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Charlie Crist: Racism Drove Me From Republican Party

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posted on May, 7 2014 @ 02:07 PM
I thought it was common knowledge that the GOP is anti-poor, women, minorities, gays etc.

He is lying about just discovering this, but his accusations are true.

posted on May, 7 2014 @ 02:17 PM
There was a time when you could at least have a civil discussion with others about political issues and world affairs. And there was a time when you could actually agree to disagree. We even had political leaders that, despite very different views, could reach a compromise and move the process along. I’d even go as far as to say that their were a handful of legislators who actually worked very hard to invoke the will of the people and make this country a better place to live.

But, that was then and this is now. Especially in the past 20 years, the political landscape has changed radically. It’s not even recognizable as it once was. We no longer have a government by the people and for the people. The political machine dances to the tune of the elite. “For the people” has become “screw the people”. It’s no longer 1 person, 1 vote; votes are bought and sold to the highest bidder. Our great experiment in Democracy has failed; it was bought out from under us.

Personally, I call myself an Independent. That’s only because I can’t identify with either major party these days. They don’t work for me. They work for the Koch brothers, ExxonMobil and BP. Now, although I have issues with both parties, the set of issues I have with the Democratic Party is different than the set of issues I have with the Republican Party. Frankly, the Republican set is much, much larger than the Democratic one. To be honest, I’ve become disillusioned with politics, period. It’s no fun discussing it with others, anymore, as it usually becomes heated and pointless. Facts no longer figure into political debates; they just get in the way.

Now, regarding Charlie Crist and his motives, I only have a couple brief comments. I have no reason not to believe his reasons for changing parties. It all seemed reasonable and made sense to me. Maybe he thinks the Republican ticket is becoming a loser. I’ve heard other republicans express discomfort with the extreme nature of the party these days, as well. It’s obviously not the same party it was 15-20 years ago. The Tea Party has put a whole new face on it, and many people flat don’t like it. That’s just a fact. Lastly, as far as racism goes and the treatment of this president, Crist is right on. It doesn’t take a rocket scientist to figure that one out. This president has been disrespected and slandered more than any other president I can recall. And many of the loaded statements I’ve heard republican congressmen make about him downright screamed racism. The republicans have been in attack mode from his first day in office. They intend to make sure his presidency is a failure and so attempt to block everything he tries to accomplish, regardless of merit. This is the least productive congress in history for a reason. Their whole mission is to discredit this president. And what galls me the most is they are willing to do this at the expense of the American people. They are so busy scheming Obama’s downfall, they have no time left to do the business of the people. I think it’s scandalous and borderline treasonous. It used to be that regardless of your party affiliation or personal feelings about the president, the Office of the Presidency still demanded a certain level of due respect. Not anymore. To me, the racist element is blatant and undeniable.

I hate politics! Like I said, I have issues with both major parties. I wish there was another party; like the Worker’s Party, or the People’s Party. Our alternatives are too limited. This thread happened to be republican-oriented, and so that was the object of my focus. I know most of you here will disagree with me, and that’s OK. At least for the time being here in America, I’m still allowed to have an opinion. I think...

posted on May, 7 2014 @ 02:41 PM

originally posted by: netbound

I hate politics! Like I said, I have issues with both major parties. I wish there was another party; like the Worker’s Party, or the People’s Party. Our alternatives are too limited. This thread happened to be republican-oriented, and so that was the object of my focus. I know most of you here will disagree with me, and that’s OK. At least for the time being here in America, I’m still allowed to have an opinion. I think...

There is another party that has the American citizen as it's primary focus. The Libertarians....

There is a definite conservative element as well as liberal progressives as members. We are issue oriented and not into agendas like this thread in trying to divide Americans into separate ideologies and fostering hate ala Rush Limbaugh and the other conservative talking heads, with their transparent racists, misogynist rants.

I also know I'm not winning any popularity contest at ATS and have been labeled a "people like you" but join us because you are more than allowed an opinion....your opinion matters!!!
edit on 7-5-2014 by olaru12 because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 7 2014 @ 02:54 PM
As a Florida resident I am do not know what to make of Charlie Crist. It is fishy that 2014 might be Crist vs Scott.

Crist was elected governor in 2006 as a Republican, dropped out of the governor's race in 2010 to run for Senator. Marco Rubio got the Republican nod so Charlie ran against him as an independent and lost. This opened the door for Rick Scott to become governor of Florida. Scott spent record amounts campaigning and now routinely gets booed off stage at public appearances.

