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Three matadors are gored HAHA!

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posted on May, 27 2014 @ 12:53 AM
I'm actually a supporter of the sport, but it needs some reform. The bulls need to be at their peak health (or darn near) not purposefully injured before. (maybe I'm underinformed and they are)

This sport is a cultural thing and none of anyones business but those raised in that culture. In Germany, in a town called wittlich they have pig fest, where they slaughter and eat pigs (and the pigs don't even get to fight back
). They do it because the pigs got a bunch of Germans killed when they ate the lock (carrot) out of the gate, which allowed their enemies into their town. So every year, the town kills some pigs. NBD imo.

Let the flaming begin.
edit on 27-5-2014 by Dfairlite because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 27 2014 @ 03:37 AM
a reply to: tadaman

dude... you're a spaniard who the us took home. First of all... thank the US. Then the others... or else you'll just sound a bit, you know ungrateful. If it was me, and if I was an american, seeing a spaniard say " I am an Asturian before I am a Spaniard" I would be like... really? And he lives here? Well first of all you should be an american... and then you should be whatever you want to be, because it is america that gives you the opportunity to be whatever you want to be and actually its because of america than you can say stupid things like " I am an Asturian before I am a Spaniard"...

Listen.. I'm not in the US of A,... I'm in my own own country. If you're in my country you better uphold my country above everything else, because it's my country that gives you the opportunity that you couldnt find in your own country. Sometimes I think that saying "when it Rome be a Roman" got lost and people think they can be in Rome while being anything else besides a Roman... well I think the US and many other countries, like the UK, or France with their excessively friendly rules when it comes to foreign communities have been too soft... because foreigners think they can just get to a country and take over a slice of it and call it a "community", have their own rules and "culture" and dont have to abide by the rules of the hosting country... and that of course leads to fracturing consequences between the foreigners and natives.

Like I said,.. first and foremost, you should be an American. Then you should be an New Yorker... and then you can be whatever medievel european culture you choose, but mind you - and always keep this clear in your head - you better choose to be an American, and never deny that, because no secular european medieval mentality would accept you since you, no matter how much you like them, how how much your ideals are close to them, but as an immigrant you''ll never be accepted here. If you think Americans are hardcore... listen, Europe has 2000 years of hate (and later 100 top years) to prove its hate for traitors and its definition for "traitor" isnt written in a Constitution, its a.. let's say... interpretative way of dealing with your kind.

So if I was you, I would choose to be an American... at heart. Because if you don't, in the end, no American nor European, Spaniard or Asturian will stand by you... be careful who you align with. You think you belong everywhere you'll end up not belong to nowhere.

And your love for bullfights wont save you either... we couldnt care less.

posted on May, 27 2014 @ 05:04 AM
a reply to: FraternitasSaturni

I am an American first and foremost. A new yorker. In the spirit of my NATION, honoring the solemn unity of my state with other states in our UNION...I am an American. I am no less an American for being an Asturian /Spanish American than a native American is for having a strong cultural identity and pride in his cultural heritage. Its the same as saying that if you consider yourself a native American you are not an AMerican. Thats morally and factually Wrong.

What you are REALLY saying is that because I am not a Federalist that I am un-American and that for supporting the Anti-Federalist mentality I am a traitor. Wrong again historically, and factually. I do not need to adapt a centralized sovereignty or identity set by the government or the people in DC. THAT is at the core of Un-Americanism.

Its a complicated issue even to an American, especially with our current education system so no sweat.

I love my country. The US. If Spain and the US went to war I would have to kill Spaniards. I fully accept that and wouldnt find issue beyond my personal ties to my family and my friends back in Spain.

Please dont try to twist this into a loyalty issue. Thats dishonest. If you really want go through my posting history. If you knew me I would tell you to ask around, but lacking that you can guess where my loyalties lie.

My Spanish heritage ENRICHES me. My NY heritage Enriches my country.

