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"It's just the moon ma'am, there's nothing to be worried about."

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posted on Apr, 7 2014 @ 06:30 PM
reply to post by deadcalm

Top Secret military aircraft are NEVER tested or flown where the general public can see them....not until their existance becomes public knowledge. - See more at:

Years ago in Oroville CA I watched a UFO every evening fly over my house and do weird maneuvers in the valley and over table top Mountain. This went on for months and it was doing stuff no aircraft we had could do I was sure.

Well one day the newspaper in town ran a story, seems a top secret airplane never seen before crashed by our forebay. It was my UFO which had been flying all around our area for months.

posted on Apr, 8 2014 @ 01:26 AM
reply to post by Char-Lee

Hey, I'm new and I wanted to jump into this whole UFO lights and sightings.

I have wanted to tie up some sightings recently mentioned to see if they were connected in anyway. Any way my story, a bit late in saying, but it only happened the other week. And I asked about and a few folk where I love in Scotland saw the same where I live and mentions of lights been seen in Cumbernauld.

I was enjoying a starlight night of playing my new console after a weeks hard work. First chance I had was to go for a quick smoke outside.

Anyway for some time I have observed the mountains by loch turret in Scotland, and have seen almost search lights flashing about up there. Kinda weird anyway. It is difficult to tell what type if light and seeing there is a hydro electric dam up there I just think it could be a worker sent out to do a tedious job.

Any way the night the other week where I saw this weird light, it was hovering over the reservoir area. It was interesting I watched it, there was a light on the underside, just like the lights on this and the way it was flashing, it also seemed to be scanning the ground, anyway, with such a acceleration it cross Crieff to a village south toward Stirling where it went to next. It went right over me as I was having a smoke out the skylight. There was no noise, except the movement of air. I could tell having been In a Helicopter before the familiar sound I would have heard. As well as if it were a jet at low altitude which they do fly through every now and then. But it was no jet, chinook, commercial jet, private jet, it was not a drone. I know some drones have good reach, but would need good night vision which could cost quite a bit.
Anyway as I sometimes read this on the odd occasion to see what is going on in the world, I had seen this article the other week, link below

It was not until the next morning I too noticed clocks here and there were out of sync by a few minutes, which is why I was thinking it was odd as I make sure they are synced for waking up for work.

Second mention:

A year ago I had seen a bright light low on the horizon around over loch turret and in zipped off from stand still to Mach I don't know how fast but I'm sure a scramjet has more difficult to get to such a speed so quickly requiring a b52 and a rocket just to get one of those machines to speed. This just went from 0-1,000,000mph in a second. It left a very small trail that evaporated very quicky.

Anyway I have no idea, I'm not the only one to have seen this in the area.

Strange things are happening!

And we really can't be arsed with the whole #e were giving everyone one in the world getting #ed over by each other for land, money, human life's now weird stuff in the sky. Wtf next? Politicians starting war, doom Sayers saying we told you so. I think though I would sit back with a drink of whatever suits yourself and enjoy what life brings. It might be #, might be good. But F it. Hey whatever, if they are real, from the first contact with whoever choose to land on our green dump who are hostile I hope we win. Otherwise let's get along and trade.

posted on Apr, 8 2014 @ 06:10 AM
reply to post by SUPERT303

Hi Supert

nice to see you on here , did you ever read into the UFO sightings at Bonnybridge it was the UFO hotspot for Europe at one point in the 90's I went to a lecture on the sightings by a researcher in Falkirk town hall with my mum when I was about 10 or 11.

Very interesting stuff , I have only one UFO sighting when I was in England on holiday.

I check the skies every time I walk the dogs or am out late at night having a smoke.
Haven't seen anything interesting since, it's a bit of a pain now that I stay in Glasgow where commerical liners are flying all the time plus the police and news choppers.

posted on Apr, 8 2014 @ 07:29 AM

I have no evidence of my own. What I do have, is evidence that we aren't the only town in Illinois that has seen triangular UFO's, as seen in this episode of UFO Hunters:
Neither of those videos shows triangle UFOs, they just show how unrelaible UFO witnesses can be calling them triangle UFOs when the videos clearly do not show that. They show various numbers of points of light in the sky, which make various shapes. With three points they will always make either a triangle or a straight line and they did both according to the video, so the straight line confirms it's NOT a triangular UFO!!!!! Please note that. Also UFO hunters is wrong to suggest they can't be flares on balloons, as this was determined to be the cause of a similar sighting in New Jersey.