So now Crist wants to governor again. It is not like we the electorate really have much of a choice on who will be on the ballot. Scott would loose in the primaries, but there won't be a primary election on the republican side. It seems like the media has already picked Crist for the democrat side.

Even if Crist has good intentions, the nature of politics will cause his opponents to use switching parties as something to be critical of.
edit on 7-5-2014 by jrod because: 1

posted on May, 7 2014 @ 03:13 PM
Speaking as another Florida resident I will say I wasn't thrilled about Crist as the Gov however when he held that position I wasn't regularly put in dismay at his policies now when Scott took the seat the same couldn't be said. If Crist wound up leaving the party due to racism I couldn't say and honestly the only person that could, would be him if he is lying well that wouldn't be a shock after all he is a politician I believe that is a prerequisite for any office so even if there was a way to prove such there isn't any shock value to the reveal.

If it could be shown that the republican party does not have such stigmas then that would be worth the hubub, but I think that isn't a debate even the party in question would wish to engage in. So what does this come down to in my eyes? For me it will come down to whom I think will be the better choice for the Gov seat as it always has been regardless of the reasons each candidate has chosen their preferred party.

edit on 7-5-2014 by Grimpachi because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 7 2014 @ 03:24 PM
a reply to: DrinkMoreWater

The Republican party is full of racists and those who would betray God for worldly gain - See more at:

When god has been replaced with government then 'guilty' as charged.

If by not supporting robbing from the rich, and giving to the poor based on nothing but the color of a person's skin 'guilty' as charged.

If by not supporting that a person be given a job based on nothing but the color of their skin regardless if they are qualified then 'guilty' as charged.

But then again Republicans weren't the ones who came up with segregation vis a vis the hypenated American 'names'.

God forbid anyone dare criticized the current potus because anyone who does is 'racist'.

Worldly gain ?

Sums up Republican opposites with their social de evolution engineering programs.

People need to stop using the word racist because they sure the EFF don't know what the hell it means.

edit on 7-5-2014 by neo96 because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 7 2014 @ 04:08 PM
a reply to: neo96

But then again Republicans weren't the ones who came up with segregation vis a vis the hypenated American 'names'.

God forbid anyone dare criticized the current potus because anyone who does is 'racist'.

Nope. Conservatives just prolonged slavery, promoted and fought tooth and nail to maintain segregation and even now the Republicans (currently the "conservative" party) are playing the "victim card" at every freakin opportunity and have created a whole bigoted fear mongering mythology of welfare queens, immigrant crime waves, the lazy poor, stolen jobs, sharia law and the gay agenda. Oh and let's not forget the ultimate in WTFKERY, "THE KENYAN MUSLIM SAUL ALINSKY COMMUNIST BLACK POWER RADICAL CRONY CAPITALIST FASCIST AMERICAN HATING CHICAGO THUG PRESIDENT WHO WANTS TO GIVE OUR GUNS AND JOBS TO MEXICANS IS THE MOST DIVISIVE PRESIDENT IN HISTORY" Never mind the fact that the right is deliberately fueling division by giving everyone two choices — agree with everything we say or you're a communist libtard America-hating non-patriot who doesn't understand the constitution and probably wants to sit around on welfare... and you're probably gay too.

posted on May, 7 2014 @ 04:13 PM

edit on 7-5-2014 by neo96 because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 7 2014 @ 04:28 PM

originally posted by: beezzer

originally posted by: BlueMule
The republican party sucks ass, and I can't wait till they go the way of the dodo. I left that party of greedy racist hypocrites decades ago.

FEMA camps are too good for them!

(grabs a pitchfork and heads for the door!)

Wrong again! FEMA camps are not too good for them.

Seriously though,

I detest the republican party but I support your right to be part of it. I would not condone a witch-hunt. But I do want to exercise my right to tell you what I think of republicans.

They suck ass. It's an evil party and as culture evolves it will fade away.

Hey getting that off my chest felt good. I hate the republican party!

edit on 947WednesdayuAmerica/ChicagoMayuWednesdayAmerica/Chicago by BlueMule because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 7 2014 @ 04:46 PM
What more proof do people need that bigotry is perfectly socially acceptable when it comes to Republicans.

Apparently the only people who can't be bigots are them evil Republicans.

Anyone else ?

That's 'feels' good.