Its not at odds with a thing. They actually are similar ideologically. We have regional sovereignty in Spain like in the US. It was established in Spain during the reform after Franco died when the new Spanish constitution was written. It was modeled after the US constitution and like many countries after the marshal plan in Europe.

I am not saying the US wrote other countries constitutions, but a basic model was taken as a source which did reflect some of our tenants.

In Spain regional identity and even regional sovereignty is not an issue. Its not in the US either. Anyone saying otherwise is not a very well studied American. We fought a civil war over state rights. We fought a revolutionary war FOR state rights. We have always struggled with this issue. Its no small subject, but basically, we are nations...our states. They form a UNION.

Do you know how a universal drinking age was established in the US? No state wanted to enact a federally mandated drinking age. There was and is no law to do so. Washington DC threatened to deny monies dedicated to interstate roads unless every state signed into law a 21 YO drinking age.

Same with fire arms. Same with weed. Same with everything. We have state sovereignty. That implies that citizens are required to have some form of state identity (which we do to a lessening degree now sadly- Not a problem Texas! Hats off to you guys).

Large central governments like the EU and the federal government in DC have historically always pushed for diminished regional identity so as to exert more centralized power and influence. No surprise there.

Its dishonest to say that because I consider myself a NYer before an American I am less American. ALL THE CONTRARY.

I am the very spirit that founded this union basing myself on my peoples self worth, right to self determination, and manifest destiny. I am an antifederalist as well ideologically. Like the Dutch, Irish, German, and everyone else here...I have a cultural heritage. We are no less American for it. We arent native Americans. They are the only ones who can make such a claim and rightfully so. They too are Americans if they wish. They have a right to preserve their cultural identity as well with no issue being taken.

I am not going to burn my blood in my veins and erase from my memory all that my ethnic and cultural heritage has offered me. That too would be un-American. We are a collection of peoples living as one. The spirit of respect and tolerance is what makes us not just honor liberty but to worship it.

Mutual respect no matter race, religion, or creed. We can and do include past cultural backgrounds since they are these things in a nutshell.

I am a NYer. I am an Asturian NYer. I am a descendant of Spain.


I am a son of my nation. I am an American. Damn proud. My family CHOSE to live here. I still do, even though I could leave. Not finance or alienation stops me. I still choose the US.

But I dont have to explain myself. I know that. I just CHOSE to reiterate what it is to be an American. I revel in our history and culture. Should our nation fall I will always be an American, a NYer. I will defend that memory and teach my children to as fervently and passionately as I remember Asturias, Spain or any other part of who they are.

My country needs strong people of sound mind and spirit. Not dornes of conformity with no identity or pride in who they are as a people.

Because we are a nation of freemen. That too is why I love my country. The spirit is there, though in these times the freemen are not as they once were.

I am.

edit on 5 27 2014 by tadaman because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 27 2014 @ 04:39 PM
Ha ha, good for the bull(s), at least until it was slowly killed...

Culture is really no excuse for the kind of treatment that is given to the bulls involved, such as Vaseline in their eyes, caustic solution on their legs, spikes through their genitals, and locked in a small box for a couple days just to name a few. Maybe anyone supporting this should try a few of those out for themselves?

There are multiple ways of keeping ones culture without continued torture. Just goes to show how little these people care about the animal. If these people really wanted to stick with their culture then what's the point in basically crippling the animal before the matador gets in there with it? why not just throw him right in and let him fight the old fashion way? Why not let the matador get killed by the bull if the bull wins? Isn't that what happened in the old days? I'd be all for that. Doesn't seem like the matadors are very brave if they choose to fight an already crippled animal.

A few people on here have also brought up other "sports" that involve killing this animal or that, yet the killing is not drawn out with days of torture and is usually very fast compared to this.

I feel no sympathy for the ones that this happened to, nor will I ever. In my eyes a humans life is no better than a bulls. I will, however, continue to laugh every time something like this happens to a person who dearly deserves it.