The second video shows about 8 lights and especially the array of lights on the right doesn't form a triangle. They behave like Chinese lanterns.

They don't seem like Chinese lanterns. They flash like strobe lights. If they were lanterns the flash would mean they are burning up, in which case they would ascend from the extra heat or drop, falling to pieces on the way down. They also flash almost at the same time but if they were lanterns the would flash randomly.
They do seem like Chinese lanterns. They flicker when the fuel is running low, and then they burn out just like Chinese lanterns. There is a little variation in the construction and other variables so they don't all flicker the same way before they go out, but it's a common occurrence, which tends to suggest they are Chinese lanterns and not reject the idea.

Now maybe aliens have visited Earth, but there is certainly no evidence in either of the OP videos of anything to suggest alien craft, when there are very down to Earth explanations that could explain the sightings pretty well. Maybe the videos don't show flares on balloons and Chinese lanterns, but I don't find the arguments rejecting those possibilities persuasive at all.

Ledger Live: Morris UFO hoaxsters tell their story

At 2:50 they quote the first video posted in the OP where UFO hunters supposedly "proves" the triangle is not flares on balloons, to make the point that yes indeed flares on balloons can do exactly that. The hoaxsters got hauled into court for it though so any pranksters in the Tinley park case may not want to come forward to get in legal trouble.
edit on 8-4-2014 by Arbitrageur because: clarification

posted on Apr, 8 2014 @ 07:41 AM
reply to post by sapien82

Well I thought I could make out some of it, it was very dark. If the first sighting about a year ago was, this second might not have been you know, you can never tell. Saying that the US Stealth adapted black hawk apparently I use that term apparently. As apparently they might not have shot bin laden or they apparently might have or the RAH-66 Comanche operate from Scotland from a secret mountain top location, as the object I made out was not triangular but what I could see is it was long and narrow, maybe it is triangular, it's just how it was flying so I only saw 1 face if a triangular shape craft.

It was odd, I have been told before it was a UFO hot spot by some one local, I'm not normally looking for aliens, I never was sure what to believe, I always look out in case I might see the northern lights or small meteorites burning up in the atmosphere.
I'm thinking of investing in a telescope though now.

posted on Apr, 8 2014 @ 07:45 AM
reply to post by SUPERT303

Yeah I had been unsure about this, but the link I put in about the missing time resonated and that had struck me when both occurrences happened, the sighting and my analogue clock (with new batteries synced in as well as the downstairs clocks in the house. Were behind, or all the digital clocks were now too fast.

posted on Apr, 8 2014 @ 08:04 AM


Occasionally I wonder why it is that when so many credible witnesses (and I'm talking in broad perspectives here) come forward to recount their experiences with UFO's they are ridiculed, laughed at, find their careers at an end, and so on.

It's the same madness, blind ignorance, and ego-centrism that says it's OK to talk to God, but if God talks back they'll lock you up and put you on meds.

When the selfish small minded mentality ceases, and people start to understand they are more than their physical shells (body), then we will see some amazing leaps forward in our world, consciousness, and limited states of being.

Until then it's lying politicians, people arguing about their lies, and dancing with the stars.



posted on Apr, 8 2014 @ 08:40 AM

reply to post by Pajamathief

Occasionally I wonder why it is that when so many credible witnesses (and I'm talking in broad perspectives here) come forward to recount their experiences with UFO's they are ridiculed, laughed at, find their careers at an end, and so on.

You know the old saying if something is not broke don't fix it.

