertion that a chemical imbalance exists within the brain of a mentally ill person is nothing more than an urban legend.

I have friends that live breathe work within this field; psychiatrists, sociologists, and as they retire from the field (curiously) are taking anti-depressants, anti-anxiety meds, seem to be OCDC and generally are messed up (some look as to be homeless in condition, wearing the same clothes for 2 weeks, unclean unkempt) . My conclusion is they got into the field is because they are (unbeknownst to themselves) are diagnosing or defining their own existent problems. If that is true, they are not profound examiners of the mental state of others; they are wanting to see the same symptoms within another being to actualize or confirm their own mental state. The practice is flawed; simply because those that study it are the actual ones mentally ill trying to define symptomology in others that equates/relates to them. I see this as being selfish and not really helping anyone other than the doctor prescribing the meds (probably does trials on himself). Mental health professionals are the least healthy because it (the profession) draws to it unstable people seeking answers about themselves, not the patient at all; its all about their quest for self awareness/balance (where do I fit here in insanity world).
edit on 14-6-2014 by vethumanbeing because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 15 2014 @ 02:39 AM
Psychiatry is only fraud if it is ineffective.

And guess who judges how effective it is...

posted on Jun, 15 2014 @ 04:40 AM
a reply to: Murgatroid

I'm sorry to hear about your experiences and those of the others you mentioned.

From my own experiences, medication has helped me to manage the very real condition I need to deal with on a daily basis. And I have spoken to many people who have benefited from the use of medications. The key is finding the right medication. I have been on SSRIs in the past, but have found SNRIs to be more beneficial for me.

posted on Jun, 15 2014 @ 06:34 AM
What Satan is to Christians, Psychiatrists are to Scientologists. This scientologist is simply parroting L. Ron Hubbards super-paranoid rants about Psychiatry.

If you're going to do a balanced critique of Psychiatry, you might want to use a non-scientologist source.

(Disclaimer: I am not saying psychiatry is all good and scientology all bad)

The limitations of Psychiatry are that they do not acknowledge spiritual causes of anything and administer too many pills (disclaimer: I am not saying all pills are bad).

posted on Jun, 15 2014 @ 06:37 AM
I think there is simply no question weather its real, look at all the people that swear without it they would be far worse off.

Its certiny real but since its not mechanical it cant have a provable blue print, so to speak.

posted on Jun, 15 2014 @ 09:27 AM
Ironically I made this very point in the thread I just posted. I believe many mental disorders will eventually be linked to SNP's that influence our ability to produce sufficient quantities of nuerotransmitters.

posted on Jun, 15 2014 @ 07:42 PM

originally posted by: McGinty
Psychiatry is only fraud if it is ineffective.

And guess who judges how effective it is...

For some reason it is not an effective method they can use upon themselves, (as in self diagnose first you the doctor) but can pull the wool over paying patients eyes; those patents referred to by other health professionals have no IDEA they are sitting in front of a MADMAN that just expects the bill to paid. Hey what's this with Hubbard? and why are Scientologists under fire. They use the Pavlovian behavioral techniques of "mild electrode chock therapy" to the fingertips to "CLEAR"; or feeding you brownies (while caged) if you answer the question correctly (to their specification). I had no idea the depth of their diabolical nature. A false church that prays upon those that are mentally challenged in the first place and Hubbard has a problem with Freud? Is he still floating the oceans (avoiding paying taxes) or is his multi-million $$ yacht LOST at SEA.
edit on 15-6-2014 by vethumanbeing because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 15 2014 @ 10:25 PM
In the years i was a EMT i found many cases of people labeled Schizophrenic that were diabetics with very high blood sugar levels.

I have seen many so called Schizophrenics with blood sugar levels from 400 to 700 mg/dL

These people were being placed in a 5150 hold and were to be transported to a Psychiatric hospital till i did a check of there blood sugar level and then it was straight to the ER.

Once treated for very high blood sugar these people were normal not Schizophrenic

posted on Jun, 16 2014 @ 01:49 AM

originally posted by: ANNED
In the years i was a EMT i found many cases of people labeled Schizophrenic that were diabetics with very high blood sugar levels.