And just to make it clear to anyone who tries to "drop some knowledge" on me and defend this heinous act, I will not be reading your reply, nor replying to you. It doesn't mean you've won, changed my mind on anything I've said, or the way i feel about what happened. It simply means that I do not care enough about your opinion to waste my time with it.

posted on May, 27 2014 @ 04:52 PM
a reply to: ALOTOFBS

why not just throw him right in and let him fight the old fashion way? Why not let the matador get killed by the bull if the bull wins? Isn't that what happened in the old days? I'd be all for that.

I am for that. I never said otherwise.

I was responding to the posts that were outright hateful towards Spain and Spaniards. If youre going to to be like that to me or my own (My kids, parents, siblings, friends, ect) I see no reason to hold back as to any reservations I may have about it.

I am no fan of some of the treatment the bulls undergo. I would love it if it were never reformed from its original practice.

No need to get defensive about your view. You're not crapping on anyone as far as I can tell so no harm no foul, no sticky fingered posts.

Have a good one.
Hold it down.

edit on 5 27 2014 by tadaman because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 27 2014 @ 05:26 PM
a reply to: stormson

the spanish ARE european. darn near brought the eu down as well due to their debt.

What has fiat debt, which the USA can conceivably bring down the whole PLANET with have anything to do with Bullfighting? Clutching at straws.

I dont condone weakening a bull so it doesnt stand a chance in the ring by the way.

I think in the not too distant future obese N American kids would make sport in the arena. Notice Spanish people are less obese; I wont even bother comparing Europeans to N AMericans when it comes to culture.

Then again there seems to be a new sport craze in America thats all the rage...LEOS murdering unarmed people. Wheres the outrage?

posted on May, 27 2014 @ 05:34 PM
a reply to: stormson

i watched a fight one time.the bull came out hard

then you lift the spear so it impales itself on it. if the shaft brakes, you could be toast. if it swerves so you dont get the spear up, youre toast. lots of variables

that explains everything. So you love bullfighting, further justified by some mathematical formula in your head that rationalizes torturing a wild boar. Yep
edit on 27-5-2014 by TheConstruKctionofLight because: clarity

posted on Jun, 2 2014 @ 08:42 PM
a reply to: tadaman

Mexicans are derived primarily from the mixing of Spaniards and Native Americans, making up the largest portion of the mestizo. That is why bloodlines was brought up, in case you are unaware.

Spanish conquistadors killed more natives than all other nations combined - and in horrific fashions, such as smashing babies against stones or skinning people alive. The horrors they've done are STILL unsurpassed and the deaths tallied by them on those campaigns alone was not equaled until WWI. Yet you are comparing that satanic level violence and genocide to tortures and executions carried out elsewhere at the same time period, but while also forgetting to include Spain's infamous torturing back home too. Ever heard of the Spanish Inquisition? I guess not. Many European nations have an unnecessarily violent history at that time, but sorry, none come close to Spain.

The video I referenced was in Mexico, not Spain.

You don't know my "fighting skills", what I've done irl, or where I'm from, so let's avoid the ad hominem.

Oh, you said people should respect the slow mutilation of animals in another post due to cultural heritage. Just fyi, barbaric cultural acts have historically been lost to modernization and evolving ethics - so thanks for emphasizing my point about savagery and ignorance with its condoning. But looks like Spain can use a little bloodsport Colosseum action to distract the rioting, unemployed masses. You're right, very "enhanced and civilized".

Come at me with more ignorance bro, but wear your foofoo traje de luces to look a little more uppity when you do.
edit on 2-6-2014 by TheLegend because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 2 2014 @ 09:13 PM
a reply to: TheLegend

Keep hating people and cherry picking history while living in a nation that is devoid of all native populations. Spain left its colonies and the people still live there today. The UK, france, and everyone else left their colonies and the people still lived there. The US was in charge of their land for a couple hundred years and managed to kill every native for the most part. What? They all moved to Mexico?