My, my that is one giant snip double standard.
edit on 7-5-2014 by neo96 because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 7 2014 @ 05:07 PM
a reply to: neo96

Wow your crappy logic is so effective that I'm going to run out and tell the first republican I see that it's great how evil his party is, and give him a big ol' liberal hug. I hug a lot of trees, so I'm good at it.

edit on 964Wednesday000000America/ChicagoMay000000WednesdayAmerica/Chicago by BlueMule because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 7 2014 @ 05:13 PM

originally posted by: BlueMule

originally posted by: beezzer

originally posted by: BlueMule
The republican party sucks ass, and I can't wait till they go the way of the dodo. I left that party of greedy racist hypocrites decades ago.

FEMA camps are too good for them!

(grabs a pitchfork and heads for the door!)

Wrong again! FEMA camps are not too good for them.

Seriously though,

I detest the republican party but I support your right to be part of it. I would not condone a witch-hunt. But I do want to exercise my right to tell you what I think of republicans.

They suck ass. It's an evil party and as culture evolves it will fade away.

Hey getting that off my chest felt good. I hate the republican party!

Not a republican, so hate away!

I am a conservative/libertarian though.

Kind of hard to shoe-horn me into any ideology.

But if you feel comfortable with being aligned with the democrats/left, then more power to ya!

posted on May, 7 2014 @ 06:07 PM

Not a republican, so hate away!

Glad to hear that. I would hate to hate a cute bunny. I love bunnies!

I don't usually bother with political bull#. My concerns are usually more cosmic in scope. But since gwb, I've been pretty fed up with republicans. On the other hand, it takes all kinds to make the world go round. I think conservatives are judgmental pricks, but I guess the world needs judgmental pricks (in moderation) so I'm willing to tolerate judgmental pricks who can't tolerate others and who therefore arouse my righteous indignation. Sort of like tolerating the dark side of the force.

edit on 005Wednesday000000America/ChicagoMay000000WednesdayAmerica/Chicago by BlueMule because: (no reason given)

edit on 006WednesdayuAmerica/ChicagoMayuWednesdayAmerica/Chicago by BlueMule because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 7 2014 @ 06:51 PM

originally posted by: theantediluvian
a reply to: neo96

But then again Republicans weren't the ones who came up with segregation vis a vis the hypenated American 'names'.

God forbid anyone dare criticized the current potus because anyone who does is 'racist'.

Nope. Conservatives just prolonged slavery, promoted and fought tooth and nail to maintain segregation and even now the Republicans (currently the "conservative" party) are playing the "victim card" at every freakin opportunity and have created a whole bigoted fear mongering mythology of welfare queens, immigrant crime waves, the lazy poor, stolen jobs, sharia law and the gay agenda. Oh and let's not forget the ultimate in WTFKERY, "THE KENYAN MUSLIM SAUL ALINSKY COMMUNIST BLACK POWER RADICAL CRONY CAPITALIST FASCIST AMERICAN HATING CHICAGO THUG PRESIDENT WHO WANTS TO GIVE OUR GUNS AND JOBS TO MEXICANS IS THE MOST DIVISIVE PRESIDENT IN HISTORY" Never mind the fact that the right is deliberately fueling division by giving everyone two choices — agree with everything we say or you're a communist libtard America-hating non-patriot who doesn't understand the constitution and probably wants to sit around on welfare... and you're probably gay too.

Absolutely beautiful!

posted on May, 7 2014 @ 06:57 PM

originally posted by: DrinkMoreWater
a reply to: FlyersFan
The Democratic party is full of homosexuals and atheists. It used to be full of people who support the workers, .....

those are not exclusive of each other!!

posted on May, 7 2014 @ 10:26 PM
lol His failure to act as a Republican drove him away(at the polls). He has conveniently forgotten he was voted out.

posted on May, 7 2014 @ 11:18 PM
a reply to: BlueMule

GWB is a member of Skull and Bones and basically on the same team as all the others from Skull and Bones, including Kerry. I was mad at him for the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan and the Patriot Act, but honestly these things would have happened regardless, and we see the same stuff happening with the current Prez, only there is a more leftist, Nanny State, overlay, with huge push to legalize drugs(spearheaded by Soros and various organizations he funds) as well as overtly socialist oriented programs like Obamacare, but make no mistake, this admin still let NDAA fly, and let TSA get way out of control and let those crazy scanners go into the airports.

They just swing it to the right, then swing it to the left, and Hegelian style, amidst all the chaos and conflict, the NWO emerges.
Did I mention that both parties have promoted Agenda 21 in some way?

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