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The Shed 2

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posted on Apr, 11 2015 @ 07:42 PM
a reply to: Night Star

Ya know, I just like dealing with people on a every day basis. I want and need to know what others are doing.

I truly enjoy helping people. Ya know when you are so engrossed in your own life. You really don't see all things around you.

For me, I am seeing things in a way That I must help others, I don't plan on putting myself aside anymore. I need to take care of myself, but I need to reach out, and in reaching out, I know I will get back.

Starting a new life in another place (world) I am learning, ya gotta roll with the flow.

At my age, 50, I am learning good lessons. lesson's I will be able to pass along.

posted on Apr, 11 2015 @ 09:17 PM
a reply to: crappiekat

I love helping people too and do so in many ways, just can't do much physically.

Two more pages. I need Syx to add to the story and or Pheonix. We need to save the shed now so we can carry on in a couple of pages please.

posted on Apr, 11 2015 @ 09:18 PM
Anyone can add to the story, I didn't mean to single out Pheonix and Syx exclusively. Just want to continue with Pheonix's idea and make the transition to shed 3.

posted on Apr, 11 2015 @ 09:20 PM
a reply to: Night Star

I'll try to get something written here Night.

ETA: I wrote it! LOL!!
edit on 11-4-2015 by SyxPak because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 11 2015 @ 09:31 PM
I can write the next bit, but I was waiting for everyone else to come and help.


posted on Apr, 11 2015 @ 09:32 PM
Not being able to sleep, Syx headed outside to see about taking a flight. He thought it might help Him relax...
He ambled across the lawns towards the Dragons keep to find out if any of the other Dragons hed received the telepathically sent messages to gather energies. He walked down the narrow path that leads to the keep, and walked into the pen. There he talked to some of His Dragon friends. They decided to take flight and gather their energies together to feed the field of energy already being built.

Together, Syx and several Dragons ambled towards the cliffs, at the waters edge. They all dropped from the cliffs edge towards the waters. Taking an angled turn, they were airborn soon and flying over the watery waves.

They built and raised their own energies and gathered the force into a great wavy ball. This they aimed towards the field of energies on the ground already built and moved the field with their telepathy and hed it strike the main field of energy. THe force grew to enormous size and wavered steadily.

Feeling a job well done, the Dragons then flew back towards The Shed and landed in the field nearby. They all walked into the shed and spread conversation to all that were there. Their talk was positive and hopeful. Everyone thanked the Dragons and all was good...

posted on Apr, 11 2015 @ 11:05 PM
There was a great gathering of every being and beast that resided in the magical realm of the shed. Syx led the dragons including Night Star's beloved Storm. How magnificent to see these wondrous creatures take to the sky spreading their wide leather like wings and gathering their energies. The white wolf stayed close to Shadow the Wolf Lord and other wolves. Night Star gathered the elves and cat beings to stand close together, uniting their powers.

Dark skies brought forth a crackling of thunder and lightening as the power rose, gaining strength. The magical realm seemed to flicker here then not, then here again. Was it working? Would the magical realm be saved, or would they flicker out of existence never to be seen again? They couldn't divert their concentration. All must focus on combining their magic and energies. Every being, every animal, every tree and everything that was a part of this enchanting place worked together to save the beloved Shed.

Huge branches shook wildly shedding leaves and smaller branches. A calmness then surrounded them. Was it over? Did it work? Were they elsewhere or still here?

posted on Apr, 11 2015 @ 11:06 PM
Ok Pheonix you can finish this off now.

posted on Apr, 11 2015 @ 11:13 PM
a reply to: pheonix358

I am here.

Lets get this on.

I am peeing in my pants!!!!

posted on Apr, 11 2015 @ 11:45 PM
Shadow watched closely as the huge Arcane Energies were added to. He did not say anything but the total added by the Pixies was worth, well, not much at all but then he chided himself. The Keeper was not interested in how much Power was added but that everyone had a role to play and in that way, they would 'own' the solution bringing a calm acceptance of the necessity of this attempt.

