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How to Deal With Unwanted Cops

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posted on Apr, 14 2014 @ 03:36 PM
Very interesting and informative video, as the Tyrannical hammer comes down it's nice to know your rights and most importantly how to assert them... although that's not going to keep them from violating those rights.

Increasingly, police officers are simply becoming agents of the state, unconcerned with individual liberty. Know your rights, don't be bullied! The liberty you protect may be your own. From, Flex Your Rights and Cop Block

posted on Apr, 14 2014 @ 03:43 PM
Star and flag for useful info most people don't realize. By useful I mean these tactics are mostly useful as long as you really AREN'T dunk, on drugs, or have weapons in plain sight.

Don't be afraid of police officers. They're civilians too, many just don't acknowledge that.

posted on Apr, 14 2014 @ 03:55 PM
reply to post by RocksFromSpace

I'll say this and rile the "die for your rights" crowd. Today the police are operating on a different set of principles. These videos (and DupeTube is full of them) are nice in principal, but leave little to reflect upon in actual practice.

I know, I lived outdoors and can attest the best thing to do with them is let them have their menial way with you. They'll have it anyway. If they find nothing they got nothing. Let them grab at you, cuff you, rifle your belongings, whatever. Try resisting them and the majority will make your life far more miserable than if you just let them do their job as they see it.

The few that mean harm and will actually plant evidence aren't the rule. The rule is they are going to see your ID, they are going to ask questions, they are going to look through your stuff. Say yes sir, and thank you. Then go on your way.

Or go to "detention" or the hospital, your choice. Then you can argue your case in court after you get the stitches removed. I'm not advocating living like sheep, I'm advocating making a direct encounter with them as painless as possible for you.

posted on Apr, 14 2014 @ 04:00 PM
Awesome!! Simple education about our rights and how/when to use them.
There is another series by an ex leo too, Barry Cooper on utube -
The main thing I get, remain calm and confident and keep quiet with the exception of conveying your rights.
Take the power back!

ETA: Anyone know what happened to the guy at checkpoint?
edit on 14-4-2014 by speculativeoptimist because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 14 2014 @ 04:02 PM

reply to post by RocksFromSpace

I'll say this and rile the "die for your rights" crowd. Today the police are operating on a different set of principles. These videos (and DupeTube is full of them) are nice in principal, but leave little to reflect upon in actual practice.

I know, I lived outdoors and can attest the best thing to do with them is let them have their menial way with you. They'll have it anyway. If they find nothing they got nothing. Let them grab at you, cuff you, rifle your belongings, whatever. Try resisting them and the majority will make your life far more miserable than if you just let them do their job as they see it.

The few that mean harm and will actually plant evidence aren't the rule. The rule is they are going to see your ID, they are going to ask questions, they are going to look through your stuff. Say yes sir, and thank you. Then go on your way.

Or go to "detention" or the hospital, your choice. Then you can argue your case in court after you get the stitches removed. I'm not advocating living like sheep, I'm advocating making a direct encounter with them as painless as possible for you.

So make it painless for you while making it painful for those to come, those who stand up for our rights.. How precious you are to think of only yourself.

posted on Apr, 14 2014 @ 04:09 PM
reply to post by RocksFromSpace

That was an excellent video!

I have had to stand my ground with officers before, and I found that as long as you stay calm, do not get irate, and state exactly what you know your rights to be when they begin to attempt to step on those rights,
they back off very quick.


posted on Apr, 14 2014 @ 04:15 PM
reply to post by RocksFromSpace

Great vid. The pocket Constitution? How about a nice laminated version for the sun visor?

posted on Apr, 14 2014 @ 04:18 PM
reply to post by RocksFromSpace

So make it painless for you while making it painful for those to come, those who stand up for our rights.. How precious you are to think of only yourself.

When was the last time you denied them to search your stuff? I bet never. People are all brave behind their keyboards. Late night on the hiway when they ask you to step from your vehicle, however…

You'll comply like all the rest. But hey, go ahead and become the next viral video, your fifteen minutes of fame await you.

posted on Apr, 14 2014 @ 04:18 PM

reply to post by RocksFromSpace

I'll say this and rile the "die for your rights" crowd. Today the police are operating on a different set of principles. These videos (and DupeTube is full of them) are nice in principal, but leave little to reflect upon in actual practice.

I know, I lived outdoors and can attest the best thing to do with them is let them have their menial way with you. They'll have it anyway. If they find nothing they got nothing. Let them grab at you, cuff you, rifle your belongings, whatever. Try resisting them and the majority will make your life far more miserable than if you just let them do their job as they see it.

The few that mean harm and will actually plant evidence aren't the rule. The rule is they are going to see your ID, they are going to ask questions, they are going to look through your stuff. Say yes sir, and thank you. Then go on your way.

Or go to "detention" or the hospital, your choice. Then you can argue your case in court after you get the stitches removed. I'm not advocating living like sheep, I'm advocating making a direct encounter with them as painless as possible for you.

There will always be those people, who upon the calculation of their self-interest, will decide to join the Fascists.

posted on Apr, 14 2014 @ 04:27 PM

reply to post by RocksFromSpace

I'll say this and rile the "die for your rights" crowd. Today the police are operating on a different set of principles. These videos (and DupeTube is full of them) are nice in principal, but leave little to reflect upon in actual practice.

I know, I lived outdoors and can attest the best thing to do with them is let them have their menial way with you. They'll have it anyway. If they find nothing they got nothing. Let them grab at you, cuff you, rifle your belongings, whatever. Try resisting them and the majority will make your life far more miserable than if you just let them do their job as they see it.