How much of Iraq's native population was killed in our war of aggression you think? Did you forget that Spain backed out of it because of the sheer force of public outcry from its citizens? I didnt see that here. We cheered the thing on like the useful idiots we were. I dont need to have a pissing contest with you over things that happened hundreds of years ago and that every colonial power was complicit in. How many millions were killed in the ME in the last 13 years?

Dont look now, you sound like hypocrite.

Also, dont be quick to judge Spain´s current economic woes while the US economy is teetering on the precipice of a total collapse. You may live to see bread lines in the US. Same goes for ALL of Europe.

Everything you said was nothing more than a ploy to take cheap shots at Spain and was besides the point of this thread entirely really. You hate Spain and spaniards and are trying to profess some enhanced level of intelligence? You are an ignorant dumbass insulting an entire people you never met. You would fit right in with the recent history of the US where SLAVERY was still in practice and second class citizens roamed the streets until just a few decades ago. What do you do for fun? Lynch homosexuals and African Americans? It doesnt seem like its below you. Hating people you dont agree with and have never met is par for the coarse with you.

Keep hating. You sound really intelligent... Also keep cherry picking your own history. Apparently you never heard of anything either.


Spanish conquistadors killed more natives than all other nations combined

That is one of the most retarded things you have ever said. Know that. Enjoy the land you are living on. The natives who were completely exterminated and are buried beneath your stolen land are just happy as pigs in isht after that one.

edit on 6 2 2014 by tadaman because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 2 2014 @ 09:43 PM

originally posted by: tadaman
Keep hating people and cherry picking history while living in a nation that is devoid of all native populations. Spain left its colonies and the people still live there today. The UK, france, and everyone else left their colonies and the people [Native Americans] still lived there. The US was in charge of their land for a couple hundred years and managed to kill every native for the most part. What? They all moved to Mexico?
Dont look now, you sound like hypocrite.

So you're trying to divide the period of when European colonists were in America Vs when the United States was officially founded. In that case, you just sabotaged yourself.

Spaniards caused the death of approximately 25,000,000 Native Americans.

After the United States was officially formed, in 1776, there was approximately 600,000 Native Americans left to potentially kill, so it wasn't even possible for the U.S. to do 1/40 of the damage done by Spain alone to the natives. And, as of 2010 there are 2,900,000 registered Native Americans (5,000,000 counting "mixed"). Europeans drove them to the brink of extinction and, while the U.S. was not fair with dealing with Native Americans in the past, they kept them alive and growing at least.

You believe in one of the biggest modern misconceptions. I know you're somehow going to argue with numbers and facts tho and have tons of free time, so peace out. Guys like you don't stop until you have the last word.
edit on 2-6-2014 by TheLegend because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 2 2014 @ 09:51 PM
a reply to: TheLegend

the U.S. was not fair with dealing with Native Americans in the past, they kept them alive and growing at least.

BY killing off every bison in sight to starve them, shooting them up in mass while marching men women and children in winter to certain death, handing them infected blankets to kill them with disease, erasing their culture by a school system designed to punish their cultural identity and everything else we did? That was keeping them alive? They are ALL DEAD. The only places where natives survive today in any relevant measure in the Americas is where Spain had its colonies.

Also, is it EUROPEANS or Spaniards you are referring to? Besides, Europe (Spain) left the native people alive. The US is devoid of all native people. Where did they go you think?

You can continue to take cheap shots if you like but you are looking more like a hypocrite and a revisionist. Are you not upset at the Dutch, England, and everyone else who had a colony? Or is it just a hard on for Spain you are dealing with? How noble you are....

Also, if you want to tally up deaths of people from hundreds of years ago, please cite your sources as throwing numbers out like fliers is retarded.

25 MILLION deaths? LOL WTF.... From MURDER or disease? Source? You do realize that 90% of all deaths in those times were from disease that ALL Europeans brought to the Americas which natives were not able to fight against. Saying we killed them is about as sane as blaming "winter" for a cold you got. If a couple hundred Spaniards killed that many people they would have to have used nukes. LOL You are borderline funny.