I have seen many so called Schizophrenics with blood sugar levels from 400 to 700 mg/dL

These people were being placed in a 5150 hold and were to be transported to a Psychiatric hospital till i did a check of there blood sugar level and then it was straight to the ER.

Once treated for very high blood sugar these people were normal not Schizophrenic
I have schizophrenia and the medications I take cause diabetes. It's a catch 22 for me diabetes or hallucinations and delusions. I'd rather die sane with diabetes then deal with the effects of schizophrneia. The psychosis's I've experienced were horrible. I'd rather die then end up in another psychosis. Modern medicine has given me a quality of life me or my family never thought possible. It's well know that schizophrenics have a shorter life span due to the medications. The meds also cause problems with cholesterol. Since I've been doing well for so long my doctor took me off my meds. After 2 weeks I could feel the illness taking over and I went back on them.

posted on Jun, 16 2014 @ 02:14 AM

originally posted by: vethumanbeing
A false church that prays upon those that are mentally challenged

It might actually help if they are prayed on rather than preyed on.

posted on Jun, 16 2014 @ 02:23 AM
a reply to: UnderGetty

You are right, OP, psychiatry is a sham. Epileptic seizures are demonic possesion, schizophrenia is another word for mediums/communion with evil spirits, depression and ptsd are just calls for attention plus a hefty dose of laziness. The cure isnt found in medicine and therapy. The cure lies in bootstraps, the bible and lots of JESUS.

Is that what you wanted to hear, OP?

posted on Jun, 16 2014 @ 02:29 AM
a reply to: UnderGetty

Try asking anyone who suffers from a mental illness if its real. You could say that there is no real reason for suicide but when one lives on this world at the peak of their career - and has a child, a career in full bloom, money, a beautiful flat and then kills oneself - if that isn't severe mental illness what is it?

posted on Jun, 18 2014 @ 06:11 PM

originally posted by: Skyfloating

originally posted by: vethumanbeing
A false church that prays upon those that are mentally challenged

It might actually help if they are prayed on rather than preyed on.

Not sure what you mean but if something positive can help with 'prayer' by others why not? (shouldn't the one in mental anguish be the person to jump start its own savior (oh that's right they may be compromised mentally) to preserve perceived sanity or thwart potential self harm. False church is psychiatry as a profession and its medications an ever changing merry-go-round. I have a good friend that is a paranoid schizophrenic genius drummer composer; and his thoughts are that the medical profession treats him "without any dignity". He manages using marijuana and is REALLY lucid perhaps 4 days a month, the rest barely managing; typical John Forbes Nash duplicate. "Let us be crazy and figure it out on our own" without the heavy meds. Unfortunately because of this hatred for the field lives with his mother and is NOT AT ALL a functioning human being.
edit on 18-6-2014 by vethumanbeing because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 18 2014 @ 06:35 PM

originally posted by: ANNED
In the years i was a EMT i found many cases of people labeled Schizophrenic that were diabetics with very high blood sugar levels.

I have seen many so called Schizophrenics with blood sugar levels from 400 to 700 mg/dL

These people were being placed in a 5150 hold and were to be transported to a Psychiatric hospital till i did a check of there blood sugar level and then it was straight to the ER.

Once treated for very high blood sugar these people were normal not Schizophrenic

WHAT? This may explain my mothers past odd behaviors when I was a child. When she was young was not looked at for having or diagnosed with diabetes, within the past 10 years was and now when her blood sugar levels go above 350 she becomes a crazy person; thank you for the information.

posted on Jun, 18 2014 @ 08:40 PM
All mental disorders are just the relevance of thoughts to man made ideals. Every mental disorder can be traced to an event in life where it involves the idea or existence of a man made concept or idea. Without rules, regulations, concepts and/or theories of life, there would be nothing to relate your thoughts to, in turn would neutralize any reaction weather it be negative or positive to said relationship, aspect or idea. All in all, many who develop mental disorders live there life striving and/or trying to achieve and please the status quo of the societies of which they were born.

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