The few that mean harm and will actually plant evidence aren't the rule. The rule is they are going to see your ID, they are going to ask questions, they are going to look through your stuff. Say yes sir, and thank you. Then go on your way.

Or go to "detention" or the hospital, your choice. Then you can argue your case in court after you get the stitches removed. I'm not advocating living like sheep, I'm advocating making a direct encounter with them as painless as possible for you.

Well im a person who was put on a 48 hold for not cooperating with and "berating" officers with "lawyer talk". I spent 18 hours in a small holding cell with drunks, thieves and common criminals. Yet was NEVER charged with a crime.

I knew I couldn't be charged because I hadn't committed a crime. However I wasn't aware of the "48" hour hold which is used to give officers enough time to accumulate evidence and obtain a warrant for your arrest.

The arresting officers kept saying "it doesn't have to be this way" in which I would reply "well stop making it this way!" They knew the second they "detained" me for transport they wouldn't be charging me with a crime. But yet they used this hold to spite me for not bowing down to their misappropriated power trip

I can tell you though. It was worth every miserable hour I spent there to stand up against power crazed degenerates whose mission statement USED to be "To protect and serve".

And it still is I suppose...

posted on Apr, 14 2014 @ 04:32 PM
reply to post by InverseLookingGlass

There will always be those people, who upon the calculation of their self-interest, will decide to join the Fascists.

Joining nothing. And calculating hospital bills and court costs, not "fighting fascists".

Internet is filled with "fighters", huh? I don't see headlines of the people attacking police stations to get their "rights back".

People need to understand peaceful protest.

posted on Apr, 14 2014 @ 04:33 PM
reply to post by TiedDestructor

48 hours eh? I thought it was 24 for holding a person, did it change? You are right though, enduring that is worth it to come out clean.

ETA: nevermind, it is 48 to 72 hours depending on state.
edit on 14-4-2014 by speculativeoptimist because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 14 2014 @ 04:37 PM
reply to post by TiedDestructor

I can tell you though. It was worth every miserable hour I spent there to stand up against power crazed degenerates whose mission statement USED to be "To protect and serve".

And it still is I suppose...

Given the "opportunity" you'd do the same thing over and over, too? Or did you learn the "different set of principals". You got off lucky, by the way. The stories I could tell you about the "other jail".

The other jail is the entrance just past the "regular jail". When the squad car pulls up there you will wish you had just complied.

posted on Apr, 14 2014 @ 04:45 PM
Curious & interesting video...learned some information from this today...

I'll admit that I've had little interaction with "cops"... So far, so good...I usually just take the smile & bat my eyes approach for the few times I've been pulled over for speeding or have gone through a "check-point"...

I wonder how the video can be extrapolated through various states of the "union", though...

It is a *Federal* Constitution, but my impressions are that some states (like Cali) are more versed on these rights versus other states represented in the video...

edit on 14-4-2014 by BurningSpearess because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 14 2014 @ 04:48 PM
Absolutely great video.

I think this should be a standard among the population under all police involvement.

Unfortunately, abiding by these rules will probably get you to invoke an emotional response from the offending officer. So hopefully you don't start "resisting" or whatever the hell they want to try and get your teeth knocked in.

Still, completely in favor of acting this way, and if enough people do it, you'll see the change occur. (wishful thinking, but wouldn't it be nice...)

posted on Apr, 14 2014 @ 05:32 PM

reply to post by TiedDestructor

I can tell you though. It was worth every miserable hour I spent there to stand up against power crazed degenerates whose mission statement USED to be "To protect and serve".

And it still is I suppose...

Given the "opportunity" you'd do the same thing over and over, too? Or did you learn the "different set of principals". You got off lucky, by the way. The stories I could tell you about the "other jail".

The other jail is the entrance just past the "regular jail". When the squad car pulls up there you will wish you had just complied.

Given a similar situation...yes.

Small farm town here. City cops are ticket writers for the most part while the local sheriffs department throws most of the weight around. The incident started with 1 plain clothed sheriffs detective. This officer called another officer who called another and another until 6-8 plain clothed detectives (which made up most of our counties force lol) stood before us. It was almost comical in a way; if not such a waste of time and resources on a bs situation to begin with.

My offense? Spouting legal jargon and clapping after the lead det. gave his ultimatum speech of cooperation or detainment.

I am fully aware of the good ole boy system and it's nefarious ways.


posted on Apr, 14 2014 @ 06:02 PM
How strange it is that most will completely outside their rights with no question, with one flash of the badge.

When did that really happen?

posted on Apr, 14 2014 @ 06:32 PM
reply to post by RocksFromSpace

It's a sad state of affairs when people need training to resist police harassment.

posted on Apr, 14 2014 @ 07:10 PM
reply to post by RocksFromSpace

I thought that was pretty well done.

It's important that people understand the rights that they have and why they are important. This is a helpful contribution!

At 2:47, I totally expected the driver to get shot though, wonder why that is?
edit on 14-4-2014 by greencmp because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 14 2014 @ 07:15 PM

When was the last time you denied them to search your stuff? I bet never. People are all brave behind their keyboards. Late night on the hiway when they ask you to step from your vehicle, however…

You'll comply like all the rest. But hey, go ahead and become the next viral video, your fifteen minutes of fame await you.

This ^^^^^. It's amazing how many people think that they are being brave and bad-ass by sitting at a keyboard and encouraging others to figuratively throw themselves in front of the tanks. I completely agree with everything you've posted in this thread about how to deal with the police.

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