My mexican wife is laughing her ass off at you and this thread.

edit on 6 2 2014 by tadaman because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 2 2014 @ 10:32 PM
just for arguments sake.

Indian Numbers

The size of the native population at contact is critical to our argument. The prevailing position, a recent one, is that the Americas were well-populated rather than relatively empty lands in 1492. In the words of the sixteenth-century Spanish priest, Bartolomé de las Casas, who knew the Indies well:

All that has been discovered up to the year forty-nine 115491 is full of people, like a hive of bees, so that it seems as though God had placed all, or the greater part of the entire human race in these countries (Las Casas, in MacNutt 1909, 314).

Las Casas believed that more than 40 million Indians had died by the year 1560. Did he exaggerate? In the 1930s and 1940s, Alfred Kroeber, Angel Rosenblat, and Julian Steward believed that he had. The best counts then available indicated a population of between 815 million Indians in the Americas. Subsequently, Carl Sauer, Woodrow Borah, Sherburne F. Cook, Henry Dobyns, George Lovell, N. David Cook, myself, and others have argued for larger estimates. Many scholars now believe that there were between 40-100 million Indians in the hemisphere (Denevan 1992). This conclusion is primarily based on evidence of rapid early declines from epidemic disease prior to the first population counts (Lovell, this volume).

I have recently suggested a New World total of 53.9 million (Denevan 1992, xxvii). This divides into 3.8 million for North America, 17.2 million for Mexico, 5.6 million for Central America, 3.0 million for the Caribbean, 15.7 million for the Andes, and 8.6 million for lowland South America. These figures are based on my judgment as to the most reasonable recent tribal and regional estimates. Accepting a margin of error of about 20 percent, the New World population would lie between 43-65 million. Future regional revisions are likely to maintain the hemispheric total within this range. Other recent estimates, none based on totaling regional figures, include 43 million by Whitmore (1991, 483), 40 million by Lord and Burke (1991), 40-50 million by Cowley (1991), and 80 million for just Latin America by Schwerin (1991, 40). In any event, a population between 40-80 million is sufficient to dispel any notion of "empty lands." Moreover, the native impact on the landscape of 1492 reflected not only the population then but the cumulative effects of z growing population over the previous 15,000 years or more.

European entry into the New World abruptly reversed this trend. The decline of native American populations was rapid and severe, probably the greatest demographic disaster eve; (Lovell, this volume). Old World diseases were the primary killer. In many regions, particularly the tropical lowlands, populations fell by 90 percent or more in the first century after the contact. Indian populations (estimated) declined Hispaniola from 1 million in 1492 to a few hundred 50 years later, or by more than 99 percent in Peru from 9 million in 1520 to 670,000 in 1620 (92 percent); in the Basin of Mexico from 1.6 million in 1519 to 180,000 in 107 (89 percent); and in North America from 3.8 million in 1492 to 1 million in 1800 (74 percent). An overall drop from 53.9 million in 1492 to 5.6 million in 1650 amounts to an 89 percent reduction (Denevan 1992, xvii-xxix). The human landscape was affected accordingly, although there is not always a direct relationship between population density and human impact (Whitmore, et al. 1990, 37).

The replacement of Indians by Europeans and Africans was initially a slow process. By 1638 there were only about 30,000 English in North America (Sale 1990, 388), and by 1750 there were only 1.3 million Europeans and slaves (Meinig 1986, 247). For Latin America in 1750, 56nchez-Albornoz (1974, 7) gives a total (including Indians) of 12 million. For the hemisphere in 1750, the Atlas of World Population History reports 16 million (McEvedy and Jones 1978, 270).

Thus the overall hemispheric population in 1750 was about 30 percent of what it may have been in 1492. The 1750 population, however, was very unevenly distributed, mainly located in certain coastal and highland areas with little Europeanization elsewhere.

In North America in 1750, there were only small pockets of settlement beyond the coastal belt, stretching from New England to northern Florida (see maps in Meinig 1986, 209, 245). Elsewhere, combined Indian and European populations were sparse, and environmental impact was relatively minor.