Well the governments have been doing this as silly as they sounds for over 50 years

And as far as they can tell the sheeple buy their excuses

Well something tells me there are not to many sheeple here on ATS
edit on 8-4-2014 by tow69 because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 8 2014 @ 10:14 AM
I saw a triangular craft a few years ago in Plymouth, MA. It was basically flying on the same path airplanes fly, except much lower, not far above the tree line. It was completely silent. Someone further up the road got a picture, luckily, because my crappy cellphone can't take pictures in the dark. What I don't understand, is whether this is military or alien, why do they need to be lit up? They have the technology to fly silently, yet still need lights? And the thing was flying parallel to the busiest road in town. If it is military, they are seriously holding out on us, because it was completely silent, didn't make any noise whatsoever.

posted on Apr, 8 2014 @ 11:53 AM
My cousin and I saw a definite UFO in Kananaskis Alberta. It was a orb shaped craft that moved very fast and seemed to zig zag as it made partial turns. I wish I had a cell phone with cam back then because I really think it would have made a great vid as we both watched it for 5 minutes at least. I usually believe credible sounding sightings because of my experience and I believe what we saw was not human made because if it was then our militaries are far more advanced them they let on.

posted on Apr, 8 2014 @ 01:03 PM
I'm intrigued by mass sightings of UFOs where the various individuals involved tend to describe the object differently. If we all saw the MetLife Snoopy blimp flying around, chances are we would pretty much describe it as the same thing. However, when UFOs show up, suddenly it looks different to everybody. And even more than can be accounted for by looking at it from different angles and positions.

I wonder what that's about.

posted on Apr, 8 2014 @ 01:09 PM

I saw a triangular craft a few years ago in Plymouth, MA. It was basically flying on the same path airplanes fly, except much lower, not far above the tree line. It was completely silent. Someone further up the road got a picture, luckily, because my crappy cellphone can't take pictures in the dark. What I don't understand, is whether this is military or alien, why do they need to be lit up? They have the technology to fly silently, yet still need lights? And the thing was flying parallel to the busiest road in town. If it is military, they are seriously holding out on us, because it was completely silent, didn't make any noise whatsoever.

So this photos is the real thing? Did you submit it to any ufo site?

posted on Apr, 8 2014 @ 01:38 PM
reply to post by EnPassant

Yes, I reported it to NUFORC, which is where I found this photo. I don't know the person who took this photo, but I know this has to be the same UFO, because they saw it a couple of minutes before I did, farther up the same road. I just checked, and the photo is no longer posted on NUFORC, but the reports are. It happened on 8/29/10.

posted on Apr, 8 2014 @ 09:26 PM
reply to post by tl1977

It is fascinating, though this is not what j had seen, just a solitary light, and not a Chinese lantern, had it been the speed it flew at, then to come to a stop and hover over the village, a Chinese lantern would have kept going with the wind, it would not stop for another few minutes as it did over the village before moving on or have a light that seemed to scan the ground like a beam. What ever the governments are doing, I'm not believe there version most of the time with good reason.

posted on Apr, 8 2014 @ 10:22 PM
reply to post by zazen

I think flares.

The way they dont hold shape and the fact they go out and especially dropping stuff. Flares will drop flame.

posted on Apr, 10 2014 @ 02:54 PM

I saw a triangular craft a few years ago in Plymouth, MA. It was basically flying on the same path airplanes fly, except much lower, not far above the tree line. It was completely silent. Someone further up the road got a picture, luckily, because my crappy cellphone can't take pictures in the dark. What I don't understand, is whether this is military or alien, why do they need to be lit up? They have the technology to fly silently, yet still need lights? And the thing was flying parallel to the busiest road in town. If it is military, they are seriously holding out on us, because it was completely silent, didn't make any noise whatsoever.

I was curious so I did a reverse image search of the photo to see if it was used anywhere else.

An altered version of this image accompanies a sighting story in Alabama, 2005:

Image URL:


Massachusetts is nowhere near Alabama, yet they are clearly all taken from the same source. Somebody is not being honest here. Your image is not cropped like the others so it holds the most info, and doesn't contain the obviously shopped red center light, so I'm inclined to believe its the national ufo center. I'm guessing they're using your pic as stock footage.
edit on 4/10/1414 by conundrummer because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 10 2014 @ 10:05 PM
reply to post by conundrummer

They must be using it as a stock photo. I found a different link to the same site that has the same photo, without the red dot, and with the correct story. The photo is actually connected to a few false stories on the web - I did a google image search. One of the false stories was posted less than a month after the sighting. Yet, it's not connected to the original story anymore on NUFORC, at least that I could see.
edit on 10-4-2014 by tl1977 because: (no reason given)

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