Shadow was linked in to the melding of minds. He was adding energy, but in the grand scheme of things, it was about as useful as the Pixies' effort. He was awed at the undertaking. On another world, he could sense the minds of the Pre-eminant Queen Great Dragon and Mia, her Rider and the Draconic Princess. They were anchoring this Spell, doing lazy circles in the sky.

The combined minds at this end were setting up the dual Transfer. This island would be swapped for the other island. It was simple and yet extremely complex. They were managing all sorts of details from the difference in size to considering the differences in weight and how this would affect the planetary crust.

Shadow was awestruck as he understood that the Transfer would include everything down to the bedrock. The sheer mass involved was mind boggling and yet it did not seem important to anyone. They were more interested in making sure that all the birds, Fairies and Pixies were staying in the trees.

The combined minds went through one last check, making sure everything was ready. Moments later, the Great Dragons merged their minds so deep, they were almost one. They accessed the energy from the Arcane Field, surrounded the island with a huge Arcane Shield and then they initiated the Transfer.

Everything went dark. It was more than dark, no sound, no feeling and no smell. An absence of senses. With an almighty boom, all of the senses returned. Where it had been night, it was now day! They had succeeded!

The first to recover were the birds. A few cheeps and then they all took to the air in surprise. A stray thought from the Keeper was rather amusing. He was wondering how the birds would handle the shift in timezones, let alone the longer days and the longer year. Still, it had been spring and it was the beginning of summer here, so they would recover.

After all that, with many of the lesser Great Dragons laying down to rest. The Keeper and his Companions were moving around checking on everyone. It was almost as if, moving the island was just another day for them. Such Power!

Shadow laid down, he thought he would just close his eyes for a few minutes. He was exhausted.

edit on 11/4/2015 by pheonix358 because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 11 2015 @ 11:48 PM
Done, done and done!


posted on Apr, 12 2015 @ 05:01 AM
a reply to: pheonix358


Yoo Hooooooooo!!!!!

edit on 12-4-2015 by SyxPak because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 12 2015 @ 08:01 AM
a reply to: pheonix358

Well done my friend, well done!! And now as our pages near the end of another chapter, I will feel content to soon move on to our new realm, our new home of enchantment and joy.

New kitty coming today!

posted on Apr, 12 2015 @ 08:33 AM
When the new thread opens I will write the next bit of the story, opening up many possibilities for all sorts of things to happen. It should let other writers have a very broad scope for continuing there individual plots and stories.

The new planet has an interesting history.


posted on Apr, 12 2015 @ 08:40 AM
a reply to: pheonix358

The new planet sounds interesting! Very interesting Indeed!!
I can hardly wait for the new pages to come!! I am ready for them!!!

posted on Apr, 12 2015 @ 07:14 PM
a reply to: pheonix358

Hey, New story dropped in Here.
It's a quick read if you want to check it out!? I Titled it RAGE!

edit on 12-4-2015 by SyxPak because: I did a Boo Boo

posted on Apr, 13 2015 @ 07:53 AM
Good Morning Shed and lurkers who are still with us.I have been thinking of the new thread soon to be launched. It will be a fun and slightly different story line then I am sure. It will still have all the features of the story so far, I am sure, but it will also have new elements and probably some new characters coing into play. I invite all lurkers to sign in! Come Play with Us here! It should be a fun diversion from the seriousness of the days...... There will be serious elements from our personal lives I am sure, but that will not detract from the story. Sometimes those bits get added into the story as well, for a more rounded environmennt. It should be fun!! Come on, what are you waiting for?! LOL!!!

posted on Apr, 13 2015 @ 12:06 PM
He's here, he's beautiful and I love him already! My new Siamese cat! He let me pick him up right away. He likes to talk. Right now he's checking out his new environment and very curious. Such a beautiful boy! Pictures later!

I too invite our lurkers to participate in the new adventures of our story. I'll set up the new shed when we reach page 390. I don't want to wait until the last minute.

posted on Apr, 13 2015 @ 12:16 PM
a reply to: Night Star

The new kitty sound cool! what is His Name Night? Pics will be a bonus for us later on!!

posted on Apr, 13 2015 @ 02:42 PM
a reply to: crappiekat

i just seen this at facebook and thought about what you said...and this would so be

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