25,000,000 deaths by conquest is wrong. They would have to have brought several thousand boats full of ammo and swords to kill that many. The entire scientific community is in agreement that epidemics were rampant and that the largest factors for mortality was desease. European populations were sparse for a very long time. It wasnt until those populations started to have higher birth rates that the land was filled with people again.


Tell me again how the Natives of North America are doing fine. Tell me again how they still are the controlling population in this country. I dont think they even inhabit 1% of the land and their culture is almost entirely lost to many of them.

Mexico, full of Mexicans. South America, full of South Americans....and so on.

I know you're somehow going to argue with numbers and facts

Oh no! god forbid we use real numbers and facts...LOL
You just did more justice to my argument than I ever could. Thank you. (nice edit after the fact

Guys like you don't stop until you have the last word

and Guys like you dont stop until you run out of steam. Which is often since your entire argument is usually based on hate and ignorance. If you cant hang dont start to begin with. And you cant hang because you're full of isht. Sorry if the FACTS and NUMBERS arent to your liking, but ignorance revels in half truths and inconsistencies.

Shut me up with the truth or shut up and be quiet in your ignorance. Which you did. Nice.

Your Ignorance has been DENIED.

Bye bye tough guy, go punch a wall or something or whatever it is that a moron does with his free time.

edit on 6 2 2014 by tadaman because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 3 2014 @ 11:18 PM
a reply to: tadaman

if brevity is wit, then you must be one of the most witless people ive ever nearly read.

so youre more american than i? how many tours did you pull? see, i laid it on the line for this country, which makes me "more american" than 90% of the u.s. also, a member of my family has been in every war since the founding of this country, to include the spanish-american war. btw, who won that?

spain had a good run for a hundred years or so, then faded to almost nothing. even france is better than spain right now. the english empire started before, and lasted longer, then the spainish empire. on the world stage of history, spain showed up in the second act and left in the third.

lets not forget the church. if it wasnt for the church, spain would have fallen far sooner than it did.

"They are ALL DEAD. The only places where natives survive today in any relevant measure in the Americas is where Spain had its colonies. " my full blood comanche (best horsemen of the mid-west, most feared of all the tribes) grandmother would disagree.

but dont get me wrong, spain is great, except for that part where you father risked everything to get away from it.

as for lynching and slavery, it was a cultural thing, but we, unlike spain, realized it was a stupid cultural thing and got rid of it.

i await your page and a half response.

posted on Jun, 3 2014 @ 11:31 PM
a reply to: stormson

Since you like brevity here is something that you can wrap your head around.

I think you are a fool for quantifying an entire people you have probably never even visited. I am sorry USING MY WORDS is not convenient to your ignorant hateful thought process.

Take it as you will. Keep hating little man.

Oh, and if military service makes you a "better" citizen in your eyes you no longer embrace the ethos of this country.

You are a citizen as I. Assuming you deserve MORE PRIVILEGE is the most un American thing I can think of. You are no better for your service. Touting it like some sort of golden ticket makes it less than selfless. Do you say that when you go grab a beer hoping that after being on the public dole for a long while that maybe you can squeeze a free beer out of a lesser citizen?

While the Spanish empire didnt last long its impact did. Spanish is the 2nd most spoken language BEFORE english globally second to Mandarin only due to population density. You probably live in a town my people founded and named. Our culture is prolific.

and the church? Asturias was home to the start of the first crusade. The reconquista started in Spain where my family is from. If it wasnt for us you would be praying to Allah every evening since no one in Europe could oppose the Moors and the advance of Islam. France was starting to lose territory.

Not even Rome could make us bend our knee.

Thats what I bring to the table and my country the USA. You? Ignorant hate and self endorsed superiority, thats what.


edit on 6 3 2014 by tadaman because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 3 2014 @ 11:52 PM

originally posted by: tadaman
a reply to: stormson

Since you like brevity here is something that you can wrap your head around.

