posted on May, 30 2014 @ 01:46 PM
I think we have made a serious mistake when it comes to law enforcement in the US.... And I think most of the problems come down to one issue.
Some where along the line we gave the police the right to be wrong and decided there lives were more important then our lives.
A police officer is in the compete right if he shoots and kills you as long as he claims afterward that he FELT threatened. Not that he actually
was threatened... He just has to say he FELT that way.... Feelings are not reality. Your girlfriend might not understand that.... But the criminal
system definitely should.
The police are the ones armed, trained and paid to deal with bad situations. Not the civilians! So the police should be held to a higher standard.
Not givin the benefit of the doubt.
If a cop pulls someone over who is acting jumpy. Then that person reaches into there coat pocket kinda fast. It should be the cops
responsibility to wait and verify it's a gun. Not shoot them and see what the guy had in his coat after the fact.
If a cop jumps the gun and shoots a civilian then we find out the cop misunderstood the situation and there wasn't a threat. Then that's
manslaughter, period!
"Well he moved kinda quick"shouldn't at all be a defense. They are the ones paid , trained and armed the responsibility should be there's. Not
the untrained unarmed civilians!