posted on Jun, 1 2014 @ 07:36 AM
a reply to:
ArchPlayer, out of about a half dozen posts I've made on ATS about that article, you're the first to make such a remark.
Boy, would I'll like to see that article again as well. In order to find it, I imagine that I would need to go to the Newspaper's archives and
search through microfilm. After thinking more about the date, I would have to search through two newspapers during the summers of 1978, 1979 and 1980.
I have a feeling that unless I find a physical newspaper with article, it will be "lost" or have never existed.
I remember well that in 1981 the disease was called something else then in 1982 it was named A.I.D.S. and everyone was worried about getting stoned
and having unprotected sex. So having moved to that place in 78, where I read the article, and having knowledge of A.I.D.S. by 1981, I'm supposing
the article came out in the summer of the intervening years.