I think you are a fool for quantifying an entire people you have probably never even visited. I am sorry USING MY WORDS is not convenient to your ignorant hateful thought process.

Take it as you will. Keep hating little man.

Oh, and if military service makes you a "better" citizen in your eyes you no longer embrace the ethos of this country.

You are a citizen as I. Assuming you deserve MORE PRIVILEGE is the most un american thing I can think of. You are no better for your service. Touting it like some sort of golden ticket makes it a little less than selfless. You say that when you go grab a beer hoping that after being on the public dole you can squeeze a free beer out of a lesser citizen?


While the Spanish empire didnt last long its impact did. 2nd most spoken language BEFORE english globally second to mandarin only due to population density. You probably live in a town my people made and named.

and the church? Asturias is the start of the first crusade. The reconquista started in Spain where my family is from. Not even Rome could make us bend our knee.

Thats what I bring to the table and my country. You?

so being a soldier and laying it on the line for the country is "being on the public dole"? nice. remember, if it wasnt for soldiers, you wouldnt have all your rights and privileges.

i never said i should have more privileges, just that im more american than you. after all, if you love something, youre willing to die for it. i nearly did. btw, if spain and america go to war, which side do you choose? or would you just sit out and say "spain was great! once."

again, breeding doesnt make one great. english is the language of business and aviation. why? cause we dominate. mandarin is most spoken due to breeding. same with spanish. but look at all the spanish countries and tell me theyre worth. somewhere in south america is a country with zero money, cause they go to mexico for opportunity! mexico!

umm, you take pride in the crusades? where you lost, again, and again?

i just reread your post. you referred to spain as "my country". nice. guess that does make me more american than you, as i claim no country or heritage but this one.

btw, how did you hijack a thread about how dumb and barbaric bullfighting is to a referendum on spain as a whole? i love ibiza and tapas.

edit on 3-6-2014 by stormson because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 3 2014 @ 11:59 PM
a reply to: stormson

if spain and america go to war, which side do you choose?

I would defend the US with the same passion and intensity as I do here with words. I live what I preach. If you think this is bad, you should see how I treat jerks who piss all over my home country.

umm, you take pride in the crusades? where you lost, again, and again?

We didnt lose the crusades. We expelled the Moors and sent them into the ocean. I assume you are referring to the conquest of the holy land. That was a European venture that lasted several hundred years. Spain's role was probably the same as everyone elses. Spain was the only country to win a concise victory and keep what they killed. The Moors never set their eyes on our coast with the thought of conquest ever again. We beat that out of them early on. Asturians led the fight from the front.

you referred to spain as "my country".

check that. I said my home is the US. While my culture is from spain, my home and people are the US. Nice try. "mr. I am more American".

all in all I dont care what you have to say. You have shown that you are more about keeping face than actual debate.

btw, how did you hijack a thread about how dumb and barbaric bullfighting is to a referendum on spain as a whole? i love ibiza and tapas.

I didnt hijack anything. People want to piss on my culture? Here I am. I will stand closer to you to make it easier. Dont expect me to recieve it and not dish it out though. You have something to say about Spain? Say it to me. I am a descendant of Spaniards. I hope that doesnt change your sentiment. Having opposition only changes the tone in cowards. Others tried using everything from our ancient history to our current economic plight as evidence of inferiority. I shut that crap up where I saw it is all.

I would thank you for your service by the way, but the way you keep throwing that out there is somehow disgraceful.

I have military in my family sir. Dont assume so much. I will probably be in uniform in less than a year if everything works out.

again, breeding doesnt make one great. english is the language of business and aviation. why? cause we dominate

We didnt breed more than others. Our culture and language was adopted is all. Spain constitutes less than 1% of the global population.

We arent great for our dominance. That may end one day. We are great for our people and way of life. That is not dependant on the world. It is reflected in it. You of all people should know that.

edit on 6 4 2014 by tadaman because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 4 2014 @ 12:06 AM

originally posted by: tadaman
a reply to: stormson

if spain and america go to war, which side do you choose?

I would defend the US with the same passion and intensity as I do here with words. I live what I preach. If you think this is bad, you should see how I treat jerks who piss all over my home country.

We didnt lose the crusades. We expelled the Moors and sent them into the ocean. I assume you are referring to the conquest of the holy land. That was a European venture that lasted several hundred years. Spain's role was probably the same as everyone elses.

you referred to spain as "my country".

check that. I said my home is the US. While my culture is from spain, my home and people are the US. Nice try. "mr. I am more American".

all in all I dont care what you have to say. You have shown that you are more about keeping face than actual debate. I didnt hijack anything. People want to piss on my culture? Here I am I will stand closer to you to make it easier. Dont expect me to recieve it and not dish it out. You have something to say about Spain? Say it to me. I am a descendant of SPaniards. I hope that doesnt change your sentiment. Having opposition only changes the tone to cowards.

I would thank you for your service by the way, but the way you keep throwing that out there is somehow disgraceful.

I have military in my family sir. Dont assume so much. I will probably be in uniform in less than a year if everything works out.

We didnt breed more than others. Our culture and language was adopted is all. Spain constitutes less than 1% of the global population.

you cheated! you edited your response before i could clip it and show you for the fraud you are!

p.s. you know what soldiers think when you thank us? "why didnt you join?"

hey, its peacetime, so go for it.

edit on 4-6-2014 by stormson because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 4 2014 @ 12:15 AM
a reply to: stormson

you cheated! you edited your response before i could clip it and show you for the fraud you are!

what are you 4?

I added that like 2 minutes after my post. I said "my country". TEHN I specified which I was referring to BEFORE YOU POSTED JERKY. You were still posting. Maybe you should have checked before you got all sticky fingered and impulsive. I NEVER said Spain is my country. You read into that. I wonder who the hell you think you are talking to in your mind.

Fraud? what You want to check my papers or something weirdo?

p.s. you know what soldiers think when you thank us? "why didnt you join?"

You know what civilians think when we hear crap like that? You dont deserve all we do for you if thats your sentiment. Not everyone is a soldier. Without scientists making your weapons, factories making your munitions, and doctors putting you back together you couldn't even have the privilege of serving...just to name a few.

What the hell do you know what my family sacrificed?

Again touting your service like a golden ticket is dishonorable. And as far as peace time....there is never "peace time".

edit on 6 4 2014 by tadaman because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 4 2014 @ 12:32 AM
a reply to: tadaman

whatever. you changed your post so i couldnt show you up. but what do you expect from a spaniard?

those doctors? military. scientists? darpa. factories, ok ill give you that one.

what did you do? send us "care packages" full of t.p. and razors? we had tons of that stuff. what we wanted was food, something other than "mysteries" (m.r.e.'s).

as for your family, i truly dont care. your father ran away from a dirt pit and came to the states. you turned around and ran back to spain, which he ran from. so much for learning from dad.

well, when you have "service" to speak of, you tend to be proud of it. i did it for my country, not for you. you were collateral, much like the hipsters at starbucks on their macs.

posted on Jun, 4 2014 @ 12:34 AM
a reply to: stormson

That was some of the most retarded crap you have ever said. Know that. LOL

Thank you for proving my point better than I could. While you dont know who you are talking to, I know who I am or at least was talking to. Everyone here with a brain now knows what type of person you are.

You arent worth it. YOU are collateral. You are a disgrace.

Serving yourself is not exactly selfless. Its selfish. You dont know the first thing about the American ethos. The fact you wore a uniform and dont understand is just bad all around. Its reflects badly on those who made you. They should be ashamed of you. They failed.

Dont expect another response from me. Take that as you wish, victory /vindication. I dont care. I dont waste time talking to fools who arent even men in my eyes.

*Guy wants food....animal. *craps on certain "types" of his countrymen....traitor. *Thinks he is special....fool.

edit on 6 4 2014 by tadaman because: (no reason given)

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